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Candidate Number:


Examination 2011

Sample Spot Test Paper

Reading Time:
Writing Time:


Section Number of Questions to be Answered

Spot Test Questions 20

Candidates are permitted to bring into the examination room:

• Pens
• Pencils
• Erasers
Candidates are not permitted to bring into the examination room:
• Blank sheets of paper
• White-out liquid/tape
Materials supplied:
• Question & Answer Book of XX pages
Instructions to candidates:
• Write your candidate number on the front of each Answer Book.
• Write your response in the Answer Book provided.
• Responses may not be more than eight words
• Abbreviations will not be accepted
• All answers must be written in English.
• Illegible answers will not be marked

At the end of the examination, candidates are to leave the Question and
Answer Book on their desk.

Candidates are not permitted to remove the Question Book from the
examination room.

Candidates are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other
unauthorised devices into the examination room.
Candidate Number:

Spot-Test Questions
Candidates are to write answers in the space provided.

Each question will have between 2 to 4 parts within it. Each correctly
answered part with contribute to the overall exam mark

ALL questions are to be answered. Please refer to the image when

answering the question.

Candidate Number:

Question 1

Candidate Number:

On this abdominal CT scan:

i. Identify the structure labelled X

ii. Which two structures are responsible for its formation?

Candidate Number:

Question 2

Candidate Number:

In this pelvic dissection:

i. Identify the nerve labelled X

ii. What is its root value?

iii. What is its surface marking at the level of the greater trochanter of the

Candidate Number:

Question 3

Candidate Number:

In this abdominal wall prosection:

i. Identify the muscle labelled A

ii. What dermatome supplies structure B?

iii. State the attachment of C to the inguinal ligament

iv. What is the nerve supply of muscle D just above the pubis?

Candidate Number:

Question 4

Candidate Number:

In this image:

i. Distally, at the lung root, the relation of A is:

ii. The ‘primary branch’ of the vessel passing posterior to B is:

iii. The structure immediately anteriorly related to point C is:

iv. The immediate postero-medial relation of D is:

Candidate Number:

Question 5

Candidate Number:

In this image:

i. The structure immediately superior to point A is:

ii. The structure immediately anterior to point B is:

iii. The structure immediately superiorly related to point C is:

iv. The cardiac chamber immediately anterior to point D is:

Candidate Number:

Question 6

Candidate Number:

In this image:

i. Identify A

ii. Name the skull opening traversed by the ‘parent’ structure of A

iii. State innervation of B

iv. State innervation of mucosa over region at D

Candidate Number:

Question 7

Candidate Number:

In this (RIGHT SIDE) intra-operative image:

i. The structure A is formed in the region of:

ii. Structure A is formed from:

iii. The termination of A is at:

iv. The structure C is:

Candidate Number:

Question 8

Candidate Number:

In this right sided dissection:

i. The structure A is:

ii. Give two functional territories supplied by this structure:

iii. What major cerebral lobe does it supply distally?:

iv. In what plane is vessel B located:

Candidate Number:

Question 9

Candidate Number:

The structure labelled X:

i. Is (specify side):

ii. Name 2 tributaries

iii. What major artery lies immediately anterior to it?

Candidate Number:

Question 10

Candidate Number:

The structure labelled X:

i. Is:

ii. Is palpable at what anatomical point?

iii. What structure lies immediately lateral to this structure?

Candidate Number:

Question 11

Candidate Number:

i. What is this epithelium called?

ii. Name 2 sites that this epithelium is found

Candidate Number:

Question 12

Candidate Number:

Name the structures labelled:





Candidate Number:

Question 13

This is a CT image of a 75 year old

Candidate Number:

This is a CT image of a 75 year old man:

i. What is the structure labelled A?

ii. What is the structure labelled B?

Candidate Number:

Question 14

This is a superior view of a vertebra

Candidate Number:

i. Which region of the vertebral column does this vertebra come from?

ii. What is the structure marked ‘A’ (be precise)?

iii. What is the structure marked ’B’?

iv. What is the main plane of movement associated with this level within
the spine?

Candidate Number:

Question 15

This is a dissection of the palmar region

Candidate Number:

i. What is the structure marked ‘A’?

ii. What is the main function of this structure?

iii. What is the structure marked ’B’ (be precise)?

iv. What dorsal region of the hand does it supply?

Candidate Number:

Question 16

Candidate Number:

In the attached image

i. Identify Structure R

ii. Name 3 Structures that accompany R through the diaphragm

Candidate Number:

Question 17

Candidate Number:

i. Identify the space “A”

ii. At what vertebral level does it occur?

iii. Name the ligament that passes anterior to it

iv. Name the midline vessel that passes immediately inferior to this

Candidate Number:

Question 18

Candidate Number:

i. Name Structure A

ii. Name Structure B

iii. Name the structure immediately posterior to Structure A

iv. Name the structure immediately anterior to the bifurcation of Structure


Candidate Number:

Question 19

Candidate Number:

i. Name Structure A

ii. Name Structure B

iii. Name Structure C

iv. Name Structure D

Candidate Number:

Question 20

Candidate Number:

i. Name Structure X

ii. Precisely state the location of its origin

iii. Name the major branch of Structure X in the proximal arm

iv. What is the normal relationship of Structure “X” to the biceps tendon in
the cubital fossa?

Candidate Number:


Question 1

i. Portal vein (Hepatic portal vein)

ii. Superior mesenteric vein AND splenic vein

Question 2

i. Sciatic nerve
ii. L4,5 S1,2,3
iii. Midway between greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity

Question 3

i. External oblique muscle

ii. T10
iii. Lateral two-thirds
iv. T12/subcostal nerve

Question 4

i. Posterior
ii. Costocervical trunk
iii. Left Brachiocephalic Vein; Left superior Intercostal Vein
iv. Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

Question 5

i. Arch of Azygos Vein

ii. Right Pulmonary Artery
iii. Left Pulmonary Artery
iv. Left atrium

Question 6

i. Lingual Nerve
ii. Foramen Ovale
iii. Abducent Nerve
iv. Glossopharyngeal Nerve

Question 7

i. Below skull / below / inferior to jugular foramen

ii. (The union of) sigmoid sinus and inferior petrosal sinus

Candidate Number:

iii. (Confluence of) right subclavian vein and (origin of ) right brachiocephalic
iv. Spinal accessory nerve / accessory nerve / External accessory nerve

Question 8

i. Anterior cerebral artery

ii. Pelvic - Micturition; defaecation; Lower limb
iii. Parietal lobe
iv. Subdural plane

Question 9

i. Left renal vein

ii. Left adrenal vein/left suprarenal vein; left gonadal vein/left testicular
vein/left ovarian vein; left inferior phrenic vein; left lumbar vein(s)
iii. Superior mesenteric artery

Question 10

i. Left femoral artery (common femoral artery)

ii. Mid-inguinal point; midway between anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
and pubic symphysis
iii. Femoral nerve

Question 11

i. Transitional epithelium; urothelium

ii. Renal pelvis (collecting system); Ureter; Bladder; Urethra; Prostatic urethra;
Membranous urethra; Bulbar urethra; Penile urethra; Posterior urethra

Question 12

i. Inferior vena cava

ii. Abdominal aorta
iii. (Head of) pancreas
iv. Duodenum

Question 13

i. Prostate
ii. Obturator internus

Question 14

i. Thoracic vertebra
ii. Costal facet (for articulation with rib)
iii. Superior articular facet/zygapophyseal joint
iv. Rotation

Candidate Number:

Question 15

i. Flexor digitorum superficialis

ii. Flexion of proximal interphalangeal joints; assists with flexion of
metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints
iii. Common digital branch of median nerve to middle and ring fingers
iv. Nail beds

Question 16

i. Oesophagus
ii. Vagal Trunks, oesophageal branches of left gastric a, veins, lymphatics

Question 17

i. Aortic hiatus / opening in diaphragm

ii. T12
iii. Median Arcuate Ligament
iv. Coeliac Axis / Trunk

Question 18

i. Right common iliac artery

ii. Right internal iliac artery
iii. Left common iliac vein
iv. Right Ureter

Question 19

i. Right superior vesical artery

ii. Right common iliac artery
iii. Right external iliac artery
iv. Right obturator nerve

Question 20

i. Right brachial artery

ii. Inferior border of teres major
iii. Profunda brachii artery
iv. Medial


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