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Enhancing Network Security

What we will cover

▪ Advanced Level Network Security:

▪ Hardening HTTP Security Headers

▪ Content Security Policy
▪ X-XSS-Protection
▪ HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
▪ X-Frame-Options
▪ Expect-CT
▪ X-Content-Type-Options
▪ Feature-Policy
▪ SQL Injection Attacks
▪ Cross site request forgery XSRF/CSRF
▪ Session Hijacking
▪ Hide Files from the Browser
▪ Document Root Setup
▪ Whitelist Public IP for Mysql
▪ Log all Errors and Hide in Production
Hardening HTTP Security Headers

• Whenever a browser requests a page from a web server, the server responds with the content
along with HTTP response headers. Some of these headers contain content meta data such as the
content-encoding, cache-control, status error codes, etc.

• Along with these are also HTTP security headers that tell your browser how to behave when
handling your website’s content. For example, by using the strict-transport-security you can force
the browser to communicate solely over HTTPS. There are six different HTTP security headers that
we will explore below (in no particular order) that you should be aware of and we recommend
implementing if possible.
Content Security Policy

• The content-security-policy header provides an additional layer of security.

This policy helps prevent attacks such as Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and other
code injection attacks by defining content sources which are approved and
thus allowing the browser to load them.

• All major browsers currently offer full or partial support for content
security policy. And it won’t break delivery of the content if it does happen
to be delivered to an older browser, it will simply not be executed.

• There are many directives which you can use with content security policy.
This example below allows scripts from both the current domain (defined by
‘self’) as well as, with below mentioned script:
content-security-policy: script-src 'self'

• The x-xss-protection header is designed to enable the cross-site scripting

(XSS) filter built into modern web browsers. This is usually enabled by
default, but using it will enforce it. It is supported by Internet Explorer 8+,
Chrome, and Safari. Here is an example of what the header looks like:
• x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
• Enable in Apache: header always set x-xss-protection "1; mode=block"
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

• The strict-transport-security header is a security enhancement that restricts

web browsers to access web servers solely over HTTPS. This ensures the
connection cannot be establish through an insecure HTTP connection which
could be susceptible to attacks.

• All major modern browsers currently support HTTP strict transport security
except for Opera Mini and versions previous of Internet Explorer.

• Here is an example of what the header looks like: You can include the max
age, subdomains, and preload.
• strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload

• The x-frame-options header provides clickjacking protection by not allowing

iframes to load on your website. It is supported by IE 8+, Chrome 4.1+,
Firefox 3.6.9+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 4+. Here is an example of what the header
looks like:

• x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
• Enable in Apache: header always set x-frame-options "SAMEORIGIN"

• The expect-ct header prevents misissued certificates from being used by

allowing websites to report and optionally enforce Certificate Transparency
requirements. When this header is enabled the website is requesting the
browser to verify whether or not the certificate appears in the public CT logs.
Here is an example of what the header looks like:
expect-ct: max-age=604800, enforce, report-

• Enable in Apache
header always set expect-ct "max-age=604800, enforce, report-

• The x-content-type-options header prevents Internet Explorer and Google

Chrome from sniffing a response away from the declared content-type. This
helps reduce the danger of drive-by downloads and helps treat the content
the right way. Here is an example of what the header looks like:
x-content-type-options: nosniff

• Enable in Apache
header always set x-content-type-options "nosniff”

• The feature-policy header grants the ability to allow or deny browser

features, whether in its own frame or content within an inline frame
element (<iframe>). Here is an example of what the header looks like:
feature-policy: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none‘
Enable in Apache
header always set feature-policy "autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'"
How to Check Your HTTP Security Headers

• Below are three quick and easy ways to check your HTTP security headers, as
part of your HTTP response headers.
1.Chrome DevTools - Response Headers

2. Scan Your Website With

• Other way to to check your HTTP security headers is to scan your website on This is a handy little little tool that was developed by
Scott Helme, an information security consultant. It gives your website a
score, based on present HTTP security headers, from an A+ grade down to
an F grade. Make sure to bookmark it. Here is an example of an A+ grade on
his own website.

• Here is an example of an F grade without any of the HTTP security headers

present on Citi’s corporate website.

• It spits out both your raw HTTP headers and gives you a nice summary of
each HTTP security header and what is missing
SQL Injection Attacks

• The SQL injection is the most common attack in scripting. A single query can
compromise the whole application. In SQL injection attack, the attacker tries
to alter the data you are passing via queries. Suppose you are directly
processing user data in SQL queries, and suddenly, an anonymous attacker
secretly uses different characters to bypass it. See the below-mentioned
SQL query:

• $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '" . $username . "';

• The $username can contain altered data which can damage the database
including deleting the whole database in the blink of an eye. So, what’s the
solution? PDO. I recommend that you always use prepared statements. PDO
helps you in securing SQL queries.
• Let’s look at another example in which GET data is sent through URL: OR id=2;
• $id = $_GET['id'] ?? null;

• The connection between the database and application is made with the below
• $dbh = new PDO('mysql:dbname=testdb;host=', 'dbusername',
• You can select username based on the above ID but wait! Here SQL code ‘GET data’
gets injected in your query. Be careful to avoid such coding and use prepared
statements instead:
• $sql = "SELECT username, email FROM users WHERE id = ".$id." ;
• foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
• printf ("%s (%s)\n", $row['username'], $row['email']);
• Now you can avoid the above SQL injection possibility by using
• $sql = "SELECT username, email FROM users WHERE id = :id";
• $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql, [PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY]);
• $sth->execute([':id' => $id]);
• $users = $sth->fetchAll();
• Also, a good practice is to use ORM like doctrine or eloquent, as there is the least
possibility of injecting SQL queries in them
Cross site request forgery XSRF/CSRF

• CSRF attack is quite different to XSS attacks. In CSRF attack, the end user
can perform unwanted actions on the authenticated websites and can
transfer malicious commands to the site to execute any undesirable action.
CSRF can’t read the request data and mostly targets the state changing
request by sending any link or altered data in HTML tags. It can force the
user to perform state changing requests like transferring funds, changing
their email addresses etc. For example: this URL in which GET requests is
sending money to another account:
• GET HTTP/1.1
• Now if someone wants to exploit the web application he/she will change the
URL with name and amount like this
• Now this URL can be sent via email in any file, Image etc and the attacker
might ask you to download the file or click on the image. And as soon as you
do that, you instantly end up with sending huge amount of money you never
know about.
Session Hijacking

• Session hijacking is a particular type of malicious web attack in which the attacker secretly steals
the session ID of the user. That session ID is sent to the server where the associated $_SESSION
array validates its storage in the stack and grants access to the application. Session hijacking is
possible through an XSS attack or when someone gains access to the folder on a server where the
session data is stored.
• To prevent session hijacking always bind sessions to your IP address to:
• $IP = getenv ( "REMOTE_ADDR" );
• Watch for it when working on localhost as it doesn’t provide you the exact IP but :::1 or :::127 type
values. You should invalidate (unset cookie, unset session storage, remove traces) session quickly
whenever a violation occurs and should always try not to expose IDs under any circumstances.
• for cookies, the best practice is to never use serialize data stored in a cookie. Hackers can
manipulate cookies easily, resulting in adding variables to your scope. Safely delete the cookies
like this:
• setcookie ($name, "", 1);
• setcookie ($name, false);
• unset($_COOKIE[$name]);
• The first line of the code ensures that cookie expires in browser, the second line depicts the
standard way of removing a cookie (thus you can’t store false in a cookie). The third line removes
the cookie from your script.
Hide Files from the Browser

• If you have used micro-frameworks of PHP, then you must have seen the
specific directory structure which ensures the placement of files properly.
Frameworks allow to have different files like controllers, models,
configuration file(.yaml) etc in that directory, but most of the time browser
doesn’t process all the files, yet they are available to see in the browser. To
resolve this issue, you must not place your files in the root directory but in a
public folder so that they are not accessible all the time in browser. Look at
the directory structure of the Slim framework below:
Document Root Setup

• The document root for PHP applications on any server must be set
to var/www/html so that users can access your website via the browser.
But in some cases, when you are developing APIs with frameworks like
Laravel, Symfony, and Slim, you need to update the webroot to
`/public folder.
• /public serves the output of application similar to simple PHP website with
index.php file. The purpose to set the webroot to var/www/html/public is
to hide the sensitive files like .htaccess and .env which contain the
environment variables and credentials of database, mail, payment APIs.
• Also, frameworks like Laravel, Symfony recommend to not move all of your
files to root folder, instead creating a nice directory structure to save related
files like view, models and controllers is a more reasonable approach.
Whitelist Public IP for Mysql

• When working with PHP apps you frequently need to setup mysql database
in internal scripts as well as in mysql clients. Most clients are used to set up
MySQL remote connection which needs the IP address or other hostname
provide by hosting server to create connection.

• The public IP for the remote Mysql connection must be whitelisted in your
hosting server so that an anonymous user can not get access to the
Log all Errors and Hide in Production

• Once you have developed the website and deployed on live server. The first
thing you must do is disable the display of errors, because hackers might
get same valuable information from the errors. Set this parameter in your
php.ini file:

• display_errors=Off
• Now, after making display off, log all the errors to a specific file for future

• log_errors=On
• error_log=/var/log/httpd/php_scripts_error.log
• Obviously, you can change file name as you want.

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