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PML - Programmable Macro Language

PML is a file-based interpreted language that enables an application developer to design macro files,
programmable macros or Microsoft Windows form-based add-ins that can be included within an
Aveva product such as Plant Design Management System (PDMS). There are currently three
iterations of the PML language:

• PML1 - Basic macro / command language with Window form capabilities. • PML2 - Advanced ver.
of PML1, include object-oriented capability for forms and menus. • PML.NET - An alternative PML
mechanism to facilitate the use of Microsoft .NET controls into a PML environment.

* Macro is a group of commands written to a file. By asking PDMS to run a macro, you are really
asking PDMS to run a series of commands in a set order (as defined in the macro file). *
Programmable Macro is containing program constructs such as IF statements and loops. * Forms-
based add-ins most applications are driven by forms and menus. * PML Programmable Macro
Language. * PML1 First version of PML including loops, IF statements, string handling, labels etc. *
PML2 Object orientated language builds on PML1 and extends the facilities to be like other object
based languages (C++, Smalltalk).

The current version of PML, sometimes referred to as PML2, may simply be seen as an extension to
the original PML1 facilities. However, the more powerful techniques that are available mean that
many programming tasks are carried out in different ways. There are some tasks which are carried
out more efficiently using PML 1 facilities. PML 2 has been specifically designed for writing and
customizing the Forms and Menus for AVEVA products.

PML2 is an enhanced version of PML and is more like other modern languages that you may be
familiar with. PML2 is almost an object oriented language. It provides most features of other Object
Orientated Programming (OOP) languages except for inheritance. It provides for classes of built-in,
system-defined and user-defined object types. Objects have members (their own variables) and
methods (their own functions). All PML variables are an instance of a built-in, system-defined or
user-defined object type. Both PML1 and PML2 have their advantages and disadvantages. However,
PML2 has not completely replaced PML1.

Picture Nr.1. - PML File hierarchy

Typically, fewer lines of code needed with PML2 when compared to traditional PML (PML1) and it
has been designed to be easier to read/write. While most PML1 macros will still run within PDMS,
PML2 bring many new features that were previously unavailable. Built in methods for different
variable types remove several multi line procedures used in old style macros. Use of $ characters is
dramatically reduced with a more readable format for expressions.
$-style macros will still work provided the syntax has been followed correctly. It is possible to
convert traditional PML code to include newer PML2 features, but it is important that users maintain
compatibility at all times.

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The main features of PML2 are:

• Available Variable Types - STRING, REAL, BOOLEAN, ARRAY • Built in Methods for commonly used
actions • Global Functions supersede old style macros • User Defined Object Types • PML Search
Path (PMLLIB) • Dynamic Loading of Forms, Functions and Objects • Aid objects for geometric

PML is now more consistent with other programming languages and more structured in form. The
new data types are now OBJECTS which can be operated by running METHODS. The old $ based
variables are still valid, but are always treated as strings. Global functions are macros which can be
called more like subroutines than traditional macros. e.g. a function can be called between the
brackets of an IF statement and return a BOOLEAN result Userdefined object types enable a group of
mixed variables to be combined into packages. The resulting object can then be used as a simple
variable and the separate parts set or used as attributes of the variable. Search paths and dynamic
loading mean that it is no longer necessary to pre load forms or have synonyms for calling macros. A
large number of new aid objects have been created so that users can do more graphical

1.1. Customizing a Graphical User Interface

Most AVEVA products make use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to drive the software. PML 2 has
been specifically designed for writing and customizing the Forms and Menus for AVEVA products.
Almost all the facilities available in PML 1 and the older Forms and Menus facilities continue to
function as before even if they are not documented here. Before you begin customizing a GUI, you
must have a good working knowledge of the command syntax for the AVEVA product you are
working with.

1.2. Note for Users Familiar with OO Concepts

PML2 is almost an object-oriented language. Its main deficiency is that it lacks inheritance.
However, it does provide for classes of built-in, system-defined and user-defined object types.
Objects have members (their own variables) and methods (their own functions). All PML Variables
are an instance of a built-in, system-defined or user-defined object type. Operators and methods are
polymorphic - what they do (their behavior) depends on the type of the variable. Overloading of
functions and operators is supported for all variable types. There is no concept of private members
or methods, everything is public. There are only two levels of scope for variables: Global and Local.
Arguments to PML Functions are passed-by-reference with Read/Write access so any argument can
potentially be used as an output argument.
Note: From PDMS12.1, all textual information in PDMS is represented as Unicode. Unicode is a
computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text
expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Developed in conjunction with the Universal
Character Set standard and published in book form as The Unicode Standard, the latest version of
Unicode consists of a repertoire of more than 109,000 characters covering 93 scripts. The PML
Internal Format for string data is Unicode UTF8 format. This means that all PML string variables
support Unicode values. You can use Unicode characters in PML variable names, PML object form
and gadget names, PML method and function names. All PML language files should either be UTF8
format with a BOM present or else strictly ASCII 7-bit (decimal 32 to 127) format.

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2. PML Variables

Variables are used to store values (numbers, text, Boolean, arrays, information’s, data). PML
variables are two of kinds, global and local. Global variables last for a whole session (or until you
delete them). They are loaded from pmllib every time when the pml index is rebuilt, in normal way
always when the PDMS starts. A local variable can be used only from within one PML function or
macro. These two kinds of variable are distinguished by their names. Names beginning ‘!!’ are global;
names beginning ‘!’ are local.

GLOBAL variable - !!ThisIsGLOBALvariable LOCAL variable - !ThisIsLOCALvariable

PML variable names may be any combination of letters and digits, starting with a letter, up to a
maximum of 64 Unicode characters (plus the ‘!!’ or ‘!’). Names are allowed to contain a dot (.) but
this is now strongly discouraged as a dot has a special meaning in PML2 as a separator between an
object and its methods, and between the components of form and gadget names. Therefore NEVER
use dot (.) in names and NEVER start a variable name with a number! Rather than using a dot as part
of a name is recommend that you use a mixture of upper and lower case to make variable names
more meaningful, for example:!!StartInUpperCase . Numbered variables are set by typing a number
then value after the command VAR. VAR 1 NAME, VAR 2 ‘hello’ . The available variable numbers only
go to 119 (there is no 120) and they are module dependent. For these reasons, this technique is no
longer commonly used.

2.1. PML2 variables

The variables used in PML 2 are objects:

• Every object (variable) has a unique name. • An object has a set of functions associated with it,
which can be called to manipulate this data. These functions are called methods. • Some methods
change the data held by the object, some return a result derived from the data, and some methods
do both. • The data that an object can hold and the functions that are available are fixed by the
object type (sometimes called the object’s class). • Before you can create an object, the object type
must have been defined. The object type definition specifies what the members and methods are for
that type of object.
Every PML2 variable has an object type which is set when the variable is created and remains fixed
as long as the variable exists. Attempting to store a value of the wrong type in an existing variable
will cause an error. The object type must exist before you can create a variable of that type. PML 2 is
supplied with:

• built-in object types • system-defined object types • user-defined object types.

The built-in object types 2.1.1.

• STRING holds any text, including newline and multi-byte characters. In macros written with PML1
where variables are created with the VAR command, all variables are of type STRING, even when
they are storing numbers. • REAL is used for all numeric values including do loop counters. The
values stored are (nearly) always in the current working units of the quantity • BOOLEAN is used for
the result of logical expressions and holds the value TRUE or FALSE (Note these are not the same as
the STRING values ‘TRUE’ and ‘FALSE’).

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• ARRAY holds many values of any type. An ARRAY variable can contain many values, each of which
is called an array element. An Array is created automatically by creating one of its array elements.

The system-defined object types 2.1.2.

• Position, Orientation, DirE, P0, P1 … • Bore, Hbore, Href … • Dbref, Dbname, Dbfile …

Examples: BLOCK blocks are used to store commands for a special form of working on arrays. The
block contains a list of commands and “block Evaluation” is used to perform the actions on an array
FILE file is in principle a file name, but the file object contains built in methods for working on the
file. DATETIME returns current Date and Time information DB a DB object is an object representing a
database. Can be used to interrogate information about type, team, access, claim type DBREF a
dbref object a ref to a database it has members (access, file, name, number, foreign, type,
description, claim (string) and team (team)) DIRECTION a Direction object has members (direction,
origin (dbref), up, east, north (real)) MDB MDB object has members (name and description, both
strings) ORIENTATION an orientation object has members (alpha (real), origin (dbref), Gamma and
beta(reals)) POSITION a position object has members (origin (dbref) up, east, north (reals) PROJECT a
project object has one member (evar (string)) TEAM a team object has members (name and
description (reals)) USER a user object has members (access, name, description (strings)) FORMAT is
a way of formatting data for example metric or imperial]

The user-defined object types 2.1.3.

You may find that the object types supplied with PML 2 are enough. However, you can define new
object types if you need to. In any case, the following example may help you understand objects,
their members and how they are used. It is a good idea to use upper case for object-type names, and
mixed upper and lower case for variable names, the objects themselves. For example, a type might
be Employee, and a variable name might be NumberOfEmployees.
define object COMPANY member .Name is STRING member .Address is STRING member
.Employees is REAL member .NumberOfEmpliyees is REAL endobject

The user-defined object type should by normally stored in a file with a lowercase name matching
the name of the object type and a .pmlobj suffix in PMLLIB directory. PML will load a definition
automatically when it is needed. Example above should have name company.pmlobj .

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2.2. Creation of variables

2.2.1. PML1 variables creation

For creating variable is used VAR command. As value in variable could be used text or some
attribute. As you may see there are used text delimiters to define any text as value. These delimiters
could be used '' or vertical bars || as well. The most important fact is that using the VAR command
always create variable as string() object. Even if you use numbers or Booleans. Of course that you
can create an array by VAR command but array itself contain array members. Through command
VAR you just fill an array by string elements. REMEMBER THAT VAR COMMAND ALWAYS CREATES

Text - as string in PML2:

VAR !PML1text 'THISisTEXT' VAR !PML1attribute1 NAME VAR !PML1attribute2 POS WRT /*

Numbers - as real in PML2:

VAR !x (32) VAR !y (52) VAR !z1 (!x + !y) VAR !z2 ('!x' + '!y') VAR !z3 ('$!x' + '$!y') VAR !z4 (23 * 1.8
+ 32)

Boolean - as Boolean in PML2:


There are no BOOLEAN () object variables in PML1. VAR command always creates the STRING ()
object type.
Array - as array in PML2:


2.2.2. PML2 variables creation

Using the PML2 syntax you will create not only the value for variable but you automatically assign
the object type according to defined data. If it is simply text, then results as string object but some
data as position are already defined as some other object type. In this case the position is system
defined object type therefore results as POSITION. This is the most important difference between
PML1 and PML2 because PML2 is object orientated language.

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!PML2string = 'THISisTEXT' !PML2attribute1 = NAME !PML2attribute2 = POS WRT /* (in PML1 will
be string in PML2 position object type)


!x = 32 !y = 52 !z1 = (!x + !y) !z2 = ('!x' + '!y') !z3 = ('$!x' + '$!y') !z4 = (23 * 1.8 + 32)


!T1 = TRUE !F1 = FALSE !T2 = T !F2 = F !T3 = YES !F3 = NO !T4 = Y !F4 = N


!ARRAY = ARRAY() !ARRAY[1] = 'AVEVA' !ARRAY[2] = NAME !ARRAY[3] = 12 !ARRAY[4] = N


2.3. Members and Attributes

An object can contain one or more items of data referred to as its members or attributes. Each
member has a name.
• STRING, REAL and BOOLEAN variables just have a value - no members. • ARRAY variables have
numbered elements, not members.

User Defined Objects can contain any variable or object type as attributes or members. Information
is grouped with an object for ease of reference and standard reference. Userdefined objects can also
contain user-defined methods that will use the information stored within the object. These methods
may represent a calculation, or information retrieval. After an object has been declared as a variable,
the methods can be applied to the variable. For example:

define object ELEMENT member .Type is STRING member .Material is STRING endobject

define method .FullDesc() is STRING return !this.Type & ‘ ‘ & !this.Material endmethod

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Once a variable is declared as an ELEMENT object then the method can be applied.

!item = object ELEMENT() !Item.Type = |Flange| !Item.Material = |Carbon Steel| !name =


A method with no arguments but the same name as the type of the object is called the default
constructor method. More than one method can be given the same name as the object, provide only
one has no arguments. The following lists the methods available to all objects. The list gives the
name of each method and the type of result you get back from it. The third column of the table
describes what the method does.

Name Result Purpose Attribute( 'Name') ANY To set or get a member of an object, providing the
member name as a STRING. Attributes() ARRAY OF STRINGS To get a list of the names of the
members of an object as an array of STRING. Delete() NO RESULT Destroy the object - make it
undefined EQ(any) BOOLEAN Type-dependent comparison LT(any) BOOLEAN Type-dependent
comparison (converting first to STRING if all else fails) Max(any) ANY Return maximum of object
and second object Min(any) ANY Return minimum of object and second object NEQ(any) BOOLEAN
TRUE if objects do not have the same value(s) ObjectType() STRING Return the type of the object as
a string Set() BOOLEAN TRUE if the object has been given a value(s) String() STRING Convert the
object to a STRING Unset() BOOLEAN TRUE if the object does not have a value

2.4. Naming conventions

Use a naming convention to avoid 'polluting the namespace’ of global variables. All global names
beginning with the letters CD are reserved for AVEVA system use. Note: The most recent AVEVA
Application ware (AppWare) does not use a prefix. When creating new PML Macros you are
responsible for avoiding name-clashes, for example, by using your own prefix. Here are some
guidelines on naming variables:

• Use each variable for one purpose only and give it a meaningful name. • Limit your use of global
variables. • Where possible use PML object methods and Form methods instead of PML functions
and macros so as to make use of their members and methods which do not global variables. •
Remember that within the methods of PML Objects and Forms you generally need only local
variables. Any values which are to be exported should be made available as members or as method
values or returned arguments. • Only use PML Functions (necessarily global) for tasks which are
genuinely globally accessible, i.e. independent of a specific object or form, or which need to be
shared by several objects or forms.

Note: Do not use these prefixes for global or local variables. These prefixes are already used by other

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Application Prefix Comments Area BasedADP !!ABA Add-in application Administration !!ADM Plus
!!CDA Application Switching !!APP Batch Handling !!BAT CADCentre !!CADC Draft !!CDR Draft Icon
Location !!CD2D Icon pathnames Defaults !!DFLTS General !!CDC Plus !!CDD, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, P,
S, U, V, W Specialized !!CE Plus !!ERROR, !!FMSYS

The majority of the existing PML2 code has been given a 3or4 letter prefix to the full name.

Application Prefix Comments Accommodation ACC Administration ADM Access, Stairs & Ladders ASL
Area Based ADP ABA Add-in application Assembly ASSY Associations ASSOC None apparent Common
COMM Mixed Design DES Mixed Draft DRA Plus ADP, DGN, DXF Global GLB Hull Design HULL Hull
Drafting HDRA None Integrator INT

Application Prefix Comments Isometric ADP ISO Add-in application Marine Diagrams DIAG No
appware except main form Monitor MON Paragon CAT Review Interface REVI None - Single file
Spooler SPL Vantage Marine VMAR No appware except start-up

Icons are named without regard to any rules, except on odd occasions.

Application Prefix Comments Design DES Various Profile PRFL Various Schematic Model Viewer SMV
Various Styles STY Plus FSTY

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3. PML expressions

3.1. PML 1 expressions

• Text values VAR !CEname NAME takes the current element’s (ce) name attribute as string VAR
!BRhbore HBORE takes bran bore on hbore, even if its number variable is string VAR !X ‘NAME’ or
VAR !X |NAME| sets the variable to the text string ‘NAME’

Note: Quotes ‘ ‘ or vertical bars | | may be used as text delimiters.

• Number values VAR !x (32) VAR !y (52) Expression VAR !z (!x + !y) results as STRING 84 !!!
Expression VAR !z (‘!x’ + ‘!y’) results as STRING !x!y !!! Expression VAR !z (‘$!x’ + ‘$!y’) results as
STRING 3252 !!! VAR !temp (23 * 1.8 + 32) calculate a value and result is STRING 73.4 !!!

Note: VAR always obtain STRING (text) value even if expression calculate numbers!!!

• Boolean values VAR !x TRUE

Note: This expression set variable!x as true. But this is string text. This is not as PML2 Boolean where
condition is TRUE or FALSE or 0 or 1. Booleans could be used as parameter in IF statement but from
VAR evaluate STRING!!!

• ARRAY (array is variable with many values in rows) VAR !ARRAY[1] 'AVEVA' VAR !ARRAY[10]

Note: VAR always obtain STRING (text) value even if collecting DB elements. The result is string

3.2. PML 2 expressions

• STRING !Name = ‘Fred’ create STRING variable

• REAL !!Answer = 42 create REAL variable: Expression !z = !x + !y where !x=32 !y=52 results as REAL
84 !!!

• BOOLEAN !!Flag = TRUE create BOOLEAN variable. If false than is Boolean 0.

• ARRAY !newarray = ARRAY() create an empty ARRAY !newarray[1] = |xxx| or !newarray[1] = ‘xxx’
add first value to the empty ARRAY

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3.3. Creating Unset and undefined variable

Each new data type supports a String() method that returns a string representing the value of the
variable. For example:

!X = 2.5 $* defines a variable X of type REAL with 2.5 as its numeric value !S = !X.String() $* will be
a variable of type STRING, with the value “2.5” !X = REAL()! $* yields the string ’(the empty string) !S
= !X.String() !X = BOOLEAN() $* yields the string ‘’ (the empty string) !S = !X.String() !X = STRING() $*
yields the string ‘Unset’ !S = !X.String() !X = ARRAY() $* yields the string ‘ARRAY !S = !X.String()

Other variable types are system-defined variables. Most of these have adopted the unset string
‘Unset’. User-defined data types can also provide a String() method. These also support an UNSET
representation, and usually adopt the UNSET representation ‘Unset’. For example:

!X = DIRECTION() $* yields the string ‘Unset’ !S = !X.String()

All data types can have the value UNSET which indicates that a variable does not have a value. A
variable created without giving it an initial value in fact has the value UNSET:

!!Answer = REAL() !Name = STRING() !Grid = BOOLEAN() !Lengths = ARRAY()

Variables with an UNSET value can be passed around and assigned, but use of an UNSET value
where a valid item of data is required will always result in a PML error. The presence of an UNSET
value may be tested either with functions or methods:

if ( Unset(!X) ) then if ( !X.Unset() ) then if ( Set(!X) ) then if ( !X.Set() ) then

An UNDEFINED variable is one that does not exist. The existence of a variable may be tested with
these functions:

if ( Undefined(!!Y) ) then if ( Defined(!!Y) ) then

There is no equivalent method call. If the variable does not exist, attempting to call a method would
result in an error.

3.4. Deleting PML Variables

A variable that exists can be explicitly made UNDEFINED with the Delete() method :

!!Y.Delete() Warning: You must not attempt to delete members of objects or forms.

3.5. Mixing of the variables types

Mixing PML1 and PML2 expressions could cause mixing the variables types. Mixing the variables
types give error for example: „Cannot assign variable to result - incompatible types (REAL=STRING)”.
With VAR you will always obtain a STRING. You could have defined variable type before you assign
any value to the variable:

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!x = 64 this returns a REAL VAR !y (64) this returns a STRING IF (!x eq !y)THEN is invalid syntax
because the comparison is mixing variable types. In this case is necessary to put a dollar in front of
mixed variable, this forces STRING value IF (!x eq $!y) THEN valid because the dollar in front of !y
forces it to be a value not text.

Setting variables using PML2 method is more readable when compared to PML1. PML 2 expressions
may be of any complexity, they may contain calls to PML Functions and Methods and include Form
gadget values ,object members and methods. $ and quotes are not necessary when using the value
of a variable in a PML2 expression. Calculations in expressions can be done in PML1 or PML2 style as

• PML1 VAR !X (64) VAR !Y (32) VAR !Z (|$!X| + |$!Y|) • PML2 !X = 64 !Y = 32 !Z = !X + !Y

In the PML1 example, !Z is set as a STRING variable as well as !X and !Y are STRING. In the PML2
example, !Z is returned as a REAL, if !X and !Y are REAL. You cannot convert string variable to real if is
defined as string type. You need to create another variable and convert text to number into this
variable or you need to delete and then reset variable as new variable type. See follow examples:

VAR !BRhbore HBORE takes hbore of bran in variable !BRhbore, but the result will be text string not
number. In PDMS up to v.12 the result will looks as (100) and from PDMS v12.1 will looks as
(100mm). With text string you cannot use mathematic formulas (+,-,/,*…). It’s necessary to convert
this string to real. Syntax will looks like : VAR !BRhbore REPLACE ('$!BRHBORE', 'mm', ' ') …. take
100mm and removes mm Q VAR !BRhbore check variable type, variable is text string with value 100
!NR = !BRhbore.Real() convert text string 100 to number 100 q VAR !NR check variable type, 100 is
real (number) now. VAR !SUM ($!NR + 50) now it is possible to add +50 to value 100. The result of
variable !SUM will looks as 150 but the RESULT is STRING. 150 is now text value !!! Another
expression is VAR !VALUE ($!BRhbore) the RESULT is STRING.

!x = REAL() !y = REAL() this is PML2 form to create 2 REAL variables VAR !x (32) var !y (52) now you
have mixed PML1 to assign values, you will obtain error : “(41,357) Value being assigned or variable
being assigned to is not of type STRING” ! In this case is necessary to delete variables and create
them again with new types as string. !x.delete() !y.delete() AND create again as new type
!x=STRING() !y= STRING()

3.6. Expression operators

There are a number of expression operators which are available for use. The actual syntax will
depend on whether a PML1 or PML2 style has been adopted. Operators are evaluated in the order
of the following list: the ones at the top of the list are evaluated first.

• Brackets () are used to control the order in which operators are evaluated (!A+!B)*2 • Numeric
operators: + - / * • Comparison operators: EQ NE LE GE LT GT • Logic operators: AND NOT OR •

Note: Some examples of expressions in use:

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!s = 30 * sin(45) !t = pow(20,2) (raise 20 to the power 2 (=400)) !f = (match (name of owner, |LPX|)
GT 0)

3.7. Boolean Operators

The Boolean, sometimes called Logical, operators have the following meanings:

• EQ TRUE if two expressions have the same value. • NE TRUE if two expressions have different
values. • LT TRUE if the first expression is less than the second. • GT TRUE if the first expression is
greater than the second. • LE OR LEQ TRUE if the first expression is less than or equal to the second.
• GE OR GEQ TRUE if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second. • NOT TRUE if the
expression is FALSE. • AND TRUE if both expressions are TRUE • OR TRUE if either or both
expressions are TRUE.

Note: The operators EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE and GE are sometimes referred to as comparator or relational
operators; NOT, AND, and OR are sometimes referred to as Boolean operators. Refer to Precisions of
Comparisons for tolerances in comparing numbers.

Several different types of expressions examples:

Logical expressions - PDMS attributes Logical constants TRUE, ON, YES for true / FALSE, OFF, NO for
false Logical Operators Comparator operators (EQ, NEQ, LT, GT, LEQ, GEQ) Boolean operators (NOT,
MODIFIED, UNSET, VLOGICAL…. Logical array expressions PDMS attributes e.g. XLEN YLEN POHE
POSITION ORIENTATION Numeric operator -- + Add, - Subtract, * Multiply, / Divide Numeric function
ABS, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, SIN, COS, TAN, MATCH, MAX, SQRT.. Real expressions - See numeric
functions Text expressions - A text string, PDMS attributes, Text operators, Text functions

3.8. Concatenation Operator

Values to be concatenated are automatically converted to STRING by the ‘&’ operator. Type the
following onto the command line:

!a = 64 !b = 32 !m = ‘mm’ !c = !a & !b & !m q var !c

Compare this against the results of typing !d = !a + !b q var !d

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3.9. Communicating with AVEVA Products in PML

All commands need to be supplied to the command processor as STRINGS. This is important when
working with element creation (using the NEW syntax) to expand the contents of a PML variable into
a string - put a $ in front of it!

!CompType = |ELBO| !dist = 5600 NEW $!CompType DIST $!dist

3.10. Parameterized Macros

Macros can be parameterized. This means instead of hard coding the values through the macro, the
values can be referenced, allowing them to be varied. Simplemac.mac can be parameterized as


If no parameters are specified, the macro will fail. To avoid this, default values can be put inside the
macro. This is done by specified $d1= at the top of the macro. For example: $d1=ABCDEF $d2=300
$d3=400 $d4=600

3.11. Synonyms
Synonyms are abbreviations of longer commands. They are created by assigning the command to a
synonym variable:

e.g. $SNewBox=NEW BOX XLEN 100 YLEN 200 ZLEN 300 e.g. $SNewBox=NEW BOX XLEN $S1 YLEN
$S2 ZLEN $S3 (A parameterized synonym)

To call the first version, type NewBox. For the second version, type NewBox 100 200 300

If all synonyms are killed, the synonyms needed to run PDMS will be removed. This means PDMS
will no longer work properly and will require restarting. If synonyms are turned off, some PDMS
functionality will also be removed. The return this functionality, the synonyms should be turned back

To kill a synonym, type $SXXX= & all synonyms $sk To switch synonyms off and on $S- and $S+

Note: If all synonyms are killed, the synonyms needed to run PDMS will be removed. This means
PDMS will no longer work properly and will require restarting. If synonyms are turned off, some
PDMS functionality will also be removed. The return this functionality, the synonyms should be
turned back on.

$S - defines a local synonym $G - defines a global synonym $U - prevents the deletion of a global
synonym which has already been defined Global synonym ($G) works inside pml functions/methods
while local ($S) does not.

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3.12. Creating Other Types of Variable

You create variables of types that are system-defined or user-defined, using the OBJECT keyword.
For example, to create a variable of type FACTORY:

!NewPlant = object FACTORY()

3.13. Using the Member Values of an Object

The way to set individual members of an object is to use the dot notation as follows:

!NewPlant = object FACTORY() !NewPlant.Name = ProcessA !NewPlant.Workers = 451

!NewPlant.Output = 2001
The dot notation is used in a similar way to access the value of a member of an object:

!People = !NewPlant.Workers sets the variable !People to 451.

3.14. PML Functions and Methods

Functions and Methods may optionally have arguments that can be used to return values.
Arguments have a data type which is specified in the function or method definition and they are
checked when the Function or Method is called. An argument may be one of the built-in types REAL,
STRING or BOOLEAN; an ARRAY; a built-in object or a user-defined object or specified as ANY.
Functions and methods can optionally return values as their results. Functions that do not return
values are known as PML Procedures. Here is a definition of a PML Function that has two REAL
arguments. It also has a REAL return value, as shown by the final is REAL. Inside a function, the
arguments are referenced just as if they were local PML Variables. The RETURN keyword is used to
specify the variable that stores the return value:

define function !!Area( !Length is REAL, !Width is REAL ) is REAL !Area = !Length * !Width return
!Area endfunction

Note: You cannot switch to a different PDMS module if a PML Function is running. Use EXIT to exit
from the function if it has failed to complete.

When a PML Function is called, all the PML Variables passed as arguments must already exist. In
addition, arguments used for input must have a value, which could be a constant, when the function
is called:

define function !!LengthOfName(!Name is STRING) is REAL !TidyName = !Name.trim() return

!TidyName.Length() endfunction

The function is called to set the value of a variable !Length as follows:

!Length = !!LengthOfName( ' FRED ')

Here ' FRED ' is a string constant passed as an argument. We could rewrite this function so that it
returns its results by changing its arguments. The output argument, !Length, will be set to the value
required when the function is called:
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define function !!LengthAndTrim(!Name is STRING, !Length is REAL) !Name = !Name.Trim()

!Length = !Name.Length() endfunction

Arguments used for output must exist prior to the call and one that is also used as an input
argument must also have a value:

!Name = ' FRED ' !Length = REAL()

The function is called to set the value of a variable !Length as follows:

!!LengthAndTrim(' FRED ', !Length)

When an argument value is changed within a PML Function its value outside the function is also
changed. The following call is incorrect, as the function cannot modify a constant:

!!LengthAndTrim(' FRED ' ,4 ) $* WRONG

A PML Function returning a value may be used wherever an expression or PML Variable can be used,
for example, this call to the !Area function defined above:

!PartLength = 7 !PartWidth = 6 !SurfaceArea = !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth)

3.15. Storing and Loading PML Functions

When a PML Function is called it is loaded automatically from its source file in a directory located
via the environment variable PMLLIB. The name of the external file must be lowercase and must
have the .pmlfnc suffix. The source of a PML Function invoked as !!AREA or !!Area or !!area all
correspond to the file named area.pmlfnc.

Note: The !! signifies that the function is user-defined and that it is global - but !! does not form part
of the external filename. All user-defined functions are global and only one may be defined per file.
The define function must be the first line in the file and that its name and the file name must

3.16. Arguments of type ANY

You may specify ANY as the type of an argument (and even as the type of the function return value).

Note: The use of ANY should be the exception rather than the rule as it switches off argument type
checking - an important feature of PML Functions to help ensure correct functioning of your PML.

In the case an argument of type ANY, a value of any type may be passed as the argument to the

define function !!Print(!Argument is ANY) $P $!Argument endfunction

Where an argument of type ANY is used, you may need to find out its actual type before you can do
anything with it. The ObjectType() method can be used for this purpose:

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define function !!AnyType(!Argument is ANY) Type = !Argument.pmlobjectType() if ( !Type EQ

'STRING' ) then - - do something with a STRING elseif ( !Type EQ 'REAL' ) then - - do something
with a REAL elseif ( !Type EQ 'DBREF' ) then - - do something with a DB Reference else - - do
something with all other types or give an error endif endfunction

3.17. PML Procedures

A PML Procedure is a PML Function that does not return a result. A function is defined as a
procedure by omitting the data type at the end of the define function statement:

define function !!Area( !Length is REAL, !Width is REAL, !Result is REAL) !Result = !Length * !Width

Here we are using an output argument, !Result, to return the result rather than using a function
return value. The arguments to the !!Area procedure can be set as follows, and then the procedure
invoked with the call command.

!SurfaceArea = REAL() !Partlength = 7 !PartWidth = 6 call !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth,


There will be an error if you attempt to assign the result of a PML Procedure because there is no
return value to assign. So, for example you can say:
call !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth, !SurfaceArea) !Answer = !SurfaceArea

But you cannot say:

!Answer = !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth, !SurfaceArea) $* WRONG

The ( ) parentheses after the name of a procedure or function must always be present even for
procedures that do not need arguments:

define function !!Initialize() !TotalWeight = 0 !!MaxWeight = 0 endfunction call !!Initialize()

Although the call keyword is strictly speaking optional, its use is recommended with procedures.

Note: As well as procedures, you can invoke a PML Function that has a return value using call, in
which case the function result value is discarded.

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3.18. Using the Methods of an Object

A method is a function that is specific to an object. The Software Customization Reference Manual
contains a table of the object types supplied as part of PML 2. For each object type, there is a list of
the associated methods and members. For each object type, the table shows:

Name The name of the method or member. For example, a REAL object has a method named
Cosine. If there are any arguments, they are indicated in the brackets () after the name. For example,
the REAL object has a method named BETWEEN which takes two REAL arguments. Result or Type For
members, we use the heading Type; for methods, we use the heading Result. The type of the
member or the result describes what kind of object we are expecting to see as a member or result of
the method. For example, the result of the method Cosine is a REAL value. Some methods do not
return a value: these are shown as NO RESULT. Status This column is used to give other information
about the method or member. For methods, this column tells you whether the method modifies the
state of the object. For members, this column tells you whether the member is Mutable (by the
user) or Read Only. Note that for the system-defined PDMS object types, members correspond to
PDMS attributes Purpose This column tells you what the member or method does.

This section explains how to use methods, using a STRING variable as an example. Although the
STRING is a simple object type, it has a large number of methods which can be called. For example, if
you are interested in the length of the string value, look under the list in the Software Customization
Reference Manual for STRING objects, and you will find a method named Length. This method
returns a REAL value (the number of characters in the string), but has no effect on the variable itself.
You can extract the number of characters in the string and store it in a new variable, !Nchars, by
calling the method as follows:

!Nchars = !MyString.length() $* A method call

Notice the dot separator between the name of the variable and the name of the method. Also note
the ( ) brackets following the name of the method. The brackets are used to enclose the arguments
of the method, but they must be present even if there are no arguments.

3.19. Methods on User-Defined Object Types

When you define a new object type, you can also define methods which can be used to handle all
objects created with the new type. PML Method definitions are stored in the same file as the object
definition, after the endobject command. Here is an example of an object which defines three
methods to illustrate the main ideas. Note that within a method, !This represents the object which
invoked the method and !This.Answer is the way to refer to member Answer of this object.

Defines the object, with a single member, Answer.

define object LIFE member .Answer is REAL endobject

Defines a method with no arguments but the same name as the type of the object is called the
default constructor method. If the default constructor method is present, PML will call it
automatically to initialize the object whenever an object of that type is created.

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define method .Life() !This.Answer = 42 Endmethod

A method may return a result in just the same way as a PML Function using the return command. Set
a member of the object using !This.membername.

define method .Answer() IS REAL return !This.Answer endmethod

define method .Answer( !Value Is REAL) !This.Answer = !Value Endmethod

These methods might be used in the following way:

!Marvin = object LIFE() -- The method .Life() was called automatically !Number = !Marvin.Answer() --
!Number is set to the value 42 !Marvin.Answer(40) !Number = !Marvin.Answer() -- !Number now has
the value 40

Warning: When you create a new object type, or change an existing definition, you must load the
definition by giving the command:

pml reload object _name_

3.20. Method Overloading

Two or more methods on an object may share the same name providing they have different
arguments. This is called method overloading. PML will invoke the method with the arguments
which match the method call. It is common practice:

• To use a method with the same name as a member and one argument of the same type to set the
member’s value. For example:


• To use a method of the same name as a member returning a value of the same type but with no
arguments to get the member’s value. For example:

!Number = !Marvin.Answer()

3.21. Constructor Methods with Arguments

When an object is created, it is possible to supply arguments that are passed by PML to a
constructor method with matching arguments instead of the default constructor method:

!Marvin = object LIFE(40)

This would invoke a method:

define method .Life(!Value IS REAL)

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3.22. Overloading with ANY

As with PML Functions, the type of a method argument may be specified as ANY. If method
overloading is being used, PML will invoke the method with a matching set of explicitly typed
arguments in preference to calling a method with arguments of type ANY, irrespective of the order
the methods appeared in the object definition file:

define method .SetValue( !Argument Is ANY) define method .SetValue( !Argument Is REAL)

Then: !SomeObject.SetValue(100) will invoke the method with the REAL argument, but
!SomeObject.SetValue(‘Priceless’ ) will invoke the method with the ANY argument.

3.23. Invoking a Method from Another Method

Within a method !This.Methodname() refers to another method on the same object. So our second
LIFE constructor method, the one with an argument, could be defined as:

define method .Life(!Value IS REAL) !This.Answer(!Value) endmethod

3.24. Developing a PML Object with Methods

Whenever you add a new method to an object, you need to tell PML to re-read the object
definition, by giving the command:

pml reload object life

It is not necessary to use this command if you are simply editing an existing method (although you
will have to use it if you edit a form definition file, and change the default constructor method,
described in Form Definition File.)

3.25. Forms as Global Variables

In PML 2, forms are a type of global variable. This means that a form cannot have the same name as
any other global variable or any other form. Note that a form definition is also the definition of an
object, so a form cannot have the same name as any other object type.

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