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66 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:66–72

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.66 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on December 16, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
White matter lesions on magnetic resonance
imaging in dementia with Lewy bodies,
Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and
normal aging
R Barber, P Scheltens, A Gholkar, C Ballard, I McKeith, P Ince, R Perry, J O’Brien

Abstract Keywords: dementia; white matter hyperintensities;

Objectives—Alzheimer’s disease and vas- Magnetic resonance imaging
cular dementia are associated with an
increase in changes in white matter on
MRI. The aims were to investigate Magnetic resonance imaging can detect hyper-
whether white matter changes also occur intense white matter lesions, especially with pro-
in dementia with Lewy bodies and to ton density and T2 weighted scans. These
examine the relation between white mat- changes can be divided into those immediately
ter lesions and the cognitive and non- adjacent to the ventricles (periventricular hyper-
cognitive features of dementia with Lewy intensities; PVHs) and those located in the deep
bodies, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular white matter (white matter hyperintensities;
dementia. WMHs). Periventricular hyperintensities and
Methods—Proton density and T2 weighted WMHs probably result from diVerent patho-
images were obtained on a 1.0 Tesla MRI logical processes and have been described in
scanner in patients with dementia with various conditions including normal aging,1 vas-
Lewy bodies (consensus criteria; n=27, cular dementia,2 and Alzheimer’s disease.3
mean age=75.9 years), Alzheimer’s disease The prevalence, severity, and distribution of
(NINCDS/ADRDA; n=28, mean age=77.4 PVHs and WMHs seem to vary between
years), vascular dementia (NINDS/AIREN; diVerent disorders and with age. Vascular
n=25, mean age=76.8 years), and normal dementia is associated with increased PVHs
controls (n=26, mean age=76.2 years). and WMHs compared with Alzheimer’s dis-
Cognitive function, depressive symptoms, ease and age matched normal controls.4 5
and psychotic features were assessed using Patients with Alzheimer’s disease also have
a standardised protocol. Periventricular more extensive PVHs than controls6–10 but
Institute for the Health hyperintensities (PVHs), white matter hy- there are conflicting findings in relation to
of the Elderly WMHs. Bowen et al7 found that WMHs were
R Barber perintensities (WMHs) and basal ganglia
hyperintensities (BGHs) were visually increased in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
A Gholkar
I McKeith rated blind to diagnosis using a semiquan- compared with controls, Scheltens et al11 found
R Perry titative scale. an increase only in late onset patients although
J O’Brien Results—Periventricular hyperintensities others have found no diVerence.10 12–14 Incon-
were positively correlated with age and sistency between studies may be attributable to
MRC Neurochemical variation in scanning techniques, sample size
Pathology Unit, were more severe in all dementia groups
Newcastle General than controls. Total deep hyperintensities and selection, and the rating scales used.15 16
Hospital, Newcastle scores (WMHs plus BGHs) were signifi- Dementia with Lewy bodies has been
upon Tyne, UK cantly higher in all dementia groups than recently recognised as a major cause of
C Ballard controls and higher in patients with vascu- dementia,17 clinically and neuropathologically
P Ince lar dementia than those with dementia with distinct from Alzheimer’s disease and vascular
Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease. In all dementia.18 It is probably the second common-
Department of
Neurology, patients with dementia, frontal WMHs est form of late life dementia, accounting for up
Academisch were associated with higher depression to 20% of cases. Dementia with Lewy bodies is
Ziekenhuis VU, scores and occipital WMHs were associated characterised by the triad of visual hallucinosis,
Amsterdam, The with an absence of visual hallucinations fluctuating cognitive impairment, and parkin-
Netherlands and delusions. sonism. Pathologically, intracytoplasmic,
P Scheltens
Conclusion—In common with Alzheimer’s neuronal inclusion bodies (Lewy bodies) are
Correspondence to: disease and vascular dementia, PVHs and found in the neocortex, limbic cortex, subcor-
Dr R Barber, Institute for the WMHs were significantly more extensive in tical nuclei, and brainstem. There have been
Health of the Elderly, dementia with Lewy bodies than in con- few neuroimaging studies of dementia with
Newcastle General Hospital,
Westgate Road, Newcastle trols. This overlap between diVerent de- Lewy bodies and changes in white matter on
upon Tyne, NE4 6BE, U.K. mentias may reflect shared pathological MRI in this disease have not previously been
Tel +(0)191 256 3274 ext. mechanisms. The link between frontal investigated.
22986; fax +(0)191 219
5048; email WMHs and depression and the absence of The clinical importance of changes in white occipital WMHs and psychotic symptoms matter seen on MRI in dementia is poorly
has important implications for under- understood. There is growing evidence that
Received 26 August 1998 changes in white matter are linked to depres-
and in revised form
standing the neurobiological basis of these
10 February 1999 symptoms. sive illness in late life3 9 and possibly psychotic
Accepted 11 February 1999 (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:66–72) symptoms in late onset schizophrenia.19 20
White matter lesions on MRI in dementia 67

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.66 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on December 16, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Whether white matter lesions are involved in dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies
the pathogenesis of depressive and psychotic were made in accordance with
symptoms in dementias is unclear. NINCDS/ADRDA,24 NINDS/AIREN25 and
The aims of this study were to compare dementia with Lewy bodies consensus criteria17
white matter changes on MRI in patients with respectively by consensus agreement between
dementia with Lewy bodies with those with three experienced raters (JO’B, CB, IMcK).
Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Diagnosis was made blind to MRI findings.
normal age matched controls, and to examine Pathological confirmation of clinical diagnosis
their relation to cognitive and non-cognitive has since been acquired in four patients.
features of dementia. Our hypothesis was that, Applying these criteria, 28 patients had
in common with Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease (definite n=2, probable
vascular dementia, an increased prevalence of n=24, and possible n=2), 25 had vascular
changes in white matter would occur in dementia (probable n=15 and possible n=10),
dementia with Lewy bodies. We also tested the and 27 had dementia with Lewy bodies
hypothesis that changes in white matter in late (definite n=2, probable n=24, and possible
onset dementias are associated with depressive n=1).
and possibly psychotic symptoms. A represen- Within three months of completing MRI all
tative sample of community dwelling elderly patients underwent a further assessment. Cog-
subjects was included and white matter lesions nitive function was measured using the Cam-
were rated using a semiquantitative scale21 to bridge cognitive examination26 which incorpo-
record the prevalence, severity, and anatomical rates the mini mental state examination
distribution of these changes. (MMSE).27 Depressive symptoms were rated
using the Montgomery and Asberg depression
rating scale (MADRS)28 and a history of
Methods psychotic symptoms (delusions, misidentifica-
tions, auditory hallucinations, and visual hallu-
Eighty patients over the age of 60 years who cinations) since onset of dementia was re-
fulfilled DSM IV22 criteria for dementia were corded using the Columbia University scale for
recruited. Seventy five patients were obtained psychopathology in Alzheimer’s Disease,
from a community dwelling population of (CUSPAD).29
patients referred to local old age psychiatry and
geriatric medicine services for evaluation of NORMAL CONTROLS
possible dementia. Five patients were recruited Twenty six age matched controls were re-
from a dementia research clinic. The research cruited from among spouses and friends of
was approved by the local ethics committee patients with dementia. A detailed history and
and all patients, as well as their nearest relative, examination were undertaken to include de-
gave informed consent. mographic data and physical and psychiatric
status. All control subjects completed the same
ASSESSMENTS AND DIAGNOSIS assessments as listed above: CAMCOG,
Diagnosis was made after a detailed clinical MMSE, MADRS, CUSPAD. Exclusion crite-
assessment. This included an interview with ria were evidence of current depression (from
the subject and the most knowledgeable history or MADRS>10) or dementia (from
informant using the geriatric mental state/ history or score<80 on the CAMCOG) and
history aetiology schedule,23 review of clinical history of any other significant neurological,
records, full psychiatric and medical history, physical, or psychiatric disorder including drug
and mental state and physical examination. A and alcohol misuse.
standard dementia screen was completed
which included haematology and biochemistry MRI SCANNING PROTOCOL
analysis, thyroid function tests, syphilis serol- All scans were performed on a 1.0 Tesla
ogy, B12 and folate concentrations, and CT. Siemens Magnetom Impact MRI scanner.
Standardised clinical diagnostic criteria were Whole brain axial images of 5 mm thickness
used to characterise the type of dementia. (0.5 mm gap) were obtained using proton den-
Diagnoses of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular sity weighted and T2 weighted turbo/fast spin
Table 1 Visual rating of signal hyperintensities echo sequences to allow detailed visualisation
of white matter lesions (RARE technique-rapid
Lesions Score acquisition with relaxation enhancement:
TR=2800 ms; TE 14/85 ms; matrix 256×256;
Periventricular hyperintensities (PVH 0–6)
Frontal caps (0–2) 0=absent
Occipital caps (0–2) 1=<5 mm field of view=23 mm giving pixel
Bands: (0–2) 2=>5 mm and <10 mm size=0.92×0.92 mm; acquisition time=4 min
White matter hyperintensities (WMH 0–24) Frontal (0–6) 0=NA 13s).
Parietal (0–6) 1=<3 mm; n<5
Occipital (0–6) 2=<3 mm; n>6
Temporal (0–6) 3=4–10 mm; n<5 WHITE MATTER RATING
4=4–10 mm; n>6
5=>11 mm; n>1
Using a standardised scale21 white matter
6=confluent lesions were rated from hard copies of proton
Basal ganglia hyperintensities (BGH 0–30) Caudate nucleus (0–6) As for WMH density and T2 weighted axial images by an
Putamen (0–6)
Globus pallidus (0–6) experienced rater (PS) blind to diagnosis. The
Thalamus (0–6) scale provided a semiquantitative measurement
Internal capsule (0–6) of the type, size, frequency, and location of
Semiquantitative rating of signal hyperintensities in separate regions with the range of the scale PVHs and WMHs, as shown in table 1. Hyper-
shown in parentheses: n=number of lesions; NA=no abnormality. intensities were rated in five regions: frontal,
68 Barber, Scheltens, Gholkar, et al

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.66 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on December 16, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Subject characteristics statistic as appropriate, with Fisher’s exact
probability test calculated for 2×2 tables when
(n=27) (n=28) (n=25) (n=26) p Value the expected cell frequency was <5. Associa-
tions between white matter lesions and clinical
Age (mean (SD)) 75.9 (7) 77.4 (5) 76.8 (7) 76.2 (5) NS variables were examined using the Mann-
Sex (M:F) 19:9 10:18 15:10 14:12 NS
Education (years (SD)) 9.1 (1) 9.7 (3) 9.9 (1) 10.1 (2) NS Whitney U test or Spearman’s rank order cor-
Length of history (months (SD)) 38.2 (19) 42.4 (25) 39.7 (25) NS NS relation coeYcient (r) as appropriate. All
MMSE (mean (SD)) 13.6 (7) 15.5 (5) 18.2 (4) 28.1 (2) <0.001*
CAMCOG (mean (SD)) 46.1 (26) 55.5 (16) 62.0 (13) 97.2 (5) <0.001*
statistical tests were two tailed and were
MADRS (mean) 8.0 7.6 7.7 3.4 <0.05 regarded as significant at p<0.01 for correla-
Delusions (%) 18 (67) 11 (39) 5 (20) 0 <0.001 tions and p<0.05 for all other tests.
Visual hallucinations (%) 23 (85) 3 (11) 3 (12) 0 <0.001
Auditory hallucinations (%) 14 (52) 4 (14) 0 (0) 0 =0.01

Con=Controls; DLB=dementia with Lewy bodies; AD=Alzheimer’s disease; VaD=vascular Results

*post hoc ScheVé test showed significant diVerences between Con and AD, Con and VaD, Con
and DLB (p<0.001), and between VaD and DLB (p<0.05).
Subject characteristics are summarised in
table 2. Groups were well matched for age, sex,
Table 3 Periventricular hyperintensities history, and years of education. As would be
expected, CAMCOG and MMSE scores were
(n=27) (n=28) (n=25) Con (n=26) p Value significantly lower in all dementia groups com-
pared with controls (p<0.001). Patients with
Bands: dementia with Lewy bodies were significantly
Prevalence 23 (85%) 28 (100%) 24 (96%) 19 (73%)
Median score 1 1 1 1 <0.05* more impaired than those with vascular
Frontal caps: dementia on MMSE (13.6 v 18.2; p<0.05) and
Prevalence 25 (93%) 26 (93%) 24 (96%) 23 (89%)
Median score 1 1 1 1 NS
CAMCOG (46.1 v 62.0; p<0.05).
Occipital caps: There were no diVerences between dementia
Prevalence 22 (82%) 21 (75%) 20 (80%) 8 (31%) groups for MADRS scores although all demen-
Median score 1 1 1 0 <0.001†
Total PVH: tia groups had significantly more depressive
Prevalence 27 (100%) 28 (100%) 25 (100%) 24 (92%) symptoms than controls (p<0.05). Patients
Median score 3 3 3 2 =0.001‡ with dementia with Lewy bodies experienced
For abbreviations see table 2. significantly more delusions (p<0.001), visual
Post hoc Mann-Whitney U test showed significant diVerences between: hallucinations (p<0.001), and auditory halluci-
*Con and VaD (p<0.05) and between Con and AD (p<0.01) nations (p=0.01) than those with Alzheimer’s
†Con and AD (p=0.001) and between Con and VaD, Con and DLB (p<0.001)
‡Con and DLB (p<0.05) and between Con and AD, Con and VaD (p=0.001) disease and vascular dementia.

temporal, parietal, occipital, and basal ganglia PERIVENTRICULAR HYPERINTENSITIES

(BGH). The results for PVHs are summarised in
table 3. All dementia groups had significantly
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS higher total PVH scores (sum of bands and
The statistical package SPSS for Windows caps) compared with controls (p=0.001).
(Release 7.0) was used for data analysis.30 Dif- There were no significant diVerences between
ferences between groups on continuous vari- dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer’s dis-
ables were assessed using analysis of variance ease, and vascular dementia, and overall PVHs
(ANOVA) with post hoc ScheVé tests to deter- were present in all dementia patients (100%)
mine group diVerences. For non-parametric and nearly all age matched controls (92%).
data a Kruskal-Wallis test was used followed by Analysing bands and caps separately, periv-
a post hoc Mann-Whitney U test or Pearson ÷2 entricular bands were significantly more severe
in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (p<0.01)
Table 4 White matter and basal ganglia hyperintensities and vascular dementia (p<0.05) than in
controls, and occipital caps were more severe
(n=27) (n=28) (n=25) Con (n=26) p Value (p<0.001) and frequent in all dementia groups
compared with controls (dementia with Lewy
Prevalence 22 (81%) 25 (89%) 24 (96%) 19 (73%)
bodies 82%, vascular dementia 80%,
Median score 2 2 3 1 <0.05* Alzheimer’s disease 75% v controls 31%;
Temporal: p=0.001). By contrast, frontal caps were com-
Prevalence 3 (11%) 4 (14%) 3 (12%) 1 (4%)
Median score 0 0 0 0 NS mon to all groups (vascular dementia 96%,
Parietal: Alzheimer’s disease 93%, dementia with Lewy
Prevalence 15 (56%) 13 (46%) 19 (76%) 8 (31%) bodies 92%, controls 89%).
Median score 1 0 3 0 <0.01†
Occipital: Periventricular hyperintensities were posi-
Prevalence 2 (7%) 3 (11%) 6 (24%) 3 (12%) tively correlated with age in all patients (total
Median score 0 0 0 0 NS PVH score r=0.41, p<0.001) but were not
Basal ganglia
prevalence 7 (26%) 6 (21%) 17 (68%) 3 (12%) associated with cognitive impairment or de-
median score 0 0 2 0 <0.001‡ pressive and psychotic symptoms.
prevalence 23 (85%) 25 (89%) 24 (96%) 19 (73%)
median score 3 4 8 1 <0.001§ WHITE MATTER AND BASAL GANGLIA
For abbreviations see table 2.
Post hoc Mann-Whitney U test showed significant diVerences between: The results for WMHs and basal ganglia
*Con and AD (p<0.05) and between Con and VaD (p<0.01) lesions are presented in table 4. Photographs of
†Con and DLB, Con and AD (p<0.05), and between Con and VaD (p<0.001) MRI demonstrating white matter changes in
‡VaD and all other groups (p<0.001)
§Con and DLB, Con and AD, VaD and DLB (p<0.05), between VaD and AD (p<0.01), and subjects from each group are shown in the
between VaD and Con (p<0.001) figure.
White matter lesions on MRI in dementia 69

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.66 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on December 16, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Axial proton density MRI showing white matter lesions and ratings: (A) normal control (PVH score=0; WMH score=0);
(B) patient with vascular dementia (PVH: frontal caps=2, occipital caps=2; WMH frontal=5, parietal=6); (C) patient
with pathologically confirmed dementia with Lewy bodies (PVH: frontal caps=2, occipital caps=1; WMH frontal=2,
parietal=3); (D) patient with pathologically confirmed Alzheimer’s disease bodies (PVH: frontal caps=2, occipital caps=2;
WMH frontal=6, parietal=6).

Total deep hyperintensity scores (sum of the Lewy bodies 26%, Alzheimer’s disease 21%,
frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, and basal controls 12%; p<0.001).
ganglia scores) were significantly higher in all A link between regional changes in white
dementia groups compared with controls (vas- matter and specific non-cognitive symptoms in
cuylar dementia median score=8 v control dementia patients was seen. The presence of
median score=1, p<0.001; dementia with frontal WMHs was associated with higher
Lewy bodies median score=3, and Alzheimer’s depression scores (mean MADRS score for
disease median score=4 v control median patients with frontal WMHs =8.3 v without
score, p<0.05). Comparing the dementia =3.4; p<0.05). The presence of delusions
groups, patients with vascular dementia had (p<0.01) and visual hallucinations (p<0.05)
higher total lesion scores than those with was associated with the absence of occipital
Alzheimer’s disease (p<0.01) and dementia WMHs. No patient with delusions (n=34) had
with Lewy bodies (p<0.05). Overall, basal gan- WMHs, and only one patient with visual
glia lesions were specifically associated with hallucinations (n=29) had occipital WMHs.
vascular dementia compared with all other Auditory hallucinations showed a similar trend
groups (vascular dementia 68%, dementia with (p=0.06). White matter hyperintensity scores
70 Barber, Scheltens, Gholkar, et al

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.66 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on December 16, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
did not correlate with age or cognitive The near ubiquitous presence of frontal caps
impairment. lends further support to the notion that they
occur as a normal, age related change.38 39 His-
Discussion tologically, frontal PVHs probably result from
This is the first study to examine the presence areas of demyelination and astrocytic gliosis.40
of changes in white matter on MRI in demen- Divergence in the severity of periventricular
tia with Lewy bodies. The inclusion of patients bands and occipital caps between demented
with Alzheimer’s disease and patients with vas- and non-demented patients suggests that
cular dementia allowed comparison of changes pathological processes contribute to their
in white matter between the three major types development. The convergence of results
of late life dementia. Periventricular hyperin- within the dementia groups would argue in
tensities and WMHs were found to occur often favour of a common pathogenesis. Interest-
in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies, ingly, Fazekas et al10 found that patients with
Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease had significantly more
aged matched normal controls. These changes PVHs than controls but that this association
were, however, significantly more extensive in was not independently linked to the disease;
the dementia groups compared with controls. rather it seemed to be related to atrophy as
The major strengths of this study include the measured by ventricular enlargement. Other
recruitment of a representative community studies have also found an association of PVHs
sample of elderly patients with late life demen- and atrophy,41 and in vitro pathological studies
tia, well matched for age, sex, education, and indicate that PVHs are associated with loss of
duration of illness. Brain MRI was acquired the ependymal lining, demyelination, and
using a standardised protocol, and changes in gliosis.42–44 Damage to the integrity of the
white matter were assessed blind by an experi- ependymal lining may in turn result in
enced rater using a validated scale which abnormal dynamics of CSF and increased
provided detailed information on the fre- water content.34 42 43 Histological studies of
quency, size, and location of lesions. A PVHs in dementia with Lewy bodies are
potential criticism of this study is the reliance necessary to establish whether similar changes
on clinical, rather than pathological, diagnoses. occur.
However, clinical diagnosis were made after The absence of a link between PVHs and the
detailed assessments and in accordance with clinical features of dementia with Lewy bodies
standardised criteria. In the case of dementia was consistent with negative reports involving
with Lewy bodies, we have shown that the non-demented elderly patients, patients with
clinical criteria have a high specificity (0.95) Alzheimer’s disease, and patients with vascular
indicating few false positive clinical dementia.2 The relation between PVHs seen on
diagnoses.31 A recent clinicopathological vali- MRI and clinical features remains unclear.
dation of current clinical criteria for dementias Perhaps, as some authors have suggested, MRI
found a similar level of specificity (1.00), but is more sensitive at detecting PVHs, but CT is
low sensitivity (0.22), for the consensus more specific and detects lesions which are
diagnosis of probable dementia with Lewy more tightly coupled with pathological change
bodies.32 Overall the clinical criteria seem to and outcome.45
have a high positive predictive value for pathol-
ogy of dementia with Lewy bodies itself, WHITE MATTER AND BASAL GANGLIA
although the diagnosis does not exclude the HYPERINTENSITIES
possibility of mixed disease.32 The profile of White matter hyperintensities also occurred
patients with dementia with Lewy bodies stud- often in all groups and diVerences between
ied conformed well with other published demented and non-demented patients largely
cohorts.33 Pathological confirmation of diagno- resulted from variations in the severity and dis-
sis has since been acquired in four patients tribution of lesions. The pattern of WMHs in
(dementia with Lewy bodies n=2; Alzheimer’s dementia with Lewy bodies was broadly similar
disease n=2). to Alzheimer’s disease, but less extensive than
vascular dementia. The prevalence of WMHs
PERIVENTRICULAR HYPERINTENSITIES in vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Periventricular hyperintensities were found in conformed well with previous studies, which
all patients with dementia and 92% of controls. have detected WMHs in up to 100% of
Previous reports have found PVHs to occur in patients with vascular dementia7 12 and be-
44% to 100% of patients with Alzheimer’s dis- tween 60%-100% of patients with Alzheimer’s
ease, 70% to 100% with vascular dementia, disease.2
and 8% to 92% of elderly controls.1–3 In The pathological correlates of WMHs in
common with other studies,9 11 34–36 a positive dementia with Lewy bodies have not yet been
correlation between the PVHs and age was also determined. The similar pattern of hyperinten-
found. The high prevalence of PVHs in this sities in dementia with Lewy bodies and
study may therefore reflect, in part, the age of Alzheimer’s disease suggests that they may
patients. share a convergence in white matter pathology.
As found previously, PVHs were more severe White matter lesions in Alzheimer’s disease
in dementia patients than in controls.6 9 11 37 have been linked to ischaemic changes46 but
However, not all PVHs were equal in this histological findings from other studies have
regard. Bands and occipital caps, by contrast identified various abnormalities, including di-
with frontal caps, were more severe and lated perivascular spaces, arteriosclerosis, par-
common in dementia groups than in controls. tial loss of myelin and axons, gliosis, lacunar
White matter lesions on MRI in dementia 71

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.66 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on December 16, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
infarcts, and congenital diverticula.3 Clearly involving visual association areas might prevent
not all WMHs result from ischaemic damage hallucinations. Using functional MRI Howard
and postmortem examination, ideally preceded et al58 have suggested that visual hallucinations
by postmortem brain MRI, is necessary to are, at least in part, located in the primary
determine the nature of white matter pathology visual cortex, raising the possibility that strate-
in dementia with Lewy bodies. In vivo charac- gically located lesions in white matter may dis-
terisation of WMHs using proton magnetic rupt this process. Whether occipital WMHs
resonance spectroscopy may also provide might suppress visual hallucinations is clearly
useful pathological and diagnostic an area which requires further investigation.
The pronounced increase of basal ganglia Conclusion
lesions in vascular dementia is consistent with Periventricular hyperintensities were found to
previous reports5 7 12 48 49 and suggests that be common in dementia with Lewy bodies as
these changes may be useful as a diagnostic aid well as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia,
in the diVerential diagnosis of vascular demen- and aged matched controls, but were uniformly
tia from dementia with Lewy bodies as well as more severe in all major types of dementia
Alzheimer’s disease.12 Interestingly, the lack of compared with controls. This could indicate
an association between dementia with Lewy that PVHs result from a common pathogen-
bodies and basal ganglia hyperintensities indi- esis, possibly related to brain atrophy. The pat-
cates that these lesions are unlikely to contrib- tern of deep hyperintensities in dementia with
ute to the development of parkinsonism in Lewy bodies was broadly similar to Alzheimer’s
dementia with Lewy bodies. disease and both groups showed modest
There are contrasting reports on the associ- increases in the severity of changes in white
ation between changes in white matter and matter compared with controls. Overall
cognitive function.3 4 Discrepancies may be WMHs and basal ganglia lesions were most
explained by methodological diVerences. In pronounced in patients with vascular demen-
common with many other studies, the rating of tia. A link between the presence of frontal
white matter lesions in this study was not volu- WMHs and depression and the absence of
metric. Semiquantitative rating scales may not occipital WMHs and psychotic symptoms was
be suYciently sensitive to detect correlations found. This has important implications for
with cognition unless sample size is large.50 By understanding the neurobiological basis of
contrast, positive correlations have been re- these symptoms.
ported with moderate sample sizes using volu-
metric measures.51 52 In addition, in healthy We thank Mr P English for producing the magnetic resonance
images, and Mr A Gray, Ms K Lowry, and Ms D Roberts for
patients a “threshold” eVect has been reported facilitating the scanning of patients. The research was supported
such that cognitive deficits only become by a grant from the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Health
Authority, UK.
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