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Protection Repair And Maintenance of RCC Structure






Under The Guidance of:


Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering




BHILAI(C.G.) 490024

SESSION: 2016-2020

The purpose of the project is to gain fundamental and practical understanding on concrete repair and
rehabilitation of the structures. Large number of reinforced concrete (RC) structure are deteriorating, often
prematurely, and need remedial measures to reinstate their safety and/or serviceability. Consequently, the need
for repair and protection has grown considerably in recent years. While costs associated with repair of
deteriorating concrete structures can be substantial, costs resulting from poorly designed or executed repairs
may be even higher. Repair methods need to be designed with consideration for the anticipated or desired
remaining service life of the structure. A distinction must be made between repairs intended to stop
deterioration fully and those merely aimed at slowing down deterioration processes for a limited period of
time. During the research for our project relevant repair methods for damaged concrete structures will be
discussed, focusing on design methods. The project will be initiated with various sites nearby Nizampet
inspection and repairs will examined. Then the respective repairs will be studied and classified into cracks,
corrosion of concrete reinforcement, seepage and deterioration of surface coating. With the help of journals
and publications a detailed study will be done on the causes for each repair and a suitable rehabilitation method
will be suggested for each repair site by comparing various methods. This paper will consist of studies of
various repairs along with pictures, referred case studies.


Concrete is the most widely used and versatile construction material possessing several advantages over steel
and other construction material. Very often one comes across with some defects in concrete they are in the
form of cracks, spalling of concrete, exposure of reinforcement, excessive deflections or other signs of distress.
Corrosion of reinforcement may trigger off cracking and spalling of concrete, coupled with deterioration in the
strength of thestructure such situations call for repairs of affected zones and sometimes for replacements of
entire structure.
Repair is the process of restoring something that is damaged or deteriorated or broken to good condition.
Repairs are performed on damaged buildings to restore the strength after disaster.
Rehabilitation is the process of restoring the structure to service level, once it involves the upgrading or
changing of a building’s foundation in support of changes desired, its use, design goals or regulatory
Assessing the existing condition of the structure and deciding which component of the structure should be
repaired or restored based on all future requirement of the structure. Need for repair and rehabilitation of
Faulty design of the structure
Improper execution and bad workmanship
Extreme weathering and environmental conditions
High degree of chemical attack
Ageing of structures.eferences.

Methods and Materials

CRACKS: Cracks in building are of common occurrence. A building component develops cracks when stress
exceeds strength. Cracks are of two types:
1. STRUCTURAL: Structural ones are due to faulty design, faulty construction or overloading which may
endanger safety or buildings.
2. NON-STRUCTURAL: The non-structural cracks are due to internally reduced stress. Depending on width
of crack they are classified into THIN (<1mm), MEDIUM (1mm to 2mm), WIDE (>2mm)



How do Cracks Develop?

Cracks indicate the deterioration of concrete due to uncoverable environment around concrete structures.
Physical agents causing cracks are; temperature, abrasion, vibration, impact loads.

Repair work for Cracks in Beams and Columns

 Firstly, detect the damaged area by hitting with hammer, hollowness sound indicatesbthe damaged
area shoring to distributed load.
 Remove corroded area of cement.
 According to IS code the thickness of cover for columns and beams should be 40mm.
 Plasticizer is added to decrease permeability and increase in strength.
Steel reinforcement which is used in RCC, though on one side complements the concrete for its weakness in
tension (tensile stress), it also impairs the durability and longevity of concrete, due to its proneness to
corrosion. Repairs and rehabilitation of concrete structures, which of late has become an activity comparable to
construction itself worldwide, is mostly because deterioration of concrete due to corrosion of embedded steel
The durability of concrete has become a highly discussed topic in global development. Even though several
factors are responsible for early distress in reinforced concrete structures it is observed that in majority of
cases, it is because of the corrosion of steel. The corrosion seems to be an all-pervasive phenomenon causing
widespread destruction of all types of structures in all countries across the world and has come to be termed as
‘Cancer’ for concrete. Ideally speaking, a good concrete is supposed to provide adequate protection to the
embedded steel. This is due to the protective alkaline environment (pH value as high as 12.5) provided by
fresh concrete resulting in formation of protective coating on the surface of the steel, which passivates it from
further corrosion.

Causes of Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete

Corrosion of steel in concrete is an electrochemical process. The electrochemical potentials to form the
cells may be generated in two ways:
(a) Composition cells may be formed when two dissimilar metals are embedded in concrete, such as steel
and aluminium conduit pipes, or when significant variations exist in surface characteristics of the steel.
(b) Concentration cells may be formed due to differences in concentration of dissolved ions near steel, such as
alkali’s, chlorides, and oxygen.

When there exists a difference in electrical potential along the steel in concrete, an electrochemical cell is set
up:there form anodic and cathodic regions, connected by the electrolyte in the form of the pore water in the
hardenedcement paste.
The positively charged ferrous ions Fe++ at the anode pass into solution while the negatively charged free
electrons e– pass through the steel into the cathode where they are absorbed by the constituents of the
electrolyte and combine with water and oxygen to form hydroxyl ions (OH)–. These travels through the
electrolyte and combine with the ferrous ions to form ferric hydroxide which is converted by further oxidation
to rust. The reactions involved are as follows:

Anodic reactions:
Fe -------> Fe++ + 2e–
Fe++ + 2(OH)-- ------> Fe(OH)2 (ferrous hydroxide)
4Fe(OH)2 + 2H2O + O2 -----> 4Fe(OH)3 (ferric hydroxide)
(Water) (Air) 2Fe(OH)3 ----> Fe2 × O3 × H2O + 2H2O — Hydrated ferric oxide (rust).
Carbonation reactions
4e– + O2 + 2H2O ----> 4(OH)–
It can be seen that oxygen is consumed and water is regenerated but it is needed for the process to continue.
there is no corrosion in, dry concrete, probably below a relative humidity of 60 percent; nor is there corrosion
concrete fully immersed in water, except when water can entrain air, for example by wave action.
Repair of concrete columns for Cracks and Damages: Before starting the repair of a concrete column, the
axial dead load, axial live load, horizontal load and its associated moments must be known.

Repairs to concrete columns can be divided into two categories. Surface or cosmetic repair only covers
local deterioration and structural repair restores or strengthens the affected columns. If the deterioration does
not significantly reduce the cross section, the conventional concrete repair can successfully be employed

Methods of Strengthening Concrete Columns

Column strengthening is a process used to add or restore ultimate load capacity of reinforced concrete column.
It is used for seismic retrofitting, supporting additional live load or dead load that not included in the original
design, to relieve stresses generated by design or construction errors or to restore original load capacity to
damaged strurctural elements.

Repairing Concrete Methods for Cracks and Damages

Unloading Columns: unloading the column is necessary. Entire cross-section of the repair column is capable
of carrying the reintroduce design load. Without unloading, new repair does not carry any load. Drying
shrinkage of new material reduces the shear of the load.
Redistribution of the Load: In corrosion of reinforcement and concrete deterioration, Redistribute a load of
column concrete with alternative supports for repair.
Supplemental Reinforcing Steel: The supplemental vertical bar to fix outside the original cage with extra
ties. Provide adequate cover and Place Apartment’s bars outside the tie bars to increase column dimensions.
Use Hairpin ties, of stainless steel laterally to support the supplemental bars. Column ties cannot disturb at the
repair of the longitudinal bars as it causes buckling.
Concrete Removal: Remove concrete within a column cage and unload the column. If not, the longitudinal
bars are buckle and compression failure of column take place.
Corroded Reinforcing Steel: It’s not necessary to remove the corrode reinforcing bar with the reduce
crosssectional area if the loss is supplement with additional reinforcing bars. The partially corrode reinforcing
bars are thoroughly clean by sandblasting to obtain the bare metal. The bars with excessive corrosion are
replacing with fresh reinforcement having full laps on both sides.
Corroded Ties: Replace the corrode ties by adding stainless steel hairpin ties that are anchor into the concrete.
It is often necessary to deposit extra material around columns to provide an adequate cover over the
supplemental ties.
Low-strength Concrete: Where the concrete strength is low, resulting in insufficient load-carrying
capacity,several alternatives are available, Shore the column and remove and replace the in-place concrete.
Shore column and increase the size of the column to reduce bending stresses, and increase confinement on
placed weak concrete.Wrap the column with carbon- or glass-reinforced plastic. Install a supplemental column.

Every building has some life span after time passes certain problems arises like paint deuteriation, corrosion,
seepage problems, deflections in beams etc. Buildings will become unstable due to all these problems. So,
repair works should be done in order to gain the strength of the structure. Repair and Rehabilitation is
necessary to save hazardous failure of structures. It is recommended for old buildings which have some signs
like cracks, corrosion of embedded materials, etc. Therefore, timely maintenance of structures is required.
Most of the olden structures are given strength by doing process of repair and rehabilitation like Charminar.
The selection of technique is used as per cost, location of site and other factors. Thus, for proper maintenance,
the techniques likewise

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