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Chipper - go through all of the following exercises once

Hold exercises are written as “Hold:rest:number of intervals” for today’s session if you start to fail hold as long as possible then rest after you
fall each interval

1) Hold 10:20:9 Ring support ( )

2) 4x3 Butterfly CTB progression drill 3: Arch- hollow -> Lever pull -> butterfly pull up -> butterfly CTB
( )

3) Hold 20:40:4 L hang bar ( )

4) 4x5 Alternating kipping pull up-> butterfly pull up ( )

5) Hold 20:20:7 Wall handstand ( )

6) 4x5 (i.e. 4 sets and each set is 15 bottom of dip swings and 5 press outs) Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent front swing press
out: press out every 3rd swing (straight legs)
( )

7) Hold 45:60:3 Supine Hollow

8) 4x5 False grip pull up hold with swings in L with muscle up transition
*scale with: Leg assist/ floor support muscle up transition drill

9) Hold 10:20:9 Parallette tuck support ( )

10) 4x12 Lunge up to handstand weight transfer 1/2

( )
* focus on control

11) Hold 10:20:6 False grip top of pull up hold rings (jump into it, don’t pull into it) ( )

12) 4x4 Hollow-> arch HSPU drill Combo 1/4->1/2->3/4->full
* The idea here is to focus on body position hollow in the headstand (bottom of rep) then arch before you start to press. Highly recommend
scale using spotter to help lift you. If not you can perform 5x3-5 kipping HSPU focusing on the hollow to arch cue

13) Hold 10:20:10 Bottom of ring dip ( )

14) Practice - 4x3-5 Bar muscle ups

* focus on setting up good glide-> arch swing
Swing example:
BMU example:
**scale with accumulate 30 glide->arch-> pull down to thighs

15) Hold 45:60:3 Superman hold-prone arch ( )

16) 4x10 ring swings

If exercises 1-16 have taken you less than 45 minutes and/or you feel good and have time then pick one:
17) accumulate 10-20 swinging muscle ups for form focus in sets of no more than 3. Advanced athletes practice hollow and arch versions.
** scale muscle ups with
-Accumulate 15-30 Low ring front swing pull back with turnover transition drill
-Accumulate 15-30 oot on ground supported muscle up transition drill

17) accumulated 50 TTB practicing different styles

- Deep arching, deep breathing, straight leg TTB
-Bent knee fast, shallow arch TTB
-Hybrid TTB


17) 3-5x10 meter handstand walks for speed - task completion, not form focus ( )

Well rounded skill session. Focused foundations -building attributes that translate well to crossfit

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