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1.Define Combinational circuit.

A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose outputs at anytime

are determined directly from the present combination of inputs, without

regard to previous inputs.

2.What is a half-adder?
A half-adder is a combinational circi that can be used to add two bits. It

has two inputs that represent the two bits to be added and two outputs,

with one producing the SUM output and the other producing the CARRY.

3. Draw the logic diagram of a half-adder

4.Give the truth table for a half adder.

5.What is a full adder?

6.What is half-Subtractor? And its logic diagrams

A half-subtractor is a combinational circuit that can be used to subtract one binary digit
from another to produce a DIFFERENCE output and a BORROW output. The BORROW output
here specifies whether a ‘1’ has been borrowed to perform the subtraction.
7. Give the truth table for a half Subtractor.

8. What is decoder?

A decoder is a combinational circuit that decodes the binary information on ‘n’ input lines to
a maximum of 2n unique output lines.

9. What is encoder?

An encoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from 2n input lines to
a maximum of ‘n’ unique output lines.

10. Applications of decoders.

1.Decoders are used in counter system.

2.They are used in analog to digital converter.

3. Decoder outputs can be used to drive a display system

11.Mention the uses of multiplexer.

1. It can be used to realize a Boolean function

2. It can be used in communication systems e.g., time division

13.Distinguish between decoder and demultiplexer.
S.No Decoder Demultiplexer

Decoder is a many input to many Demultiplexer is a one input to many

output device. output devices.

There are no selection lines.

2 The selection of specific output line is

controlled by the value of selection

14.Mention the uses of Demultiplexer.
Demultiplexer is used in computers when a same message has to be

sent to different receivers. Not only in computers, but any time

information from one source can be fed to several places.

15.What is a Programmable logic device (PLD)?
A Programmable logic device (PLD) is an itegated circuit with internal

logic gates that are connected through electronic fuses Programming

the device involves blowing the fuses along the paths that must

disonnected so as to obtain a particular configuration. It is divided into

an AND array and an OR array to provide an AND-OR sum of product

16.Explain PAL?
It has a programmable AND array and a fixed OR array. The AND

gates are programmed to provide the product terms for the Boolean

functions, which are logically summed in each OR gate.

17.Explain PLA
The most flexible PLD is the programmable logic array (PLA), where

both the AND and OR arrays can be programmed. The product tem in

the AND array may be shared by any OR gate to provide the required

sum f product implementation.

18.What are the difference between PLA and PAL?


PLA is a device with a PAL is a programmable logic device with a

programmable AND array and fixed OR array and programmable AND

programmable OR array array.

PLA is comparatively difficult to PAL is easier to program as only AND gates

program, as both AND and OR are programmable.
array are programmable.
3 It is flexible. It is less flexible than PLA.
19.What is sequential circuit?
The circuits in which the output variables depend not only on the present

input but they also depend upon the past history of these input variables

are known as sequential circuit

20.What are the differences beween sequential and combinational

logic circuits?
S.No Combinational logic Sequential logic

Output depends on present input

1 Output depends not only on present

input but also depend upon the past

Memory unit is not required inputs. unit is required to store past
2 Memory

input variables
3 Faster in speed Slower

4 Easy to design Hard

Ex: Shift Registers, Counters

5 Ex: Adders, Subtractor, MUX,

DEMUX, Encoder, Decoder etc..,

21.What is flip-flop?

Flip-Flops are synchronous bistable devices (has two outputs Q

and Q’). An edge-triggered Flip-Flop changes state either at the

positive edge (rising edge) or at th e negative ed ge (falling edge)

of th e l ck pul se an d is sensitive t o its inputs only at this

transition of the clock

22.What is the use of T-flip flop?

It is useful for constructing binary counters, frequency dividers, and general binary addition


23.What do you mean by triggering of flip-flop?

The state of a flip-flop is switched by a momentary change in the input

signal. This momentary change is called a trigger and the transition it

causes is said to trigger the flip-flop.

24.what is parity bit?

is a single bit that can be appended to a binary string. It is set to either 1

or 0 to make the total number of 1-bits either even ("even parity") or odd

("odd parity"). .

25.defne Toggle state.

flip flop is to be called in toggle state which means it will switch the

output only one time in every clock cycle from one state to another state

26. Compare RS-flip flop with SR-flip flop

In RS flipflop, Reset input has high priority
In SR flipflop, Set input has high priority.
i.e. When both S & R inputs of the flip flop are high

SR flip flop sets the output. SR (SetRest) flipflop will be SET(1)

while RS flip flop resets the output. RS (Resetset) flipflop will be RESET (0)
27.What is a multiplexer? And its types.
A multiplexer is a digital switch which allows digital information from several
sources to be routed into a single output line.The basic multiplexer has several data-input
lines and a single output line. The selection of a particular input line is controlled by a set of
selection lines. Normally there are 2n input lines and n selection lines.
1.4 x 1
2.8x 1
3.16x 1
28.What is Edge Triggering in Flip Flop?
In edge triggering the circuit becomes active at negative or positive edge of the clock

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