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The Case For Monarchy In The Age Of Trump: A Beginner’s Guide To The Far-Right

Steven Addison

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In contemplating the enhancement of epigenetic expression and integrity of neuron insulation

and branching under auspices of sacred mushroom consumption, I would like to be able to relate the
psychedelic experience and its aftermath in terms of personality alteration, to relate with the very
common idea by Richard Dawkins of the “selfish gene”. To do this in a constructive way, I find it highly
appropriate to relate the genetic selfishness and psychedelic experience to the phenomenon of
capitalist resource allocation philosophy which depends for its success on the selfishness of consenting
interacting individuals in the division of labor. The Dawkins approach at implicitly or explicitly extolling
the virtues of selfish behavior in the creation of the miracle of human biology I argue must be translated
to the miracle of capitalist exchange through the medium of “money”. Without state intervention, the
alleged predatory nature inherent to what people commonly refer to as “modern capitalism” would be
quite unlike the usual pejorative conceptions. There would not be game antagonism in terms of
opponents, but merely a healthy competitive cooperation. What would be good for you would be good
for me in terms of continued exchange.

There seems to be a contentious debate concerning social Darwinism in the market which is
used as a criticism of “Business Democracy” in the spirit of Donald Trump in an argument of some better
“socialist” manner of allocating the scarce resources in earthly conditions.

As a psychedelic expounding: the ideological social market is an outgrowth of satisfactory

conditions most easily established with the theory of true capitalism. Advertising in the social market of
psychedelic-induced novel ideations is infinitely aided by the practice of “speaking in I-statements” as a
method of inviting one to establish on their own an identity with the experience of the one offering the
idea which is focused on their own personal experience. I go a step further in this line of logic by
imagining that others may agree when I conclude that one is more trustworthy when they freely admit
to being narcissistic and proceed in a narcissistic attitude with regard to speech. I decide that the
speaker is more honest when they own up to a behavior which is wrongly criticized by societal

The psychedelic experience lends itself toward a personal understanding of the nature of God in
such a way that it may well be interpreted bluntly as stating “you are God” when perhaps you may not
have been prior to the experience. I go a step further in this analysis to suggest that if this applies to
everyone, then “we are all one in God” because what applies to you potentially may apply to anyone
else. This matters little, however, when it comes upon one that death is imminent, because in my
estimation one’s lifetime social circle will matter naught in the face of ancestral introduction rituals into
the afterlife, so the overwhelming importance lies in one’s conception of the meaning “I am God”
because this is the question requiring telepathic essay response at the time for assignment to afterlife
social quarters by ancestors. Indeed I go as far as to say it is most conducive to the individual’s welfare
that one begin to adopt an interpretation of God as a dimension in which shared “God” status among
transcended spirits establishes the reality that the dimension of the afterlife housing itself is the true
God. This is starkly opposed to the concept of “God” as a monarchic ruler of the terms of energy-
allocation in the afterlife realm.

Addressing concerns of implications toward common church experience I invoke Terence

McKenna’s idea that “the only understanding of the universe which will be useful to you is your own
understanding”. With this I suggest the utility of a common concept that reading the Bible is potentially
more advantageous to the individual than listening to a “trusted” pastor interpret it for you. This is
complicated by the argument that the masses are not smart enough to get much from reading, of
course. But I will advocate that society teaches the common lesson regarding independence in the logic
of teaching one to fish as opposed to giving someone fish repeatedly.


I postulate that systemic or institutional “aggression” leads to or has in the past initiated the
development of “violence” and from “violence” comes “fear”. Here I imagine ancient ancestors
witnessing death of those to whom they were socially bonded, and this generates anxiety about the
afterlife by wondering where they went. Terence McKenna said “the purpose of life is to familiarize the
self with the after-death body so the act of dying doesn’t create confusion in the psyche”.

In capitalist terms I would like to render the common notion that “the purpose of religion is to
prepare for death”. The previous ideas suggest that perhaps a bad eternity comes from a bad death, and
a death may be bad for psychological reasons as opposed to physical reasons, or the psychological
reasons could be tied into these physical reasons. In meditation on gassed Jews vs starved Christians in
the respective Holocaust and Holodomor of the respective Nazi’s and Communists, I submit that
starvation is a more agonizing way to die than being gassed.

In this thinking, we may arrive at the conclusion that procurement of food by loving kids was a
priority for older humans as compared to their younger counterparts. Unfortunately for evolution it may
not have been the case except among only the most “loving” of large families that these considerations
were held to the standards used in young mating choice selection and social Darwinism. Therefore I
believe the vast majority of our ancestors are righteously angry, like the wrathful Old Testament God,
and will spite us in the afterlife if we choose to allow ourselves to feel victimized in the perspective of
their vast starvation. My apologetics for religion derives from instillation of the value of “indoctrination
about the indoctrination for selfish fear of death”. Thus, even if the afterlife were not real, it would
behoove prior generations to instruct children about reverence for the process of death to ease old-age
food reception. Retirement in this view should righteously be superficial in the sense of enforcing a
“fake” social contract to allow a “return of favor” in a true-communist sense of the reality of life in
which as time progresses age increases and age increase brings death closer.


Evolutionary social Darwinism comes into religion here in the instruction of morality norms
regarding “love vs hate” in order to adhere to a culturally-chosen style of indoctrination systems or
“religion”. This should entail a capitalist competition in the ideological marketplace which entheogenic
peoples assert is enhanced and aided by ingestion of sacred mushrooms in cultural rituals as shamanic
origins of religion espoused. These shamans promote selfish performance displays of mythology in
particular languages for greater receptivity in those learning the mythology/ritual. Perhaps the lyric
“Papa don’t preach, wife in trouble” pertains to the raising of offspring into cultural mythology norms of
“love vs hate” standards and principles. In the market of ideas, the phenomenon of the “internet
meme” has a meaningful connection to Terence McKenna’s idea of the “meme” as the smallest unit of
ideology delivered in a communicable form. The “meme market” is a miracle of capitalist effort as an
economic good in the market of ideas and ideologies, subject to supply and demand according to
intelligence-related services rendered by “memes”.

The service provided by “linguism” or language-based fascism, is toward a social Darwinism

which facilitates speedier transfer and communication of “valued mythologies” and religions via familial
conversation based customized commentary on the universal themes together with contextual delivery
of the subject and interpretations and applications into daily life and conduct and manners.

Taking biology together with DNA “reading” processing and its antithesis of cancer and
assuaging by apoptosis, I go a step further in the social Darwinist form of DNA selection over
generations and the problem of cancer as taken together they may be useful for understanding the
social Darwinist utility of “language”. To aid understanding in the biology-inclined reader I suggest we
see human reproduction and population increase by birth as a program inherently stemming from the
reading of DNA strands as proteins coded for by it. This is to say culture, language, religion, state, cult,
etc. are DNA strands and they are read to instigate the production of proteins aka reproduction of
human bodies with substantial physical mass. I see language as a form of apoptosis used to correct
cancerous growths of social action. Language has a correcting effect on errant or nonsensical behaviors
in groups of people coordinating their efforts to be constructive in all kinds of ways. Language may be
seen as the apoptosis in aborting cancerous programs of family-generating cultures. This can be as
simple as ridiculing another culture for having too many babies without being able to support them, and
this is done with words and understanding by linguist social Darwinism, interpreted here as apoptosis
reaction to cancerous socio-economic growths of culture. A more advanced example then would be the
contentious culture of “questioning authority and structures of justice production”. The aim of language
and linguistic fascism in anti-cancer apoptosis in this counter-culture is to properly interpret things like
Jesus and his heroic story in the bible as it applies to the virtues and sacrifices of dedication to inquiring
about systemic tyranny.


The facets of a culture should ensure a geographical spatial monopoly on the editing process of
the social contract. This entails justice security production markets which in a generalized sense allow
for free speech mechanisms which correct the parameters of this social contract. As I suggest this social
contract is evolved in social Darwinist manner by ideological capitalist competition in written language
and conversationally spoken religious interpretation on moral guidance of life choices. I also suggest
fascism is a cancer-curing mechanism allowing apoptosis to begin cleansing of nonsensical DNA
programs of erroneous culture formation. If fascism is suppressed, global cancer becomes diagnosable
and apparent.

In analyzing the relation between church and state, it is helpful to remind oneself that
“democracy” itself has been held to the status of secular God for over a century. Church is inherently
similar if not identical to a state when church is seen in its proper hypothetical geographical monopolist
on cultural inclusion systems context. Church and state are methods of ensuring and enforcing a
widespread willing participation in the process of willfully indoctrinating self and others into the social
contract for reasons of easing retirement by food-procurement from family and community at old age.

“Cults” may be more palatable options for those who disagree with states and theocracies. But
essentially states and churches should be considered cults – not in a pejorative sense. All states,
churches, and cults can in the future and have been since archaic times used as opportunities to
elaborate on, negate, or mutate/evolve mythological structures which are or have been observed by
some portion of various populations recognizing these mythologies. Portions of code in the
metaphorical DNA sense may be resurrected from the past and inserted into the modern DNA strands of
culture to bolster immune protection from nonsense. This is traditionalism in essence. Cults may be
more spatially adaptive than religions for some people, but others may appreciate the longevity of
religion as a legitimizing factor. States should be made more adaptive like these, which is why I believe
in theocratic monarchies as being theoretically adaptive much more so than the sluggish motion of mob
rule in democracies. In the modern day, ill-gotten finances may suddenly be dispersed in foreign regions
to erupt in vast rapid culture changes that threaten such a sluggish state. Think about ostensible
globalists stimulating ISIS terrorism and refugee importation!

In brief, I suggest an archetypal analogy equating “gene” and “meme” with respect to concepts
of cultural creation. Religion is an ostensibly or supposedly outdated apoptosis mechanism for
diagnosable cancer related to suppressed fascism a la antifa. Bluntly, antifa IS CANCER.

I also suggest that the political party complex of the modern state is analogically a vector for a
transbacterial virus which under primordial or primitive conditions aka “logically superficial or naïve
assumption of cultural parameters” serves a novelty-promoting function in “social Darwinist evolution
of meme by free market capitalist ideological competition”. I see antifa as a pejoratively savvy or ulterior
or facetious or wiley collective aggression movement in the manner of an ongoing culture war.

It might be helpful to the reader to imagine that my culture cancer concept is opposed to
culture evolution in the vein of evil twin vs good twin or different sides of the same coin with respect to
plausibility of human reading of cultural genetic codes.

A Leprosy analogue in this thinking could transform sentimental solidarity under auspices of
miscegenation, especially “forced” miscegenation in ostensibly-Zionist manner. This would be a
collectivist agenda which is focused on degenerative egalitarian and secular evangelist notions to be
promoted among a target population. Potentially there are witting accomplices to this “master plan of
cultural genocide leading to gradual and/or rapid physical genocide”. This would be introduced to a
geographic culture in the analogy of a “viral contraction” to sponsor a reversal of state evolution aka
“state cancer”. Imagine a bio-ideological-warfare WMD multicultural-Trojan-horse delivering
metaphorically an HIV to AIDS esque condition of susceptibility to vulnerability towards hijacking of the
monoculture-nation body/corpus of “the system of scarce-resource-allocation”. This uses arbitrarily
individualist and expressionist and humanist “genetic-noise-DNA-code-glitches” to deliver algorithms of
“social justice agendas” as missense-DNA to initiate an auto-immune-complication scheme in which
Hegelian dialectic “manufactured ecological and economic crises” serve as justification for a
“predetermined and elite-engineered solution” to smuggle artificiality in inevitably-idolized “party
activists” to be seen as “crusaders of atheism or the path of history”. Simultaneously whistleblowers
against mandatory vaccination lobbied by vaccine manufacturers shall be demonized by instilling a view
of these “anti-vaxx whistleblowers” as “paranoid-panic-armageddon” enthusiasts or religious fanatics.
Even their sympathizers will be ridiculed as “anti-science freaks or new-age weirdo’s”. The primary
cultural target to be eliminated in this “master plan” is the very understanding of the monoculture-
body-corpus values of individualist to universalist policy translations which are properly conducive to
preservation of constitutional values, and insulation from domestic pejorative subversion. The social
engineers seem aimed at deploying a condition of emotionally-motivated suspense of adherence to
logic in favor of adopting the virtue of the aesthetics of superficial-Trojan-horse-decorations. These
decorations encourage enthusiastic “trust of strangers via radical inclusion” to perverse otherwise-
benevolent notions of universalized-individualism which would properly provide a statist-shortcut to
proverb-based policy mandating and replace this with mass-value-adoption to appeal to common
colloquial awareness of superficial gratification using popular slogans like “innocent until proven guilty”
and the statue of liberty’s “give us your poor” sentiment as an artistic design of the “outer viral
envelope” or optics of the Trojan horse institutionalizing streamlined presentation of superficially-
virtuous puppet-actor demagogic “moral-principled” boyscout tools to assemble an impenetrable
cultural virus veil of formal symbolism.

Culture wars have been rightfully sensationalized in stories or renditions of relevant and
prevalent cultural mythologies using religious gospels, written and audial and visual media, and history
itself with themes of collective guilt vs pride of ancestor inheritance, most importantly.

However, this stimulation of the culture war using sensationalized myths and interpretations
thereof in gospels, media, and history may trigger an urge toward pejorative expressionist individualism
in many males. Only few males may instead have a theoretically more benevolent, intellectual urge to
contemplate collectivist philosophy. In these two paths there is an inflated ego response where
alignment with narratives regarding moral values is coopted from parroting champions of mythological
interpretations and their spread among other people. Embedded in this degenerative impulse is a desire
to mind-control in a bullying manner essentially, perhaps in the attempt to establish beta vs alpha roles
in males. These may have in mind a pecking order ideal of some sort. Obviously the abstract, long-term
goal would be here to influence distribution strategies of materially scarce resource allocation. At worst
this may entail an expectation of “loyal offspring from harems”, the more numerous to gain extra social
authority to manipulate, connotate, and adopt and adapt or even commandeer the social Darwinist
evolution of the generalized meme market.


Through the history of economics and technology in the perspective of transitioning forms of
“The State” (possibly referred to as “The Government”) we have witnessed an increase in wealth IN
SPITE OF transition to democracy, not BECAUSE OF transition to democracy, in the evolution of the
historical forms of “The State”.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe makes it clear that monarchy, while not historically perfect, was
absolutely preferable especially in terms of conduct of warfare. Under the auspices of monarchy, we
saw simply territorial wars of kings. The total ideological wars waged in the name of encroaching
“Democracy” seem deliberately conducted by the ostensibly Zionist ultra elite in order to systematically
weaken male courage by killing off the heroes. Indeed world war 1 could have likely never occurred if
there had not been conflicting dynamics between: newspaper printing press technology engendering
democratic appeals to mass opinion, and frustrations complicated by the dwindling integrity of
monarchical institutions.
Undesirable traits have been bred into humans, such as being deceptive and “mind-controlling”
in pursuit of popularity and cultural inclusion, becoming dependent on extant forms of government
institutions especially in welfare programs, not arranging for jobs for offspring, being arbitrarily obedient
to extant forms of authority, and “doing what you’re supposed to do” to gain social status and
streamline ease of obtaining perceived quality of life.

Being genuinely productive has been bred out of humans because of added stresses associated
with systematic Federal Reserve theft, and in the past few generations we have witnessed a precipitous
decline in amount of children born to the majority of “capitalism-loyal couples” perhaps as a result of
financial implications of “economic feminism”, and as a result of being forced to work for “leeches on
the welfare system” in such a way that no “mutual benefits” between donor and recipient, involving
“appreciation” or return of stipulated, contractual advertising services for charity, are being encouraged
or reinforced. The motto-rule is “let government play Robin Hood for you.”

Benjamin Netanyahu made an astute observation that “Jewish Identity”, meaning social order
and culture, will be hindered by progressive liberal leftism while the rise of Christian Nationalists will not
only be harmless toward but actively promote the cultural and economic integrity of “jewish Identity”.
This is because the much-maligned “separation or segregation” between disparate cultures actually
allows “us” to build “ourselves” up through the socially-stimulating nature of capitalist exchange with
“our people”. The much-promoted “miscegenation” of disparate cultures burdens “us” with the
requirement that “we” dilute the return-on-investment of “our” efforts by helping people who by
cultural obstacles naturally cannot or will not return the favor to the same extent which “our people”
could and would.

Jeff Sessions is an example of someone who is successful “because of” the system and
adherence to it. Trump is an example of someone successful “in spite of” the system and shirks
commonly perceived responsibilities others deem necessary to remain loyal to extant hierarchies of
arbitrary authority. In deeper analysis, we may arrive at the idea that Jeff Sessions has a mode of being
in which submission to “objective” definitions is the rule. Trump makes his own “subjective” definitions.
These definitions are particularly of what is considered by “society” as “right” and “wrong”. Pertaining
to this, namely there is much depth in the logic that “anti-politics” should not be classified as simply
“part of politics” as is the stereotypical modern norm of conception and definition.

The extolling of “democracy” has led to a transformation of the “entry into power” mechanics
into a phenomenon of “club access” which, in the sense of social Darwinism, selects for negative,
obsequious traits inherent to the search for “social inclusion” with respect to superficial titles, in a much
more pronounced and intense way than would be the case in the historical monarchist alternative of
mere familial and genetic “inheritance” of economically relevant social titles.

The nuanced and sophisticated understanding of the relative superiority of monarchism

suggests to the thoughtful that the heavenly Angels’ opinions of Napoleon should most probably be
even worse than the common earthly opinions of Hitler. The common perception of the French
Revolution is in my conspiratorially inclined opinion, ultimately the result of an “intellectual hoax”
perpetrated by otherwise irrelevant figures in historical academia, sponsored by the future-oriented
elite members. These types have a vested interest in the transfiguration of monarchy and theocracy into
democratic institutionalism. It seems a healthy exercise to imagine the French Revolution as having
ultimately fake motivations at its inception, because it seems apparent that things must not be nearly as
bad as they have been widely purported to have been by centuries of propaganda, if you have the
energy to follow through with something of that magnitude and brutality. Along this line of thinking,
matters relating to organization and hunger seem to suggest that the French Revolution was an early
“psy-op” (psychological operation) and/or a proverbial “conspiracy” and/or a “false flag operation”.


There are only unnatural reasons such as bragging and jealousy to display disclosure of bank
possessions because only really-established contracts between consenting individuals are valid, and
superficial opinions are not truly substantial. The “social contract” is a potentially useful myth given its
proper interpretation(s), and so is religion, and it is perhaps obscene to believe that concrete
conclusions should necessarily be drawn from these “useful myths”. Indeed the hypothetical “social
contract” is certainly much less sacrosanct for cultural and economic cohesion than “rights to privacy”.
Mere membership in the biological class of “human” and “being a fellow individual inhabiting nearby
geographical locale” should never directly grant neighbors any “rights” to surveil your business
transactions or lack thereof (savings).

Bernie’s claim of manifest wrongness with respect to “the top 0.01% owning 50% of the GDP” or
whatever it may exactly be, is to the thoughtful nothing but sheer fuel for communist revolution. Indeed
it looks to the trained eye like a useful strategic move towards luring the nation and world into the trap
of convincing the proletariat that “the very idea of money is wrong”. Any tracking of this statistical
information should be skeptically criticized for its reckless potential to be “computationally hacked” in a
methodical departure away from, and out of, a protective intended veil of anonymity ostensibly granted
by the “computational mechanism” espoused initially for promoting “privacy rights”, but ultimately to
be abused, revealing imminent jeopardy of “privacy rights” for everyone involved.

If you can’t convince your neighbor to invest in “your idea” (market-oriented as opposed to
politically-motivated) in order to “share wealth and be mutually beneficial” then you aren’t good
enough at socialistically “being a community member” to deserve that money and laborious energy
expenditure from your “neighbor” more than him. You obviously should not be able to “be fascist” by
saying that your “behavior similarities as a fellow human” certifiably eclipse and trump all theoretical
potential virtues of familial cultural or genetic inheritances. To be such a “fascist” would truly be
interpreted as being “intolerant” of others’ hypothetical potential “intra-familial cultural values” and
you have no rights to “force others into divulging family secrets”. Indeed most families probably could
not account for all the “family secrets” they hold dear as they are subconscious or automatically
inherited and passed down through generations, or certainly could be.

If anarcho-capitalist “abuse of money” is proven by voluntarily associating individuals and their

respective collectives, then it should be a virtue of “ostracism aka fascism” that people are capable of
territorial and financial banning or boycott of people like George Soros, the Rothschilds, and the
Rockefellers. Sebastian Kurz of Austria achieved this with respect to George Soros.


Capitalism is focused on helping the “poor” gain access to resources otherwise only accessible to
the “rich”. Communism is only focused on hurting the “rich” immensely by wholly stealing from or
enslaving them. The former aims to protect, while the latter aims to abolish, the institution of “money”.
“Money” is not actually a “tool to increase power for the rich” but is truly a clever way to increase
access to scarce resources on behalf of the “poor” through mutually beneficial contractual
arrangements with those “rich” people who may “have” said resources.

Communist philosophy demands that “equality or egalitarianism” be instituted or established or

created NOW by “abolishing money” to force the “rich” into likely unwanted interactions with the
“poor” by statist designs in authoritarian manner. This is to be done with the only alternative of literally
cannibalizing said “rich”.

Anarcho-communist philosophy demands that money be the first thing to ban in order to
achieve its strategy pursuant to the establishment of an anarchist utopia. Anarcho-capitalist philosophy
on the other hand recognizes that money should be among the very last of things to disappear in an
anarchist utopia. Anarcho-communists will declare that money is a method enabling the “rich” to “be
lazy” at the expense of the “poor”. Anarcho-capitalists on the other hand declare that money is a
method of ensuring the ease with which bartering between consenting individuals may be secured.
Anarcho-communism aims to pull the crutches out from under imperfect societies and forcefully impose
“their collective” ideas of “utopia” upon geographically proximal victims aka “community members”.
Anarcho-capitalism aims to leave said money-crutch in place in order to allow a natural utopia to unfold
as slowly as collectively willed upon destruction of the state in order to better allow individuals to
geographically and spatially disperse via ostracism and cultural inclusion to end up in their own desired
and preferred locations and titular positions until voluntary “self-money-crutch-removal” or
alternatively until money becomes a quaint artifact to remind posterity of a “less perfect time in history”
as a monument to historical human achievements.


Hypothesis outlined hereon is to establish a series of connections, one flowing into the next
-> WHITE GENOCIDE -> RELIGION (circulating back to beginning). To start with “religion” to “democracy”
I note that religion encourages democracy by creating an imaginary leader that no one has ever seen,
which invites special interpreters like the Pope and Muslim Grand Mufti’s. These religious leaders
promote the interests of Zionist global elites toward their efforts to control the global masses. The
masses are brainwashed into condoning the democratic system because the illusion is made that choice
of master in political puppets gives them control, enabling docile long-term behavior. Contributing is the
idea that “democracy is a good thing” and the overall motivation of Islam seems to be to plant the “gold
standard” of democratic ideals into the global conceptions of all populations. Moving on, democracy
promotes multiculturalism in an obvious mechanism of undermining a thriving “monoculture” in a host
nation using a secret invasion by “counterculture parasites”. Multiculturalism is literally just a planned
undermining of a monoculture. Multiculturalism naturally transforms into liberalism, especially with the
help of democracy. Multiculturalism initiates and instigates “mob rule” by justifying multiple cultures
under a single government to be wrestled, for control of it, by one or more of these adversarial cultures.
The state boundary of a single government turns democracy into a “breeding game” when it is inevitably
suggested that race is inherently defined by culture and vice versa. This turns people into “sheep”
multiplying their way to power with the advantage of accepting loose sexual morals and obtaining
“voting number statistics”. Moving on, multiculturalism leads to liberalism within the framework of
democracy when a lower-achieving “culture or race” lobbies government to claim that help should be
institutionalized on their behalf at the expense of the higher-achieving “cultures or races”. These
leeches espouse “equal outcomes” instead of supporting “equal opportunity”. Liberalism in modern
times is a reference to the command that an original monoculture shall engage in “affirmative action”
for “zombies” who demand handouts by virtue of their subscription or identification to or with a
“multicultural” label. It becomes easy to gain leverage unofficially or even officially by claiming that you
are a Jew, for example, instead of just another human being. Moving on, we may be able to see that
when a democracy has fully embraced “modern liberalism” it directly supports the shift toward
“globalism” simply because the policy of sponsoring “underperformers” shifts from the scope of an
intra-national policy to an international policy. The transformation from liberalism to globalism is an
obvious matter of course, but the ways in which globalism promotes communism are not yet straight-
forward to most people. To move on, globalism initially allows each nation to take care of a portion of a
global economy, so different governments with different laws equate to an allocation therein of
different jobs within the spectrum of the full global economy. This muddies the water in observing the
reasons for different standards of living within each nation, which is manifestly an argument towards a
new world order style global government. The most important concept to understand here is that all
governments in general are to be given control of the global market, including intra-national markets
because laws in one sector of the job field will be different than another due to individual government
apparatus in each nation. By this mechanism, the free market can be fundamentally interfered with and
manhandled by ostensibly “democratic” governments. It is astute to observe that this state-meddling in
the otherwise free market is communist in nature, by virtue of budding sympathy for its conduit called
“democratic socialism”. Government becomes economically godlike in its ability to control the means of
material production and material sustenance of life and coordination of labor expenditures. The
methods of communism include a “long march through the institutions” of governments and
economies, the undermining of the concept of currency in general by eliminating competition between
forms of money and establishing a global reserve currency, and to eliminate private-property-based
“capitalism” worldwide. A popular example of globalist domination of supposedly “capitalistic”
economies is what China has done to steel markets by state sponsorship of absurdly excessive
production of steel, which compromises military and infrastructure of potential enemy nations who
initially may enter into steel-purchasing-contracts with China, and this undermines the concept of a free
market in obvious ways. The domestic steel production is targeted by the communist foreign nation to
undermine the capitalist domestic ability to build war-damaged infrastructure and tanks. This is one of
many ways communism may “use” globalism to enable “white genocide”. The potential of white
genocide is enabled through communist principles, including the blaming of the white monoculture for
imperfections in the economy and culture, the “reversal” of historical slavery moving forward into the
future, and the idea that “no utopia has yet been established, so your people are guilty, so become a
slave or else you’re racist and deserve to be a slave”. Communism appeals to popular notions, and it is
becoming increasingly unpopular to be culturally white or to produce white children. The more
generations whites exist, the more each new white child will be assumed to be predisposed to racism
unless they constantly go out of their way to prove they’re not racist by having token POC friends. This
aids the forced multiculturalism fundamentally. They are assumed to be racist beforehand by virtue of
their own parents possibly transferring racist tendencies subconsciously or explicitly. These parents are
assumed racist because they deliberately chose to mate with someone who is not a POC.


An example of people preying on eachother by appealing to evil authoritarian nature and desire
for control is forthwith outlined. Democrat: “I’ll gain control-zombies by necromancing via POC-related
support for equal outcomes aka affirmative action. “Pro-POC zombie”: “I’ll control what Democrats do
by taking advantage of the fact that they like and support me by virtue of my simple identitarian label.”
This same dialogue-dynamic applies to “feminists” and their elitist social engineers, whose ulterior
motives together undermine the integrity of the nuclear family.

A hypothetical identity-driven interaction is forthwith outlined. Jew: “Hey fellow white, don’t
you agree this black deserves reparations because the unfair financial success of white slaveholders is
selectively beneficial to whites because institutionalized racism still exists in the workplace despite
affirmative action and the seeking of token POC friends by whites in an effort to defend against
increasingly rampant accusations of racism among whites? So because you directly benefit from the
modern institutional racism which is derived from racist history, you need to pay this black money,
political power and resources, because your skin color makes you inherently subconsciously racist, and if
you object that makes you racist for ignoring the reality of systemic racism”. White: “I must admit to
being racist because I don’t want to be racist because in the multicultural communes of the near-future
that will get me killed, so I am now paying this black reparations. Hey! Why didn’t you pay this black for
being white as well? Jew: “I am not white, I am Jewish. The holocaust was real and had momentous
implications for my cultural identity with individualist economic and social implications, and my ethnicity
collectively suffers as well. Only whites shall pay for historical oppressions!” Black: “Hey, that was a
really smart extortion scheme! Using racism to make money off racism! Genius! Here’s your cut of the
profits, Jew!”

Whites are all responsible for the actions of few whites, including crazy white “lone wolf”
shooters, and you are racist and insensitive to the dead if you question the official story pushed by the
corrupt media or try to compare statistics to black-on-black murder rates. You are racist if you argue
that slavery-related “gains” in productivity benefit (or disadvantage) everyone equally today, because if
silent racism might exist behind some closed doors, then it automatically exists everywhere due to
media amplification and sensationalization and promotion of notions of collective white guilt, and only a
full communist revolution will be sufficient to collectivize private acquisitions and ill-gotten gains. Then,
after we’re all communist, whites will be punished for being racist if they don’t admit to being racist,
and if they do admit to being racist, then obviously they will be punished for being racist. And this
punishment may be carried out by any black because that’s not racist because everyone knows reverse
racism doesn’t exist because race was conceptualized by whites for evil purposes. So even if a black
could be racist that’s not their fault because they were taught to be that way by evil whites. But purely
theoretically, if a black were ever found guilty of racism, then other blacks would not be held
responsible for that individual instance of racism the same way all whites are responsible for racist
actions of a few whites. The actions by a majority of whites to end slavery does not forgive whites in
general because black problems are naturally to be given to whites to solve, and the line between
individual vs collective responsibility is hereby intentionally blurred by communist collectivist values,
retroactively, so even though communist principles didn’t govern human behavior in the past, we will
pretend as though they did, and only whites will suffer the consequences, because we have chosen to
use whites as the punching bag because they won’t stand up against us because we have neutered them
with allegations of white guilt and they will become our slaves even though we claim to oppose slavery
because hypocrisy only applies to whites, and not us, now that we have established that they are our
official punching bag, and we assume blacks will approve of this, when they recognize this easy strategic
opportunity to enslave and genocide whites, because we psychologically project our evil and predict
that our evil nature is shared among all humans. – Sincerely, Mr. Rabbi.


The virtues of public collectivization are overshadowed by the arguably virtuous natural and
tendency to prioritize the well-being of personal offspring. The specific virtues here mentioned and
referred to regard the orientation and motivation engendered by the phenomenon of familial and truly
cultural inheritance, skill-teaching, and increased competition in business-creation and -ownership.


1. USA “used to be greater” than Europe and became less-great not because slavery ended or
because a “black man” became president, but because of GLOBALISM.
2. Globalism sounds good because of the idea that there are “jobs we don’t want, but this is
nonsense because economic and financial occupation should not be the goal of life and
everyone should “live for the weekend”. Love-compatibility with potential mates should not
involve careers! Nationalism is preferable to globalism in the same way that business and
employment between family is better than with strangers because for obvious reasons long
term benefits are easier to see sooner because of recycling of value into the familial system.
3. Globalism belittles the ability of and attempt by nations to experiment with institutions that
might increase the likelihood of a more perfect world via microcosms of "full” (global)
economies enabling an objective or scientific comparison of said institutions, like laws,
ethnicities, cultures, religions, and their variables vs constants.
4. “Greatness” of the experience of life in a given geography should be defined as quality of life
outside of career (during the weekend) and this can only be scientifically or objectively or
empirically studied by comparing models of law or institutions upon holding as a “constant”
the productive, economic, professional side of life using hardcore Nationalism which keeps all
jobs “domestic”. Outsourcing for foreign jobs prevents objectivity in this endeavor due to
mixture of cultural differences with economic differences, rendering the study of differences
impossible. Determining one’s favorite country would then under these circumstances be like
trying to “hold a tournament with unfair conditions in competitions”. The purpose of the
motivation to “do better” in terms of true “greatness” is under these circumstances lost and
no one can determine what “greater” means anymore. This is highly appropriate for and
conducive towards the objectives of globalism.
5. The spectrum of jobs across national, legal, and cultural boundaries should be consistent
because the “variable” in the study of the “greatness” of life should not be career-oriented, it
should be focused on cultures, ethnicities, laws, and languages within a given nation. Hence
the supremacy of “nationalism”.


Crony capitalism and corporatocracy are not the endgame of “general capitalism”. These
phenomena are created by and are simultaneously the goal of “Big Government” aka extreme
authoritarianism and they are also obviously fundamentally antithetical to the proper “free market”.
“Regular Capitalists” as opposed to Anarcho-Capitalists, and communists or Anarcho-
Communists, these people coexist. That is to say, Statist Capitalists and communists of all varieties
coexist. “Regular Capitalists” are not explicitly opposed to the Statist Crony Capitalist Corporatocracy for
one thing, and also serve on a globalist conspiracy level as “controlled opposition”for liberals and
communists and leftists of all varieties. Said “coexistence” can be established theoretically by virtue of
the Crony Capitalist Corporatocracy types fulfilling prophecies and thereby legitimizing communism,
while budding communist regimes like North Korea and ISIS antagonize and therefore legitimize a state-
sponsored military characteristic of corporatocracy. This creates a false dichotomy and vicious cycle
which contributes to the degeneracy supposedly or allegedly addressed through dishonest anarcho-
communist rhetoric. This is especially problematic when the corporatocracy’s intelligence agencies
secretly and/or publicly use commuinist rhetoric to seed rebellions against legitimate authoritarian
regimes by appealing to crude, low-key-authoritarian supposedly-democratic sympathies so that they
prey easily upon the emotions of unsophisticated have-nots and seed typical Hollywood mass-produced
“anti-monarchist” values of “progressive thought”. Basically “fake capitalism” that is anti-anarchist in
nature literally and ideologically funds communism. Osama bin Laden was indeed an ex-CIA agent, for
example. The FBI Russian Collusion was a clear conspiracy to enable an attempted win for Hillary Clinton
and to frame Donald Trump, for another example. I believe the Federal Reserve is a full communist
conspiracy to undermine communism’s main topic of criticism which is privately owned “money”.

Anarcho-Communists will claim that Anarcho-Capitalists are just supporting constant war like
Feudalism supposedly was. There is need to distinguish the dark age monarchist historical institutional
evidence from the modern futuristic Anarcho-Capitalist perspective, and to ensure against the
degeneration of Anarcho-Capitalism into the stereotypical Anarcho-Communist portrayal of feudalism.
In this effort I will offer the following points:

1. Future advances in technology shall broadcast public concern and hedge against unjustifiable
“spatial monopolies” of torture and atrocity, employer morality and accountability, border
enforcement policies, public awareness of laws, and surveillance of criminal elements.
2. Voluntary taxation was a widespread institution under Feudalism, and similarly anarcho-
capitalism argues against government extortion and frames this as the ultimate reason for
government’s existence. The concept of the government is to provide supposedly invaluable
services for whatever monopoly prices it wants to confiscate funding for privileged positions to
be lobbied through “the revolving door” of corporations and individuals which are incestually
capable of buying the favor of these position-holders for “kickbacks” of their own design.
3. Anarcho-communists will culminate their arguments against anarcho-capitalism by suggesting
that there will be under anarcho-capitalist conditions a “running out of landspace when all
bosses conspire to enact corrupt employer policies driving out the masses for genocidal
mechanisms”. I would respond that free market “better business bureaus” will be more
accountable than government-monopoly versions without the authoritarian bureaucracy by-
and-for “patents”. I believe that “patent creation and its requisite research funding” would not
only be stimulated without government, but that government actively undermines the potential
of scientific research by stifling it with bureaucratic gymnastics involved in grant-funding
through its suppression of unpopular opinions, for example in the industry of illegal technology
like psychedelics, hydrogen and nuclear engines, hypothetical inventions of Nikola Tesla,
promotion and debunking-suppression of manmade vs natural hypotheses concerning global
climate change and pollution and “public systems poisoning”, etc.
4. Internet technology may be able to spread competition in a more dynamic way than under
modern statism to oust “undeserving” owners and managers without the government
sponsorship of “patent protection service monopoly”. Prevention or allowing of the liberation of
the market which liberates patents in general, using the virtue of popularization of original
researchers. Also alternative funding and investment in recording and preservation efforts by
these anarcho-capitalist “free market heroes” who design without patents may through the
advent of competing “market historians” and their archiving technologies help promote the
work of heroes in a style reminiscent of the bitcoin cryptocurrency ledger documentation.


A few points are to be made in order to convey the concepts inherent in communism and

1. Destruction of capitalism and money itself: the communist idea here is to integrate people into
communes according to the popular values they espouse. The more “inclusive” your values, the
ostensibly more “popular” you become. The supposed utility of this arrangement is to exert an
effort in maximizing “friends” who are really ideally just people who will fight alongside you as
“comrades in the communist revolution”… They want to institutionalize as meritorious the
“popular” saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. This is an overt appeal to the
“virtues” of doing and ascribing to those slogans which you were from a young age, warned as
being truthful. The purpose is that if you are targeted and killed by communists for being and
doing things “unpopular or anti-communist” and are not securely enough on the “correct side of
history” in the “revolution” the communists can say “well, you should have known better if you
didn’t want to get killed!” They want to shove a forced version of social Darwinism in our face.
2. There are appeals to the virtue of “equality” not just at the surface level of financials and
finance, but at multiple levels of finance in general by claiming inherited “money” makes you
better in school “causally (not in terms of a correlation)”, and not just “actual money” but also
“perceived acceptance in money-making institutions” as an easy connection of the individual to
their race so better to abuse blacks especially by emotional “tugs on heartstrings” derived from
perceptions of ancestral slavery. Quotes like “don’t be a nerd, be with more women, no sausage
fests, you need more comrade friends because the revolution is on the horizon, start getting
mentally prepared for commune life, didn’t you see the mass-televized, George Soros-funded
Black Bloc riots getting so big, you know it will happen soon don’t you”? Inevitable outing of
truths like Flat Earth Theory will ultimately lay bare the inner sensitivities of embarrassment
among anti-communists about their being privileged and led to believe they could be an
astronaut if only they had really tried hard enough and this is what made them lose friends in
the process. They laugh and say “this is your own fault for being gullible enough to fall for
capitalist lies” so now that you’re “screwed by your own beloved institutions you better repent
and take action by going all-in for communism and join the Black Bloc riots and antifa even
without external financial assistance of George Soros-money because you now know that you
need comrade friends quickly if you do not want to starve in the communes, much less be
privileged enough to engage in essentially arranged marriage with someone you’ll probably
have to be forced into attraction with to produce mixed-race children if not simply slave yourself
into collective resource-sustaining of POC adoption facilities so as to leave the innocent POC
children innocent of your evil white influence in personal interaction with them”.
3. A la Kanye West, the goal is to sensationalize the rare occurrence of white-on-black police
brutality and “systemic white privilege and racism” to use whites as the punching back to render
them easy victims in communes using weaponized “white guilt” then recruit black communes by
zombifying them as pawns and falsely leading them to believe they’ll have a leg-up simply for
having the identity of a POC in the “inevitable” post-revolution communes to be established
whenever communism “wins against capitalism”.


The “anarchist” aspect of “anarcho-communism” (AnCom) involves supposedly “democratic

town halls” within each commune at which governmental policies are “voted on” with majority success
passing of “bills” or whatever, and this is not truly the elimination of a state, just “theoretically” an
easier way to increase the opportunities to join in on the mechanisms of the state. The only theoretical
advantage of AnCom over communism is that it could be easier to locate the corrupt state agents
among the population, depending on how big the communes are, compared to modern municipalities.
Surprisingly, AnComs are rarely willing to concede to reveal the sizes of their imagined “communes”,
much less the proposed mechanisms of trade and travel between these communes. It’s easy to imagine
systems whereby puppet agents, of “democratic” control over communes, are placed there artificially
and originally by, or subsequently “bought” by, large-scale corporate agents like Nike, who condone
“social awareness issues” like kneeling for the NFL National Anthem, and other such corporate entities
who were successful at manipulating states and their affairs among a regime of corporatocracy and
statism and currency inflation – basically the corporate neo-liberal monoliths. These neo-liberal entities
will push the agenda of “moneyless anarchist societies” a la AnCom, to bribe and blackmail
“democratically popular” puppets who are outspoken enough against “hateful” issues of an intelligent,
rebellious, and provocative nature. Rappers like Snoop Dogg, able to push the “most popular and
inclusive” of agendas, will certainly be among the types of people who will decide which issues are
important enough to “bring to a vote at town hall meetings” in their respective communes. There will
probably be secret uses of the internet to spread viral “cool dance moves”, to make it easier to spread
these selectively among puppets so they are the first to “look coolest at the club” and thereby gain more
superficial social media followers to make their governmental status more compelling to the masses.
This “anarchy” is not real anarchy – it is just a further evolution and escalation of statist control by big-
money entities, because those who were more successful under the statist regimes of corporatocracy
will gain still further, increased leverage over the masses by this supposedly-anarchist form of
communism (AnCom). Money will be traded behind a huge veil of perhaps 100,000 to a million
members of an illuminati-esque secret society. Lots of modern rappers and pop stars do weird hand
gestures already, so it seems likely that their controllers have them convinced already that they’re
members of this secret club such that they’re unlikely to spread and divulge secrets given to them in
confidence by their masters and handlers. Therefore, small communes will certainly be controlled
secretly by a larger network of currency-smugglers in the black market of banned money and
information-based bribery. AnCom is thus not anarchy, it is the opposite of anarchy. It is a ploy to deliver
a bigger and more sinister, deceptive, trickster version of Full Globalist Communism.

The types of people who are most successful at taking advantage of corrupt machinery
characteristic of modern corporate statism, have the most to gain through investment in
AnCom/communist ideals because, under communism, the forms of mass control they shall be privy to,
will surpass that which can be commanded by simple modern currency translations of a globalist nature.
Under future globalist communism, these types of elites will be able to pry deeply into social institutions
and have more permanent access to secret societies, which will wield more power. The black market,
which will arise from currency bans, will increase the profit of having and distributing that currency,
against the law, by virtue of the increased risk of incarceration in doing business in such a black market,
against the backdrop of cost of potential imprisonment. Just as gangs form around illegal drugs, so shall
they form around gold coins. Transfer of coins will govern power-plays among secret societies, and
bribery and blackmail shall reign supreme over commune governors, who systematically impose mass
control using “democratic votes” or polls. This is basically already happening on a less-serious scale with
people who invest heavily in China using United States currency to “buy out” the Chinese government
and make their money back many times over by selling Chinese products made with cheaper labor back
into the United States markets. This is why so much energy is being spent opposing Trump’s tariffs. The
super rich see other rich people scheming like this and know that communist revolutions are “scheduled
to occur”, so instead of becoming fascist against leftists of all sorts, like they should do if they had any
courage, they make it obvious that they’re scared, and take the easy route, by throwing money at
globalist corporations, in order to create an electronic record, which shall show any interested
communists “on the eve of the revolution” how desperately they tried to allocate their money-power in
ways which support the globalist communist schemes. In this way, these super rich people are able to
more easily buy their way into positions of greater commune influence, and access more food and
control of gangs of “local AnCom government.”


There’s a profound not-so-secret connection behind the AnCom themes of: vandalism,
glorification of labor, and illegal immigrant labor. Basically, the same people who support the giving of
jobs to illegal immigrants are also those in support of the glorifying of manual labor in general, and I’m
certain that the people who staunchly support both of these issues are also – perhaps more secretly –
advocates of vandalism, in the spirit of Keynesian economic stimulation, whereby destruction
necessitates the job of construction. This is all inherently tied into the mechanism of white genocide.
This genocidal mechanism involves forced dependence on illegal immigrants – perhaps forever – by
virtue of private property destruction, intended to drive up the cost of profitability of supplying manual
labor, which is increasingly supplied more exclusively by illegal immigrants. The indigenous white
inhabitants of “white countries” are encouraged to go to school instead of learning mechanics and
construction, so the intruders, who only speak a foreign language, have more bargaining power and can
more easily form labor unions, to steal all the “white” peoples’ money by simply bombing their houses
and businesses, so that those “white” people are forced into doing business with them, as they are the
only people who still know how to rebuild stuff. In an “all-white” community, it’s very likely that no
vandalism will ever occur, so the need to provide repair-labor will be diminished, because practically
nothing will ever get broken. We are indeed approaching the development in technology whereby the
only requirements for repair of property will come from deliberate sabotage, because the quality of all
machinery will be so high that nothing will ever malfunction by accident. Or else, the cost of total
replacement by fully legitimate channels will become so low as to undermine the logic associated with
repair in general. Vandalism is, therefore, an elaborate form of racial violence against “whites” in


AnComs will insist that the current US situation involving the Chinese communist party practices
of using government to control the market through sponsorship of key industries and corporate welfare
(“too big to fail”) using funds stolen from the people at gunpoint (taxation-extortion) qualify as an
“endgame of capitalism” or at least do not qualify as “real” or “anarchist” communism. However, as an
AnCap, I will counter this by insisting that government interference in the market is completely
incompatible with real free-market capitalism and is obviously not anarchist in any way. I will venture to
redefine communism to include what I will henceforth refer to as “proto-communism” or “proto-
AnCom” as government interference in the market which serves the purpose of casting a false
capitalism in a negative light, thereby serving to bolster arguments in favor of a redeeming communism
or AnCom. Therefore, all government intrusion in the market is not the “result of capitalism” but rather
is the “beginning of communism” by virtue of its insistence upon further communist goals of central
government planning, interfering in the market and making it less free and true. AnComs insist that “real
AnCom” includes a global ban on money, but this is ridiculous as obviously a black market of gold coins
shall emerge, increasing authoritarian redistribution of wealth – not decreasing it. AnCom is obviously a
false form of anarchy.


In pure philosophical terms, the supposed advantage of AnCom over Communism is that AnCom
uses miniature, supposedly “democratic” versions of the state in town halls or whatever, to make
centrally-planned economies, which theoretically increases popular access to decision-making,
compared to nation-wide planning by regular “authoritarian communism” as distinct from AnCom. I
counter this argument to say AnCom is inherently contradictory, because communism (centrally-
planned economy) is incompatible with anarchy because in real anarchy, the rule-makers must be more
like bosses that can be competitively chosen by employees in a free-market through voluntary contracts.
AnComs hate bosses so much, but their philosophy insists on something worse than bosses, which is
commune-rulers, who dictate economies through plutocrats, introducing a free-market-violating
monopoly in each commune. AnCap hedges against monopolies because bosses engage in competition
for employees. Anarchy implies a system without “unjustified rulers” and obviously bosses are “justified
rule-makers” and I insist that the inevitable reality of AnCom is a system whereby plutocrats
“unjustifiably rule” behind a veil of false “democracy”.


Prohibition: gangs use government laws to protect their profits via illegalization of drugs which
open chakras that will always fulfill spiritual demand. This is done in order to take advantage of a super-
stable drug market, i.e. humans will always want to buy drugs.

There used to be a monoculture when racism wasn’t sensationalized, but globalists bribed
national leaders worldwide to instigate harsh conditions in foreign nations to import “other cultures”
and used mind-controlling of POC to trick them into thinking they’re different enough to constitute
another, separate “culture”.
When these ostensibly different cultures exhibit any degree of “natural segregation” then
“multiculturalism” can be promoted as being virtuous and the drug-supply-chains to segregated
communities can develop “latino gangs” and “black gangs” and “asian gangs” such that the ulterior
motive is revealed to actually be white genocide when no gang is ever labeled “racist” unless it is a
“white gang” formed for the purpose of supplying illegal drugs to white communities. This inhibits the
ability of white people to obtain low-cost drugs to ascend their chakras and gain spiritual awareness.

Suspiciously, there was no prohibition and no “multicultural gangs” and no “illegal drugs” until
after 1900 when communism got started and dominated Russia, Britain, France, etc. This suggests a
globalist conspiracy over 100 years ago began by using communism as both a tool and a goal for evil

Regarding white genocide and communism, the plan is to talk about and promote the ideas of
white privilege and white guilt, use “blacks” as pawns by tricking them into attempting to win deserved
payback for their ancestors by mentally and literally enslaving whites using blame and shame games to
combat “institutional and systemic racism to flip the script to give “blacks” an unfair advantage within a
“multicultural” commune which “whites” must join in order to attempt to avoid being called racist. If
they do not at least make this attempt, they will obviously be called racist. Obviously this is rigged and
there is truly no way out of being called “racist”.

Gangs may be understood as not unlike “microcosms of communes” and POC and colored gangs
are not racist for excluding whites, but an all-white commune or gang is indeed racist due to a double
standard selectively applied to whites, supposedly deservedly, as they are the established punching bag.
The first and foremost goal of all communes is to seek out and destroy all racist or white communes
because it is supposedly “virtuous” to do so, and thereby beneficial to popular standing of the social
reflection of each commune which obediently engages in the destruction of racist or white communes
or gangs.

Ultimately, whites must become slaves in multicultural communes or die, according to

communists. Under communism, multiculturalism is literally white genocide.

POC gangs like MS-13, Crips, Bloods, etc. vote LEFTIST so their customers can afford the drug
lifestyle offered by them, to them, via “welfare” and thereby systematically reduce the viability of small
companies, using minimum wage hikes, to stifle competition for control of the lifestyle of the poor
captives of this gang behavior.

The idea is to get Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) types on psychiatric medication for enabling the
arbitrary ad hominem attack of declaring that they engage in “crazy talk” upon any exposure to these
AA psych med types speaking in ways reminiscent of anti-communist rants or positive propaganda as in
this book you are reading.


The left tries to coerce government theft from supposed “haves” to give to “have-nots” –
thereby increasing authoritarianism in government which says “we will take care of all social problems
using force of paid agents with guns… Just give us your money and we’ll take a big cut and you might
never even realize how big our cut was!”
Government says: “If you don’t let us steal from you, you obviously don’t care about your fellow
citizen. We don’t care about why the private sector is unequipped to handle charity because any
investigation into that might reveal a deeper systemic problem about Federal Reserve currency itself
which, at high levels, we are intimately invested in hiding. So we will use the poor conditions of human
finance we probably created with “Big Government” as an excuse to make Government even Bigger to
make those conditions even worse so Government can get Still Bigger, hopefully eventually making
everyone so crazy they believe that their craziness requires repealing the Second Amendment so better
to facilitate foreign communist takeover – physical and mental takeover – mental in terms of acceptance
of “equality” through spreading poorness and poverty and sacrifice of money and technology in favor of
primitive communist existence in which we all deserve to live as poorly as the poorest among us and all
self-motivation has been eradicated long enough to collectively admit “inferiority to Chinese due to
ethnicity and because they’ve been communist longer than us, until the truth of globalist government
conspiracy of using “capitalism and money” together with communist trade wars against us using clever
liberal tactics of authoritarianism, makes us submit and roll over and accept that it was, all along, a
game of national wit and “those smart Chinese” beat us “fair and square” (just like in mathematics
class). So all my social programming makes me feel dumb and privileged and undeserving so I beg for
the honor of becoming a slave to my superior Chinese masters because I obviously deserve death for
giving up my liberty so easily like my founding fathers warned me against.”

On the other hand, maybe if we keep our money and decide how to use it ourselves, instead of
trusting politicians, the free market would create clever advertising methods to incentivize charity so the
private sector would get stronger and even more capable of helping the poor and crippled and would
enjoy additional business health when people know which small businesses helped their loved ones.
Marketing nationwide would eventually become a game of who can help people the most!

Indeed, helping leeches suck your blood only helps them temporarily and, in the long term, both
host and parasite die. But if you avoid the leeches long enough to herd cattle, you may soon sustain life
for all leeches forever.

The Far-Left will say things about how they are all true believers in the communist revolution
because if one does not believe, it will mean their death. Abolition of all money everywhere will mean
that the value of your life depends on the technological artifacts found in your commune, like
smartphones for communes in America, especially. They say they know you greedy capitalists love your
toys so much that you believe life is about dollar value vs the Mexican Peso and you do not subscribe to
the common sense notion that having a job, family and friends, matters most in life. When communism
“hits” the USA and Mexico, the Mexicans will therefore have it “harder” than you Americans. This is
because of smartphones… or something… Therefore, the value of the dollar is related to the relative
privilege you shall enjoy on the eve of the communist revolution. So we charge you with the
responsibility of “resisting” Trump and letting all those poor foreigners cross our borders because
borders are obviously evil under communism.


Under Feudalism the Kings or Monarchs had a way of being which ensured that the reality of
war was based on relatively small territorial disputes and there were no costly “total wars” driven by, for
instance, “spreading democratic ideals and virtues”.
The French Revolution was planned to monopolize the otherwise free market of kingship. This
free market of kingship would originally guard against the ability of a King or Monarch to be the ultimate
judge in disputes of private property ownership and of finding the true facts in matters of atrocity vs

Theoretically there could be a leader who is a “good king” like a Fuehrer, who is a leader that
acts as supreme free market advocate. This leader would essentially be a king overseeing “socialist”
endeavors with a heavily skeptical and trained eye. This leader could iron out imperfections in a free
market to make it more free. Imagine an anarchist gaining an authoritarian role. Remember the biggest
quote of “Salt Lake City Punks” about how “the best way to destroy the system is to join the system and
dismantle it from the inside”. Imagine Donald Trump playing as the referee in a wrestling match to break
up monopolies!

It would be better to have a publicly known “selective society” like in an honest inherited
monarchy, than to allow a secret society of plutocrats to bribe public caretakers in conspiratorial

A “socialist king” in the non-pejorative sense, may efficiently oversee a free market using a
grievance-based notification system to respond to naturally arising problems in the free market using
creative solutions like a referee and rule-maker in one.

I submit to the reader that the words “socialism” and “liberalism” have been STOLEN from us by
the Left. “Socialism” could be anti-democratic, but the Left has stolen and adopted “democratic
socialism” as a conduit towards full globalist communism. Jeffersonian “classical liberalism” in the
distant past used to refer to keeping government force out of social issues, but Leftists have adopted
“modern liberalism” to mean quite the opposite – they want to use government force to mold society
the way they see fit. For example, “classical liberalism” means BOTH no government policies regarding
drug use nor a state monopoly on the servicing of the industries in welfare, affirmative action
endeavors, and creation of gay rights policies. The idea of classical liberalism would be to let “social ills”
produce crimes NATURALLY and then pursue charges wrought by them NATURALLY without labels of
“hate” and “driving under the influence (DUI)” etc.

National Socialists (NatSocs) seek to use “socialism” as a word in a non-democratic fashion as a

tool to speed up the progress toward a truly free market more quickly than it could emerge
“organically” with absolutely no “authoritarian intervention”.

Democratic socialists (DemSocs) are the enemy of NatSocs because they want to deliver the
supreme power of wealth redistribution into the hands of a secret society of politician-bribing plutocrat
oligarchs who control what is labeled “popular” vs “hateful”.

A famous British quote says “If fascism ever comes to America, it will be called anti-fascism.”
Basically the idea of antifa is that if you don’t admit guilt to racism due to benefitting from a systemic
racist institution, then you are inherently racist. This is a trick to render you susceptible to being beat up
because if you call yourself racist, you are admitting you need a beating because one could record a
video of you saying “I am racist” and then show it to antifa to blackmail you potentially. If you don’t
submit to this forceful blackmail control tactic, then you deserve to be beaten up because you are
denying the reality of the institutionally racist system. These tactics are even now being embraced by
types like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Beto O’Rourke.


It’s important to defend the rule of law because there is a slippery slope related to the
redefining of what is fascist, e.g., saying “Go back to Mexico” to a Spanish-only-speaking undocumented
immigrant aka illegal alien, is indefensible to antifa due to their appeal to labeling the law itself immoral.
This dismantles the defense of calling out illegal border-crossing behavior with any indignant language.
This, for example, can create a slippery slope leading toward a state of affairs in which the position of
being overtly anti-pedophile, is to be labeled as an openly-fascist attitude. This is simply due to the
appeal to the illegal nature of pedophilia in the context of looking at legality in a generally unfavorable
light. This is the simple-minded backdrop of considering “law” in general as categorically “evil”. This
motivates antifa to fight against anything which is in line with a positive reinforcement of what the “law”
advocates, such as being anti-pedophilia. The endgame of this slippery slope as I have portrayed it, is to
conceive the highly dubious assertion which proposes the validity of “institutionalized anarchy” and it is
easy to see how the super-elite shall profit by supporting this method, plutocratically using George
Soros money, for example. This slippery slope mechanism toward “institutionalized anarchy” which is
created through control over minds by dominating antifa-sentiments, in fact DOUBLES the amount of
control which the plutocratic super-elite may exert over the masses. This is in my opinion because the
super-elite under these auspices, shall exercise control over antifa physically using “legitimate law
enforcement” in an effort to impose order from one direction of the spectrum, while they
simultaneously exercise force from the opposite direction, of chaos, by controlling the “law-abiding
citizens” by directing the policies of the puppet leaders of antifa, who are instructed by said elites to
threaten the law-abiding masses with accusations of being fascist and thereby of deserving a beating by
POC by virtue of not joining the allegedly anti-fascist movement which requires anyone who “isn’t
fascist” to join riots against police and businesses. This is easily achieved through an appeal to the saying
that “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” leading to “join or die” which is probably the same old
tactic used to rally the masses in a negative way during the dubious French Revolution.

The Far-Left says, “stop the white insanity at its source by simply having mixed kids so there are
no more white people, thereby automatically ending all paranoia associated with white genocide by
getting the inevitable OVER WITH ALREADY!” The virtue is alleged to exist whereby parental similarity to
offspring is systematically maligned selectively toward the recessive genotypes and phenotypes in order
to more easily bully them into slavery and genocide, rendering their possessions and valuables and labor
easily stolen!

If you are of similar genotype and phenotype to arguably-objectively more attractive females,
you are maligned for being subconsciously fascist for being attracted to them, and are therefore
psychologically or biologically or unintentionally racist. So you had “better go ahead and admit to being
racist” for blackmail purposes by antifa, or else you are IGNORING RACISM, and everyone knows, and
therefore must agree with and submit to the interpretations, favoring our cause, of the old saying,
“those who IGNORE EVIL are GUILTY of evil!”


Super-elite, banker puppet-master plutocratic Zionists’ engame is to repeat the controversial
aspect of Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ involving Pontius Pilate’s Jewish Inquisition of the
conspiracy to “kill God” – namely in the interpretation where deicide is committed against the genotype
and phenotype that can objectively be said to have “created civilization and modern humanity” and to
fulfill an act of replacing Goy-cattle as the race “chosen by God” to represent or in fact ostensibly “be
God”. This shall culminate in the replacement of said “master race” with their own Hebrew race through
a barbaric methodology involving the ultimate goal of globalist-communist-sponsored white genocide.

The Charlottesville chant “you will not replace us” is given fresh context in light of the perceived
globalist-communist goal of ethnic cleansing of whites by Zionist elites. The collective position of
“master race” is a theoretical one of very tenuous proportions when another race is potentially
scheming over many generations to assert themselves as the replacements to fill such a dubious
position. The German National Socialists likely had become aware of their current qualifications as
members of the apparently-coveted and burdensome position of “master race” and it is reasonable to
conceive of ideological sympathy with their potentially or ostensibly over-reaching and over-reactive


It is useful to examine the implications of the assertion by Alex Jones that heavy psychedelics
were consumed by the ultra-elite as many as 100 years ago, lending perspective to the crazy
parapsychologies of the likes of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. These crazies were according to Alex Jones,
injecting DMT and meth among other things. It is safe to say that, mostly as a result of their drug choice,
the ultra-elite are spiritually Gnostic. This certainly has a bearing on their modified behavior,
motivations, and attitudes relative to regular people, religious and atheist alike. Timothy Leary was
certainly a CIA agent, and Charles Manson was closely related to both he and Aldous Huxley: not
surprisingly, Manson was interviewed extensively and mass-televized unlike virtually all other criminals
because it would seem that he was used as some special kind of government eperimental example,
probably closely related to the CIA program MKULTRA, and it seems likely that the elite are somehow
invested in encouraging us to contemplate globalist vs nationalist issues raised by the proposal of an
eminent communist revolution. This makes a lot of sense when you sufficiently analyze the objective
reality of plutocratic families projecting their issues – i.e., issues that inevitably arise in the sophisticated
mind of a serious political science major with unlimited money who is well aware of the principles
involved in National Socialism vs Communism, and who is concerned with their implications on cultures
of nations and ways to address reactions among the common folk via mainstream media, for example.
This basically relates to the plutocrats’ democratic (collective and competing) control over the highest
globalist circles of information and intelligence and government power – namely the potential of good
vs bad plutocrats, i.e., some plutocrats that favor National Socialism, others that prefer Zionism,
Communism, Democratic Socialism, etc.

It seems that David Koresh of the Branch Davidians was as much a psychedelic CIA experimental
example as Charles Manson, and it seems Koresh was aware of the endgame of Zionism. The overall goal
of Zionism seems to be the vague concept of “granting Shekels” (Shekels roughly translating to possibly
virtually infinite amounts of currencies from a variety of desired destination nations) to the pockets of
young traveling bachelors with a birthright citizenship to the Jewish nation of Israel, granted by
genetically verified lineage supposedly and questionably related to King David. The obvious goal of this is
to produce a generation of young Jews who quite literally have the world as their oyster.

The super-elite possessing genetics related to King David are certainly placing bets on whether
the masses will remain sheep and remain docile in the face of white genocide, or fight back. This kind of
betting has certainly been ongoing since before the internet was invented – and interestingly it is known
that the internet was created by computer nerds in Silicon Valley who had widely ingested large
amounts of LSD and were presumably invested in allowing us to find each other to plan out a strategy to
defend against globalism and related conspiratorial evils. This strategy is the spirit of 4Chan’s “Pol”


Antifa reveals their desire to bully forever by denying negotiation to formally ostracize those
whom they call “fascists” and prefer instead to perpetually redefine fascism as anything “anti-antifa” so
they can force their opinions on others.

Obviously formal ostracism of fascists would certainly solve the problem of “closeted” racism
and fascism forever by revealing in all citizens their acceptance or denial of the opportunity to move to a
state in which fascism or racism is permitted. Basically it is obvious that “you cannot be racist if
everyone in your living area is of the same race.” This preliminary form of “temporary racist policy”
would essentially eradicate all instances of racist behavior indefinitely, but antifa absolutely denies this

Hans-Hermann Hoppe suggests that we must physically remove the antifa types not simply
because they’re truly communists trying to steal our private property, but because their aim is
ultimately systemic genocide of our genotypes and phenotypes. So basically one is left to label oneself
“fascist” even if one does not think one is fascist because one must oppose the antifa’s endeavors to
gain power by eventually forcing one to label oneself “fascist” through a systematic argument whereby
all whites qualify as institutionally fascist unless they openly identify as antifa themselves and proceed
to engage in active antifa activity, willingly or apparently so. Antifa is ideologically backing you into a
corner and they are generally aware of their own treachery but they are in no way sorry about it,
because they perceive their mission as something like divine – they are crusaders who transcend the
limitations and constraints of logic and morality. The pursuant enslavement along these lines relates to
the necessity of proving at all times that your white privilege has been thoroughly forfeited!

Trump is a self-described “nationalist” so if you don’t openly oppose him at every given
opportunity, you will be labeled “nationalist” or at least “nationalist sympathizer”. To oppose outright
globalism is to throw a wrench in the mechanisms of enslaving non-communist whites, so you will be
aggressively targeted as a “nazi” (which is slang for “nationalist”) who is or is not still in the closet. Along
the lines of this logic, antifa will logically cheat to overpower and corner you ruthlessly in ideological
warfare, through infinite appeals to identity politics and systemic or institutionalized “racism”.


Money is only synonymous with power due to corrupt institutions established and protected by
government. Government wants us to be forced into doing business with anyone who has money.
Government wants us to become unable to decline the offering of goods and services to anyone for any
reason. Without government, the internet could quite obviously create many ways to validate identity
and positive or negative associations of anyone seeking transactions, and business and service providers
could then easily render “evil” people’s money powerless through the refusal to do business with them,
i.e., through various forms of the boycott.

My prediction is: openly communist agents funded by the likes of George Soros will protect the
usefulness of their money by “acting gay” and claiming “gay rights protections from discrimination” on
the “eve of the communist revolution.” This is why the liberals were so upset about the “bake the cake”
supreme court decision. Briefly, this decision claimed that Christian bakers were not required to bake a
cake depicting a gay marriage, presumably involving an unwanted promotion of a lifestyle they believe is
counter to their religious doctrines.

The reading deeply into language itself as in the calling out of people supposedly using “racist
dog whistles” is a preemptive step toward thought control, i.e., mind-control. When dog whistling
becomes commonly regarded as a real thing, the next step will be the asking of a controversial question
involving awkward topics like racism and to demonize the person being questioned if they hesitate or
react awkwardly or even start talking less. The questioner will claim that “this topic should not bother
you if you do not have a guilty conscience.” In this way, a negative vibe shift which would truly indicate
an unveiling of the questioner’s own ulterior motives can instead be projected onto you and allege to
indicate the “reality” that you are the one with something to hide, i.e., that you are the one with ulterior


In the interest of rewarding people possessing exceptional talent, it may be better for the likes
of Paul Manafort to keep the perhaps $1 million that would have officially been kept by the government.
The government use of this money would have gone towards something like the paying of perhaps 10
cops’ salaries in order for them to purchase cheap goods at Wal-Mart, for instance. The keeping of this
money by Paul Manafort types instead of paying it to the government could instead be spent on things
like $18,000 suits made from ostrich hides in order to stimulate the business of rare highly skilled
artisans. It is much too popular to assert that the mundane spending at places like Wal-Mart is morally
superior and preferable to that of luxury, especially when those doing the spending are selected from
among the richest 1% of a population. The mundane spending, which supports the livelihood of people
doing said spending – if those people have exceptional talent and are providers of rare highly skilled
services, this mundane spending is just as if not more important than that of people who occupy
mundane jobs and provide mundane services to mundane populations. The appeal to the common
support of common people is all too overemphasized in our society. More Paul Manafort types would be
nice and desirable, in order to encourage more variety in unique professions in order to stimulate young
minds with more surprising and engaging and interesting documentaries (see “How It’s Made) to
encourage kids to think outside of the box when contemplating future career choices and/or hobbies.


Advocates of NWO (New World Order aka one world government aka globalism) commonly
suggest that a single world government would, of necessity and by force, and defensibly and rightfully,
end all large-scale violence, perhaps forever. When they say this, they make some careless assumptions
that are offensive to lovers of liberty. They assume that the dominant, winning regime is and would be
certainly and verifiably among the most righteous and deserving of the role as supreme world leader –
and that any would-be-challenger nation will, for the rest of human history, not be significantly more
deserving of such a role. These mistaken advocates also neglect changes over time of popular attitudes
and virtues regarding the role of government in general, and the corresponding receptiveness of
opposing regimes to what is popular vs unpopular. Like most will concede, the switching of conservative
vs liberal labels in the Republican vs Democrat parties since the Civil War – this same dynamic could
again arise in the future, and it could do so between different nations, and within parties who are in or
are seeking to gain power over a nation, perhaps in unexpected and unpredictable ways. These changing
dynamics may cause a once-popular and once-principled party to go wrong and fall out of favor in terms
of what is important to the 51%, whether they realize it to be important or not. The possibility always
remains that a valid and deserving underdog may remain out of reach of the power and influence it
requires in order to fulfill mass wishes, due to a resistant and stubborn occupying regime which may or
may not have held popular favor in the past. NWO globalism advocates seem to forget that the 49% may
desire different universal policies than the 51% will allow by mob rule, and this is assuming even a
strangely perfectly “democratic” global government. These advocates essentially neglect the prospect or
proposition of ever allowing multi-faceted nationalist experiments to take place that would properly
enable the scientific study of multiple variables in societal preference of particular versions of law,
order, culture, language, ethnicity, etc.


It is obvious and even redundant to mention that the final form of “globalism” is NWO one
world government, and that its purpose is to forever enslave the world under a communist regime, just
like the Chinese government is doing to the Chinese people, except it will become much worse than
that. With a single world government alongside the ever-more-popular belief in “democracy” as a noble
virtue and secular God, the goal is to establish a one-person-one-vote system. Probably the final,
ultimate barrier to achieving this wholesale, is the United States electoral college system whereby the
United States technically remains a “Republic”. After the electoral college has been abandoned, it will be
extremely easy to empower globalists enough to institute a single world government and quickly
persuade the masses to vote in a communist regime using the Chinese method, involving complete state
control over the economy in exchange for the government’s promise to artificially expand the middle
class somehow. With the accompanying end of the free market worldwide, will begin the eternal
enslavement of humans. There will be no good reason to reproduce, and within a generation or two all
humans will be sheep or drug/sex addicts, likely unarmed and defenseless against armies speaking a
foreign language which shall be commanded by the elite for the purposes of ethnic cleansing and forced
population reduction, firstly and primarily against whites. In this manner become clear the purposes of
“fast and furious” and Hillary’s winning of the popular vote (by rigging) especially in light of the
subsequent “Resist” anti-nationalist anti-Trump movement.


When the masses wake up and realize what a huge bullet we dodged by not electing Hillary,
everyone will realize that Trump shooting someone in Time Square is nothing compared to eternal
global enslavement of all humans, which is what will be revealed to have been prevented by Trump’s
nationalist policies. His policies are executed in a deal-making fashion which minimizes the leftist knee-
jerk reaction among the masses who are mostly still wary of anything significantly “right of center”. The
masses have not been initiated into the far-right because of the awkwardness imposed especially by its
racial component of understanding white genocide, and also touchy subjects like holocaust denial and
confrontations with antifa.


Upon hearing that I’m a Trump supporter, a seemingly normal black man somehow finds it
appropriate to then immediately ask what I think about black people in general. To skip formalities, I
proceed to say that as a white person, I would seriously hesitate to allow my seed to be used for
procreation with a black woman because I know from observation that the child would look unrelated to
the parents (isolated from each other, at least, as in the absence of either the mother or the father) and
I want my child to look like me. The black man looks at e like I said something categorically offensive and
rudely asks, “What’s so great about looking like you?” as if to truly be asking “What, you think you aren’t
ugly? Because you are.” The tone certainly indicates that they think I’m focused on my child’s inclusion
in the white community because they assume I’m deeply racist and/or invested in a program of generic
“white privilege”. I try to allude in my response to the fact that one of the most “holy or divine” aspects
of my existential ontology or epistemology of the broadest philosophical conceptions of life itself, is the
fact and feeling that I objectively and subjectively look very similar to both my mother and my father. I
then continue by admitting that I would seriously hesitate to allow myself to be forced into consciously
denying my child of what is personally one of the most special feelings I have related to being a human.
They respond as though I just spouted off a load of nonsense, declaring how important and valuable it is
to bestow upon a child growing up in our “racist society”, the gift of learning intimately and firsthand
the perspective of having a mixed race identity. He certainly seems to believe that Bruno Mars is some
sort of supreme being. I indignantly respond that one’s relationship to one’s personal vs collective
identity is not related to any virtue I really wish to instill in my child because I am not geared toward
racist conceptions of social institutions. I continue to assert that I am less geared toward collective
society and am more geared toward family, God, and the contemplation of biological earthly existence.
I’m not emphasizing the idea that I would love my hypothetical mixed race child more or less than my
hypothetical white child – I’m just trying to say that having a mixed child would require a conscious
choice on my part to deny a gift I have infinitely enjoyed receiving from both my parents.


Communists invest in and bet heavily on the success of nasty mind tricks to be engaged during
arguments, primarily in person – indeed, we see clearly that, online, the AnCaps and NatSocs and other
far-right ideologues have the clear upper hand and are more at ease in debate with communists on the
internet than are the communists. But nevertheless the communists seem to dominate university
campuses using said tricks that, when used online, tend to fail and simultaneously reveal these nasty
mind tricks through the vantage point of time-delayed, well-thought-out, written responses to the crude
deliveries of these mind tricks. The distilled essence of these tricks may be derived from the communist
proposal and subsequent communist inquisition in defending the “virtues” of a communal fiscal policy of
“from each according to their ability and to each according to their need” which, after proposing, a
communist will defend with endless “why not?” questions meant to confound and stupefy their victim.
This mind trick works through a “gotcha” tactic which emerges from the resultant mental glitches
triggered in the victim, which are to be pointed at by the communist as clear evidence of “impotence in
the face of conflicting irrefutable truths”, but which, in reality, arises from the sheer overload in the
mind of the victim – a mind tasked with processing so many incoming objections to such a universally
absurd and unnatural policy proposal. Diametrically, the confounding confrontations with a sober mind
enter the issues raised into an infinitely regressive vicious loop in the victim’s mental mechanics. The
proposal of institutionalizing the conditions of utopia in an incompatible framework of human nature
creates chaos in the sober mind which is biologically governed by the psychology of the very same
human nature. The resultant inevitable loss of words is translated by the communists engaging in this
mind trick as a clear win on behalf of communism.


The communist tactic of dragging down high performers using sentiments anchored into the
norms of the common sheep extends to free speech through targeting the internet with “hate” filters
when “hate” is literally anything that becomes unpopular. The related tactic characterized by the
message “Haha, greedy capitalists, we used your own capitalist greed against you to defeat you” is
employed by the communist lobbying and influence upon monopolistic, anti-capitalistic, overly-
popularized, government-sponsored, “successful” websites and internet services to achieve disruption
of the means of communication between AnCaps and NatSocs and “the others” of potentially-like-mind
they’ve been divinely tasked with reaching, to bear high-performing, unpopular, intelligent messages of
hope and understanding by virtue of analyses of communist rhetoric. The supposedly “capitalist-
generated” monopolies of high-viewership are one-by-one removed from the utility of the far-right
when the wildfire of truth spreads through them, alerting the communists to unwanted liberation of
minds within the masses. The method used by communists to lobby monopolistic media involves crude
appeals to “community standards” regarding intolerance towards hate or scary conspiracies by virtue of
the assertion that no such scary conspiracy exists – which is ironically itself a scary conspiracy. A forced
normalcy bias becomes obvious in this assertion that common minds are not mature enough to tolerate
the free contemplation of the potential validity of new perspectives of a paradigm-shifting gravity.


Communists make strangely weak arguments about the need to seek out and destroy what they
label “capitalism” wherever it exists worldwide, and they mainly focus on the idea that capitalism will
inevitably seek out and destroy communism wherever it exists, in a manner of perfect psychological
projection. If ever is offered to them the option of physical separation of their commune from
capitalistic society, they will turn down the offer, not that this would yet be possible because “real
capitalism” has not occurred since the feudal age, but in any case, their claims that “real communism”
has not existed either, are academically permissible assuming said offer grants them their own
opportunity to perfect communism on their own. The big problem is they won’t allow themselves to
describe ANY communism EVER as either “real” or “perfected” supposedly until after all capitalism, or
money-based economies in general, are ended permanently, worldwide. So basically they are not
content with simple fascistic segregation based on economic ideology. They insist on a capture-and-
torture program of “super-fascism” against anyone who opposes the abolition of all forms of money and
private property ownership principles. One can only assume that this paranoia indicates that future
generations of communist societies will be tempted through observation by capitalist surplus and
relative luxuries or else their leaders will be, such that bribery transforms communes into slave labor
camps or something along those lines. It would seem that their communist minds are so fragile that the
communal economy is threatened by the simple foreign presence of excess goods because the very
concept would corrupt the minds of the proletariat. Their lack of confidence in their own ideology
indicates a lack of creativity.


Anti-Trump stalwart George W. Bush said “Trump, you cannot just wish away globalism!” The
reality of his assertion relates to the desires of the ultra-elite plutocrats to maintain their artificially high
income at the expense of society. This concerns the facet of society involving the reality of crony-
capitalist corporatocracy masquerading as legitimate government “by the people”. These ultra-elites are
involved in communist affairs involving downright dystopian and genocidal agendas. The ultra-elite have
a tendency to derive their profits from unusually-awkward-niche negotiations that most of society
cannot withstand for good reasons like avoidance of social unpleasantries. These “bad apples of
capitalism” do things that are improperly labeled by leftists as actually “capitalist” in nature when in
reality they should be labeled “big government globalist culture-corrupting” activities by good people
with benevolent long-term wishes for the masses. They straddle natural cultural, linguistic, and national
borders and play both sides of said borders, especially in events of warfare, using government
sponsorship, protection, and manipulation to compromise natural healthy capitalist competition in free
markets to their advantage to secure their own future, further domination, thereby using “laws of
governments” as a cover to essentially use force of violence at the hand of police state gunfire to
threaten any competitors challenging their imposed monopolies. No one even wants to become a
competitor in the type of game they’re playing because to do so would be an investment in degenerate
influences on social institutions by themselves, their employees, their customers, and the cultural
landscape in general. Splitting up jobs between multiple cultures is inherently degenerate and strictly
anti-nationalist in principle.


The communist assertion that abolition of money and private ownership is the only solution to
the predicament of the poor not finding jobs due to self-sustaining property owners dominating their
geographic proximities is childish. This assertion begs permission to call our current system “capitalist”
and to overemphasize the severity of the current obstacles faced by the poor. They refuse to concede a
trickle down effect that extends to the conditions following the abolition of government, which AnCaps
insist will fill the free market with charity programs that appear to be on steroids compared to anything
the government has ever been or ever will be able to provide. The communists paint hideous images of
their loathed AnCap enemies, suggesting a common theme among rich people and the middle class of
actually wanting the poor to suffer or of being disappointed to see programs whereby the poor are
demonstrably lifted out of miserable conditions. They would hate to exercise their imaginations about
forms of business advertisement widely characterized by charitable and renovative achievements,
making it easily possible in a near-utopia for the primary selection criteria for customers to do business
to rely on demonstrations by businesses proving their success in helping the poor and disabled to win
comfortable living conditions. Communists fail to recognize that it is truly government which stifles the
full potential of charity by restricting and binding it through legal institutions instead of unleashing it
into a free market. Feudal societies only lacked the technology to broadcast via internet and travel via
car to locations of economic hardships. People would volunteer more without government guarantees
of “handling the problem”.


Criticizers of AnCap focus on this question to assert their answer of central planning and what
essentially amounts to a “democratic” state of some sort. I find it easy to imagine rich people getting
together to pay pavement companies to build roads for use by everyone, who lives or travels, near them
or their stores or businesses. It is arguably in the best interests of rich people to make productive and
active community members even more so. Imagine business owners wishing to optimize and maximize
clients and customers by increasing access, by as many people as possible, to their stores’ locations –
this would, as well, apply to multiple stores belonging to other rich people who have banded together to
get a “bulk package deal” from pavement companies to fund a whole community network of roads.
Basically voluntaryism itself may govern transactions resulting in road-building instead of an
institutionalized, collective, democratic state. Community members and travelers, with jobs or savings
of their own, may have money they’re willing to spend – that is, unless communism and bans on
currency reign down oppression on the society. Anarchy ensures more rich peoples’ money remains free
to spend on such society-bolstering projects – in the absence of state-government extortion which, so
often in history, comes in the form of forcefully-imposed taxations.


At the risk of sounding too obvious, nevertheless it may be useful to describe the globalist-
communist-Zionist character of the “NFL Kneeling National Anthem protesters” who would obviously
rather be citizens of a global NWO government than of the United States. The overall goal seems to be
to change the minds of the NFL team owners who enforce a policy of standing for the USA flag, whether
of their own volition or due to public opinion and viewership on television broadcasts. Thus the
mechanism involves changing peoples’ minds, at large, enough for them to not object to a policy of
“allowing kneeling”, so better to spread the message of their ideology. This ideology is a preliminary
prototype of neo-communism, requiring no “hammer and sickle”, by virtue of overtly anti-Nationalist
sentiment seeking to enable open claim to membership within a social order that promotes “anti-racist”
racism inherent in the overall agendas of communism. The trick involved in this endeavor uses racism as
a scapegoat to bolster defenses of “pro-POC racism”. Basically, one will eventually hereby be able to use
skin color as a bargaining or bartering tool in negotiating any ordinary police brutality to be rendered as
being of the label “hate crime” simply because the person(s) with whom the police are interacting is/are
of a dark complexion – conceivably or ideally applying to the likes of a rioting gang. This trick has the
added benefit of casting “the entire system” in a light of “favoring whites”, thus adding to the growing
number of reasons compelling the masses to take unilaterally racist actions against anyone ostensibly
described as “behaviorally white” and/or of a light/fair complexion. This aids the communist endgame of
white genocide which puts the capstone upon the globalist agenda.


A good definition of a “communist conspiracy” is anything that is constructed to introduce an

unfair competitive advantage which compromises the otherwise-capitalist free market. GANGS stifle
competition in drug supply with violence by smuggling from countries with favorable law enforcement
and assuming the risk of going to jail, artificially driving up costs. Companies who OUTSOURCE labor
stifle competition in labor supply by occupying foreign lands with favorable taxation, economies, and
laws, artificially increasing profit. LABOR UNIONS are like gangs because they stifle entry to the market
by favoring companies big enough to absorb the additional cost demanded by them, artificially favoring
bigger businesses. LABOR UNIONS, GANGS, AND OUTSOURCING serve as conspiracies to instigate
communism by corrupting the free market in order to cast a false capitalism in a negative light, thereby
lending urgency to the goal of a communist revolution. LABOR UNIONS should be regarded as similar to
GANGS as membership indicates conspiracy to commit a crime: drug supply in gangs and work stoppage
in labor unions.


There’s a nasty connection between the people who started the housing bubble, the people
financing the housing bubble, and the people building the houses. Said connection is all about the
investment in the supposedly or ostensibly inevitable rise of communism in America. The devalued
currency is put into increased circulation and the Zionist real-estate controllers start the snowball of
excessive investment in house-building, alongside their own collusion with their globalist peers, who
already control government policy and gang activity, and counter-activity, in Mexico using
simultaneously-controlled drug laws in the United States. This predictably results in the tendency of
cheap laborers, who only speak Spanish, to willingly participate in this seemingly nonsensical system, by
actually doing the physical construction. The general point of all this is to build too many houses, to
make it easier for liberals to look at the “problem” of homelessness and simultaneously “too many
empty houses”, so better to blame “capitalism and the free market”, and more easily become full-blown
communists. Obviously, “real capitalism” didn’t create the Federal Reserve, so they’re wrong, but
nevertheless, the illusion remains… they believe they’re correct. Mexicans are generally already
communist and Mexico’s government is already far-left, so it’s natural for the globalizing objective of
spreading communism to the United States to be undertaken as a cause by illegal immigrants, who
condone the absurd allocation of their own manual labor, on the intensely ulterior basis that they will
eventually inhabit these excess homes they’re building. They certainly reproduce enough to stake the
claim of quickest utilization of these otherwise “excess” houses, so they naturally agree to participate in
this large-scale racial theft of “white” peoples’ property. The Zionists LOVE this because the thieves
genetically look sufficiently dissimilar to them, while simultaneously they themselves look sufficiently
similar to whites, in order to neatly achieve the goal of “replacing” whites and gaining hegemony over
their pawns in this genocidal machination. Global communism is, among other things, a generic
reference to “stealing white peoples’ stuff”.


This question is a good metaphor for a similar question: does labor produce capital or does
capital produce labor? Which is necessary first? Well, inasmuch as God is not a human and does not
provide “human labor”, Earth itself is the primary capital. Of course planting is laborious, but food
comes from Earth more directly than from planting because animals are not humans and animals were
the original spreaders of seeds. The epitome of political violence would be to drop communists from
helicopters in the middle of the ocean because they fight against capital and the ground capital is what
enables their labor. Indeed, no labor would be possible without a hard surface to stand on. In the
ideation of “body as capital” we may think of steroids as a form of capital that enables more laborious
endurance. Mind is capitalist and it dictates motivation and choices which guide the application of labor.


Sharing a system of government with leftists is like having a serial killer roommate who tries to
shoot you in the back of the head after every time you discover their hidden handgun and unload the
bullets. They keep pulling the trigger when they think it’s loaded and you keep forgiving them for doing
so because you’re too nice to kick them out on the street. Capitalists are too nice to throw communists
from helicopters into the middle of the ocean as airlifted shark food.


Krishnamurti’s definition of violence, and its implications, suggest that violence involves
separation of individuals from each other, particularly that which arises as a result of inclusion or
separation or segregation in or from one or more labels involving primarily religion, in Krishnamurti’s
specific evaluation, but I will add labels describing such various persuasions as politics, race, language,
etc. I insist that the most important types of labels to analyze in their relation to “separatory violence”
are those of race and language, by virtue of their more serious and concrete natures, given that race is
genetic and cannot be changed at will, and that language takes much time and effort to change at will.
Opinions and beliefs are practically figments of the imagination compared to race, so I believe any
stubbornness associated with social inclusion based on “culture, politics, and religion” should be
regarded as vastly lagging behind that of race and language in importance. In the interest of reducing
“separatory violence” I insist that collisions between individuals of different race and language are
extremely important to avoid, while that of different “culture, politics, and religion” is relatively
unimportant. On this basis, I assert that the propensity of “segregation” to AVOID collisions between
disparate groups should and could be engaged through voluntary geographical separation between
racial and linguistic groups, who heavily identify with their own chosen or genetically-determined race
or language to such an extent that subconscious or open fascism may occur without the auspices of such
“segregation”. The potential for such “fascist collisions” to occur will be systematically eliminated if we
employ Nationalist boundaries such that each race or language has the option to emigrate to its own
“father land”. On behalf of whites, I venture to guess that the advantage of ending all racism forever
would tend to encourage the “democratic voting” upon an “official white language” – most likely English
– such that “white nationalists” could be theoretically satisfied with “all whites” moving to a single
“Kekistan” at their own voluntary will in an effort to systematically eliminate their own subconscious
racism by virtue of the fact that “one cannot be racist if everyone one interacts with belongs to one’s
own race”. The conceivable temporary, collective violence necessary to forcefully relocate people to
where they belong, in this racism-eliminating scheme, may well be PERMISSIBLE as “means” justified by
the “ends” of ending collisions of violent, individual, fascist nature, FOREVER.


I feel it necessary to critique Trump on a rather important quote which has profound
implications. He said, “America doesn’t worship government, America worships God.” While that may
be true enough of current America and the “popular definitions” of government and God, I don’t believe
it necessarily SHOULD be true of America, given more useful or sophisticated ideas of “government and
God” as I believe they SHOULD be defined, in a perfect world. Ideal government is meant to properly
connect the individual to the collective in terms of “law and order”, and a truly benevolent government,
which I believe may well have never existed yet on Earth, would certainly be worthy of worship. Indeed,
the best idea I have of the one true God is intimately related to the connection between the individual
and the Universe, which is a physical form of “the collective” with biological and mathematical forms of
“law and order”. So I would like to inform Trump that, although he may be correct, his validity is not
necessarily a “good thing” but rather a commentary on the imperfect reality of “government” and an
immature idea of “God”. In a perfect world (perhaps without Zionism) government would be “worthy”
of the definition of “God”, in such a way that to worship the most advanced idea of God would involve
worshipping “government” as a means of manifesting the aspect of God bestowing proper alignment
between the individual and his inhabited surroundings and environment. The only issue left to debate,
then, is whether the “ideal method” of aligning the individual to its inhabited surroundings should really
be called “government” as, according to most AnCaps, the “proper definition of government” along
these individual collective environment alignment kinds of lines, would REQUIRE THE ABSENCE OF A
STATE. This invites a healthy discussion about the virtues and definitions involved in the following
words: state, government, anarchy, policy, police, law, taxes, violence, community, society, natural
order, collective, rulers, justice, voting, democracy, consensus, ostracism, inclusion, liberty, oppression,
corruption, shadow government, puppets, etc. Essentially a “natural social order” is simply the highest,
most advanced form of the “external God” including “nature” in which an individual finds himself. If God
may be called “the mind to nature connection”, then society itself is a “branch of God” and therefore
“the alignment of individuals to society” is a “branch of said branch of God”. Just as every branch of
every branch of a tree is part of said tree – in the same way, social order is “part of God” – therefore
“deserving worship” the same way one might worship the hand or foot of God, anthropomorphically. I
submit that, had Zionism been absent in human history, the institutions that would qualify as
“government”, in their alignment of individual to grand social order, would be Godlike in their purity and
uncorrupted by evil and wholesome in their connection to the universal God, therefore deserving
worship as much as the “total God” himself!


Some form of “privately owned nukes” shall here be discussed. In the spirit of the second
amendment of the United States Constitution, the Founding Fathers did NOT say: “You have the right to
bear arms unless those arms get super big and scary.” Leftists claim the second amendment exclusively
referred to contemporary “musket” technology or involved only the “hunting of deer” and such, yet
CANNONS were included in the second amendment, and the purpose was to fight back against
“perhaps-Zionist-occupied-government” so they were obviously permitting private ownership of
anything able to be owned by any government in the interest of preventing eternal enslavement and/or
physical genocide, particularly that of whites. It’s obvious that material possessions are of great concern
to Zionists for their purpose of inhabiting those buildings and more easily living off the labor of now-
dead slaves who while-alive did not even know they were enslaved. The anti-nuclear ulterior motive
disguised by “saving lives”, to any sensible intellectual, can be deduced by the utter nonsense of
asserting that, in knowledge of the afterlife and eternal consciousness, which Jews “claim to possess”,
one person dying instantaneously is significantly different in the grand scheme of things, from say five
thousand people dying instantaneously. Indeed to a Gnostic these scenarios are NOT significantly
different. To anyone with real knowledge of the nature of the parallel dimension which souls enter into
upon death, there isn’t any “moral” difference between the painless death of one vs many. What is
really suspicious is how the allegedly spiritually advanced Rabbis of Zionism seem to have great concern
for the proliferation of nukes. It’s obvious to radical intellectuals that these Rabbis are highly invested in
preventing the destruction of “urban areas” because, when they plan to “replace whites” they don’t
want to be burdened with the labor of reconstruction or construction. “They” correctly predict that
“whites” would rather commit mass suicide and destroy “all their cities” than be retroactively enslaved,
contemporaneously enslaved, or to allow Zionists in any sense to live off what they’ve built – basically
these Rabbis know we might just NUKE OURSELVES in the final stages of an agenda they may well have
planned. They are therefore highly invested in keeping sacred mushrooms and DMT illegal because
these spiritual technologies convince people of the reality of “spirit and the afterlife” and would
therefore possess the propensity to increase the so-undesired likelihood of whites choosing suicide and
whole-city-destruction over slavery and “replacement” or simple mass-theft of buildings.


Ron Paul claims to emphasize – always – individual liberty in the spirit of “give me liberty or give
me death” but I emphasize it in a greater sense by going a logical step further, and agree with the
assertion made by Hitler that there exists a certain set of arguments and promises associated with well-
tailored collectivization that are so “good” that they can justifiably convince “members” or “citizens” of
the collective to willingly sacrifice some of their rights to “individual liberty” (such as, perhaps, the right
to “own” recreational nukes or the right to “be a follower of Judaism/Zionism”) in the aim of “making
their country or order greater”. The trick is to get the “citizens” to truly recognize and actually believe
that you are indeed “telling the truth” and are certainly NOT SWINDLING them with the ulterior motive
of enslavement and/or genocide. Such convincing, in my opinion, may actually “require” the “grooming
of a NatSoc Dalai Lama baby” who is raised on 24/7 public livestream by “government agents” who
verifiably teach said baby the correct principles of being an omnipotent dictator/monarch to prove to all
“citizens or members” of the collective that their Fuehrer is as perfect as any human can be in their
effort to minimalize corruption in their technically-socialist “engineering” of a free market that is “more
free” than the “free market”. This Dalai Lama may take requests on which topics to teach the next Dalai
Lama and may even bring a group of competing babies to a vote to ask “citizens” for a consensus on
which baby’s academic performance they think indicates the best chance of truly “omnipotent and
benevolent rule” in their developing baby or teenager. A society operating by the private laws which
protect this strange institution of rule over the free market by an “omnipotent NatSoc Dalai Lama baby
Fuehrer” must protect the right of individuals to renounce their “citizenship or membership” if they
don’t agree to the terms of giving up, perhaps, gun rights and religious rights within the borders of said
“covenant community”, which are protected by an official militia, and leaving said borders if they “want
individual liberties back”.


From the vantage point through the lens of awareness of globalist conspiracy it may become
obvious that those with a vested interest in plutocratic “democratic” machinery, were responsible for
atrocities like the assassination of, what I will argue were legitimate, regimes of lingering
monarchist/aristocratic/feudalist lineage and institution. I think the most reasonable far-right summary
in the analysis of World War 1 is that Zionist-globalist conspirators observed problems in asserting their
corrupt influence upon the likes of Franz Ferdinand, and therefore used globalist intrigue, perhaps
indirectly, to shift resources toward the location and situation of a “trap” in Serbia (or wherever it was)
and, perhaps indirectly, paid assassins to instigate turmoil, potentially including advanced machinations
designed through the planting of agents (sold-out to their cause in various manners) into positions of
military/political/market influence to exacerbate the devastation, primarily through or involving war,
with the goal of having strategic influence in the “reconstruction efforts” and resultant designs enabling
more-globalist political institutions for future more-heavy-control-measures of a more-Zionist
persuasion in Hegelian Dialectic manner. The evil people, who use murder tactically, are genuinely
invested in the destruction of obviously, relatively-more-good-and-just government institutions,
because in/during World War 1 times, the nature of media manipulation was not conceivably advanced
enough to permit and account for the tortuous logic involved in “opposition to controlled opposition”,
as may well be the case today, according to most conspiracy theorists. So “what you saw was what you
got” and “things” were thus more straight-forward relative to today. Given a straight-forward globalist
conspiracy, it stands to reason that the monarchy against which “the evil” conspired in murder, was
relatively “good” compared to the institutions that, by evil, evolved in the aftermath of such atrocity.
The atrocity was therefore obviously of “means” to equally-atrocious “ends”. Namely, the evil of
resultant, relative, “democracy” was said “ends” to said “means” involving assassination and war. Over
100 years before the Ferdinand assassination that kicked off World War 1, the events that led to
tortuous payback-for-paybacks, were initiated by a collection of anti-Nationalist actions in Serbia.
Basically a “monarchist” dynasty betrayed proper Nationalist ideals by negotiating concessions with the
foreign Ottoman empire occupying Serbia, and this eventually resulted in justified payback by a different
“dynasty” of an equally-but-perhaps-differently-globalist slant that had previously done more to oppose
Ottoman authority over Serbia. If a Serbian “dynasty” had never permitted themselves to essentially
become Ottoman subjects – that is, if they had been true Nationalists – the domino effect leading to
World War 1 would never have begun!


The way “predictive programming” truly works is ultimately all about ridiculing people who
inevitably identify an issue as serious in the real world, through preemptively broadcasting said idea in a
non-serious manner. In matters of communism, anarchy, National Socialism, racism, conspiracy, etc.,
the elite use a tactic of “taking” issues that would, in a serious context, exert some measure of
discomfort upon their positions of power, making said positions more untenable by virtue of serious
advocates of heightening public awareness of what they’re doing and supporting. When they “take”
these issues, what they aim to do is to render these issues more “ridiculous” by making a fake
Hollywood version of it, for example, in order to cloud people’s judgment about what extent of said
issues is real and how much of it is simply imaginative. Ostensibly they aim to decrease the tendency to
judge a serious issue as real, and increase its tendency to be judged as imaginative, and therefore no
longer “serious” at all. They will make people laugh at truly serious issues just because Hollywood made
a story out of it. This happens because of the introduction of a possibility and perceived probability that
a hypothetical serious conspiracy theorist just “got their idea” from the movie, for example. They will
respond to said conspiracy theorist jocularly, saying “Haha, you’re just like that movie, haha!” and
thereby rest assured that they have the “upper hand” and are “more intelligent” than the conspiracy
theorist by virtue of the fact that they’ve “seen more movies” and thereby have ostensibly heard of
“that idea” before it was conceived of and/or presented to them by the conspiracy theorist, and they
will therefore become even more assured that the theory is preposterous due to the possibility that the
imaginative movie version of the theory was “around” longer than the serious-natured rendition of the
theory as “real-life”, which a conspiracy theorist is trying to spread the truth of. Botched versions of the
theory can also be spread, preemptively, to make people immune to the coming real version of the
theory, through haughty “superiority” and annoyance at hearing something they think has already been
“debunked” in various ways.


Property taxes, high rent, and Federal Reserve inflation are connected in a relatively straight-
forward and obvious manner to induce a system of modern slavery. Zionists have occupied high-salary
banker positions and government positions over many generations to “dominate the dominators” of the
real estate industry while simultaneously devaluing the currency, using such tactics as the removal of
the gold standard and requiring “socialist” property taxes for “public property” to prevent immunity
from the overall mechanism of enslavement. We can’t properly organize without “becoming internet
trolls” due to occupation of jobs that require at least 40 hours a week, which we require only due to the
fact of universal, artificially high rent. The property management companies must charge us such high
rent only because the rent of their employees is similarly too high. The obvious manner in which such an
awkward state of affairs is possible involves the big-money corporate domination of the real estate
industry. Basically, the valueless paper money is circulated with more units, to benefit the big Zionist
bankers, who collude with those given an inside knowledge of the inflation agenda/schedule, and
arrange to profit by it, through the allocation of investments related to real estate, such that they enjoy
the lower-relative-cost of goods, afforded by “first waves” of said money circulation followed by
inflation, and pass the negative effects of price-increases downstream to less-privileged common folk.
No one can escape the monetary and real estate control completely, because property taxes will always
be taken for granted, as no one recognizes it as theft and extortion. According to plutocratic agenda, it is
obvious that virtually the same people who are controlling the causes of high rent, are using the
government-sponsored printing of worthless money to maintain “socialist” enslavement, through
requiring property taxes.


The modern state is related to the black market surrounding pedophilia. The reason for the
state as a monopolist on justice is to provide control over justice for the purpose of manipulating the
application of said justice. They say “let us take care of the bad guys” because they may want to protect
privileged bad guys who provide mutual support to the state. The monpolistic features of the state
ensure that anyone who may discover their pedophilia market will be silenced through torture and
alleged suicide a la Jeffrey Epstein. Hidden History by Donald Jeffries is full of examples of conspiratorial
murders forcibly masked as suicides through the exercise of authority structures inherent in state justice
systems. Basically, dirty cops exert control over other dirty cops who are blackmailed into cooperation.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe contemplates the ascent of the state as a monopoly on justice without
considering the fact that Donald Jeffries presents involving the going missing of over 100,000 children
every year in the United States since the 1980’s. The fundamental weirdness of most cops is a
psychological artifact of exposure to the karma of acquaintances aiding protection of child sex slave
trafficking, and it is compounded by nasty habits like excessive alcohol consumption as a coping
mechanism on days off. Leftists subconsciously support increased central authority and as we know
from Alex Jones and PizzaGate, the Clinton body count in associated with pedophile networks. Alex
Jones is basically “far-right”. Most laugh at Alex Jones shouting about pedophiles running the world, but
he is not joking or lying. Leftists, centrists, and conservatives who neglect to listen to Alex Jones are
subconsciously supporting globalism, which in turn supports pedophilia. Tariffs are a good start, and
hardcore isolationism is even better. Simply put, justice or lack thereof may originate in one state if not
another, and under modern auspices of globalism, all states coexist seamlessly, and globalists inherently
support organized pedophilia in child sex-slave trafficking between states.

Just because you’re lucky enough to find an infinite oil well doesn’t mean you get to have
thousands of kids, each with infinite wealth. This does not improve the gene pool in any way. Think of
“secrets” in terms of the location of an infinite oil well that could sustain humans forever. A king would
decide appropriate reward for the discoverer of this secret and appropriate dispersion methods of the
natural resources. I’m a true anarchist first and foremost, so secrets being kept by force are abhorrent
to me. The manner of my personal form of “genetic communism” is a peculiar form of
“environmentalism” which I believe to assert a reverence required by humans for being part of an
inhabited system of genetic information with the implications of “take a penny, leave a penny” such that
people should divulge secrets of productivity, like patents. This is just a principle however, so I don’t
necessarily believe in “democratic laws” forcing people to cooperate with expectations of the masses.
That being said, as a true anarchist, I intend at all costs to promote the emergence of a system with as
few rulers as possible, and this requires advancement toward a single ruler (monarchy) followed by
feudalism as a natural order arises in the competition of a free market for “rulership” such that new
rulers may replace less-just rulers. A monopoly on kingship is okay if it is genuinely in the interests of the
people of a nation in a spontaneous and organic manner, with the goal in mind of establishing
conditions allowing other king-monopolies to compete via “nationalism” as opposed to “globalism”.
Indeed, self-sacrifice in a “true king” would be a requisite at some point. In the interest of minimizing
the keeping of secrets from some people by some other people, I believe the ability to discover secrets
should be contained within a Fuehrer’s chosen system. Secrets kept by many from many others under
democracy must transform first into monarchy then into feudalism aka aristocracy in order to undo the
various facets of leftist degeneration.


Obviously upon agreeing with the turbo-fascist nature which is the basis of this book and its
author, one should recognize the need to split the United States into left vs right nations to allow the
communists to destroy themselves and leave us alone. But the situation is quite desperate because we
need to make Trump king of the “right” nation but simultaneously become the “master nation” over the
“left” nation because any reasonable observer of the status quo will realize it’s only a matter of time
before the “left” nation attacks itself and blames the attack on us to instigate perpetual war. This
situation is desperate enough to warrant immediate war on communists like Ann Coulter suggests, and
to send leftists to Guantanamo Bay and forcefully impose conditions on them as humanely as their
reluctance to be leftist will allow. In any case it’s obvious to any radical right-winger that the time for
voting is OVER.


Nationalist tend to say “I’m not a Nazi! Socialism is stupid!” They don’t grasp the connotations
of the word “social” under a Nationalist (anti-democratic) context. There must be a reason why Nazi’s
hated communists…. NatSoc vs Communism is almost like 2 sides of the same coin because both are
using methods of authoritarianism and collectivism that may seem similar except in terms of their long-
term goals. NatSoc is oriented towards the creation of a truly free market, helping the poor, whereas
communism is oriented towards plutocratic control of the market through central planning, hurting the
moderately wealthy.

Social trust is a prerequisite in functional AnCap – “you must be from the same nation as me”
should mean something…


David Bowie said “Fascism is really just Nationalism”. I will go a step further and amend this to
say that fascism is “social nationalism” which is another term for National Socialism and National
Socialism is a far-right phenomenon that seeks to establish the same things described by AnCap – i.e.
the word “socialism” need not include leftist connotation. Modern socialism is “democratic socialism”
and is primarily a globalist preparation for communism. The practice of calling National Socialism
“leftist” is not serious in nature, it is a practice that seeks to disassociate “right wing philosophy” from
Holocaust related genocide. This “leftist accusation” is a ridiculous practice when one studies both
Holocaust Denial and the economic miracles of the NatSoc Deutschmarks.


The primary purpose of David Bowie’s “fascism”, which he says is simply identical to
“nationalism”, and which I venture to redefine as “social nationalism”, which upon redemption of
“Holocaust denial” may be rendered as identical to Hitler’s National Socialism, is to prevent the
“breakdown of social trust”. “Social trust” is what breaks down when a typical leftist buffoon of a
different race than you loses an argument to you, and as a cornered snake, lashes out in false
accusations of closeted racism on your part as motivating the instigation of conflict, in an attempt to
divert attention away from the loss of the argument on their part. This is a nasty mind-trick involving the
intentional confusing of “correlation” for “causation”. As a cornerstone of what I like to define as “social
communism”, this mind-trick is used by leftists as a social maneuver to bully, by presenting a “difference
in race” as the “cause” of agitation simply because said agitation is “correlated” with people of
“different races”. “Social communism” is at play in such leftist machinations as accusing MAGA hats of
being “racist” simply because slavery happened in the past and the “MAGA” label claims America was
better in the past, therefore presenting a claim of “causation” when only simple “correlation” can be
observed. These are the mind-tricks of a type of bullying which claims the “moral high ground”. Fascism
legitimizes the separation of social groups voluntarily identifying with race, primarily.


It is not necessarily a good or bad thing, but simply a reality, to observe that “the only real form”
of democracy is “mob rule” or “rule by the 51+%” or majority. The commonly accepted form of
“democracy” is inevitably a false form of democracy that is truly a plutocracy. It is usual that the
plutocratic form of “democracy” particularly involves forms of “voting” on issues or representatives
where each “person” or qualifying “voter” gets 1 vote. Plutocrats can do many things to exert their
control under the guise of this “vote-based” democracy, such as rigging voting machines, controlling the
propositions which are subsequently voted on and passed or not passed, or controlling puppets who are
given a vested interest in their plutocratic controllers and, if elected fairly or unfairly, will guarantee
access to the commandeering of control of capital stock of resources stolen from “citizens” at gunpoint,
aka “tax extortion”. The “real form” of democracy only arises spontaneously and physically by mob rule
of actual proximal mobs exerting actual force over people inhabiting immediate environments. That is to
say, non-plutocratic democracies are completely physical in nature. The characteristic of any
conceivable virtue of any “real democracy” is attributable to the force exerted by a particular “armed
force or militia”.


Spiritual pharmacology and entheogenic undertakings are appropriate for Far-Right philosophy,
in the interest of prioritizing the spiritual evolution of the species over the “rights of the individual”.
Personal enlightenment is justified inasmuch as personal psychedelic notetaking for non-selfish,
empathetic spreading to others is prioritized. This builds the community far more fully than communist

My Gnostic quest for enlightenment ended upon discovery of “The Eight Circuit Model of
Consciousness” by Timothy Leary and discovery of “The Temple of the True Inner Light” which is a
branch of the Native American Church located in New York.

The proverbial “third eye”, to put it quite simply, constitutes the difference between regular
waking imagination and visual dreaming during REM sleep.

The first 3 chakras or brain circuits flip up into the last 3 (1 2 and 3 flip up to 5 6 and 7) across
the 4th chakra using the 8th (out of body chakra) during the process of falling asleep. The 3rd chakra fuels
the 5th chakra, the 2nd fuels the 6th, and the 1st fuels the 7th. Most people don’t have useful conceptions
of the top 3 chakras, so: (7) The Biosurvival chakra 1 is flipped up into the 7th chakra during sleep by
virtue of “getting what you want” out of the dream or “succeeding” or “not being captured by the
enemies” found inside the dream, if any. (6) The self-to-environment-connection of chakra 2 is flipped
up into the 6th chakra during sleep by virtue of emphasizing interactions between the body of your “self”
during the dream and the “physical” surroundings and external characters of the dream. (5) The “regular
ego” of chakra 3 is flipped up into chakra 5 during sleep by virtue of sensing your “character” and its
motivations and identity within each dream. This is perhaps the most difficult and trying aspect of any
dream. Chakra 4 can be described as the emotional “heart” in approaching the struggles of life, and
chakra 8 is the same thing but found in dreams, involving being a kind of “hero” of a personal epic quest.
(4 and 8) Flipping chakra 4 into chakra 8 is the process of inverting chakra 1 into chakra 7, inverting
chakra 2 into chakra 6, and inverting chakra 3 into chakra 5.

The nature of life on Earth in its relation to the afterlife is the work of chakras 4 and 8 in
balancing the other chakras. The story of being a hero to yourself involves realizing that this is the only
Earth and this is the source of new people you will meet in the afterlife, and for an honest fascist, what
else may you talk about for eternity if not your contribution to the holy war, guided by Odinic
Nationalist leaders like Trump and Hitler? The qualify of the afterlife for a fascist individual is governed
primarily by the success of National Socialism over the evils of Zionism and globalism. We understand
that the continued production of souls that look and/or behave similarly to you, is worth protecting and
fighting for! We are looking down the barrel of a gun when we are alerted to the startling fact that only
whites are unable to point to a nation on the globe where they are the majority. It is not an “evil” trait
to be concerned about this fact!

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