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October 11, 2019

Problem 1:
From class, an example of a bounded set (bounded above by 1, below by 0) with
exactly one limit point is
A = {0} ∪ : n∈N
We can easily construct two more sets exactly like this:
B = {10} ∪ 10 + : n ∈ N
C = {20} ∪ 20 + : n ∈ N
Therefore, the sets A, B, and C all are bounded and have exactly one limit point
each. Thus, A ∪ B ∪ C is a bounded (above by 21, below by 0) set with exactly
three limit points (0, 10, 20). 

Problem 2: Consider an open cover of K, Aα . Denote A0 , an element of

the open cover such that 0 ∈ A0 . Since is a convergent sequence in R, we
know (from class) that there are finitely many elements of K that are not in A0 .
Therefore there are finitely many sets needed to cover K \ A0 . Thus, for this
arbitrary open cover, there exists a finite sub-cover. Therefore, all open covers
have a finite sub-cover, implying K is compact. 

Problem 3:
(a): Let Bn = ∪ni=1 Ai . We want to show that Bn is the same as the closure of
∪ni=1 Ai . To do so, we just need to show that they have the same set of limit
points. Let x be a limit point of Bn . Therefore ∀ε > 0, ∃y ∈ Bn such that
d(x, y) < ε. Because y ∈ Bn =⇒ ∃i ∈ {1, ..., n} such that y ∈ Ai . And
since d(x, y) < ε, thus, x is a limit point of Ai =⇒ x ∈ ∪ni=1 Ai . Therefore,
Bn0 ⊆ (∪ni=1 Ai )0 .

Let x be a limit point of some Ai . Therefore ∀ε > 0, ∃y ∈ Ai such that d(x, y) <
ε. Note that this implies that y ∈ ∪ni=1 Ai . Because y ∈ ∪ni=1 Ai =⇒ y ∈ Bn
and d(x, y) < ε, thus, x is a limit point of Bn . Therefore, (∪ni=1 Ai )0 ⊆ Bn0 .
Thus, Bn0 = ∪ni=1 A0i and Bn = ∪ni=1 Ai
=⇒ (Bn ∪ Bn0 ) = (∪ni=1 Ai ∪ (∪ni=1 A0i )) =⇒ Bn = ∪ni=1 Ai
(b): By what we showed in part (a), An ⊂ B =⇒ An ⊂ B. Therefore, since
∀n ∈ N, An ⊂ B =⇒ ∪n∈N An ⊂ B because arbitrary union of subsets of B is
a subset of B.

(c): Consider the set B = (0, 1] = ∪( n+2 , n1 ) = ∪An (e.g., let An = ( n+2
, n1 )).
1 1
Note that B = [0, 1]. Also, note that An = [ n+2 , n ]. Therefore, @n ∈ N such
that 0 ∈ An . Therefore, ∪An ⊆ B but B * ∪An . 

Problem 4: Give an example of an open cover of (0, 1) that has no finite

Consider the open cover, A = {(0, 1 − n1 ) : n ∈ N}. Denote, for a given n ∈ N,

An = {(0, 1 − n1 )}. Let’s assume for contradiction that there exists a finite sub-
cover from A, and let’s call that finite sub-cover AN F . Denote n∗ = max{n}
from AN F (the largest n used in the finite sub-cover). Thus, (0, 1) ⊂ ∪AN F
since this is a finite sub-cover of (0,1). However, 1 − n1∗ < 1. Also, note that
∃x ∈ (0, 1) such that x > 1 − n1∗ =⇒ (0, 1) 6⊂ ∪AN F , which contradicts that
AN F is a finite sub-cover. Therefore, A is an open cover of (0,1) with no finite

Problem 5: Prove that E 0 is closed for any E ⊂ X.

There are a few ways we can prove a set is open, and I’ll try to show that all limit
points of E 0 are contained in E 0 . Pick some arbitrary x ∈ E 00 . By the definition
of limit point, for all strictly positive ε, ∃y ∈ E 0 , y 6= x such that d(x, y) < ε.
Also, because y is a limit point of E, ∃z ∈ E, z 6= y such that d(y, z) < ε. Now, I
want to show that there is an element of E, z ∗ that is such that d(x, z ∗ ) < ε, this
would mean that x ∈ E 0 and conclude our proof. We know that d(x, y) < ε and
d(y, z) < ε. Take δ = ε − d(x, y). Note that δ > 0. Because y is a limit point
of E, ∃q ∈ E such that d(y, q) < δ. Additionally, by the triangle inequality,
d(x, q) 6 d(x, y) + d(y, q) < d(x, y) + δ = d(x, y) + ε − d(x, y) = ε. Therefore,
d(x, q) < ε =⇒ ∃q = z ∗ ∈ E such that d(x, z ∗ ) < ε. Thus, x is a limit point
of E and that shows that E 00 ⊆ E 0 . Therefore, E 0 is a closed set because it
contains all of its limit points. 

Prove that Ē and E have the same set of limit points. Note that Ē = E 0 ∪ E.
Therefore, we want to show

(E 00 ∪ E 0 ) = E 0

By the proof above, we showed that E 00 ⊆ E 0 therefore, (E 00 ∪ E 0 ) = E 0 by the

definition of the union of a subset. This is exactly what we wanted to show.

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