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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

History Taking - UTI

Date…………………..… Student Name: …………………………………………………………………..……

Station specific skills SCORES

 Greet child and mother, Introduces himself, takes permission -1 0
 Name, age, sex, residence -1 0
 Eliciting complaints, and duration 0 1 2
 Fever, rigors, 0 1
 Abdominal pain 0 1
 Burning micturition, frequency, bed wetting, 0 1
 Stream of urine, Dribbling of urine 0 1
 Smell of urine, color of urine 0 1
Systemic inquiry
 Vomiting, weight loss, poor appetite, Other systems 0 1 2
Past medical history:
 Previous UTI, number of UTIs 0 1
 Past urologic investigations, admissions, surgery 0 1
Family History of UTI: 0 1
Social: Father and mother education and occupation, Housing 0 1
 Current 0 1
 Prophylaxis 0 1
Summary: 0 1 2
Investigations of UTI:
 Urine routine and culture, RFT, CBC, blood culture 0 1
 Imaging: Renal ultrasound, KUB, DMSA scan, DTPA scan, MCUG 0 1
Total Marks
Grand Total: 19 Student's Marks
Examiner's comments

Examiner's Name and Signature: ……………………………………………..

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

International University of Africa

Faculty of Medicine
Paediatircs Department

Station no ( )

Instructions to the candidate:

Ahmed is a 4 year old boy. He develops fever and cries
when passing urine. Take a focused history from the
mother/ father.

1. Give a summary at the end of the history

2. You will be asked to outline:
 The relevant investigations.

3. Time allowed for this station: 10 minutes (including

time needed for reading these instructions). The last
3 minutes are for discussion.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

International University of Africa

Faculty of Medicine
Paediatircs Department

Station no ( )

Instructions to the examiner:

• The student should be able to take a detailed & focused
history from the mother of a 4 years child who presented
with UTI (abdominal pain, fever & burning micturition).
• At the conclusion of his assessment ask the student to:
1- Give a summary
2- Outline the relevant investigations

You are kindly requested to:

 Tick the appropriate box for all items on the check list (student
may not follow the sequence in the check list; therefore you may
need to go up & down the list to record the score
 Time allowed for this station: 10 minutes. The last 3 min are for
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

International University of Africa

Faculty of Medicine
Paediatircs Department

Station no ( )


Instructions to the role player:

1- Name: Ahmed , Residence: Halfaya, Tribe: Hadandawi
2- Your child is 4ys old diagnosed as having UTI
3- He has burning micturition, fever, rigors, vomiting, foul smell urine,
increased frequency, recent bed wetting, and loin pain.
4- PMH: two similar attacks, first one when he was 6 month old and the
second at the age of 14 month. Investigated (urine, renal profile, US,
MCUG, Radio-isotopes) and treated with oral antibiotics. No history of
hospitalization or surgery.
5- Normal birth history, developmental history, good social history
6- Family: no similar condition
7- Drug history:
 Currently on IV gentamycin
 And prophylactic treatment with septrin.

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