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How to Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship

Co-authored by wikiHow Staff | Reader-Approved

Updated: August 29, 2019

Explore this Article Establishing Your Goals and Interest Discussing the Implementation of Your Goals Concluding
and Refining Your Writing Article Summary Questions & Answers Related Articles References

If you are asked to write a study plan for a scholarship, you may not know where to begin. Basically, a study plan
describes what you'll be studying and why. One common scholarship committee that asks for study plans is the
China Scholarship Council (CSC). Start by establishing your main educational goals, and then talk about how you
plan to achieve them. Conclude your study plan, and spend time refining your writing.

Part 1

Establishing Your Goals and Interest


Explain your main educational goals. Begin by talking about what you want to study and why you want
to study it. For instance, you could discuss the degree you want to achieve while you're in China or the
program you hope to complete.[1]

o For instance, maybe your main goals for studying in China are to gain a bachelor's degree in
business and learn Chinese because it's becoming a global language. You could write, "My main
two educational objectives are to gain a bachelor's degree in business and to learn to speak
Chinese. Chinese is becoming a global language, so I feel it's necessary to learn it."

Explain why you chose a particular school or program. It's not enough to say what school you want to
study at, nor is it enough to say it's a good school. Rather, you need to provide reasons why that school is a
good fit for you or the thing you want to study. [2]

o Personalize your response. Did something inspire you to study business? What was it? Discuss
why the school you choose is a good fit for you to study that one thing.
o For instance, you might write, "I was born in the United States, but my grandparents on both sides
are Chinese. I chose this business program because I want to connect with my heritage, improve
my Chinese, and eventually, help establish better relations between China and the U.S. by
improving trade relations."

Discuss your future research if you're a postgraduate student. If you're going to be working on a PhD,
then you need to delve into what you plan to do for research, particularly if you're doing scientific or
sociological research that requires test subjects.

o For example, you might say, "As a PhD candidate, I plan to conduct research on how ancient
tradition and ritual influence contemporary Chinese culture, which will include a literature review
and extensive interviews with historians and a small sampling of the Chinese population."

Narrow your research to show you're serious. Often, PhD students take on too many variables in their
research. You don't have to cover every aspect. Narrow down to just the most important ones, the ones that
are integral to your topic. That will help show you know how to do research well, making you a better

o It can help to draw a conceptual model. Start with the antecedents (the causes) and the mediators
(the processes that change the antecedents). Finish with the outcomes. Draw lines between them to
help you see which variables are more central to your problem.
o Consider asking peers or professors to look at your research proposal. They may be able to help
you narrow.

Talk about how your studies will help your long-term goals. Once you've established what your
immediate goals, discuss how you see the program helping you with your future goals. That way, the
scholarship committee has a better idea of who you are and why you are picking your particular major,
school, and location.[4]

o For instance, you might say, "One of my long-term goals is to open an import business from China
to the United States, and learning about business in China will be essential to making my
endeavors a success."

Part 2

Discussing the Implementation of Your Goals


Establish how you plan to meet each goal. The scholarship committee doesn't just want to hear about
your goals. They want to know you have a plan in place for achieving them so that you're not stuck over
there with no way to achieve what you set out to do. Go through your goals one by one to help the
committee see you are ready.[5]

o For instance, if you plan on doing a PhD where you'll need participants, discuss how you'll find
people for your study. You might say, "I plan to put out an ad to gain participants for a focus
group, as well as contact historians by phone and email for interviews."

Talk about how you plan to overcome obstacles. With any study plan, you're gong to have obstacles in
your path. The scholarship committee will be impressed if you can anticipate some of those obstacles and
offer a short solution for how you plan to overcome them.

o For example, you might write, "I anticipate the language barrier will be an issue at first. However,
I plan to work hard early on to learn the language, and I am already taking intensive classes now."

Establish the methodology you plan to use. If you're applying for a PhD, you need to be more specific
about your research than with other levels of study. Include what methodology you intend to use for your
research. The scholarship judges want to see that you have a detailed plan and that you're serious about
your project.[6]

o To help you choose, do a thorough literature review. Look at the research that has been done in the
area you plan to study. Note the primary methods used to do the research and the pros and cons of
each. Choose a method based on what you think will work best for your research. [7]

Establish your sampling strategy if you plan on using one. The sample strategy is how you plan to
choose a part of the population to represent the whole in your research. The strategy you choose is usually
determined by the type of research you're doing. The scholarship committee will want to know about it to
make sure you have a plan in place for your research. [8]

o For instance, you might use simple random sampling or systematic sampling when the whole
population is similar based on the variables for your study. On the other hand, a stratified random
sample is often used when you have people who are different from each other based on your

Part 3

Concluding and Refining Your Writing


Wrap up your study plan with a short summary. At the end of the plan, reiterate why you want to study
at your chosen program, and repeat why it is important for meeting your goals. Also, add a few words
about how the scholarship can help you achieve your goals.

o For example, you might write, "Thank you for considering me for this scholarship. If I receive this
award, I can focus solely on my studies. I will work hard to implement my goals of learning
Chinese and gaining a business degree at a Chinese university, and your trust in me will not be

Write plainly and eliminate jargon. Someone who's not in your field should be able to understand your
study plan. That means you need to avoid using jargon and work on explaining your research as simply as

o You don't need to write as if you're talking to a child. However, you should write so someone
outside of your discipline can easily understand your plan.

Be as detailed as possible. Of course, you're not writing a dissertation in your study plan. However,
provide as many details as you can about what you plan to study and how you plan to go about it. That
way, the scholarship committee has a better understanding of who you are as a scholar, which can help you
stand out among the candidates.

o The space for the study plan on the CSC application is only a couple of lines. However, the
application suggests you attach more paper as needed.

Have someone proofread the study plan after you. After you've gone over your study plan thoroughly
looking for typos, have someone else read it, too. They'll likely catch things you'll miss. It can help to have
a professor or teacher look at it, as they've likely read similar plans before.

Study Plan | Writing a Study Plan for Scholarship?

Study Plan Template - Study Plan Sample - Study Plan Example

Waqas Saeed

3 minutes read

study plan template study plan sample example

A study plan is a required document for a scholarship application which must be able to depict applicant’s
objectives, educational goals, organized study times and plans to achieve those goals.

The Study plan essays are not necessary for every scholarship only a few demands to provide a study plan along
with the application. It must also include what will you do after completing that specific duration of study on their
expenses? Some universities demand motivational letter separately along with the study/research plan. This letter
addresses the objective of the applicant to study abroad on scholarship thus, separate a heading from the study
plan. Time designation to study goals is of key importance in a study plan. A well-scheduled study plan enhances
the chances of getting a scholarship.

How to Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship?

To write a study plan for a scholarship requires proper thinking time and the following points can help to reduce
that time:

1. Write your full name and academic background

2. The last degree’s information
3. Your academic fruition
4. Your beliefs about the hosting country’s culture
5. Reason to study in that country
6. Your learning objectives
7. Your plan to achieve learning objectives/goals
8. Your skills and conclusion

Personalize Each Session Of Scholarship Study Plan

The learning objectives must be personalized for each study session. It means that devising your own schedule for
busy and light weeks. This sort of formatting will help you clear the exams and will also keep you ahead of course.
For example, studying for hours during test week and reading ahead of course in a less busy week are the points to
make you learn discipline

Keep the Deadlines Realistic

A study plan with hours of continuous study cannot be called a realistic study plan. As rest is a requirement to avoid
stress and anxiety. Unrealistic study plan for the scholarship will bring a vibe of zest that will be converted to stress
soon. Realistic study plan with short breaks after a specific study duration enhance productivity and keep the mental
health issues minimum.

The following points will lead you to a perfect study plan for a scholarship.

How to Create a Study Plan for A Scholarship?

First Milestone: The Purpose/Objective of Scholarship Study Plan

To identify your purpose or objective try to answer the following questions:

1. What is attracting you in the host country’s culture?

2. Why do you want to study in that country?
3. What is your plan to study there?
4. What are your thoughts about the educational institutes of the host country?
5. What are your learning goals in those institutes?
Along with the answers of these 5 questions, all relevant information and research information must be included.
But all this must not make the study plan hard to read and review by the admission board.

Second Milestone: The Time Chart in Study Plan For Scholarship

A time chart is a daily time tracker as it keeps track of your time. It helps candidate identify the best time when he
can focus on studies and the worst one too. Create a time chart that allows you to recognize your best and worst days
for studying. Taking notes during daily activities can help you devise a good time hart. This time chart will
collaborate with your learning goals to give them a time frame in your study plan for a scholarship.

Third Milestone: Schedule Everything In Scholarship Study Plan

Mark your calendar with dates that are available for study by consulting your time chart. Highlighting those dates in
the calendar will make you remember about the study session and will also make them stand out and important in
your schedule.

Fourth Milestone: Determine & Write the Current Study Goals

A busy week requires a modification in the study plan. For a week full of tests additional study hours must be added
to the menu to study enough to pass the tests. And for a less messy week studying a few pages or a chapter before
class will be helpful.

Fifth Milestone: Stick with Deadlines in Your Study Plan for A Scholarship

A time chart or a study plan is only useful until when you are following them strictly. The first skip will bring more
in future and skipping study session will ruin the plan. A ruined study plan will cause stress, anxiety and other
issues. To avoid all that and to stay going, sticking to a schedule is crucial.

Importance of Study Plan for A Scholarship Submission

Study sessions in a study plan for the scholarship must be of reasonable length. Short breaks in the study plan must
be included when suitable as studying 6 hours will not bring more than studying 4 hours with a 10-minute break
after each hour. Study breaks enhance mental productivity by allowing the brain to manage the collected knowledge
for better learning.

Study plan for scholarship in china

Scholarshipchina ISSP
Sep 19, 2018 · 6 min read

Recently, we have received some questions from international students. They asked us how to write a study plan.
Here are their questions.
Study plan for scholarship in china

Jimmy: Hi! I am an international student and I am planning to come to Chinese university to study Chinese. Excuse
me, how do I write a study plan and successfully enter the University?

Tom: Hi! I have some questions to solve, can you help me? I am an international student in China. At the end of a
school year, I want to apply for a scholarship in China. How can I write a study plan to help me apply for a

Ok, this time we will help Jimmy and Tom write a study plan according to their needs. It also helps those who have
the same needs.

Study plan for scholarship in china

√ What a study plan is?

A study plan is a well laid out schedule created by students listing their learning goals as well as study time. Similar
to school and work schedules, students should come up with a study plan to help them effectively set times and days
in devotion to their studies. Having a study plan is one important aspect that helps in an excellent organization as
well as creating a sense of accountability in your learning process.In addition, a good study plan can help you study
in China and other countries, or get a scholarship in colleges.

Study plan for scholarship in china

√ Important Things before Writing a Study Plan

1. Make a short self-introduction and giving thanks for explaining your plan.
2. Give the basic information of your academic background. What are your achievements till today?
Particularly, showcase your achievements that are unique.
3. Your Personality. For example, you can write any extra-curricular activities of which you are or have been
in charge.
4. Your Future Plan. If you want to apply for a scholarship, you can write that how the scholarship will help
you achieve your study goals.
5. Why choose this major? Why choose China or Chinese university?
6. And don’t forget to give your signature, date and other information at the end of a study plan.

1. Study plan for scholarship in China

√ Study Plan Sample

Next, I will provide a sample with tips, and we hope this sample will help students write an excellent study plan.

(why choose this major and your future plan)

With this letter, I am applying for a position in the Masters Information Technology program in China. With my
current experience as an IT Manager, I wish to enlarge my technical knowledge of Information Technology and turn
my focus towards their applications in practice. By reading the course curriculum available online, I have found that
the subject material covered will best suit my career goals. Lastly, the prospect of participating in a mandatory
exchange program is an excellent way to observe different information systems, as well as build upon my cultural

Studying for that particular program has a great importance to me because it is an important step in achieving my
professional goal: working on technology projects as a technical consultant in mega projects.

(a short self-introduction your personality)

Since I was a child, I have always been energetic, inquisitive and interested in how things work. At the same time, I
was diligent and I especially enjoyed studying the basics of physics, mathematics, and science in general.

(basic information of your academic background and your achievements)

In university, I did a bachelor degree in Information Technology, which is an important area economically for
Yemen at that period. I studied a wide range of subjects including Project management, web design, and network

By the time I graduated, I already had practical applications in websites and in the management and protection of
local networks.

IT in Yemen needs to be modernization. Therefore, I would be glad and honored to apply my knowledge gained
from this program towards improving the state of the Information Technology in Yemen.

(why study in China)

Analyzing and observing the fast development of China, I am really impressed by the way these individuals have
proved themselves to be dedicated to their work and with true efforts they have set China as a successful example
for other third world or developed countries. The fast-growing economy, technological advancement and the global
ranking education institutes of China with high reputation makes a great aspiration for the students and professionals
for the better career perspectives. Thus such kind of positivity has boosted my confidence further and I am highly
satisfied with the decision I have taken. Moreover, China’s diverse cultural norms and values, the famous gentle
hospitality of its people friendly relations clarity to make me feel China as my second homeland; also my family
fully supports my choice for China being my preference for university studies. All these reasons put together to
make China an ideal place for me to do my bachelor degree.

I believe that with my work and studies, I have a solid foundation, but through the Master’s program, I hope to
develop expertise and boost my career prospects.

Thank you very much for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

(your Signature, Date and other information)

<Your name>

<Your email>

<Phone number>


√ Some things you should notice

 Stay confident and present all your academic and practical achievements in the past school.
 Show your study plan to people you trust, such as family and friends.
 Make sure there are no grammatical errors, spelling errors and other errors.
 Be realistic in your plans, choices, and achievements.
 Make sure the article contains the elements I mentioned before.
 Find a study plan and compare it carefully to find your own deficiencies and improve
 Be passionate and avoid cliches.

√ Summary

Writing study is not difficult if you remember the important things above. It should contain various factors such as
the reasons as to why you are interested in the applied program and why you choose this major. Also, it includes a
set of personal ambitions and goals as will attach an evidence of activities you have been in charge. There should
also be an experienced part which will make the study plan. The activities and experience should include the past
education background as well as the jobs done in the past. Finally, you should be able to show ultimate commitment
to the set ambitions and goals. Besides, the reasons why you choose China as your study destination are very
important. We hope that you can write an excellent study plan and study in China or get a scholarship in China

If you have any question, please contact us at!

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