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Alabama State University

College of Health Sciences

(Rehabilitation Counseling, Physical Therapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics)

COURSE TITLE: HSC 5014- Psychosocial Aspects of Disability

SEMESTER: Spring 2020
Credit/Contact Hrs: 3

Days/Hours: Tuesday 5:30-8:15pm

Location: John L. Buskey Bldg, Rm 113

HYBRID via Blackboard Collaborate

Professor: Danita Henry Stapleton

Office location: 313 JOHN L. BUSKEY BUILDING
Phone: 334-229-4865
Office hours: By appointment only

Co Professor: Dr. Dartell Treadwell

Office location: 108 C JOHN L. BUSKEY BUILDING
Phone: 334. 229-7463
Office hours: By appointment only

PREREQUISITES: Physical Therapy/P&O/Rehab Counseling students passing

previous semester courses or consent of instructor

The purpose of the course is to provide students with an introduction to the basic
understanding of psychological, social, and environmental aspects of disability. Students
will have an increased awareness of the impact of attitudes on disabilities in the personal,
social, and cultural domains of life adjustment. Psychological, social, and cultural aspects
of disability will be examined as contextual factors that affect the rehabilitation process
and interactions between health care professionals. Moreover, students will be provided
with an overview of the psychological and social aspects of disability with an emphasis
placed on diversity of experience among individuals with disabilities and their families.
The impact of social and psychological aspects of disability on public attitudes, public
policy, and law will be examined. The adjustment process experienced by individuals
with disabilities and their families will be examined from the perspective of the
individual and social context in which adjustment occurs.
By the conclusion of the course, students shall demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and
aptitude that will enable them to:

1. Value the role and contributions of other helping/healthcare professionals who

provide services to people with disabilities;
2. Summarize the impact that disability has on the individual, family, and
3. Identify the prevailing attitudes towards people with disabilities and reasons for
the development of these attitudes;
4. Identify deviant images and stereotypes of people with disabilities in the general
public and media;
5. Investigate major issues facing individuals, families, and significant others when
coping with a disability and the impact of the family on the rehabilitation process;
6. Formulate appropriate strategies for continued development of a self-assessment
plan that promotes support and understanding of diversity issues;
7. Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the impact of crisis, trauma, and
disaster on individuals with disabilities, as well as the disability-related
implications for emergency management preparation (5. H.2.-g);
8. Identify the impact of disability on human sexuality (5.H.2.-h);
9. Implement strategies to enhance coping and adjustment to disability (5.H.3.-e);
10. Identify individual responses to disability, including the role of families,
communities, and other social networks (5. H.2.-c); and
11. Advocate for the full integration and inclusion of individuals with disabilities,
including strategies to reduce attitudinal and environmental barriers (5. H.3.-j).
12. Identify the impact of psychosocial influences, cultural beliefs and values,
diversity and social justice issues, poverty, and health disparities, with
implications for employment and quality of life for individuals with disabilities
(5. H.2.-e); and
13. Identify the impact of socioeconomic trends, public policies, stigma, access, and
attitudinal barriers as they relate to disability (5. H.2. - f).


A variety of teaching methods will be used including but not limited to the following:

1. Lecture (in-person & online)

2. Homework assignments
3. Case Studies
4. Online Discussion Postings
5. Video analysis
6. Guest Speakers

1. Attend and sign-in to all lectures
2. Demonstrate competency on all assignments
3. Actively participate in discussions
4. Actively participate in group activities


Marini, I. and Stebnicki, M.A. (2018). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness
and Disability. Springer Publishing Company. 7th Edition ISBN: 978-0-8261- 6161-1

Readings as assigned.

Throughout the semester class lectures will be supplemented by guest lecturers and
videos as appropriate to course content and to enhance the students learning experience.

Students will also be given the opportunity bring in or post examples of attitudes
displayed in media (newspapers, TV, radio, music, film, Internet, etc.) which demonstrate
societal perspectives surrounding individuals with disabilities. This will be a bonus
opportunity in which students will receive +2 points for each example for a maximum of
+10 bonus points.

Class Assignments:

Weekly Blackboard Discussion Postings (50 points) Responses should be thoughtful,

thoroughly answering any questions and appropriate for graduate level education.
Postings are due no later than 5:30 p.m. on the day of the next scheduled class.

Alabama Resource Guide

Student will identify and research one local, state, or national disability advocacy group.
Student will submit (online) the following as it relates to the organization: date
established, mission, history- to include funding source(s), service population, and
services and resources offered. (50 points). Please submit advocacy group to
instructor(s) for approval.

Self-Assessment Plan
Each student shall formulate appropriate strategies for continued development of a self-
assessment plan that promotes support and understanding of diversity issues as they
pertain to the psychosocial adjustment of persons with disabilities (50 points).

Case Study Care Plan

Students will be given a case study based on the movie My Flesh and Blood. Students
will review the case study and develop a care plan. The purpose of this assignment is to
assist students with developing care plans which encompass the psychosocial aspects of
disability and illness. (50 points)

Two examinations will be given ON SITE/IN PERSON covering material presented in
class and in the text (a mid-term and final examination). The examinations will require
students to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and synthesis of concepts related to
psychosocial adjustment of disability. The format may include short answer, multiple
choice, and true and false items. (100 points each, total: 200)


Total Course Points Available: 400
Online Discussion Postings 50
Alabama Resource Guide 50
Self-Assessment Plan 50
Case Study Care Plan 50
Examinations 200

A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 – 79
* a grade of 70-74 will receive a C but must undergo a remediation plan for the
course. The course instructor is to notify the PT Retention/Promotion Committee
of this final grade percentage.
Student must meet with their advisor to receive the remediation plan.
Completion of the review plan MUST occur by the date agreed upon, typically
prior to the beginning of the next semester. (See Policy on course remediation in
student handbook)
D *65 – 69
F *64 and below
WF withdrawal while failing
W withdrawal without penalty
I Incomplete

*Applies to PT students only, Rehabilitation Counseling students will be graded on the

traditional scale.

Note: PT students, please refer to PT Student Handbook: Academic Standards and
Progression for the Clinical doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy (D

ATTENDANCE/Participation: See University Policy for more information.

Class attendance and participation are required. If you notify the instructor that you will
not be present for an acceptable reason, every effort will be made to assist you in your
make-up efforts. Three tardies to class will equal one unexcused absence.

Group work experiences and individual efforts in class may be given credit and graded as
class participation.

Peer evaluations may be completed as part of evaluating participation during the

presentations. As a peer evaluator, you are expected to critically evaluate each class
presentation keeping in mind that evaluations should not demean the presenter but aid the
class in achieving the learning objectives. Intelligent questioning by peers is expected
during presentations.

PT Students, see the Physical Therapy Student Handbook for policies relating to
Academic Course Re-examination.

The student is responsible to contact the appropriate faculty member within one week to
arrange a make-up schedule/examination. No make-up examination will be given for
failing grades. Any student who becomes ill during an examination should inform a
faculty member immediately.

This course syllabus/schedule provides a general plan for the course; thus deviations may
be necessary. Every effort will be made to notify students as soon as possible of any
changes needing to be made.


further details

Alabama State University Policies:

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND DISHONESTY An important goal of Alabama State

University is to prepare students as effective and productive professionals and citizens in
society. Through an academic environment conducive to free and open discourse, inquiry
and expression, this goal can be achieved.

Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which is against the important principle of
scholarship. Furthermore, academic dishonesty works against the development of
students’ intellectual abilities; it will not be tolerated by the university. Academic
dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following:

● Academic dishonesty during examinations shall mean referring to information in any

form which is not specifically condoned by the instructor in charge of the examination.
This includes oral or written information from a fellow student includes oral, written, or
digital information from a fellow student or electronic device. Academic dishonesty shall
include stealing, buying, selling, or transmitting a copy of any examination or test before
or after it has been administered.

● Plagiarism shall include the use of material from printed sources without identification
of the sources or permitting another person to compose or rewrite a student's assignment.

● Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which is against the important principle of

scholarship. Furthermore, academic dishonesty works against the development of
students’ intellectual abilities; it will not be tolerated by the University.

Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Cheating
a. submitting material that is not yours as part of your course performance;
b. using information or devices that are not allowed by the faculty;
c. obtaining and/or using unauthorized materials; d. fabricating information,
research, and/or results;
d. violating procedures prescribed to protect the integrity of an assignment, test,
or other evaluation
e. collaborating with others on assignments without the faculty’s consent;
f. cooperating with and/or helping another student to cheat; or
g. demonstrating any other forms of dishonest behavior.

2. Plagiarism
a. directly quoting the words of others without using quotation marks or
indented format block quotations to identify them;
b. b. using sources of information (published or unpublished) without identifying
c. paraphrasing materials or ideas without identifying the source;
d. unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency
engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic material; or
e. resubmission of material without prior approval.

3. Fabrication
a. Intentional falsification or invention of any information or citation in an
academic exercise.

Procedures in a Case of Dishonesty

The instructor shall discuss the evidence supporting an allegation of academic dishonesty
with the student immediately. The instructor may impose any academic penalty up to and
including assignment of a failing grade for the course. If a failing grade is assigned, the
faculty member shall notify and give in writing the reason for the failing grade to the
student, Chair of the Department and the Dean of the College, School or Division in
which the course is offered, of this decision. The Dean shall report the offense to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs and
Enrollment Management.

The student may appeal the instructor's decision to the Department Chair, Dean, Provost
and Vice President for Academic Affairs and President of the University. In a case of
dishonesty which may warrant more serious action, the Dean, with the concurrence of the
Vice President for Academic Affairs, may refer the matter to the Vice President for
Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for referral to the Judicial Affairs Officer
for investigation and to determine if the charges have merit

Retrieved from the “The Pilot”

Approved by the Alabama State University Board of Trustees on August 6th, 2019

The Policy prohibits students from cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, submitting the
same paper for credit in two courses without authorization, buying papers, submitting
fraudulent documents, and forging signatures.

For this course you will be required to include the following signed statement on each
examination or assignment: "I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received
any unauthorized assistance on this examination (or assignment)."


Alabama State University values diversity and inclusion. We are committed to a climate
of mutual respect and civility among members of our community. ASU recognizes
that disability is an aspect of diversity. Our goal is to create learning environments that are
accessible, equitable, inclusive and welcoming. If there are aspects of the instruction or
design of this course related to your disability that result in barriers to your inclusion or to
an accurate assessment or achievement, please notify Disability Services as soon as
possible. Students should contact the office located in The John G. Hardy Student Center.
Students may call (334) 229-5127 or TDY (334) 229-8822 / 800-548-2546) for further
information about academic adjustments or accommodations. Students who have a
documented disability should present this information to formally request reasonable
accommodations. If accommodations are needed, it is highly recommended to seek them
at the beginning of each semester to assist with academic achievement; however,
accommodations may be requested at any time.

Academic Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities

In both compliance with and in the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
the instructor would like to work with you if you have a disability that is relevant to your
work in this course. If you have a documented disability recorded in the ASU Office of
Disabilities Services and wish to discuss academic accommodations or alternative
formats for testing because of a disability, present this documentation to the instructor
within the first week of class.

Religious Observances

The policy of the College of Health Sciences is that students should not be penalized
because of observances of their religious beliefs; students shall be given an opportunity,
whenever feasible, to make up within a reasonable time any academic assignment that is
missed due to individual participation in religious observances.

Attendance Policy

Each student is expected to attend all lectures, seminars, laboratories and field work for
each registered class, including the first class session, in order to verify registration with
instructors and to complete all work assigned for the course. Failure to observe this
policy may seriously jeopardize a student’s academic standing.

If a student does not attend class during the first two weeks of the semester and does not
give prior notification to the instructor of reasons for absence and intent to attend the
class, the student will be dropped from the course.

A student is permitted one (1) unexcused absence for each credit hour generated by the
class. For example, two (2) absences are allowed in a two-hour class. Excessive
absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, may result in a student’s course grade being
reduced or in assignment of a grade of “F”.

Official excuses are granted by the Office of Student Affairs for authorized university
activities, verified personal illness or illness or death in the immediate family. The
student must obtain verification of the excuse from this office or will be counted as
unexcused absence.

At the beginning of the class, the instructor is responsible for having listed on his or her
syllabus the University Attendance Policy. The student will be held responsible for
adhering to the University Attendance Policy. Instructors of courses are not obligated to
provide makeup opportunities for students who are absent, unless the absences have
been officially approved.

An officially approved absence, however, merely give the individual who missed the
class an opportunity to make up the work and in no way excuses him or her from the
work required.

Absences will count from the first day of registration for each course. Students receiving
veteran’s benefits are required to attend classes according to the regulations of the
Veterans Administration in addition to those regulations set by the university for all
students. Students should understand that absences may jeopardize their grades.
Adopted by the ASU Board of Trustees on May, 2009

Date Topic Learning Learning Assignments/Readings Student
Obj # Activity Outcome
Jan 14 Course Introduction, Syllabus 1, 2 Buskey, Ch 1, Online discussion posting Midterm Exam
Class 1 Movie: Roy Discussion
Campanella Board Questions
pertaining to
Jan 21 Psychological Aspects Model 2, 3, 4, 10, Online Online discussion posting Midterm Exam
Class 2 Framework; History of Treatment 12, 13 Presentation
Toward Persons w/ Disabilities
Jan 28 Health Literacy & the Impact of 2, 3, 4, 5 Online Ch 2 & 5, Online discussion posting Midterm Exam
Class 3 What We Say Presentation
Feb 4 On the Origins of Negative 2, 3, 4, 10, Online Ch 27, Online discussion posting Midterm Exam
Class 4 Attitudes Towards People with 12, 13 Presentation
Disabilities; Changes in Attitudes
Toward People with Handicaps
Feb 11 Key Concepts and Techniques for 9, 10, 12,13 Ch 4; Watch My Flesh and Blood
Class 5 an Aging Workforce online
Feb 18 Models of Disability; Implications 4, 10, 12, Online Online Discussion posting Midterm Exam
Class 6 for the Counseling Profession 13 Presentation
Feb 25 MIDTERM EXAM Buskey Ch 12 Case Plan
Class 7 Case Study Care Plan Due Rubric

March 3 Family Adaptation Across 5, 9, 11 Online Ch 20; Online Discussion posting Final Exam
Class 8 Cultures Toward a Loved One Presentation online
who is Disabled Meet in
GUEST SPEAKER-Class Classroom for
Meeting!!! Speaker
ADAP Attorney
March 10 Disability and Spirituality 5, 6, 9 Online Discussion posting online Final Exam
Class 9 Presentation Self-Assessment Plan Due Self-Assessment
March 24 GUEST SPEAKER- Dr. Graham 5 Buskey Ch 6, 7, 11; Online Discussion Posting Final Exam
Class 10 Sisson Meet in
March 31 Psychosocial Adaptation to 2, 9, 10 Online Ch 10 & 18; Online Discussion Final Exam
Class 11 Chronic Illness & Disability: A Presentation Posting
Primer for Counselors; Theories of
Adjustment Adaptation to
Disability; Quality
of Life and Coping with Chronic
Illness and Disability: A Temporal
April 7 Cross-Cultural Counseling Issues 5, 7, 8, 9, Online Ch 7 & 9; Online Discussion Posting Final Exam
Class 12 of Males Who Sustain a Disability 10 Presentation
(ch 7/10; 7th ed); Psychiatric and
Psychological Issues in Survivors
of Major Disasters
April 14 Beyond the Binary; Rethinking the 2, 4, 5, 8, Online Online Discussion Posting Final Exam
Class 14 Social Model of Disabled 10, 12 Presentation Alabama Resource Guide Due Alabama
Sexuality; Objective Self- Resource Guide
Awareness for Persons with Rubric
Visible Disabilities
April 21 Wrap Up
Class 15
April 28 FINAL EXAM Buskey
Class 16
Prof 1 Prof 2 Both


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