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TANGGAL : 30-11-2019
1. Expression of Offering Something
Offering Something adalah salah satu jenis expression (ungkapan) yang kita
gunakan ketika ingin menawarkan sesuatu kepada orang lain. Dalam materi
postingan kali anda bisa mengetahui cara menawarkan sesuatu dalam bahasa
Inggris dan juga cara menerima atau menolak tawaran yang diberikan. Kita bisa
menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut dalam berbagai situasi, tuan rumah
menawarkan sesuatu kepada tamu atau ketika di kantor ingin menawarkan sesuatu
kepada rekan kerja. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita lihat beberapa Expressing
Offering Something To Someone berikut iniini

Offering Something
Would you like something to drink?
Would you like to go disco?
Would you like to come along?
Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
Would you mind joining us?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Shall I get you a bottle of water?
Would you like to leave a message?

What can I get for you?
Won't you have a pancake?
Do you want something to eat?
Cheese sandwich?
Have some
Like one?.

Accepting an Offer
Thank you
Yes, please
I'd like it very much
Thank you, I would ...
That would be very nice
I'm pleased to do that
With pleasure
Yes, I'd like some.
Oh yes, I’d love to
That sounds nice
That’s very kind of you

Refusing an Offer
No, thanks
Not for me, thanks
No, I really won't thank you
I'd like to, but I have ...
I'm afraid I can't thanks anyway
It would be a great pleasure to ... But I'm afraid I hav

Andy: Here. Have a cookie.
Bryan: Thanks.
Andy: Would you like some cake?
Bryan: No thank you. It looks delicious though.
Andy: How about a glass of coffee?
Bryan: Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee.
Andy: What will you have to drink?
Bryan: Manggo juice will be fine.
Andy: Would you like some more pie?
Bryan: Sure. It’s really good. Did you bake it yourself?
Andy: Can I get you some milk or something?
Bryan: Well, a glass of water would be okay.

Andy: Ini, silakan dimakan kuenya.
Bryan: Terima kasih.
Andy: Anda mau makan kue.
Bryan: Tidak terima kasih. Kelihatannya enak juga.
Andy: Bagaimana dengan segelas kopi?
Bryan: Terima kasih, tapi saya tidak minum kopi.
Andy: Kamu mau minum apa?
Bryan: Jus mangga saja
Andy: Kamu mau makan kue lagi?
Bryan: Tentu, sangat enak. Apakah kamu yang membuatnya sendiri?
Andy: Bisa saya buatkan susu atau sesuatu
Bryan: Baiklah, segelas air putih juga tidak apa-apa.

2. Expression of suggestion
Expressing of suggestion adalah, ekspresi/efek/respon yang diberikan seseorang
(sebagai penerima saran/sugesti), baik itu dengan ucapan/lisan, bisa juga
tertulis, ataupun dengan menggunakan isyarat tubuh yang menunukkan bahwa
anda tertarik denmgan sarannya atau tidak..

expressing Suggestions and Advice

Berikut adalah beberapa frase dan contoh kalimat yang bisa digunakan memberikan saran (
suggestion )dan nasehat( advice).
A. Suggestion (saran)

 Would you be so kind enough + to + verb

contoh kalimat :
 Would you be so kind enough to go with we?
 Would you be so kind enough to help me?
2. I would be very grateful if you would...

contoh kalimat:
 I would be very grateful if you would come to my party
 I would be very grateful if you would help me to finish this task.
 I would be grateful if you would be here.
3. How/what about + Gerund (verb + ing)..

contoh kalimat:
 How about dancing?
 How about watching TV?
4. Suppose

contoh kalimat :

 Suppose you agree with my idea.

 Suppose you can leave now.
5. Perhaps you would

contoh kalimat:
 Perhaps you would accept my proposal.
 Perhaps you would have a dinner with me.

B. Advice ( Nasehat)
1. Menggunakan modal auxiliaries "Must, Ought to, and Should"
contoh kalimat:
 You must take care of yourself carefully!
 You ought to write a letter to me not to her.
 You should study hard.
2. If I were you I should + verb

contoh kalimat:
 If I were you I should work at the hospital.
 If I were you I should take English course.
3. You had better + verb

contoh kalimat:
 You had better brush you teeth.
 You had better refuse this job.
4. Why don't you + verb...

contoh kalimat:
 Why don't you sit down beside me?
 Why don't you go home now?
5. It's time you + verb 2 ( past form)

contog kalimat :
 It's time you said the truth.
 It's time you stopped smoking
A. Asking
1. What do you recommend we do about..?
2. What would you advice us to do?
3. Do you have any suggestions?
4. What would you do about...?
5. Why don't you...
B. Giving
1. I would recommend that you..
2. My advice would be to...
3. May I suggest that we...
4. If I were you, I would...
5. I advice you to...
6. Perhaps you could...
7. If I were you, I would...
8. I advice you to..
9. I suggest you to...
10. You had better..
C. Accepting advice
 Yes, I agree with that.
 That sounds like a good idea!
 Ok, why don't we do that.
 That's very interesting.
 Thank you for your advice
 That would be nice
 I would rather not, if you don't mind
 that seems all night
D. Rejecting advice
 I'm sorry, I can't agree with that
 I don't think that's a good idea.
 I don't think we sould do that.
 That very interesting, but...

Example :

Beny : Hei Anton, why do you look so sad?

Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.

Beny : Really? Where did you lose it?

Anton : Hmm… Maybe in the park.

Beny : I think you should be more careful with your belongings.

Anton : Yeah, I think so. This is my fault.

Beny : Don’t be sad Anton. I hope you can find it really soon.

Anton : Thank you Beny. Do you have any suggestion for me?

Beny : If I may suggest, you should go to the park and look for it more

Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I did not find it. Do you have
another suggestion?

Beny : Hmm… You would better tell the securities to help you to find it and
also announce it to the visitors.

Anton : Yeah you are right. I will try it. Thank you for your suggestions.

Beny : You are welcome Anton. Next time, it is better for you to keep your
important stuffs in a safe place.

Anton : Certainly Ben.

3. Expression of asking & giving oppinion

Pada kehidupan sehari-hari kita pasti pernah memiliki opini pada sesuatu yang kita lihat, dengar,
maupun rasakan. Entah opini itu mendukung atau bertentangan satu dengan yang lainnya. Opini
merupakan sebuah teks atau dialog yang mengandung pendapat tentang suatu hal, Biasanya
opini satu sama lain itu berbeda atau bertentangan, tergantung pada sudut pandang mana kita
memihak. Ketika kita memberikan atau mengekspresikan opini kita, penting sekali untuk
memberikan alasannya untuk mendukung opini itu sendiri. Kata kerja yang biasanya digunakan
dalam opini adalah agree (setuju), believe (percaya), reckon (memperhitungkan), doubt
(meragukan), assume (berasumsi), don't agree (tidak setuju), think (rasa/pikir).

Asking Opinion or Giving Opinion

 In my opinion.....
 I think.....
 What I mean is.....
 Personally I think.....
 In my experience.....
 According to me.....
 I strongly believe that.....
 As far as I am concerned.....
 From my point of view.....
 As I understand.....
 As I see it.....
 I reckon.....
 I am compelled to say.....
 By this I mean.....
 To my mind.....
 Would like to point out that.....
 In my humble opinion.....
Agreeing with an Opinion
 Of course.
 This is absolutely right.
 I agree with this opinion.
 I couldn't agree more.
 I agree with what you are saying.
 I agree, I never thought of that.
 Neither do I.
 That's a good point.
 I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion
 I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
 I am not sure I agree with you.
 I don't agree with you.
 I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
 I do not believe that.
 By this I mean.....
 I disagree with you.
 I think you are wrong.
 That's not the same thing at all.
 It is not justified to say so.
 I am not convinced that.....
 I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....
Contoh bagaimana untuk setuju dan tidak setuju dalam sebuah opini
Statement Agree Disagree

Children below 17 I agree with your opinion I don't agree with you,

should be given right to it is forbidden to let children under 17 to drive a

drive a motorcycle motorcycle

Parents must giving I couldn't agree more with you. I think it would be harmful to let children use
smartphone to their smartphone. Because there are so much bad
children influence on the internet.

The novel version of Yes, I agree. The novel version had a That's not the same thing at all.
Twilight is better than its many details of story hidden from
film the film.

Instant noodle is good for I agree with what you are saying. I am afraid that i have to disagree with you, because
your health. instant noodle have many chemical things inside it.

Smoking should be banned I totally agree that smoking should I am sorry but I tend to disagree with you on this.
in public places. be banned in public places.

Alip : What’s your opinion of smoking?
Babba: I’m not sure. For me, it’s important that children do not smoke.
Alip. : But do you think it’s a good idea that people can smoke in shops and buses?
Babba: I don’t think so. Children use buses too.
Alip. : So what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in Jakarta?
Babba: I think that’s a good idea.

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