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Semarang International Model United Nations 2019

Topics : Automation in the Disruption Era : Challenges or Opportunities?

Country : AFL-CIO

Committee : International Labor Organization

Delegates : Fauzan Adrianto

ILO is starting to concerning about the future of work,as the American Federation of
Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations not see any progress that could banished this
problem in this era. We’re now entering disruption era where theres a lot of changes in the way
we work, when theres a lot of innovation that could change how people work and also, the way
our labor work. According to Kai Fu Lee an A.I expert said that 40% of the world’s jobs will be
replaced by robots capable of automating tasks (Reisinger, 2019). This problem most likely
would happen for the labor in developing country with lack of education and training these type
of labor would not stand a chance in this disruption era that run dynamicly. The deficit of
knowledge in technology is actually the main problem.

The AFL-CIO Commission on the future of work and unions is established following the
resolution at the AFL-CIO 2017 Convention in St.Louis, this convention succeded to adopt 56
resolution that mostly talking about the workers, in Resolution 5 of this convention we think that
Technology, and the profound changes it is driving, has the potential for creating better lives, but
only if working people are able to shape the change that is coming.(AFL-CIO, 2017) AFL-CIO
think that its not the future of work that in a doubts, but the workers. We also concerning about
the social security,minimum wage, and pension according to our legislative guide article 5 and 6
we already have a retirement and pensions plan to make the mechanism of retirement funding
more efficient and effective. (AFL-CIO, 2011)

ILO established a Global Comission on the Future of Work in January 2019 to take
action towards this problem, and the work of this commission has been organized around for
“Centenary Conversation” that consist of work and society, decent job for all, the organization of
work and production, the governance of work (ILO, 2019). This is a prove that the problem of
automation cause a massive unemployment is already being a problem in the pas 100 years since
the industry revolution.

. So that we propose our solution towards this problem:

1. Form a Technological Training and Education Team (TTET)

The big problem in this disruption era is most of the labor that work not in the digital
sector, is not really know how to adapt to technology this is why they could be
unemployed because of this automation that could do both blue collar work and white
collar work, so if we held a training for our labor that could prepare them to compete,
by forming a team that could distribute an technological expert to all member states
that have a big amount of labor that lack of technological skill and education.

2. Advancing Retirement and Pensions Plan

We sure that all member states already having a retirement and pension plan for their
labor to make sure the welfare of their workers, but we see for certain country the
retirement and pension plan is not really effective that’s why we recommend all
country must consider an advancement to their plan, not only for states but for all
company that treat their labor not right we really condemn that kind of act.

We recognize that the framework and resolution that ILO already established and adopt,
we think ILO could be more concerning to the workers rather than the work itself. We hope all
member states is working hand in hand to find a best resolution for our workers.



AFL-CIO. (2017). Adopted Resolutions. Retrieved from
ILO. (2019). Global Commission on the Future of Work. Retrieved from
Reisinger, D. (2019). A.I. Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years. Retrieved from

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