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Glass 1

Tiffany Glass


Classroom management is one of the most important things when one is a

teacher. Classroom management are skills and tasks organized to focus your class.

When students are successful this helps them feel happy and accomplished. This

provides a safe and welcoming atmosphere for the students in my class. Teachers must

allow the students to have fun while learning and respecting the rules of the classroom.

Every classroom management plan differs in some way. The teacher must follow their

classroom management plan to allow the best possible learning for the students.

Classroom Management Goals

I want my students to want to succeed in school. I want them to come to school

because they love it. I want to establish respect and rules. I must set the tone for how

an academic year will progress. I am going to hold accountability among students. I will

hold high expectations for final products of assessments. The key belief for classroom

management is to keep students interested in relevant connections with my content

area. I will incorporate unusual, humorous, or makes the class critically think on an

issue. It makes the job easier and it lets students become explorers of learning. If you

blog the students down with rules it confines them to be more restrictive and not likely to

participate in a classroom. We will have smooth transitions that allow more time for

learning. I will encourage students to let me know if they need help. My door will always

be open to help. I will be open for all suggestions from administration, students, and

parents to see what would be best for a positive learning environment.

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Classroom Procedures

During the first week of school, I will introduce a concept that will drive classroom

management for the rest of the year. I want to use Chapstick for positive behavior. No, I

will not be rewarding the children with Chapstick. When a child shows good behavior, I

will rub a small dot of Chapstick on the back of my student’s hand. I will rotate scents

often. Chapstick goes on clear and does not stain their skin like markers would. This

reward is gender friendly and is easily accessible when traveling to specials, recess,

field trips, dismissals, etc. This reward system can be aligned with sticker and behavior

charts. I am able to purchase a variety of scents for my students. I will reward my

students between transitions, when lining up nicely, staying on task, great effort, being

kind, and completing their work.

When students walk into my classroom in the morning, they will be expected to

come into my classroom and hang up their backpacks and coats in their cubbies or the

coat room. They are to get any materials that they need out of their backpacks at this

time as well. I will have frogs with the student’s names on the board. They will place

their frog under their lunch choice. This will also allow me to take attendance. Whoever

has a frog that was not moved, it allows me to see who is not there. I will have morning

work placed at the front of the room on the floor. These will involve math puzzles,

picture finds, etc. The students will also have the choice to read their library book. They

will work on their morning work until the school’s morning news and the pledge starts.

When the announcements are over, I will have the student grab their belonging that

they need for their first class.

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My transitions that I use in my classroom will be used to calm the student’s body.

We will sit as a class on the carpet with the lights turned off. I will tell the students to

take deep and slow breaths, close their eyes or look down, and relax. This will take lots

of practice for students to feel comfortable to relax as a class. I will also play music

during their school work and between transitions. Classical music really helps focus and

calm the student’s brain.

I will use multiple ways for attention grabbers. If the students are outside or in the

gym, I will use a bell. I do not want to yell or use a whistle because I feel that is to loud

and will stress the students. I will use callbacks. These will include “class, class/ yes,

yes!” or “1, 2, 3 eyes on me/ 1, 2 eyes on you”. I will look around the classroom to find

model students. I will also use statements to get my students attention. An example of

this would be, “Wow, I love how Miah is sitting with her hands in her lap! She looks like

she’s ready to learn! Great job Miah!” This is a subtle way to get the rest of the class’

attention while praising students for their good behavior at the same time.

At the end of each day, a daily award will be given to my students. A special

award will be given to a different student each day. I will award it to someone who works

hard, does nice things, and goes out of their way to be extra special to their classmates

that day. They will earn an Oscar. They will walk into class at the beginning of the day

and will be surprised by their Oscar on their desk for a whole day. I will make sure

everyone is remembered and gets to have a turn having the Oscar.

At the end of the day, I will have each student place their planner at the corner of

their desk. I will walk around and approve each child’s planner. Once their planner is

approved, they will be allowed to go and get their back pack. They should return and
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place everything they need to go home in their back pack. It should be slid under their

desk, out of tripping way. The students will be allowed to read a book, work on

homework, or play a quiet end of the day game while waiting for their bus.

Physical Arrangement of the Classroom

I want my classroom to feel cozy and inviting. When you walk into the hallway of

our classroom, everyone will see my students art work hanging in the hall on display.

Outside our classroom, we will have a bulletin board. On the bulletin board we will have

a project we worked on. This will be updated weekly or biweekly. I like to show what my

class is doing. In the classroom there will motivational posters hanging on the wall.

Students can always use a push for motivation. Around my classroom, there will also be

art work that my students have created. Behind my desk, I will have my own bulletin

board. This will be on the left side of the room. This will help my students relate to me

as a person. They will feel connected by some of the things we have in common. I will

include my pets, family, where I graduated from, my hobbies, etc. Beside this will be the

chalk board and white board. On the right side of the room I will display a picture of the

student of the day and the frogs used to mark attendance and lunch selection. Beside

that will be the word wall of the words we are learning that week. In the back corner of

the room will be the cozy area. There will be book shelves, comfortable chairs and

pillows. This will allow a welcoming atmosphere for students to sit down and read a

book. On the sides of the room will be our class room supplies. This will also include

where we put our filing for our papers to turn in. I will have room for a small cubie for the

students return items. Any papers they need returned will be put in their mailbox and

they can pick it up throughout the day. This will help prevent clutter and confusion. The
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desks will be parted in groups or four or five. Desks may change throughout the year

depending on the student’s behavior. My goal is to have Clear Pathways. All the

furniture is arranged along the wall so that the students can access materials easily.

They know to walk one way on the paths and keep moving to avoid traffic jams. This will

prevent any injuries from happening in my classroom.


The desks will be split into groups of four or five. Each group will have a color

name. Their table group will be their team throughout the month. Throughout the week

the student will be able to earn points for their team. Points can be earned by positive

behavior or by doing positive things. At the beginning of the year we will create a list as

a class of positive things. This will be hung for the students to refer to. Some ideas

include being the first group ready to listen, tidiest desks, or helping their classmates.

The team with the most points at the end of the week earns a class trophy. They will

also get to pick a coupon from the coupon box.

Students will earn coupons throughout the week for having the most points and

showing good behavior. This would include a special helper, great listener, or for doing

something very nice. Students will become very excited to earn coupons. They will get

to chose what coupon they want. The coupons will be placed in a clear box with

compartments for the students to see them. Some of the choices on the coupons will be

special supplies, wear shades, share a book, lunch with a teacher, cuddly friend, drink

pass, and many more. This will allow them to choose something that is important and

matters to them.

Classroom Rules and Consequences

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At the beginning of the school year. The students and I are going to make the

classroom rules together. We are going to make a list on the board of what we believe

the rules should be. I will have paper set aside of what rules I would like them to pick.

These rules are going to be broad rules that cover many bases in my classroom. I

would like these rules to be formed into six main rules. These will be listening bodies,

raising hands, quiet mouths, walking feet, helping hands, and caring hearts. I will send

home a copy of these rules for the student to read with a family member at home. Once

it is read together, they will sign and return it. Our classroom rules will be posted in the

room so they can always be seen.

We will have behavior charts in my classroom. If a child has a rough behavior in

class and does not fix it when I ask them too, they will fill out a behavior chart. I will

have them fill out the behavior sheet that says why they got in trouble. They will have to

read it to me, and we will both sign it. There will be a spot for the parent or guardian to

sign and return to me the following day. I want my students to respect me. When

students are disrespectful, it takes away from other’s learning time.

Homework Policy

I do not want my student to have to go home and worry about homework. I will try

to assign very little homework. When I do have to assign homework, I will give my

students time to work on it at the end of the day. I would like to send home little passes

at the end of each day. There will be three questions of them. The first question will be a

review question, then a question about what they talked about in class, and then a

question about what they will cover in the future. They will turn it in to me so I can look
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at if the students need more practice. These assignments will not be graded. They will

only be used to help improve the student.


My door will always be open to help. I will be open for all suggestions from

administration, students, and parents to see what would be best for a positive learning

environment. I know not all of my classroom management ideas will work. I will be open

to new ideas. They will only help better my classroom. Classroom management are

skills and tasks organized to focus your class. When students are successful this helps

them feel happy and accomplished. This provides a safe and welcoming atmosphere for

the students in my class. Teachers must allow the students to have fun while learning

and respecting the rules of the classroom. Every classroom management plan differs.

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