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I declare that this senior project entitled “The Impact of conflict management on
organizational performance” is the result of my own research except as cited in the
references. The proposal project has not been accepted for any degree and is not
concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Name of the Candidate: Bashir Mohamed Omar

Signature: __________________________

Date: ............./................../…………….

I hereby declare that I have read this senior project and in my opinion, this senior
project is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of Bachelor Degree of
Business Administration and I accepted for the submission to the examining panel.

Supervisor’s Name: Mr. Said AbdiMohamud

Signature: ___________________________

Date: ____/_______/________

This senior project entitled “The Impact of conflict management on organizational
performance” prepared and submitted by: BashirMohamedOmar in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor degree of Business
Administration has been examined and accepted by examining panel.

Name and Signature of Chairman of Examining Panel


Name and Signature of Panelist


Name and Signature of Dean of Faculty of Business Administration


Date: __________/_________/_______________

I dedicate this Thesis to my parents, lecturers and friends. Without their patience,
understanding, support and most of all love, the completion of this work would not
have been possible. And also want for special thank for my lecturer for his
Unconditional Support Mr. Said AbdiMohamud .

To my Beloved Mother and Father

Praises and appreciation be to Allah who gave me the strength, love and sense of
direction during the course of this study and the completion of my academic pursuit.
Also, I am gratefully to acknowledge to my supervisor Mr. Said AbdiMohamudand
also thanks to the Dean of business administration in University of Somalia (UNISO)
Mr. Said AbdiMohamud appreciation goes to all my competent lecturers who taught
me one time. I would like to appreciate my mother, and my course mates and my
friends with whom I undertook this course, especially my closest friends,
Abdiweli Mohamoud, and the others who I can't mention all of them in here for their
names, encouragement and academic ideas. Their input during our interactions,
discussions and friendship contributed greatly to the completion of this piece of work.
Finally, I am grateful to all who had either directly or indirectly been very supportive
and helpful in making this research in success.

Table of Contents
STUDENT DECLARATION .................................................................................................. II
SUPERVİSOR APPROVAL ................................................................................................. III
EXAMINING PANEL APPROVAL ..................................................................................... IV
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ V
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................... VI
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. VII
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................. IX
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... X
CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 BACKGROUNG OF THE STUDY ............................................................................... 1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .............................................................................. 5
1.3 Purpose of the Study ...................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Research Objectives ....................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 6
1.6 Scope of the Study ......................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................... 7
1.8 Operational Definition ................................................................................................... 7
1.9 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 9
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................................................................ 9
2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Conflict Management ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1Integrating on organizational performance ............................................................. 11
2.1.2 Avoiding on organizational performance .............................................................. 12
2.1.3 Compromising on organizational performance ..................................................... 13
2.2 Organizational Performance ......................................................................................... 14
2.3 Relationship between Conflict Management and Organizational Performance ............ 15
2.4 Summary and Conclusion ................................................................................................ 17
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................... 18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................... 18
3.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Research Design........................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Research Population ..................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Sample Size.................................................................................................................. 19

Table 3.1 Population Sample Size ...................................................................................... 20
3.4 Sampling Procedure ..................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Research Instrument ..................................................................................................... 20
Research Quality ................................................................................................................ 21
3.6.1 Validity ................................................................................................................. 21
3.6.2 Reliability.............................................................................................................. 21
3.7 Data Gathering Procedures........................................................................................... 22
3.8 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 22
3.9 Limitations ................................................................................................................... 23
3.10 Ethical Consideration ................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................................................. 25
DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ..................................... 25
4.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Demographic Data ....................................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents.................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Age of the Respondents......................................................................................... 26
4.1.3Marital status of the respondent ............................................................................. 27
4.1.4 Experience of the respondent ................................................................................ 28
4.1.5 Qualifications of the respondent ............................................................................ 28
4.2 DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 29
4.2.1 The impact of integrating on organizational performance ..................................... 29
4.2.3 The impact of compromising on organizational performance ............................... 32
4.2.4 Organizational Performance .................................................................................. 33
4.3 Correlation between Conflict Management and Organizational Performance .... 34
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................... 35
5.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 35
5.1 Major Findings ............................................................................................................. 35
5.2 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 36
5.3 Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 37
5.4 Further Research .......................................................................................................... 37
Reference ........................................................................................................................... 38
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................ 42
QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................................................................... 42
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................ 46
Budget Frame ......................................................................................................................... 46

Table 4.1.1 Gender of the respondents ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.1.2 Age of the Respondents ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.1.3Marital status of the respondent ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.1.4 Experience of the respondents .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.1.5Qualifications of the respondent ................................................................ 30
Table 4.2.1: The impact of integrating on organizational performance ...................... 31
Table 4.2.2: The impact of avoiding on organizational Performance.......................... 33
Table 4.2.3: The impact of compromising on organizational performance ................. 34
Table 4.2.4Organizational Performance ...................................................................... 36
Table 4.3: Correlation between conflict management and organizational performance
...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

The Main purpose of the study was The Impact of Conflict management on
organizational performance in some selected service companies in Mogadishu
Somalia, The objective of this study was used three objectives and they were, To
determine the effect of integrating on organizational performance, To find out the role
of avoiding on organizational performance, To investigate the impact of
compromising on organizational performance and the study was conduct through a
descriptive study. And the target population of this study was 60 respondents and also
sample size of this study is 52 respondents of Premier Bank and Singjet to arrive the
sample size, probability sampling technique for sampling procedure to distribute the
sample size especially simple random sampling, The researcher used a structured
questionnaire tool for a collecting data, the selecting of these tools will guide by the
nature of data will collect, the researcher used Slovene’s formula and also
frequencies analysis will make using Statistical Package for social science SPSS
version 20, the fore the findings were Based on the findings in objective one
presented that the level of objectives one “the impact of integrating on organizational
performance” was scored Average mean 3.09 Good. Based on the findings in
objective two the study presented that presented that the level of “the impact of
avoiding on organizational performance” was scored Average mean 3.09 Good
.Based on the findings in objective three that the level of objectives three “the impact
of conflict management on organizational performance” was scored Average mean
3.11Good.According the part of dependent variable that the level of the impact of
conflict management on organizational performance “was scored Average mean
3.11Good.In the final the result of correlation analyzes shows the relationship
between “Conflict Management and Organizational Performance”. And it’s the
correlation between independent variable and dependent variable. Thus there is a
significant very strong positive relationship between Conflict management and
Organizational performance which was indicated by R-value of (r=.999) and p-value
(p=0.00 and α ≤ 0.05), therefore the researcher recommends Premier Bank and
Signjet have to enhance integrating strategy for conflict management in order to get
good organizational performance. Premier Bank and Signjet employees should seek
avoiding strategy for conflict management in order to increase organizational
performance. Premier Bank and Signjet managers should implement compromising
strategy for conflict management in order to reach high organizational performance.



This chapter of the study and researcher focused on the following sections: the
background of the study, problem statement, purpose of the study, and objective of
the study research question, scope of the study and significance of the study,
operational terms and Conceptual framework.


In USA Early 1900’s, conflict was seen as an indicator of poor organizational
management which needed to be avoided, in the mid 1950’s, it was accepted
passively and perceived as normal and expected; manager focused on resolving
conflict, while in the 1970’s, conflict was viewed necessary as not good or bad but
could be used to promote growth, in the 1990’s, managers needed to confront and
manage conflict appropriately. Conflict has historically been viewed as undesirable,
something to be avoided (AJIKE, 2015).

Conflict management strategies have ranged from a basic face-negotiation theory by

Ting-Toomey (1988) and competing theory among team members to manage
intergroup conflict by Cohen and Ledford (1994) (Prause & Mujtaba, 2015).The
traditional view (dominant from the late nineteenth century until the mid-1940s)
assumes that conflict is bad, always has a negative impact, and leads to declines in
performance as the level of conflict increases. Conflict must therefore always be
avoided. Although that approach worked sometimes, it was not generally effective;
when they are suppressed, the root causes cannot be identified, and the potentially
positive aspects of conflict cannot emerge(AJIKE, 2015).The behavioral or
contemporary view, also known as the human relations view, emerged in the late
1940s and held sway through the 1970s. It argues that conflict is natural and
inevitable in all organizations and that it may have either a positive or a negative
effect, depending on how the conflict is handled(AJIKE, 2015).

In Nigeria, there were many of the studies on the impact of conflict
management on organizational performance were done outside. These studies
particularly focus on educational institutions and manufacturing organizations.
Research on conflict management and bank organizational performance are very few,
In Nigeria, most of the available studies about conflict management such as Adebile
and Ojo (2012), Osisioma, Osisioma and Chukwuemeka (2012), Bankole and
Lawal (2012), Fatile and Adejuwon (2011), Ige, Adeyeye and Aina (2011), and
Obasan (2011) investigated causes of conflicts across various organizational
settings and suggested several measures or strategies for managing
organizational conflict.(Emmanuel O. AJIKE, 2015 ).

In Somalia recently there are no previous studies about conflict management and
organizational performance in public sectors, although there are many disputes faced
public sectors and employees, some disputes create conflict between employees and
their managers in the organization that declined the performance, conflict affects the
organization in several ways such as decreased productivity, decreased employees
satisfaction, economic loss, fragmentation & poor (Abdul GhafoorAwan, SeharSaeed,
2015).Therefore, this study was investigated the impact of conflict management on
organizational performance in some selected service Companies of Somalia.

According to deutsch’s theory, organizational employees has right to make

competition between them and work together. However, the deutsch’s theory of
cooperation and competition encourages the managers in the organization must guard
dysfunctional or negative conflicts in the organization while, functional or positive
conflicts support in order to achieves organization for effective performance.
Researchers adopted Deutsch's (1990, 1980, 1973) theory of cooperation and
competition to identify major approaches to managing conflict. He defined conflict as
incompatible activities, where one person is interfering, obstructing, or in other ways
making the behavior of another less effective. He argued that whether conflict is
handled cooperatively or competitively affects the dynamics and outcomes of conflict.

Conflict management involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects of
conflict and to increase the positive aspects of conflict at a level equal to or higher
than where the conflict is taking place, the aim of conflict management is to enhance
learning and group outcomes effectiveness or performance in organizational
setting(AJIKE, 2015).

According to (Ebhote & Osemeke, 2015) conflict management is to enhance learning

and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting.
Properly managed conflict can improve group outcomes.

According to (Ebhote, Oserman, Osmeke, & Monday, 2015) Conflict management is

the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive
aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group
outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting. Properly
managed conflict can improve group outcomes. Notwithstanding 21st century society
advances and huge number of different researches on conflict management and legal
codes that promote healthy work environment at diverse workplaces, our society still
faces significant challenges in managing diverse societies and work environments,
especially in the conflict situations (Prause & Mujtaba, 2015).

According to Iravo M. A. (2011) an organization consists of several people. The

attitudes, feelings, needs and perceptions differ from person to person. Individual
differences may cause misunderstanding and conflicts between individuals and
groups. Interpersonal and intergroup conflicts therefore, affect the organization either
negatively or positively. Thus, conflict management is required to resolve conflicts
and maintain order, otherwise employee morale and organizational performance may

Organizational performance defined is related to its capacity to deliver basic goods
and services, and to provide a suitable policy and regulatory environment for
development to take place (Therkildsen, 2007).

According to (Shahzad, 2012)defined organizational performance is defined the

organization’s capability to accomplish its goals effectively and efficiently using

According to Richard et al. (2009) organizational performance encompasses three

specific areas of firm outcomes: financial performance, product market performance
and shareholder return. For instance is expected to increase its financial performance.
According to Armstrong, (2000) performance is a means of getting better results from
the whole organization or teams or individuals within it by understanding and
managing performance within an agreed frame work of planned goals, standards and
competence requirements.

According to (Santos &Brito, 2012) Performance is the accumulated end results of all
the organization’s work processes and activities. It is about how effectively an
organization transforms inputs into outputs (Robbins, 2009) and comprises the actual
output or results as measured against its intended outputs. Liptons (2003) proposes
that performance is the ability of the firm to prevail. There is hardly a consensus about
its definition, and this limits advances in research and understanding of the concept of
performance (Santos &Brito, 2012). As the debate on what organization performance
rages on, the approach on how to measure it has attracted even more scholarly
attention (Liptons, 2003).

In the Context of Somalia recently there is no previous studies about conflict

management and organizational performance in public sectors, although there are
many disputes faced public sectors and employees, some disputes create conflict
between employees and their mangers in the organization that declined the
performance. Therefore, this study wasinvestigated the impact of conflict
management on organizational performance in some selectedservicecompanies of

According to Hart (2000) Conflict management is seen as a requirement that is
needed to initiate preventive measures to conflicts(Ellen Toku, August, 2014)..It is
expedient for mangers to know the factors that affect the performance. (Ebhote &
Osemeke, 2015).Conflict in any organization does not enable the organization to
achieve its set objectives if not properly managed. Successful organization in the
future must create the capability to absorb conflict during the organization’s life
cycle. The capability here refers to conflict management mechanism which necessary
to be examined in order to minimize the rate of conflict and improve organizational

According to Awan and Ibrahim (2015) contend that if the individuals do not have the
communication or interpersonal skills to resolve their disputes, the conflict can grow
and spread to others, eventually affecting their job performance, which, in turn,
affects the job satisfaction of others, as well in addition to the staff not having the
communication skills to address their disputes, their leaders often lack the necessary
skills to be effective in conflict resolution. Once human resources personnel are
involved, the process becomes punitive and results in disciplinary action, which
contributes to an even greater reduction in employee morale and employee
satisfaction. Conflict being it organizational or interpersonal when not managed well
may breed low morale and lack of cooperation among employees which at the long
run could bring about poor organizational performance (Ellen Toku, August, 2014).

However, in Somalia there are many disputes between employees and their managers
which returned in public institutions often, some disputes creates conflict between
employees and their mangers in the organization, these conflicts decrease employee
satisfaction, productivity, communication, and poor performance as well as
automatically increase employee turnover that made organization to be deficit,
conflict affects the organization in several ways such as decreased productivity,
decreased employees satisfaction, economic loss, fragmentation & poor (Abdul
GhafoorAwan, SeharSaeed, 2015).

In Somalia recently there are no previous studies about conflict management and
organizational performance in public sectors; therefore, this study was investigated
the impact of conflict management on organizational performance in some selected
service companies of Somalia.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study wasto investigate the impact of conflict management on
organizational performance in some selected service companies of Somalia.

1.4 Research Objectives

The main research objectives are given below:

1. To determine the effect of integrating on organizational performance in some

selected servicecompanies of Somalia.
2. To find out the role of avoiding on organizational performance in some
selected servicecompanies of Somalia.
3. To investigate the impact of compromising on organizational performance in
some selected servicecompanies of Somalia

1.5 Research Questions

1) What is the effect of integrating on organizational performance in some
selected servicecompanies of Somalia?
2) What is the role of avoiding on organizational performance in some selected
servicecompanies of Somalia?
3) What is the impact of compromising on organizational performance in some
selected servicecompanies of Somalia?

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study adopts Deutsch's theory of cooperation and competition, searches the
impact of conflict management on organizational performance in some selected
companies of Somalia, and it’s mainly focuses on the integrating, avoiding and
compromising strategies on organizational performance in some selected service
companies of Somalia, this study is cross sectional study, which utilizes questionnaire
to collect data and was limited from February – July 2018.

1.7 Significance of the Study
This study tries to give knowledge about the impact of conflict management on
organizational performance in some selected service companies of Somalia, and to
support managers to identify and to resolve conflicts of their companies such as
interpersonal conflict, task conflict and intergroup conflict in the companies. These
study was useful for potential researcher who are the proposed in carrying out further
study in this field as literature.

1.8 Operational Definition

Conflict Management: involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects

of conflict and to increase the positive aspects of conflict, such as through enhanced
team learning and group outcomes (Kazimoto & Paluku, Sept. 2013.).
Integrating: is characterized by both high concerns for self and for others. Were this
Involves openness, exchange of information, and examination of differences to reach
an effective solution acceptable to both parties (Copley, June 2008).
Avoiding: is associated with both low concern for self and others. This style is
usually accompanied by withdrawal, as an individual using this style fails to satisfy
both his or her concerns as well as the concerns of the other party (Copley, June
Compromising: is associated with an intermediate level of concern for both self and
others. This style typically involves “give and take” where both parties involved
relinquish some aspect in order to arrive at a mutually-acceptable decision (Copley,
June 2008).
Organizational Performance: A general definition of organizational performance by
(Hussein, 2013) noted that it is the product of interactions of different parts or units in
the organization. In the context of this study, organizational performance refers to the
outcomes of various organizational processes, which occur in the course of its daily
Efficiency: The ability of an organization to achieve internally and externally set
goals within the available means and with a minimum of waste, expense and effort
(Iravo, 2011).
Effectiveness: is the ability of making decision or having the desired effect or
producing the intended result in an organization (Amuhaya, 2011).








2.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the review of literature related to the impact conflict
management on organizational performance in some selected service companies of
Somalia. It makes a hint of the previous studies, concepts, and definitions of conflict
and conflict management its dimensions, definitions of organizational performance,
the Relationship between conflict management and organizational performance.

2.1 Conflict Management

According to (Agbu, 2006) Conflict management can be defined as the processes and
behaviors a person typically engages in response to perceived inter-personal conflict
in order to achieve their objectives (Denmark, 2012). This aims to limit and avoid
future violence by promoting positive behavioral changes in the parties involved.
Conflict management helps to find a middle way, an alternative to any problem and
successful implementation of the idea. Problems must be addressed at the right time to
prevent conflict and its adverse effects at a later stage. Through conflict management
skills, an individual explores all the possible reasons to worry, which might later lead
to a big problem and tries to resolve it as soon as possible (Kazimoto P. , 2013).

According to (Ajike, Akinlabi, Magaji, &Sonubi, 2015) Conflict management, as a

concept, has been conventionally associated with conflict containment and settlement.
Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflict in a sensible,
fair, and efficient manner, it requires such skills as effective communicating, problem
solving, and negotiating with a focus on interests (Ajike, Akinlabi, Magaji, & Sonubi,
2015). According to Agwu, MbaOkechukwu (2013).sees conflict as a form of
disagreement in an establishment between two individuals or groups who have cause
to interact formally or informally. Similarly, see it as basically a disagreement
between two or more individuals or groups over compatible goals.

According to (Gordon, 2004) Conflict management is the practice of identifying and
handling conflict in a sensible, fair, and efficient manner, it requires such skills as
effective communicating, problem solving, and negotiating with a focus on interests.
There are various styles that can be used to manage conflicts in organizations. Among
the early writers, Follett suggested three main ways to handle conflict: domination,
compromise and integration. Moreover, she also found other such as avoidance and

According to Obi (2012), conflict in a workplace relates to the act of discontentment

between two groups as both groups act to achieve their goals. A closer look at the
definition illustrates that conflicts arise when there is a conflict of interest or when the
goals and values of one group are incompatible with that of another group (Agwu,
2013). Currently, conflicts management topic is largely considered by marketers and
scholars for their research study and this study will be focusing on the same.

According to Robbins (1998) has developed the following definition of conflict: “A

process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively
affected, or is about to negatively affects something that the first party cares about.
While Esquivel and Kleiner (1997) has termed the conflict as disagreement about the
interests or ideas (Khan & Bibi, 2012).

Conflict management involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects of

conflict and to increase the positive aspects of conflict at a level equal to or higher
than where the conflict is taking place, the aim of conflict management is to enhance
learning and group outcomes (effectiveness or performance in organizational setting)
(Rahim, 2002). It is not concerned with eliminating all conflict or avoiding conflict.
Conflict management, as a concept, has been conventionally associated with conflict
containment and settlement.

2.1.1Integrating on organizational performance
The results indicate that Integrating/ Confronting strategy significantly predicted OCB
(Salami, 2009). Integrating style represents high concern for self and others and
identified with a win-win orientation. When someone uses this style, he tries to satisfy
the desires and concerns of all parties and search for equally advantageous outcome.
This style is used when both parties’ concerns are important and cannot be
compromised (Siraj ud Din & Bakhtiar Khan, 2012).

According to Anna Saiti(2015) proposed Conflicts in schools, conflict management

styles and the role of the school leader: A study of Greek primary school educators.
The purposes of this paper are, through the empirical analysis of personal views of
Greek primary school educators, to examine the potential sources of conflict in
schools; determine appropriate approaches for the handling of conflicts so as to
reduce the harmful effects of conflicts in educational institutions; and offer
recommendations, based on the findings, for a more creative conflict management
style in order to enhance the smooth functioning of school units.

This study was used questionnaires were distributed to primary school educators in
two Greek regions, one of which was the metropolitan area of Athens, resulting in a
sample of 414 completed questionnaires. The results showed that there is a greater
likelihood for these conflicts to arise in urban schools than in other regions. This
study supports the view that integration is the key factor for cultivating a constructive
conflict management strategy and enhancing better school performance.

While the study on Conflict Resolution Strategies and Organizational Citizenship

Behavior: The Moderating Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence. This study
investigated the relationship between conflict resolution strategies and organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) and the moderating role of trait emotional intelligence
(EI). Participants were 320 public servants (male = 180, female = 140) randomly
selected from five states in Southwestern Nigeria. Measures of trait EI, OCB, and
conflict resolution strategies were administered to the respondents. Multiple
regressions were used to analyze the data collected.

2.1.2 Avoiding on organizational performance

The results indicate that Avoiding/withdrawing strategy negative significantly

predicted OCB as well as organizational performance (Salami, 2009). Avoiding style
represents low concern for self and low concern for others and identified with lose-
lose orientation. This style is used when someone does not want to assert himself,
does not cooperate or avoid the conflict altogether (Siraj ud Din & Bakhtiar Khan,

According to (Fisher, Ury, and Patton, 1991) Avoidance is characterized by

deliberately ignoring or withdrawing from a conflict rather than facing it. This style
may be perceived as not caring about your own issue or the issues of others. People
who avoid the situation hope the problem will go away, resolve itself without their
involvement, or think that others are ready to take the responsibility. There are
situations where avoidance is appropriate such as when you need more time to think
of how to respond, time constraints demand a delay, confrontation will hurt a working
relationship, or there is little chance of satisfying your needs. However, avoidance can
be destructive if the other person perceives that you don’t care enough to engage. By
not dealing with the conflict, this style allows the conflict to simmer and heat up
unnecessarily, resulting in anger or a negative outburst.

According to (Thomas/Killman, 1972) The Avoiding Style is when you do not satisfy
your concerns or the concerns of the other person. This style is low assertiveness and
low cooperativeness. The goal is to delay. It is appropriate to use this style when there
are issues of low importance, to reduce tensions, or to buy time. Avoidance is also
appropriate when you are in a low power position and have little control over the
situation, when you need to allow others to deal with the conflict, or when the
problem is symptomatic of a much larger issue and you need to work on the core
issue. To develop skills in this style use foresight in knowing when to withdraw, learn
to sidestep loaded questions or sensitive areas by using diplomacy, become skillful at
creating a sense of timing, and practice leaving things unresolved.

2.1.3 Compromising on organizational performance
The results indicate that compromising strategy significantly predicted Organizational
Citizenship behavior and organizational performance (Salami, 2009). Compromising
style represents intermediate concern for self and others. In this style, each party to
the conflict works cooperatively and gives up something to arrive at a compromised
solution to the conflict. In this, there are no winners or losers (Siraj ud Din & Bakhtiar
Khan, 2012).

According to (Thomas/Killman, 1972) The Compromising Style is finding a middle

ground or forgoing some of your concerns and committing to other's concerns. This
style is moderately assertive and moderately cooperative; the goal is to find middle
ground. The compromising style is used with issues of moderate importance, when
both parties are equally powerful and equally committed to opposing views. This style
produces temporary solutions and is appropriate when time is a concern, and as a
backup for the competing and collaborating styles when they are unsuccessful in
resolving the situation. Compromising skills include the ability to communicate and
keep the dialogue open, the ability to find an answer that is fair to both parties, the
ability to give up part of what you want, and the ability to assign value to all aspects
of the issue.

The success of the organization depends on the ability of conflict recognition and the
very way of conflict management .Conflict management implies integration of all
factors which can contribute to conflict resolution or its prevention. Those
factors are improvement of communication and practicing discipline in the
organization, as well as having in mind the life phases of parties included.
Different Authors know about various approaches to conflict management. Besides
five typical approaches and strategies on conflict management. The organization
appears as the mediator between adversaries or as arbitrator. This third party in
organization are managers which by using their experience have to constantly
develop new strategies and tactic for conflict resolution by using their
experience in order to develop organizational performance (Turkalj, Fosić, Dujak, &
Strossmayer, 2008).

2.2 Organizational Performance
Organizational Performance is to the accumulated end results of all the organization’s
work process and activities.

According to Armstrong (2006) defines performance in output terms as the

achievement of objectives and how these objectives are achieved. High performance
results from appropriate behavior, especially discretionary, and the effective use of
the required knowledge, skills and competencies. Performance may be understood
differently depending on the person involved in the assessment of the organizational
performance for instance performance can be understood differently from a person
within the organization compared to one from outside (Lebans& Euske2006).To
define the concept of performance is necessary to know elements and characteristics
to each area of responsibility. To report an organization's performance level, it is
necessary to be able to quantify the results (Petkovic, 2008).

According to Gilbert and Ivancevich (2000), performance refers to the act of

performing or carrying into execution or recognizable action, achievement or
accomplishment in the undertaking of a duty. Cascio (2006) defines performance as
working of individuals in an organization to be more effective. Zaman et al (2011)
indicated that there is a significant and positive relationship between performance and
reward. The other approach in defining organizational performance that has in the
recent past gained popularity in numerous organizations is the Balanced Scorecard
(BSC) methodology by Kaplan & Norton (1992). In this method, performance of an
organization is measured using four key perspectives financial, customer, internal
processes, and Learning and Growth/innovation. In the Kenyan scenario it has been
generally adopted by sixty nine per cent of the companies in a survey by Kiragu

According to Richard et al. (2009) organizational performance encompasses three

specific areas of firm outcomes: financial performance, product market performance
and shareholder return. For instance is expected to increase its financial performance.

According to Armstrong, (2000) performance is a means of getting better results from
the whole organization or teams or individuals within it by understanding and
managing performance within an agreed frame work of planned goals, standards and
competence requirements. Performance is the accumulated end results of all the
organization’s work processes and activities (Santos &Brito 2012).

It is about how effectively an organization transforms inputs into outputs (Robbins,

2009) and comprises the actual output or results as measured against its intended
outputs. Liptons (2003) proposes that performance is the ability of the firm to prevail.
There is hardly a consensus about its definition, and this limits advances in research
and understanding of the concept of performance (Santos &Brito, 2012). As the
debate on what organization performance rages on, the approach on how to measure it
has attracted even more scholarly attention (Liptons, 2003).

Organizational performance is one of the most important constructs in management

research Trade (2000). Continuous performance is the objective of any organization
because only through this, can organizations grow and progress. Moreover knowing
the determinants of organizational performance is important especially in the context
of the current economic crises because it enables the identification of those factors
that should be treated with an increased interest in order to improve the performance.
Performance measurement estimates the parameters under which programs,
investments, and acquisitions are reaching the targeted results (Perez et al., 2007).

2.3 Relationship between Conflict Management and Organizational

According Awan and Saeedwas examined Conflict Management and Organizational
Performance: A Case Study of Askari Bank Ltd objects is to ascertain how conflict
will be managed effectively the aim of this study were to find out the major causes of
conflict, To assess the effect of organizational conflict on performance of employees
and to understand which leadership style is the most effective in addressing conflict.
This paper applied 201 Questionnaires. Their results show that organizational
performance is more influenced by the conflict management Techniques.There is
limitation because findings that research conducted on conflict management might be
applied to the banking sector only.

Whereas Conflict Management: Managerial Approach towards Improving
Organizational Performance. the objective of this study were to ascertain what
constitute conflict, sources of conflict, views of conflict, consequences of conflict in
an organization and the strategies for dealing with organizational conflict etc, and to
effectively examine how conflict management will improve organizational
performance, the study relies mainly on secondary data from textbook, internet,
journals etc.

This study presented a two-dimensional model of the styles of handling

organizational conflict are including, Integrating style, Obliging style, Dominating
style, Avoiding style and Compromising style. This study reveals that conflict is
endemic in human life’s and cannot not totally be eradicated rather its effect can be
minimized so as to ensure that it does not hinder the activities of the organization by
way of reducing performance.

This article sketch out conflict management and employees performance in Julius
Berger Nigeria Plc. bonny Island. These study were consider to determine the extent
of the relationship between conflict management strategies and Employees’
performance in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. Bonny Island, to determine the extent of the
relationship between managerial and non-managerial employees perception of the
effectiveness of conflict management strategies in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. Bonny
Island. This study employed questionnaire and Results from the data analysis
indicated that significant relationship exists between conflict management strategies
and employees’ performance and no differences exist between managerial and non-
managerial employees’ perception of the effectiveness of conflict management

While The Conflict Management and Its Impact on Organizational Performance: A
Study on Some Industrial Enterprises in Bangladesh. These paper mentioned Now-a-
days every person is talking about the conflict. Conflict may arise within the
individual or two or more individuals or among the group or even the organization.
From the organizational point of view, conflict among the individuals or groups can
create several positive or negative impacts on organizational performance (OP).For
this; they are using some techniques to manage the conflict. Conflict is natural and
inevitable in life. We can never avoid it; only we can manage it. We should encourage
functional (constructive or healthy) conflict and eliminating dysfunctional (destructive
or unhealthy) conflict within the conflict management in order to improve OP.

The Study indicates that the integrative style is the best one to manage the conflict
effectively than the other styles such as distributive, avoidance, dominating and
obliging. Finally, the research explores the positive relationship among the conflict
management, decent environment and OP. This study demonstrates the positive
relationship among The Conflict Management and Its Impact on Organizational

2.4Summary and Conclusion

Various literatures showed that the term of conflict management (including strategies
of conflict management such integrating, avoiding and compromising) to employee of
service companies. The major findings indicated that conflict management has a
significant effect on organizational performance in some service companies by
increasing effectiveness and efficiency of organizational performance. The impact of
conflict management on organizational performance in some selected service
companies has not received adequate research. Therefore, this study was attempted to
fill this gap by investigating impact of conflict management on organizational
performance in some selected service companies of Somalia.



3.0 Introduction

This purpose of this study was to determine the impact of conflict management on
organizational performance of Signjet& Premier Bank as a company. This chapter
will focus on the methodology of this study and underline deeply. Therefore this
chapter was comprised ten main parts. Research design, research population, sample
size, sample procedure, research instrument, research quality (reliability and validity),
and data gathering procedure, data analysis limitations, and ethical consideration.

3.1 Research Design

Research design is defined as: “The arrangement of conditions for collection and
analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose
with economy in procedure.

This study was adopted a descriptive design, Descriptive study relates to

characteristics related with the subject population. Saunders et al (2003) asserts that a
descriptive research portrays an accurate profile of persons, events or situations. The
descriptive design method is appropriate for this kind of study as it provides a
quantitative description of attitudes, experience and opinions of the sample
population. It was also cross sectional in design, which involves looking at people
who differ on one key characteristic at one specific point in time.

However this study was used quantitative approach; Quantitative is any data
collection technique (such as questionnaire) or data analysis procedure (such as
graphs or statistics) that generates or uses numerical data (Saunders et al, 2009).

3.2 Research Population
According to Parahoo(1997) defines population as “the total number of units from
which data can be collected. The population of the study is 60 respondents from
SingjetCompany&Premier Bank in Mogadishu. Target population derived
from(Abbas Ali &Mohamed Geedi, 2018). HR Directors.

Therefore, the accessible population of this study was 60 respondents include: top
managers, middle managers and low level managers. I selected theseSingjet
company&Premier Bank especially managers because they are the main Employees
that have the suitable information on this study, and also I selected this company its
conflict management very poor this lead low productivity this is the reason I selected
these companies. Particularly, Howl-wadag&Hodan district specially Signjet 30,
Premier Bank 30.

3.3 Sample Size

The sample size of this study that the researcher is going to investigate was52
participants drawn from the target population of Signjet& Premier Bank. The sample
size of this study was determined by the Slovene’s formula.

n = = 52

Therefore in the following formulaI was used as 95% confidence level of my


N = Number of Population

n = Sample Size

e = Margin of Error

Table 3.1 Population Sample Size

No Category Target population Sample population

1 Marketing 14 12

2 Sales 14 12

3 Customer Service 10 9

4 Middle management 10 9

5 First management 12 10

Total 60 52

3.4 Sampling Procedure

The sampling procedure of this study was probability sampling procedure particularly
Sample random procedure, because every respondents of this study has equal
opportunity of being selected. So, the probability sampling is the only sampling
procedure that ensures the selection of a representative sample, the main purpose of
simple random sampling is that it is designed to collect information. It is preferred for
this study because of its efficiency in saving time and money (Amin, 2008).

3.5 Research Instrument

Questionnaires was used to collect data from the sample chosen because
questionnaires can be used to collect the information relate to the feeling and attitude
to the people, Therefore this study is concerned with variables that cannot be found
through observation such as feeling and opinions of the respondent, The selection of
this tool was guided by the nature of the data to be collect, the availability of time and
objectives of the study.

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of conflict management on
organizational performance of some selected companies in Mogadishu-Somalia in
which researcher are mainly concern with the feel and attitude of interest organization
members and other stakeholders, The questioner adopt from (Orozco, Manuel, 2006)
consist three parts the research to take on this questioner to suitable this study.

Research Quality

3.6.1 Validity
According to Mugenda (2003), validity is the accuracy and meaningfulness of data
collection tools. One of the main reasons for conducting the point study was to
ascertain the validity of the questionnaire. The study used both face and content
validity to ascertain the validity of the questionnaires. Gillham, (2008) stated that the
knowledge and skills covered by the test items should be representative to the larger
domain of knowledge and skills.

As suggested (Amin, 2005) the instrument item with validity coefficient of at least
0.80 or 80% are accepted as valid in research. The Content Validity Index (CVI) was
used to calculate the validity of the questionnaire. (52) Out (60) was judged by both
judges to be relevant. Hence 52/60 = 0.86 so rendering validity is high. The
instrument was considered valid because the computed CVI of 0.86 will be more than
0.8, the least recommended CVI on survey studies (Amin, 2004; Gay, 1996).

Polit and Hungler (1993) refer to reliability as the degree of consistency with which
an instrument measures the attribute it is designed to measure. The reliability of the
research instruments established using the SPSS Cranach’s Alpha Coefficient test.
Specifically, this test was covered the research items systematically arrange in the
questionnaire all the variables reflected in these grouped research items of the
questionnaire guided was particularly tested using the Cranach’s Alpha Coefficient
(CAC). As a result, the SPSS reliability test would yield a CAC output that reveals the
instruments’ reliability. According to Elefteriadou& Cui (2007), a research instrument
is reliable within the range of 0.7- 1.0.

3.7 Data Gathering Procedures

During the administration of the questionnaires before the administration of the


Before getting to the field of the study the researcher was ensured the following steps:

 An introduction letter was obtained from college of higher degrees and

research to solicit approval to conduct the study from Selected Small and
Medium enterprises in Mogadishu- Somalia.

 When approved, the researcher was divided small and medium enterprises in
strata using Purposive sampling in arriving a sample size.

 The respondents were given information about the study and its objectives,
and request to sign the Informed Consent Form.

 The researcher and assistants was emphasized retrieval of the questionnaires

within five days from the date of distribution.

 On retrieval, all returned questionnaires were checked if all are answered.

During the administration of the questionnaires the researcher was requested the
respondents of three matters: to answer all questions, not leave unanswered question
and to avoid biases by being objective in answering the questions. Then the researcher
was distributed the questionnaires to the respondents and finally collects the
questionnaires again by checking if they are completely filled out.

After collecting the data of the study was encoded and inter into the computer and
statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS).

3.8 Data Analysis

According to Sarandakos (1998), the analysis of data allows the researcher to

organize data collected during the study in order to assess and evaluate the findings
and to arrive at some valid, reasonable and relevant conclusion. The process of data
analysis involved several stages namely; data clean up and explanation. Data clean up
involved editing, coding, and tabulation in order to detect any anomalies in the
responses and assign specific numerical values to the responses for further analysis.
Completed questionnaires will edit for completeness and consistency.

The data was then cod and check for any errors and omissions (Cooper and Schindler,
2003). Frequency tables, percentages and mean were used to present the findings.
Responses in the questionnaires will tabulate code and process by use of a computer
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 program to analyze the
data using descriptive statistics. This generated quantitative reports through
tabulations, percentages, and measure of central tendency. This wasprovided the
generalization of the findings on the role of competitive advantage strategies in the
organizational performance of Islamic university. The researcher was used descriptive
technique as data analysis. In the questionnaire each selected one to Five scale for
where, 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree; 3= neutral; 4= Agree 5= strongly agree.

Table 3.8.1 mean range and their interpretation

Mean Range Respondents Mode Interpretation

1.00 up to 1.80 Strongly disagree Very poor

1.81 up to 2.60 Disagree Poor

2.61 up to 3.40 Neutral Good

3.41 up to 4.20 Agree Very good

4.21 up to 5.00 Strongly Agree Excellence

3.9 Limitations

Researcher limitation includes:-

 On the other hand, the research instrument use in this study was questionnaire
because Of limited time and cost, &is not use other instruments such as interview
and observation.
 Financial constraints in issuing the questionnaires and making follow up, this was
due to high cost of typing and printing of the analyze data.
 Lack of respondents’ interest to share the information, Untruthfulness of some
 This study was involved a cross-sectional survey.

3.10 Ethical Consideration
The issue of ethics is very important in research. Despite the high value of knowledge
gained through research, knowledge cannot be pursued at the expense of human
dignity in this study; the researcher will use individual and institutional data. Thus,
the data collect was keep confidential and exclusively use for the purpose of Bachelor
degree requirements. The respondent’s will inform of the contents and the aims of the
research prior to administration of the instrument. The researcher was made sure the
research opinion does not include other interested and give fair consideration. This
research will fully conduct ethically and all copyrights wereobserved and where
permission is required to reproduce materials were seek.




This study investigated the impact of conflict management on organizational

performance in some selected service companies in Mogadishu –Somalia. The data

has been analyzed by using statistical package for social science SPSS version 20 as

data analyzing tool. This chapter presents the results of the analysis in tables and

containing the types of respondents, its frequencies, and percentage reactions of

respondents in the study to the statement given in the interpretation. The data analysis

and interpretation based on research questions as well as research objective.

4.1 Demographic Data

This part presents the background information of the respondents who participated in

this study. The purpose of this background information is to find out the

characteristics of the respondents. Furthermore, the respondents have also given the

promise that all the data they provided is used only for academic purpose research and

identifies of the respondents was confidential. In total, 52 respondents filled in the

questionnaire selected from Singjet and Premier Bank in Mogadishu –Somalia. The

shape of the questionnaire in the demographic section is looked upon in term of

Gender, Age, Marital Status, Qualification, and Experience.

4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents

Table 4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents

Respondents Frequency Percent

Male 37 71.2

Female 15 28.8

Total 52 100.0

According to the above table 4.1.1, the majority of respondents of 37(71.2%) were

male, While 15 (28.8%) of the respondents were female. However, it’s reveals that

most staff in organization dominated by male.

4.1.2 Age of the Respondents

Table 4.1.2 Age of the Respondent

Respondent Frequency Percent

Below 19 10 19.2

25-30 29 55.8

30-40 11 21.2

40 above 2 3.8

Total 52 100.0

According to the above table 4.1.2, the majority of respondents of 29 (55.8%) were

aged 25-30 years, 11 (21.2%) were aged 30-40years, 10 (19.2%) were aged below 19

years, while 2 (3.8%) of the respondents were aged 40 above. However it’s reveals

that most staff in organization dominated by 25-30.

4.1.3Marital status of the respondent

Table 4.1.3 marital status of the respondent

Respondent Frequency Percent

Single 28 53.8

Married 24 46.2

Total 52 100.0

According to the above table 4.1.3, the majority of respondents of 28 (53.8%) were

single, While 24 (46.2%) of the respondents were married. However, it’s reveals that

most staff in organization dominated by single.

4.1.4 Experience of the respondent

Table 4.1.4 Experience of the respondent

Respondent Frequency Percent

Less than 1 year 23 44.2

1 -2 years 23 44.2

Above 3 years 6 11.5

Total 52 100.0

According to the above table 4.1.4, the majority of respondents of 23(44.2%) were

less than 1 years, 23 (44.2%) were 1-2 years While 6 (11.5%) of the respondents were

above 3 years. However, it’s reveals that most staff in organization dominated by less

than 1 year and 1-2 years.

4.1.5 Qualifications of the respondent

Table 4.1.5 Qualifications of the respondent

Respondent Frequency Percent

Secondary 10 19.2

Diploma 13 25.0

Bachelor 23 44.2

Master 6 11.5

Total 52 100.0

According to the table 4.1.5 the majority of respondents of 23 (44.2%) were bachelor,
13 (25%) were diploma, 10 (19.2%) were secondary, While 6 (11.5%) of the
respondents were master. However, it’s reveals that most staff in organization
dominated by bachelor.


4.2.1 The impact of integrating on organizational performance

Statement Mean Interpretation

I explore issues with others to find solutions that 3.11 Good

meet everyone’s needs an acceptable to us.

When there is a disagreement, I gather as much 2.92

information as I can to keep the lines of
communication open.

I always try to see conflicts from both sides 3.30 Good

based on personal needs and issues involved.

I always share a problem with the other person so

3.00 Good
that we can work it out.

Total average mean 3.09 Good

According the first statement shows that the mean is good on “I explore issues with
others to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs an acceptable to us.” and answers
between the respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.11 and
means that its Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the second statement shows that the mean is good on “When there is a
disagreement, I gather as much information as I can to keep the lines of
communication open” and answers between the respondents. This variation is
acceptable as the mean indicates 2.92 and means that its Good because of mostly
respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the third statement shows that the mean is good on “I always try to see conflicts
from both sides based on personal needs and issues involved” and answers between
the respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.30 and means
that its Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

The fourth statement shows that the mean is good on “I always share a problem with
the other person so that we can work it out” and answers between the respondents.
This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.00 and means that its Good
because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

According to the above table 4.2.1 presented that the level of objectives one “the
impact of integrating on organizational performance” was scored Average mean 3.09
overall and this result indicates that the overall “the impact of integrating on
organizational performance “in these service companies was good.

4.2.2 The impact of avoiding on organizational Performance

Statement Mean Interpretation

I avoid open discussion of my differences 3.11 Good

with my personnel or subordinates.

When I find myself in an argument, I usually 2.92 Good

say very little and try to leave as soon as

I sometimes avoid taking positions which 3.30 Good

would create controversy.

I avoid hard feelings by keeping my 3.00 Good

disagreements with others to myself.

Total average mean 3.09 Good

According the first statement shows that the mean is good on “I avoid open discussion
of my differences with my personnel or subordinates” and answers between the
respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.11 and means that its
Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the second statement shows that the mean is good on “When I find myself in an
argument, I usually say very little and try to leave as soon as possible” and answers
between the respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 2.92 and
means that its Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the third statement shows that the mean is good on “I sometimes avoid taking
positions which would create controversy” and answers between the respondents.
This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.30 and means that its Good
because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

The fourth statement shows that the mean is good on “I avoid hard feelings by
keeping my disagreements with others to myself” and answers between the
respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.00 and means that its
Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

According to the above table 4.2.2 presented that the level of objectives one “the
impact of avoiding on organizational performance” was scored Average mean 3.09
overall and this result indicates that the overall “the impact of avoiding on
organizational performance “in these service companies was good.

4.2.3 The impact of compromising on organizational performance

Statement Mean Interpretation

I try to find a position that is intermediate between 3.11 Good

the sides involved.

I prefer to compromise when solving problems and 3.00 Good

just move on.

During a conflict I try to find some compromise 3.30 Good

through negotiation with my subordinates or my
personnel so that a compromise can be reached.

I try to negotiate and adopt a “give-and-take” 3.00 Good

approach to problem situations.

Total average mean 3.11 Good

According the first statement shows that the mean is good on “I try to find a position
that is intermediate between the sides involved” and answers between the
respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.11 and means that its
Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the second statement shows that the mean is good on “I prefer to compromise
when solving problems and just move on” and answers between the respondents. This
variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.00 and means that its Good because of
mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the third statement shows that the mean is good on “During a conflict I try to
find some compromise through negotiation with my subordinates or my personnel so
that a compromise can be reached” and answers between the respondents. This
variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.30 and means that its Good because of
mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

The fourth statement shows that the mean is good on “I try to negotiate and adopt a
“give-and-take” approach to problem situations” and answers between the
respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.00 and means that its
Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

According to the above table 4.2.3 presented that the level of objectives one “the
impact of compromising on organizational performance” was scored Average mean
3.11 overall and this result indicates that the overall “the impact of compromising on
organizational performance “in these service companies was good.

4.2.4 Organizational Performance

Statement Mean Interpretation

In order to achieve the aim of the organization, I pay 3.11 Good

more attention on employee satisfaction.

Motivating employees financially or non-financially 3.00 Good

increase organizational performance.

Proper conflict management can realize organizational 3.30 Good


Efficiency is a valuable to recognize in order to 3.00 Good

improve organizational performance.

Total average mean 3.11 Good

According the first statement shows that the mean is good on “In order to achieve the
aim of the organization, I pay more attention on employee satisfaction” and answers
between the respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.11 and
means that its Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the second statement shows that the mean is good on “Motivating employees
financially or non-financially increase organizational performance” and answers
between the respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.00 and
means that its Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

While the third statement shows that the mean is good on “Proper conflict
management can realize organizational performance” and answers between the
respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.30 and means that its
Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

The fourth statement shows that the mean is good on “Efficiency is a valuable to
recognize in order to improve organizational performance” and answers between the
respondents. This variation is acceptable as the mean indicates 3.00 and means that its
Good because of mostly respondent was Neutral that statement.

According to the above table 4.2.4 presented that the level of objectives one “the
impact of conflict management on organizational performance” was scored Average
mean 3.11 overall and this result indicates that the overall “the impact of conflict
management on organizational performance “in these service companies was good.

4.3 Correlation between Conflict Management and Organizational Performance

Table 4.3.1Conflict Management and Organizational Performance

Organizational Conflict
Performance Management
Organizational Pearson Correlation 1 .999**
Performance Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 52 52
Pearson Correlation .999 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 52 52
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

In the above table 4.3.1 shows the result of correlation analyzes of the relationship
between “Conflict management and Organizational performance”. And it’s the
correlation between independent variable and dependent variable. Thus there is a
significant very strong positive relationship between Conflict management and
Organizational performance which was indicated by R-value of (r=.999) and p-value
(p=0.00 and α ≤ 0.05).



5.0 Introduction

This chapter discusses the findings of the study as presented in chapter four. It also
presents the conclusions arising from the study as well as the recommendations; this
chapter has the following sections. First Section 5.1 presents findings of the research
project, Second Section 5.2 presents conclusion, and third section 5.3 suggests
recommendations and fourth sections 5.4 presents’ recommendations for further
research. The study investigates the impact of conflict management on organizational
performance in some selected service companies in Mogadishu Somalia.

5.1 Major Findings

Based on the findings in objective one presented that the level of objectives one “the
impact of integrating on organizational performance” was scored Average mean 3.09
overall and this result indicates that the overall “integrating on organizational
performance” in these selected service companies was Good.

Based on the findings in objective two the study presented that presented that the level
of “the impact of avoiding on organizational performance” was scored Average mean
3.09 overall and this result indicates that the overall “avoiding on organizational
performance” in these selected service companies was good.

Based on the findings in objective three that the level of objectives three “the impact
of Compromising on organizational performance” was scored Average mean 3.11
overall and this result indicates that the overall “Compromising on organizational
performance” in these selected service companies was good.

According the part of dependent variable that the level of “Organizational

performance” was scored Average mean3.11 overall and this result indicates that
“Organizational performance” in the selected service companies was good.

In the final the result of correlation analyzes shows the relationship between “Conflict
Management and Organizational Performance”. And it’s the correlation between
independent variable and dependent variable. Thus there is a significant very strong
positive relationship between Conflict management and Organizational performance
which was indicated by R-value of (r=.999) and p-value (p=0.00 and α ≤ 0.05)
Premier Bank and Signjet companies to which Conflict management on
organizational performance in Mogadishu, Somalia.

5.2 Conclusions
This study was examining the study focus on identifying “The impact ofConflict
Management on Organizational Performance”. The instrument used in this study was
questionnaire and was analyzed of the SPSS 20. for service companies such as ( from
Premier Bank and Signjet.) in Mogadishu Somalia and used questionnaire that 52
respondents filled in the questionnaire of this study was staff and management and the
results of the objectives ( To determine the effect of integrating on organizational
performance, To find out the role of avoiding on organizational performance, To
investigate the Impact of compromising on organizational performance ) became good
were became in organizational performance of these selected service companies.

In the final the result of correlation analyzes shows the relationship between “Conflict
Management and Organizational Performance”. And it’s the correlation between
independent variable and dependent variable. Thus there is a significant very strong
positive relationship between Conflict management and Organizational performance
which was indicated by R-value of (r=.999) and p-value (p=0.00 and α ≤ 0.05)
Premier Bank and Signjet companies to which Conflict management on
organizational performance in Mogadishu, Somalia.

5.3 Recommendations
Based on Findings, the researcher recommends

1. Premier Bank and Signjet have to enhance integrating strategy for conflict

management in order to get good organizational performance.

2. Premier Bank and Signjetemployees should seek avoiding strategy for conflict

management in order to increase organizational performance.

3. Premier Bank and Signjet managers should implement compromising strategy

for conflict management in order to reach high organizational performance.

4. Premier Bank and Signjet should support service employees to provide

training that assist their jobs in order to reach good organizational


5. Premier Bank and Signjet managers should understand that ‘Employee need

analyses s to be done so the companies to make employee motivation.

6. Premier Bank and Signjet must allow employees participation in training and
development in general in order to improve their quality.

5.4 Further Research

1. The impact of conflict management on organizational effectiveness

2. Effects of conflict management on the performance of financial service


3. Impact of workplace conflict management on organizational performance

4. The impact of conflict management on organizational efficiency

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Dear respondent,

I am a graduate student at University of Somalia (UNISO). I am conducting this

study in fulfillments of the requirements for the award of Bachelor degree of Business
Administration. The aim is to gain an understanding of “the impact of conflict
management on organizational performance”. Responding the questionnaire is a
valuable contribution to our task.

This questionnaire is intended to share with your opinion . It is not a test, so there are
no right or wrong answers. Please answer each item as carefully and accurately as you
can by placing (√) the appropriate option.

SECTION (A): the respondent’s profile

Write tick (√) the appropriate response


1. Male 2.Female


1. Single 2.Married

3. AGE

1) 20-25 2) 25-30 3) 30-40 4.) 40 above

1. Secondary 3. Master

2. Bachelor 4. Diploma


1. Less than a year

2. 1 -2 years 3. 3 years and above


Direction: indicate your best choice by using the rate system below:

1=Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral

4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree


INTEGRATING Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1 I explore issues with others to find solutions that meet

everyone’s needs an acceptable to us.

2 When there is a disagreement, I gather as much

information as I can to keep the lines of
communication open.
3 I always try to see conflicts from both sides based on
personal needs and issues involved.
4 I always share a problem with the other person so that
we can work it out.


1 I avoid open discussion of my differences with my

personnel or subordinates.
2 When I find myself in an argument, I usually say very
little and try to leave as soon as possible.

3 I sometimes avoid taking positions which would create


4 I avoid hard feelings by keeping my disagreements

with others to myself.


1 I try to find a position that is intermediate between the

sides involved.
2 I prefer to compromise when solving problems and
just move on.
3 During a conflict I try to find some compromise
through negotiation with my subordinates or my
personnel so that a compromise can be reached.
4 I try to negotiate and adopt a “give-and-take”
approach to problem situations.

No Organizational performance Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

1 In order to achieve the aim of the organization, I pay

more attention on employee satisfaction
2 Motivating employees financially or non-financially
increase organizational performance.
3 Proper conflict management can realize organizational

4 Efficiency is a valuable to recognize in order to

improve organizational performance.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Budget Frame

S.NO Description Amount

1 Internet $40

2 Printing $15

3 Telephone Calls $5

4 Transportation $10

Total Budget $70


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