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Overview of the Problem

Ghosting is breaking off a relationship by stopping all communication and contact with the

partner without any apparent warning or justification, as well as ignoring the partner’s attempts

to reach out or communicate. The term originated in the early 2000s. In that following decade,

media reported a rise in ghosting, which has been attributed to the increasing use of social

media and online dating apps. In Oxford Dictionary, Ghosting the practice of ending a personal

relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all

communication. And people who does such activity are called 'Ghost'.

Ghosting is by no means limited to long-term romantic relationships. Informal dating

relationships, friendships, even work relationships may end with a form of ghosting. For the

person who does the ghosting, simply walking away from a relationship, or even a potential

relationship, is a quick and easy way out. No drama, no hysterics, no questions asked, no need

to provide answers or justify any of their behavior, no need to deal with someone else’s

feelings. Certainly, while the ghoster may benefit from avoiding an uncomfortable situation and

any potential drama, they’ve done nothing to improve their own conversation and relationships

skills for the future. For the person who is ghosted, there is no closure and often deep feelings

of uncertainty and insecurity. Initially, you wonder “what’s going on?” When you realize the

other person has ended the relationship, you’re left to wonder why, what went wrong in the

relationship, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with them, how you didn’t see this coming.

Ghosting hurts; it’s a cruel rejection. It is particularly painful because you are left with no

rationale, no guidelines for how to proceed, and often a heap of emotions to sort through on
your own. If you suffer from any abandonment or self-esteem issues, being ghosted may bring

them to the forefront.

Education is the process of developing the potentials and capacities of a person

to prepare himself to be successful in a specific profession. From this statement,

education is serving primarily as an individual development function. It helps us build

opinions and ideas. It develops in us a positive looking in life. Some say that education

is a process on how to gain information. They are right. But then, information cannot

be converted or transported without education. Education makes us differentiate things

among other things. It is not just lesson we get from our teachers at school. It is all

about the lesson of life. Education is our key on having a successful life in the future.

21st century can be denoted as a century of competition. With the very large

progress in science and technology, people around the world is connected on this

competition. To survive on this situation, educational achievements are necessary and

mandatory for all. Ghosting is a deliberating factor which affects the Academic

performance of students. It can have a negative and at the same time a positive effect

on a student’s performance. Teachers, parents and co-students can learn how to help a

student who might be suffering from this kind of problem. Students who experience

Ghosting display a passive attitude in their studies such as lack of interest in learning,

poor performance at school in exams, and or assignments. Anxiety is a normal reaction

to certain situations. Ghosting is normal, but the effects of this kind of phenomena can

be a serious problem.

B. Conceptual Framework
C. Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effects of Ghosting on the academic

performance of Cagayan National High School Students.

1.) What is Ghosting?

2.) How does Ghosting affects the academic performance of students?

3.) How can a victim of Ghosting cope up with this kind of phenomena?

D. Research Assumptions/ Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference between the profile variables on Ghosting among

Cagayan National High School students.

2. There is no significant relationship between the profile variables on Ghosting among

Cagayan National High Schoool students.

E.Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of this study was to know or have a clearer view on Ghosting

and how it affects the students' academic performance and will compose a one page

questionnaire related to the said title which will be distributed to all the seven grade levels

present in Cagayan National High School. This is to show various factors, effects of Ghosting

and on how to stay motivated and overcome this said phenomena.

F. Significance of the Study

Students. This study will benefit the students whose facing the said problem but are

hopeful to overcome Ghosting. From this standpoint, this study is relevant and timely for

instructions in order to effectively monitor and reach out to their students. By

understanding the needs of the students and benefits of quality education, they will

uphold a proper motivation in order to excel on their students.

Teachers. The effects of Ghosting can be a great factor of failing. This study will help

teachers to understand their students more and also know why a student might be

having low performance in class.

Parents. This will assess the parents to know why their child or children might be

having problems regarding school. And to expand their knowledge that they shouldn’t be

pressuring their children but communicate and know what is happening .

CNHS Academic Community. This study will show how to help, teach them or let

them realize that some students might be suffering from this kind of situation so they

shouldn’t compare nor judge students having low academic performance but help them to

over come the said problem.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as an additional recommendation and a

helpful corner stone for those future researchers who seek to provide a more vivid

solution to the problems experienced by Ghosting victim students.

G. Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. The measurement of student achievement across various academic

subjects. This can also be the way on how they participate and respond to school activities and


CNHS Students. All students of Cagayan National High School regardless of their section and grade


Ghost. A person who does Ghosting. The person who stops relationships by cutting off their


Ghosting. Breaking off a relationship by stopping all communication and contact with the

partner without any apparent warning or justification, as well as ignoring the partner’s attempts

to reach out or communicate

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