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Chemical Hazard Control at PT.

Name : Aji Nugroho

SN : 16020116


Every production process, equipment / machine and workplace used to produce a product always
contain certain potential hazards which, if not given special attention, can cause work accidents.
Basically, all types of hazards can be controlled or prevented so that workers are not exposed to
such hazards. The implementation of this final task is done by descriptive method that is a
research method to give a clear and real picture based on data obtained in the field of danger and
its control. And the method of interview is the method of data collection by giving direct
questions to the speakers. PT. Astra Honda Motor Cikarang is a factory or industry producing
motor vehicles. The results obtained at PT Astra Honda Motor Cikarang are several programs
that are making HIRADC, PPE, K3 socialization, installation of chemical storage grounding,
MSDS usage, Matrix Compability manufacture, temperature control, / chemical storage
temperature, exhaust installation, chemical transport from warehouse to plan with special trains,
use of pallets and spill containers.

Keywords: Chemical Hazard Control

1. Introduction

Industry is a legal entity that passes a production process that can produce goods and
services. So in the industry there are human activities that work, whether it's human labor
activities with humans, humans with machines, or humans with data.
And each job may contain potential hazards and may arise as well as the risk of
workplace accidents or illness. Hazards that may cause accidents or illnesses may be physical
hazards caused by work tools or working environment, chemical hazards in the form of
chemical handling or processing, biological hazards that may arise from viruses, bacteria and
other animals, the danger of ergonomics because of the wrong job positions, and the
psychological hazards of the workload that workers should bear or feel.

Basically, all types of hazards can be controlled or prevented so that workers are not
exposed to such hazards. If workers are exposed to any hazard it can cause near misses, and if
sustained will lead to accidents or occupational diseases, which can harm all parties, both
from workers, firms, and communities around the company.

2. Purpose

a. To know the control of chemical hazards.

b. How its programs and procedures are in control of chemical hazards.

c. Implementation of chemical hazard control at PT. Astra Honda Motor Cikarang.

3. The final methodology of the Implementation duties

a. Interview Method

direct constituent interviews with the field supervisor, the worker concerned, and other
personnel authorized to obtain information in support of his or her completion report

b. Observation Method

By doing a systematic observation of the things happening in the field on chemical hazard
control at PT Astra Honda Motor.

c. Study of literature

This method is used to search data by examining data from objects that are history, origin,
reason, or background on existing data on the company.
4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Chemical Hazard Control Program at PT. Astra Honda Motor Cikarang

There are several chemical hazard control programs in PT AHM.


b. APD.

c. Socialization of K3.

d. Installation of grounding on chemical storage.

e. Use of MSDS in every chemical.

f. Compatibility Matrix creation.

g. Chemical temperature control / storage temperature.

h. Installation of exhaust.

i. Replacement of damaged chemicals.

j. Transport of chemicals from warehouse to plan by special train.

k. Use of pallets and spills or chemical spills during production.

4.2 Procedure of Chemical Hazard Control Program at PT. Astra Honda Motor


There is a SOP or HIRADC manufacturing procedure with No. 035 - 21 on HIRADC

manufacture listed in the work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision
procedure on 19 November 2014 includes:

1) Identify.

2) Conducting meetings or interviews with formants or employees.

b) Personal Protective Equipment.

Use of personal protective equipment in accordance with the type of potential hazards
that exist so that workers are protected from potential hazards that may arise in their work
activities. Procedures or SOP No. 325 - 40 on the use of PPE listed in the work
instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on 19 November 2014

1) Workers or employees are required to use APD standards.

2) APD in mandatory / general safety shoes, hats, gloves, apron, erplug, mask.

c) Socialization of K3 (EHS).

K3 socialization is administratively controlling to reduce the danger. Procedures or

SOP No 451-02 on the implementation of K3 socialization which is contained in work
instructions 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on 19 November 2014, including:

1) Install safety sign or safety signs in the area plan.

2) Conducting trainning safety upon entering the work.

d) Installation of grounding in chemical storage warehouse.

Procedure No. 249 - 36 on the grounding installation equipment listed in the work
instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on 19 November 2014

1) Grounding in pairs for chemicals category is highly flammable.

2) Grounding in pairs for chemicals that potentially conduct electrostatics.

e) Labeling of MSDS according to chemicals.

Labeling MSDS is functional to inform about the type of chemicals present or in use
and about safety. Procedure No. 510 - 46 on the MSDS label of chemicals listed in the
work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on November 19,
2014 as follows:
1) Chemicals from distributors or suppliers must have MSDS.

2) MSDS entered or given to purchasing.

f) Making Matrix compatibility.

Matrix compatibility to facilitate the correct storage method to avoid reactivity between
chemicals. Procedure No. 697 - 31 on manufacturing of the compatibility density
contained in the work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on
19 November 2014, including:

1) Matrix created by EHS.

2) And given to the warehouse and any B3 storage in the section.

g) Temperature / temperature control of chemical storage

Chemical warehouse every day it must be controlled by the warehouse to know the
temperature, room humidity and check the existence of damage or leakage of goods.
Procedure No. 198 - 62 on control activities in the storage warehouses set forth in the
work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on 19 November
2014, the dossiers are:

1) The warehouse officer checks daily to check the temperature of the clarity.

2) The officer changes the room temperature in case of temperature or humidity.

h) Installation of exhaust

Exhaust plug in chemical storage area. There are SOPs or procedures with No. 974-01
on the ventilation system listed in the work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd
revision procedure on 19 November 2014 includes:

1) Choose the type of exhaust.

2) Determine the placement of exhaust in the warehouse area.

i) Replacement of damaged chemicals.

Procedure No. 105 - 67 on the replacement of damaged chemical hazards listed in the
work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on 19 November
2014 includes:

1) The officer checks the defective item and the type of chemical material.

2) The officer contacts the chemical distributor.

j) Transport of chemicals by train / special carrier.

In special carriage trains using grounded trajectories because potential chemicals can
react when leaking and trains have static electricity from friction. Although the odds are
very small. SOP or procedure with No. 896 - 34 on chemical transport equipment listed in
work instructions document 09-256 EHS The 3rd revision procedure on 19 November
2014 includes:

1) The officer brings an empty cart from the painting process plan to the warehouse.

2) Carriage trains in the contents of similar chemicals.

k) Use of pallets and reservoirs of spills or chemicals during production.

At the time of production using liquid or powder chemicals in place for temporary
storage around the production area, prosdur No. 761 - 50 on the use of storage aids listed
in the work instructions document 09-256 EHS 3rd revision procedure on 19 November
2014 diantarnya:

1) Checking the container is damaged or not.

2) Checking leak or not.

4.3 Implementation of Chemical Hazard Control in PT. AHM Cikarang

Table 4.1 Hierarchical Risk Control Hierarchy

Implementation of PT. AHM Cikarang.

Hierarchy of Control Risk / Hazard K3
Elemination - Safe Workplace / Work

Subtitution - Reduces Hazards

Engineering Use of the tool, or change.

Administration Making hierarchy, safety Safe Labor Reduces
induction,, socialization Exposure, safety patrol.
PPE Self-Employment
Protection Tool / worker.
In the table implementation of PT Astra Honda Motor Cikarang implementation by
engineering techniques, control administration and PPE.

Engineering techniques with the addition of tools or the use of tools, adminisitrasi
control by conducting training and use of PPE.

5. Conclusion

Chemical Hazard Control in PT AHM has several programs such as HIRADC, APD, and
K3 Socialization Program, chemical storage grounding equipment, chemical MSDS
application, matrix compatibility, temperature control / chemical storage temperature, exhaust
installation, material replacement chemicals, chemical transport from warehouse to plan by
train / special carrier, use of pallets and spills or chemical spills. Guided by the hazard control
hazard of Elimination, Substitution, Engineering, Administrative, and Personal Protective
Equipment. However, only three of the five hazard controls are used. The chemical hazard
control program procedure in PT AHM has been carried out.

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