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Using Context to Determine

the Meaning of Vocabulary in

Complex Texts

Session 5
Teaching Point
Readers, today I want to teach you that as nonfiction texts
become more complex, the vocabulary the author uses
becomes hard and technical, and the clues that help
readers figure out what the words mean are often hidden.
When this happens, you have to search for clues all around
the word to determine what it might mean.

Teaching - The Amazing Octopus
● How can text teach the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary?
● What strategies can we use?

(Level 2) predator?
Octopus Behaviors
The amazing octopus has many ways to defend itself. When an
octopus wants to move fast, it can shoot out water to push itself
backwards. An octopus can travel many miles that way. An octopus can
also protect itself by squirting ink. The ink makes the predator, or animal
hunting the octopus, become blind and lose its sense of smell for a little
while. That gives the octopus a chance to escape!
(Level 4)
An Animal Like No Other
The octopus has many amazing ways to defend itself
from predators. When an octopus wants to move quickly to
escape a predator, it can shoot water out of its siphon and push
itself backwards. This is called jet propulsion. Using this
technique, octopuses can travel many miles. An octopus can
also protect itself by squirting ink at a predator, causing it to
become blind and lose its sense of smell temporarily. This
makes it difficult for the predator to track the octopus once it has
darted away. The octopus can also escape predators by
changing its colors like a chameleon to blend into its
surroundings. But, if a predator does manage to grab an octopus
by the arm, the octopus has one more trick up its sleeve. It can
break off its arm, swim away, and then grow a new one later!
(Level 6)
Lessons from the Deep
One of the most striking characteristics of the octopus is the
wide array of techniques it uses to avoid or thwart its attackers.
When an octopus wants to move quickly to escape a predator, it
can expel water from its siphon and push itself backwards, a
process called jet propulsion. Using this technique, octopuses can
travel many miles. An octopus can also protect itself by squirting
ink at a predator, obscuring its view and causing it to lose its sense
of smell temporarily. This makes the fleeing octopus difficult to
track. And if a predator manages to grab an octopus by the arm,
the octopus has one more trick up its sleeve. This escape artist
can break off its arm, swim away, and then grow a new one later
with no permanent damage.
● The best way to LEARN
words is to USE them
● Write them in your notes
● Use them when you teach
● Modify your notes to include

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