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Why So Serious?

Blog Insights #2: Plant Like a Bamboo by I.V. Mallari


There is a story in Philippine folklore about a mango tree and a bamboo tree. Not being able to
agree as to which was the stronger of the two, they called upon the wind to make the decision.

The wind blew its hardest. The mango tree stood fast. it would not yield. it knew it was strong and
sturdy. It would not sway. It was too proud. It was too sure of itself. But finally, its roots gave way,
and it stumbled down.

The bamboo tree was wiser. it knew it was not as robust as the mango tree. And so every time the
wind blew, it bent its head gracefully. It made loud protestations, but it lets the wind have its way.
When finally the wind got tired of blowing, the bamboo tree still stood in all its beauty and grace.



What are mango tree people?

Ego and pride perhaps make up a huge percent of a human. Let’s be honest, everyone is
competitive enough to keep their ego and pride high unless they’re willing to throw it way in rare
circumstances. However, being this hard-headed and stone-hearted will eventually will be a path
for your downfall.

Don’t think so high of yourself. It will make the fall hurt more. – anon

Prideful and ego-filled people are mostly too serious about everything.

I must do this. No one should beat me. I’m more powerful than them. I can do this all alone. I
don’t need anyone’s help.

They fail to loosen up because they think everyone around them is a competition. Of course,
there is nothing wrong with that kind of mindset but taking it to the next level of seriousness is a
concern. They think they can do everything with their might and beats their selves up when they
fail to accomplish those things.
There’s nothing wrong with having pride and ego because it’s just natural to have these. But if
you kept it high and you can’t enjoy life, then what’s the point?

What are bamboo-like people?

Not even a strong wind can beat a flexible bamboo. It goes along where it will be blown.

I can relate bamboo-like people to Filipinos. If we take this literally, the best example is how we,
Filipinos can always recover from the countless typhoons that hit our country with a hopeful
heart for a brighter tomorrow.

It’s how we get up from tripping over numberless storms in our lives. Brushing every problem
off as if we never suffered from it. Keeping both feet in the ground and openly accept failures
knowing we can try again with a better version of ourselves.

It’s something the ego-filled and prideful people can’t do. They can’t accept defeat because they
think highly about themselves. I can say they are somewhat selfish.

On the other hand, bamboo-like people do have peace, happiness and contentment in their hearts.
They don’t ask for more because with empty hands or not, as long as they are happy, they have
peace in their minds.

They loosen up in time of problems so they can take it lightly. They can accept that they have
weaknesses but be strong at the same time.

They will trip, fall and stumble but that’s okay.

They are resilient. Those problems are just a piece of cake.

“Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every

yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.” - Khalil Gibran

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