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Event Management CIA-1.

Discussion Questions

Q1. What are the benefits for event organizers for making their events more sustainable?

A1. As the large number of people gather for an event gathering of a large number of people can
have a potential negative impact on the air, soil, water, resources and people. This includes not
only the location where the event takes place but also far beyond. But by taking sustainability
planning into consideration, event organizers have the opportunity to not only to minimize
potential negative impacts but also, given the large number of stakeholders involved, concretely
influence change by leaving a positive legacy and hopefully inspiring those involved to live more
sustainably. That's why we should urge organizers to include sustainability into their planning

Organizing sustainable events not only reduces their environmental impact, but can also benefit
the main actors involved. Such benefits include:

 Financial Benefits:-Since the event which are conducted on the base of sustainability
there are immediate financial benefits that could happen as the organizers could save by
conserving energy ,purchasing local material, producing less waste for the people to
collect at the end of event so by doing an on sustainable theme could save the event
organizers a lot of money.
 Positive Reputation:-When a event is conducted and its theme also focuses on
sustainability then it also gathers a lot of social media attention also thereby attracting a
lot of people to attend the event.
 For example: The live earth music festival that was organized in 2007 attracted a lot of
people around the globe to attend the event and show turned out to be a great success
around the world just because it focuses on sustainability along with music festival
 Social benefits: If planned and implemented carefully, the event can provide benefits to
the region by creating jobs, encouraging local investment, involving regional Small and
Medium Enterprises (SME) and can promote better working conditions and social
inclusion. It can also act as a catalyst for encouraging environmental and sustainable best
practices across the region, as well as improving the relationship between the organizer
and the local community.

 Raising awareness and inspiring change: The event is an excellent opportunity to raise
awareness among the participants, staff and colleagues, service providers, the local
community, the wider events community and the general public on the theme of
sustainability and sustainable events. Leading by example, people themselves take
responsible decisions and introduce environmental and social improvements into their
own events and organizations.
Q2.Look at the website for Roskidle festival, a huge annual green field festival music festival in
Denmark. How sustainable is the event currently? How could this event be made more

A2Roskilde festivalis non-profit and driven by dedicated volunteers. The purpose of the festival
is to make a difference and have a positive influence on our surroundings The festival's strategic
work aims to foster open, curious and socially engaged communities. Because they believe that
music and arts promote and strengthen social development. When it comes to sustainability,
sustainability at Roskilde Festival is balancing environmental, social and economic aspects of
sustainability when we create and develop Roskilde Festival.The environmental aspects include
the consumption of resources and emissions, for example what they purchase, water and
electricity.The social aspects include ethical, social and interpersonal relationships, for example
ensuring safety and equality for people involved in activities at Roskilde Festival and in the
world around us.The economic aspects include investments, stability and balance, eg. long term
investments in sustainable development projects and creating a yearly profit that they donate in
full to charity.Being a large cultural institution that works with culture and art as a catalyst for
change, they view artistic and cultural sustainability as part of their understanding of
sustainability. 90% of the food served there is organic. waste and recycling management is taken
care of. Sustainable buying and sourcing make Roskilde Festival a hub of environmental friendly
products. Festival guests use only 20% water compared to their Copenhagen counterparts.

This event can be more sustainable in some ways by considering certain points:-

 Increase the rate of reducing water consumption from 3% to 5% annualy.

 Provide with camping equipment to reduce people leaving their own belongings behind.
 Go plastic free
 Resell and donate items
Q3. How can a music festival be used to promote more sustainable behaviour in everyday life?

A3. Since most of the people attend music festivals to enjoy and chill and there is huge crowd
there so it can be used as an opportunity to give a message of sustainability to the people by
adopting various means and providing people with that so that they can understand the benefit of

1.Green Transport:

With most music festivals based out of the major towns and cities, transport is unsurprisingly the
biggest CO2 emitter of any aspect of an event. The car is still the preferred choice for many
travelling to music festivals but there are greener, alternative options available. Any booking
website should give advice on all possible travel options including public transport, but
additionally there are now many schemes which encourage people to lift share or use 'green'
coach companies which use greener fuel sources or seek to offset emissions. When it comes to
transport, people are looking for the most convenient and cheapest options so offering favorable
parking options or reductions on the ticket price could be a good incentive to encourage festival
goers to consider greener transport options.

2. Plastic bottles

Another aspect of waste that is a big concern at music festivals is the plastic water bottle. One
festival, Shambala, took the step of totally banning the sale of water in plastic bottles at the event
last summer, instead selling a metal bottle and providing numerous water standpipes. This could
be a means to educate people about the harmful effects of plastics and could be used in the
sustainability plan of the organizers.


Another aspect is the waste which is about 80 percent which people leave behind after the music
festival ends people leaves their tents and other things which can be used by the people again
and so it takes time to recycle those things. So people can be educated about those things.

There are also certain initiatives now in place to try and tackle this problem. Love Your Tent, for
example, is a campaign that has been set up to publicize the problem and make festival goers
aware of its affect. It was devised by Eco Action Partnership, which looks after the
environmental management for the Isle of Wight festival where it was estimated that 12,000
tents were left behind in 2011.
Videos Summary

The first two video talks about the life of an event manager and how they tackles the different
problems that come into their life while organizing a event, for organizing an event it need a lot
of pr planned work that the event manger has to do to make an event a successful. It is all about
organizing people what the event manager has to do because they meet a lot of people ranging
from carters to vendors and they have to manage all of them to make an event a huge success.
They also stressed about that only practical but also theoretical knowledge is also required by the
event manager to organize people as in theory they learns about the management principles to
organize the people and apply them to real world to be best in their fields, both of them also
shared their first event which they have organized and how are the difficulties they tackled while
organizing that event.

The third video talks about the journey of tomorrow land the biggest music festival on earth and
how it is being with thousands of people coming from around the globe. The event organizers
have made every possible way to make the event a total comfort for the people by providing
them tents a place to live with all the amenities and other enjoyable thing that people can resent
on and enjoy the festival.

The fourth video talks about EMP that is event management planning which is the most
important thing in the event management process. The festival manager is responsible for the
planning and delivery for an event. The event manager has to make a mission and vision of its
idea before planning an event because if a event manager has a idea so people will think that it
has a plan and will give them work also, the event manager must also have a programming that
is choosing artist based on a particular criteria he must have a concept, genre, theme ,instrument
of what singer play what will be the instrument that will be used. The event manager must also
have an idea of the audience which they are focusing on and should organize the event
accordingly, he must also have an idea of the financials of from where he will be getting the
finance the sponsors and lastly they must have a quality of the event that is they must fulfill the
need of the audience that is they must organize the event that it must fulfill the need of audience
that has come to attend the event.

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