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University of Toronto Grad Minds

Executive Meeting Minutes
The Grad Room
8 January 2020

Jeffrey Lynham Co-Chair
Aleksandra Uzelac Co-Chair

Samantha Chang Co-event Team Lead
Helen Jin Secretary
Thomas Murphy Treasurer
Lexi Ewing Mental Health Policy Advisor
Karthik Ganesan Community Liaison
Mashal Ahmed Voting Member
Sarah Member

Alanna Bateman Marketing and Social Media Manager
Erin Remai Co-event Team Lead

Actionables from the Meeting:
- Thomas to write the Student Initiative Fund application
- Aleks to send Thomas the Conference budget breakdown
- Aleks to create a draft of the promotional banner for Selah and Karthik
- Erin and Samantha to determine if MultiFaith Centre will allow booths in the hallway
for other groups
- Jeffrey to look into varying the schedule Share Circle meetings
- Lexi to contact three mental health services about setting up an explanatory infographic

1. Meeting Comes to Order at 5:34 pm:

a. Introductions
- Jeffrey introduced all members present

b. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
- No new items were added to the agenda
- Motion to approve the meeting agenda carries by unanimous vote

c. Approval of Minutes


- Motion to approve the previous meeting minutes carries by unanimous vote

2. Financial Business:

a. Grant Application Updates
- Student Iniative Fund (SIF) is due January 13th
- Will be applying for the Conference
- Thomas will finish this weekend
- Aleks will send Thomas the budget breakdown that has been approved
- Thomas will send it to Erin and Samantha to review before submission
- Jeffrey is also applying for Elemental, worried about conflict since won’t fund two
initiatives by the same group
o Jeffrey will look into whether Elemental can be considered a separate entity
o Can say that Elemental and Grad Minds collaborate together
o Elemental can be applied under an individual, rather than as a group
- Hart House Good Idea Fund due January 26th

b. Promotional Material Update
- Aleks can have a draft of the banner by the end of the week for Karthik and Selah
- A standing banner will be around $150, and need 5 business days to make – comes with
stand and carrying case
- Will ask Selah about quote for the partner supplier
- Need banner for conference, so have plenty of time for printing

3. Events Updates

a. Event Coordinator
- Have 7 event coordinators to help with running events and workshops
- Will send up sign up sheets for the events soon
- Will also help with other events (eg. launch party, MindFest) and general promoting (eg.
social media, posters, etc)
- Once Samantha has finished making the posters, can give to event coordinators who can
put them up around campus

b. Conference
- Have all rooms, workshops, and speakers booked
- Looking for groups that are similar and ask them to share their listservs to reach out to
- Can send out email to departments around 2-3 weeks before the conference itself
o Need to get numbers beforehand to order food
o But can’t start too early or people will forget
- Mashal can add CUPE (to put in their digest) and MHPC
- Should reach out to groups about setting up promotional booths at the conference
o Need to ask whether we’re allowed to set up tables in the hallways –
MultiFaith Centre concerned about us taking over the entire space


o Need to see whether there’s space, whether we’ll lose chais for the tables,
and whether there’s any additional costs
o Erin to ask, will update on Google Doc documents
o Maybe have 3-4 groups there

c. Winter 2020 Workshops
- Uoft Let’s talk need more people for the roundtable discussion (Jan 29th at the MultiFaith
Centre Main Activity Hall)
- Need around 6 faculty/staff to be involved
- Already have 2 professors from the Social Sciences
- Karthik has asked Faculty of Engineering to reach out to people – looking to get 2 people
from the sciences
- Who should be the facilitator? Should be someone from Grad Minds
o Can maybe ask Jacalyn, she’s done something like this before
- Mashal recommends 3-4 speakers maximum to keep conversation focused and limit time
(if panel discussion)
- Roundtable discussion or panel discussion?
o Depends on the objective of the event
o Panel is good for creating awareness for certain issues, smaller group
discussion is for consensus building
o Smaller group discussions with focused discussion topics?
- Objective is to inform professors and students about the other party’s perspective
- In smaller groups, safer space and encourages people to talk more
o Brings faculty and students on the same level, rather than separated as
presenter and listener
o Don’t have people rotate between tables, people won’t talk to everyone, but
maybe have some time at the end to bring everything together
o With smaller groups, gives more people time to talk rather than in one big
- Should gather feedback from the event – facilitators take notes about the discussion and
make infographic from the topics
- There’d be a facilitator at each table
- People to ask professors in their department; can provide more information about the
event to distribute if needed

d. Share Circle
- Aimed at building more of a sense of community – an hour of talking about one topic
mental health related, share stories and get to know other people in the community
- Share Circle is tentative name, copied from UTSC
o Sounds comforting and inviting
o Don’t use “talk” since it’s overused and doesn’t imply conversation, more like
o Will keep this name for now
- Have reached out to UTSC to learn how they run these events – will set up a meeting soon
- Possible to do different times so that people who can’t make it for one time, can come for
another time?


o Jeffrey will look into it

- Want to keep topics of conversation more positive and open ended – will advertise the
topic for each conversation beforehand so people know

4. Community Outreach

a. Vice Dean Working Group
- Haven’t decided on a next meeting time yet

b. UTSC and UTM Contact Updates
- Meeting end of December
- Interested in collaborating
- Right now looking for other groups on all three campuses to work together
- Want to establish Health and Wellness contacts on all campuses to refer people to
- Sent out a poll to the Health and Wellness people to determine availabilities to meet

c. Additional Collaborations
- Mashal has been helping to coordinate the work between different mental health groups
o Want to get a consensus about priorities on campus to take forward
o Want to establish collaborations on some events to create a collective voice
o Can share information (eg about funding opportunities) and prevent
conflicting events/duplicating events unnecessarily

5. Mental Health Resources

a. Video Project Update
- Utility of video project vs an inforgraphic
- Kids Help Line has an infographic about what to expect when accessing the service
o Has a long version and short version
- Problem with making videos is difficulty of acquiring video equipment
o Videos require dedicated time to watch
- Benefit of infographic is that it can be put onto promotional material
o Easy to share through different mediums
o Easy to update
- Three resources to feature for now:
o Gernstein: has online resources we can feature
o What’s Up Walk in: not restrictive
o Grad Wellness Services: student specific
- Start with a limited few, then grow it little by little
- Everyone has different situations which can lead to different flows of the service, but we
can provide more general advice and break down possible pathways into more general
- Lexi will contact each of the services tomorrow to work with them in creating the
infographic and ensuring accuracy
- Event Coordinators can help if need additional support


6. Unfinished Business

a. UTGSU Questionnaire
- Run through the UTGSU executive
- Want to keep the group limited, while finalizing the final product
- Will come out this semester
- Campus Assessment Tool asks similar questions but across multiple universities,
Lexi can ask for it to see their questionnaire

9. Any Other Business

10. Meeting Adjourns at 6:32 pm

Helen Jin

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