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Ctimate Change Risk

1. Climate Change (CC) has a significant negative impact on Indonesia.
Combination of the rise of sea level and an increased occurrence of
the extreme weather, i.e. La Nina and El Nino,'will cause higher
intensity of erosion and abrasion. In turn it will further negatively
affect the changes in the coastline that is already losing ground to
higher sea level.'This negative impact is reflected in Indonesia's
capital Jakarta. It is estimated that by zroo Jakarta's coastline will
be reduced by 15 km, thereby directly affecting the Central Business
District.sThe erosion also contributedtotheloss of z4 of Indonesian
islands in two years (zoo5-2oo7).4 Extreme weather also causes
significant negative impact on the lives of the population that lives
along the coastline. This population is often confronted by maritime
accidentss and disasters caused by extreme weather, diseases6,
draught and flood. These factors also have severe impact on the
agricultural sector.T It should be noted that agriculture is a source of
income for 4oo/o of the Indonesian worKorce.8

Source of Green House Gases

2. The majority of Indonesia's GHGs come from land use change and
forestry sector (+6%), followed by enerry (z4o/o), peat fire (tz%),
waste (rr%), agriculture (S%) and industry @X).n

It is predicted that from 2001-2030 La Nina and Le Nino will occur every year. For
comparison from 1870-1999, they only happen one time every four vear. Bappenas,
"ICCSR: Scientific Basis; anal)'sis and projection of sea level rise and extreme weather
event" (March,201,0),38 - 41.
z ICCSR,47.
3 ICCSR,59.
4 GoI, 'National Action Plan Addressing Climate Change' (NAPACC) (2004,6.
5 It is me'ntioned that because of the extreme weather caused by anomalv in climate, one
accident happened in 29 December 2006 in Java sea that caused the death of more than
200 people. ICCSR,46. NAPACC (200n,3-5.
6 NAPACC (200n,5-6.
7 For example draught will cause decrease of production of palm oil up to 6-0/o per lear.
GoI, ICCS& Sektor Pertnnian (March 2010) (ICCSR Agriculture Sector), 18 - 25.
8 ICCSR Agriculture Sector, 1
9 The total amount is 1.415.988 Gg CO2e. Summary for Policy Makers: lndonesia
Second National Communication Under UNFCCC (November 2009) (2nd National
GovernmentaI Stance on Ctimate Change
3. Indonesia is party to the UNFCCC and Kyoto protocol. Both were
ratified through Act No. 6/rgS+ and Act No. r7/zoo4 respectively.

4. The President has announced Indonesia's commitment to reduce Closure of open

dumping and
GHG emissions up to z6% by national effort and 4r% with
develop integrated
international support by zozo.'n The plan for emissions reduction is final dumping.
explained in the table below.

TABLE T ACTION PI-AN To REDUCE EMIssIoN Source: Adaptedfrom National Action Plan Reduction of Green House Gas
Emission, draft per August 2o7o11

5. The National Council on Climate Change (DNPI), headed by the

Forestry and
President, was established in 2oo8.'" The Council is tasked with
Control of Fire on Ministryof
Peat Land Forest and Peat Forestry, Ministry
developing policies, strategies and programmes to address climate
Land, Management of Environment change, coordinating climate change activities and strengthening
of Water, (MoE), Ministryof Indonesia's position in international negotiations.': Initiatives are
Rehabilitation of Agriculture (MoA),
Forest and Peat Ministry of Public also taken at the regional level by establishing Regional Council on
tand, Combating Works (MPW). Climate Change,'a or by establishing green development strategy's
Illegal Logging, -
and adaptation plan'6.
Prevention, Public
empowerment 6. The Indonesian Government entered into a Letter of Intent (LOI)
Agriculture with the Norwegian Government in [26 May zoro]. This represents
Introduction oflow
emission of Paddy an important development in the area of reducing emission from
variety, irrigation deforestation and forest degradation.'7 Under the terms of the
efficiency, use of LoI, the Norwegian Government has pledged to contribute funds
organic fertilizer.
Energ'& The use of bio-fuel, Ministry of 11 The clraft of ihe Naiional Action Plan on the Recluction of Creenhouse Cases Emission
Transportation higher standard of Transportation, htrs beren pronrulgated on Septelnber'20th, 2011 uncler the Presidential Regulation
machine in using Ministry of Energy, number 61 vear 2011. As a consecluerrce of Indonesia activc participaiion in formr-rlating
more efficient MPW. Paris Agreement on Climate Chtrnge, under 21st Conference of the Pariies (COP) of
fossil fuel, demand UNFCCC (Nor.'embe'r 30ih-December l2th 201 5), Indonesia is currentlv rvorkiug on
side management, the Interrcled Nationallv Deternrinecl Contributiurs 0NDC) as the nen'countrY's'
energy efficiency, c()nrmitmelr]t to ledlrce greenhouse gases. INDC] slioulti be formulated natiolrallY bV
and expansion of taking Paris Agreernent as main referetrcc'.
renewable energy. t2 'l'lris Council is esiablished through Plesiciential Regul;rtion 46/2448.
Energy efficiency, Ministry of Trade 13 Article 3 Presidential Regulation 46/2008.
use of renewable tl "Kaltirn Bentuk Den,an Perubahan lklim Daerah" rvrvr,r'.kaltimpror'
energy php ? p a gc' = ci e tai lbe'ri tri & i d =423 1
East Kalirnantane.rncl Aceh for example has stated themselves as Green Province. See for

instance www,
t(; w\ / berita/ ?rubrik=5&icl=1 1456
t7 l.()l l,t'trtr'en lhe Co\errrrnenl rrl:tht'Kingrlonr ol N()rn'a\' ,lnrl thc Cot ertrttlettt ol lhe
ii 10 This commitment was first announced on 25 Septernber 2009 before the
G20 meetins in Republic of Indonesia on "Cooperatiorl on reciucing greenhouse gas emissions flom
Pittsburgh, USA cle'fore'station and fot'est clegradation", signed May 26,2070

208 209
to Indonesia's REDD+ efforts to the tune of r billion usD. As part
agencies and independent bodies that can investigate special crimes
of this initiative, the Indonesian government has established a
- such as the Civil Servant Investigation Unit (PPNS) in the area of
Presidential Task Force to lay the ground work for the introduction
forestry or Anti-Cormption Commission in the area of corruption.
of a new institution tasked with, inter alia:'8
9. Law bnforcement agencies, aside from some independent bodies,
Implementing REDD+ activities,
are perceived as far from effective. Their integrity, commitment,
Introducing a moratorium on new concession licenses on the competency and professionalism - including enforcement of
primary forest and peat land areas, environmental related crimes - are often questioned."
Developing an instrument for financing,
10. The Government has a significant role in supervising and enforcing
Developing a draft national strategy on REDD+,
administrative law in relation to private sector activities on
environmental issues. However, due to the issues raised above,
LEGAL SYSTEM AND PRACTICE notwithstanding many alleged legal violations, that power is seldom
Source of Law and Hierarchy of Legistations
The "tirdicrarv
7. Indonesia inherited its civil raw system from the Dutch. In addition
to written laws, other sources of Indonesian law are custom, Structure and Jurisdiction
case law, treaty and doctrine. Indonesian law acknowledges the
rank or hierarchy of legal norms. According to Law rc/ zoo4 on 11. The judiciary is divided into four main jurisdictions: General Courts,
Legislation Making, the hierarchy, from the highest to the lowest, Religious Courts, Military Courts and Administrative Courts. The
is: Undang-undang Dasar ry4g fthe,,Constitution,); IJnd.ang_ law also allows the establishment of special courts/chambers under
undang (the "statutes" or "Laws", enacted by parriament and each of the four jurisdictions. Mahkamah Agung (the "Supreme
Government) or peraturan pemerintah pengganti tJndang_ Court") has the power to hear appeals from every jurisdiction and
undang (the "Government Regulation in Lieu of Law"); peraturan to review the compliance of lower-level regulations with the higher
Pemerintah (the "Government Regulation"); perafuran presiden level regulations, including statutes - but not their compliance with
(the "Presidential Regulation"); and peraturan Daerah(the ,,Local the constitution."s
Regulations").'e Lower level norms should not contradict higher level
nonns. The law also acknowledges legal norms made by other arms 12. In addition to these 'traditional courts', Indonesia has a newly
of government, ministerial or public body as long as it is mandated established Mahkamah Konstrtusl (the "Constitutional Court"). Its
to do so by the law (although their positions in the hierarchy are still main authority is to review the constitutionality of a statute passed
in dispute).,o by the parliament and the government.24

Law Enforcement
8. Generally, criminal law is enforced by the police and the public
prosecution service. In addition to it, there are several government

18 Pr:esidential Decree 19/2010 concerning working croup on Institution o*,a"p*"",

REDD+. "i 21 Seefor instance, Satuatr Tugas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum (Satgas PMI {), Morlrts
19 Article 7 Law 1.0/ 2001 Opernndi, Aknr Mnsnlnh dnt Penmrggulnngamtva (Satgas PMH: Jakarta, 2009).
20 For example when ministerial regulation contraclicts with local regulation. 22 Mas Achmacl Santosa, Good Goz'ernmtce dnn Hukrmt Littgkurtgmr (]akartar: ICEL, 2001)
In practice,
normally the former will be recognizecl
as lligher law if it gets its irandate from the law 23 Article 24 A (1 ) 1945 Constitution
to regularte the disputed matter.
1^ lbid.

Judicial lndependence, lmpartiality, Competence, Accountahitity and Litigation Culture
Culturds 16. Indonesians are not litigious people."8 This is primarily due to the
13. While judicial independence from the legislative and executive is no state of the judiciary, as mentioned above, limited access to justice
longer a serious issue in 'traditional courts',6, judicial impartiality, and Jegal awareness, various cultural issues and, in some cases
competence, accountability and culture still persist. Generally, (including environmental cases), imbalance of power between the
judges do not perceive case law as an important factor in deciding perpetrator and the victim. Public interest litigation is relatively
similar cases, thereby making it difficult for parties to predict the common. It is normally brought to court or is supported by non-
outcome of a case. While most judges are expected to interpret the governmental organizations which unfortunately have limited
law in a narrow manner, it is not unusual for judges to interpret a resources at their disposal.
specific provision in a wide manner, often in a biased manner - e.g,
under the influence of corruption, lack of capacity, or, before the
reform era, due to government or e/ifes intervention.2T Moreover, LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE CHANGE RELATED
court decisions usually do not provide in depth legal ground/ ISSUES
argument. Similarly, discussions/reviews of the court's decisions
are rare. Laws and regulations ,

L4. Many judges tend to decide based on the strict interpretation of the 17. Indonesia has no specific law on climate change. However, there is
letter of the law and only when the law is clear and explicit. As a a framework of laws that govern environmental issues. These laws
consequence, they refrain from entertaining legal arguments that can be divided into three main categories differentiated by the scope
are based on the intent or spirit of the law or general provisions of their effect: General Environmental Law, Sectoral Environmental
in the law such as those that make reference to human rights - Law, and Provincial and Local Environmental Legislation.
not to mention international principles or case law from other
jurisdictions. Some judges take the position that general provisions GeneraI Environmentat Law
of the law that require implementing regulations do not produce
legal consequences until such regulations are passed.
18. General Environmental Law includes the Environmental
Management and Protection Act (EMPA) No. 3z year zoog and
15. At the same time, an established legal doctrine, case law or legal Domestic Waste Management Act of r8/zoo8 and the Spatial
expert witness argument is occasionally referred to by the judges Planning Act No. 26year 2oo7.
when interpreting some basic/common legal issues.
19. EMPA explicitly acknowledges that CC is happening and stipulates
several references to it. For example, the state is obliged to have
a mitigation and adaptation plan as part of its Environmental
For this part, see generallv Satgas PMH, Modus Opcrnnrll, 2009; Sebastiaan Pompe, Protection and Management Plan (EPMP).'r 11t" has therefore
Tlrc lndonasinn Suprame Court: o Study of Insfitutiorml Collnpse (2005); Adriaan Bedner, "PMPin the form of
to be developed at national, regional and local levels
Afunittistrntittc Courts Itt hrrlotrcsin: A socio-Legal slrrdy (Kluwer Law Intemational,
2001); David Nicholson, Enztironftmrtnl Disttute Resolutiorr irt Indonesin (Leiden: KITLV
a government regulation and a provincial/local regulation.go The
Press, 2009), Rifqi S. Assegaf, 'Judicial lleform in tndorresia, 1,998-2006 in Naovki EMPA also regulates government's obligation to establish criteria
Sakunroto and Hikrnan'anto Juwana (ed.), Rcfoning Latos mul Institutions in lttdttnesin: for environmental damage caused by climate change and regulate
mt Assessnent (Jakarta: FHUI, 200n, Rifqi S Assegaf and Josi Khatarina, KeterlnLknnn
i lnformosi di Pengndilan $akarta: LetP, 2006).
The Asia Founclation, 'survev Report on Citizen' Perception of The Indonesian Justice
Before the so-called Reform Era judicial independence was fragile clue to governmcnt
i Sector', (2001), shows that 62% of Indonesian will avoicl taking their dispute to court at
inten'errtion, especially in big cases involving the government, the ellte.s or corporation
all cost.
connected with the e/ilcs. After the Reform Era there were several reform initiatives
which significantlv rninimize direct intervention to the iudiciarl,. 29 Article 10 (4) EMPA
See notes 25. 30 Article 10 (3) EMPA


clearly that the breach of it by intention or negligence would result 4L/Lggg, Oil and Gas Act of zzfzoor, Plantation law of t8f zoo4,
in criminal prosecution.3l Enerry Act of go/zoo7, and Mining on Mineral and Coal law of
4 / zoo9, ElectricitY of 3o / zoo9.
20. The EMPA also introduces a Strategic Environmental study (sES),
which should be used as a guide in policy making - such as in 25. The hidustry Act, enacted in 1984, only provides minimum and
developing a spatial plan or in evaluating programs.e, The Strategic normative environmental consideration but none are operational.a8
Environmental Study is developed based on an analysis of the The Act does not provide adequate encouragement to cleaner
carrying capacity of the environment, risks to the environment _ production, including emission reductions.
including risks caused by climate change and the capacity to adapt
to climate change, efficiency in the utilization of natural resources. 26. The Forestry Act of 4rllggg is very important in the Indonesian
vulnerability and adaptability to climate change, resilience and the context since most of Indonesia's emissions come from the forestry
prospect of biological diversity sector. This law provides a framework for different functions of
forests, forest delineation, business activity in the forest area and
2t. A new characteristic of EMPA is the introduction of an integrated criminal sanction for illegal activities within the However,
environmental license/permit. The EMPA states that an the law and its implementing regulation still have manyloopholes, for
environmental license should be acquired prior to the issuance instance the law still open a possibilityto change the use of protected
of the operational license for projects requiring an ElA.r+ The law forests into other uses. Forest delineation is critical to ensuring legal
also stipulates that if an environmental license is revoked. than the certainty in forest areas since, for example, all criminal sanctions
business license is automatically under the Forestry Act are only applicable to forest areas. At the
implementation level, forest delineation has only been completed
22. One of the aims of the Domestic Waste Management Act is to
put an end to the practice of open dumping that is very common for around 11 percent of the whole forest area.+o Problems caused
in Indonesia.g6 The law states that open dumping should be by a weak legislation and numerous implementation problems
contribute to the current rate of deforestation of around r million
discontinued by zor3.:z Unfortunately, until now no implementing
regulation has been passed even though the law states that it should
be completed by zoo9. 27. Indonesian emissions from the agriculture sector (including
plantations) are low, while climate change impact on it is significant.
23. The spatial Planning Act is important as it strengthens environmental
Unfortunately, the Agriculture Act does not provide a framework for
capacity i.e. by defining the minimum amount of forest and open
adaptation to climate change. However, the Act acknowledges the
space area in each province.
impact of the agriculture sector on the environment, thus requiring
an EIA for agricultural businesses.+' It is important to note that
SectoraI EnvironmentaI Law one of the highest pressures for forest conversion comes from the
24. Sectoral Environmental Law consists of laws that regulate sectors agricultural sector, particularly palm oil plantations.+s The Act also
that have an impact on the environment, or in this case, on climate mentions the role of agriculture as carbon Unfortunately,
change. These laws are: Industry Act of S|L9B4, Forestry Act of there is no further explanation on the carbon sink role in the Act.
38 See Article 2, 3 and 9 for normative provisions.
3l Article 98 ancl 99 jo Article 21 (2) EMPA. 39 See ICEUs research on Climate Fliendly Legal Framework on forestry sector
32 Article 19 (1) EMPA (forthcoming).
33 Article 17 in accordance to 15 and Article 16 EMI)A 40 Marcus Colchester, Martua T Sirait and Boedhi Wiiarc{io, Tlrc Applicntion of FSC Principlts
34 Article 40 (1) EMPA Nwnber 2 md 3 in Indorrt'sin: Ol,stncles nnd Possibilitit,s (Jakarta, lValhi: 2003), 141.
35 Article 40 (2) EMPA 47 Ministry of Forestrli Statistik Kehutanan Indonesia, 2008, 15.

36 C)pen dumping releases rnethane to thc'atnrosphere. +L Article 25 Law 18/2004.


Article 44 DWMA 43 Resosudarmo, et al, National Countrv Profile on REDD+ (Jakarta: CIFOR, forthcorning).
Article 4 Asriculture Act
28. The Enerry Act does not provide a strong framework for encouraging the creation of strong deterrent effect. (5). Legislation related to
the use of renewable enerry. Nonetheless, presidential Regulation mitigation and adaptation should seriously consider civil and political
No. 5 of zoo6 gives clearer direction by stipulating that by the year rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights particularly for
zoz5, the composition of renewable energy should be more than the rqarginalized people as guaranteed by Constitution.
t5%o lo ensure the fulfilment of national energy demand.+s At the
same time, the President released an instruction to enhance the
supply and use of bio fuel.q6 Currently there is a policy that obliges CLIMATE CHANGE LITIGATION
the government to buy geo thermal enerry from producers.+z

29. The Mining of Mineral and Coal Act as well as Oil and Gas Act Pubtic Law
basically do not address emission reductions from these sectors.
30. Majelis Permusyawaratan Rol<yaf (People's National Assembly) and There are four ways to bring a legal action related to climate change
government have identified problems embedded in the natural in the area of public law: (r) Constitutional review before the
resources related legal Some of the problems are: natural Constitutional Court; (z) Judicial review (of legislation) before the
resources related legislation provides too much discretion in granting Supreme Court; (g) Challenge of administrative decision before the
concession permits and in taking decisions on forest areas, with few Administrative Court; and (+) Administrative enforcement through
checks and balances; the relevant legislations have many flaws and regulatory compliance.
loopholes which are often used to justi$r unsustainable practices;
and the legislation is not supportive of indigenous people and forest
Constitutional Review
dependant people. Therefore the strategy calls for the development
of a national climate friendly legal framework to supports effective 32. The human rights provisions under the constitution, particularly the
measures of mitigation and adaptation to address climate change. Five right to healthy environment, can be used as grounds to challenge
main elements of climate friendlylegal frameworkare:ae (L). Legislation statutes which are not supportive of GHG reductions before the
should be based on environmental inventory, environmental protection Constitutional Court. Article 28 H (1) reads "Every person shall
and management plan, and strategic environmental study - three of have the right to ...enjoy a good and healthy environment ...". Other
environmental management instruments are provided in the EMpA. provisions, such as right to work (Article 28 D) and right to property
(2). Legislation related to major drivers of GHGs should orientate to (Article 28 G) also can be used.s0 Furthermore, Article 33 provides
reduce GHGs. [3). Legislation should give adequate protection of the that economic development should be based on the sustainable
rights of the marginalized people particularly indigenous and forest development
dependant people. (4J. Legislation should be able to contribute to
33. While the interpretation of right to healthy environment was
That comes from geo thermal, bio fuel, and other renewable energv, each for more than never tested, in the Water Act Case the Court uses environmental
argument in its reasoning. Although the main legal issue in the case
46 Presidential Instruction 7 / 2006. relates to the question of who can utilize technology to modify the
47 Based on Article 6 of Electricitv Act which is then further regulated by Ministry of weather by making artificial rain (private sector or state), the Court
Energv Regularion2/2011. Press Release Ministrv of Energv and Mineral Resources
also maintained that such activity can only be undertaken "after an
Monday 21 Februarv 2011 concenring socialization of the ie*, Minister Regulation in siaran-pers/ 55-siaran-pers/4173-sosialisasi-peraturan-menteri-esclm- in-depth study and experiment, including by developing capacity
Ketetapan Majelis Permusvawaratan Rakyat No. IX/MPR/2001, 9 November 2001. The
decree obligates the govemment ancl the parliament to ac{dress the issue in the natural
resources related legisiations.
50 CC could also create loss of job (e.g. clue to long drought) as well as private Properw.
lr Mas Achmad santosa, Role of Gouarnance fu Addressing Clinnte Cltnnge, nnpublislrctl
51 jinrly Assl-riddiqie, Green Constitutiou: Tltc Greert Nunrce in tlrc 1915 Corrstitution (Jakarta
Pnper prapnred for L)emocrntic Gooernnnce Unit , UNDP-Indonesia (Decernber, 2010) Raiawali Press, 2009)
to prevent negative impacts on the environment and humans,,.s. p&sses. sz However it seems that the above decision is not followed
This decision bears witness to the progressive character of the bY other
Constitutional Court,se and we can expect the public to use this
forum in similar cases on climate change related statutes.
Chalbnging Administrative Decisions
34. To bring a legal action before the Constitutional Court, one must ii ,.l
prove the potential damage that he/she might be exposed to due to
the enactment of the statutesa In the Water Act Case the Court argued g7. Aside from the judicial review mechanism above, government
that practically everybody has the right to a healthy environment, liability related to the acts of government can be enforced in two
thus allowing a wide interpretation of legal standing in environmental other jurisdictions: Administrative Courts and General Courts.
related The Administrative Courts only have jurisdiction to settle disputes
arising in the field of administration as a consequence of the issuance
.ludicial Review of Regulations
(or non-issuance) of an administrative decision. The law identifies
the elements of an "administrative decision" as:se
35. Generally, a legal action can be brought before the Supreme Court,
A written determination;
for instance, to review ministerial or local regulations on permits and -
planning, provided such regulations clearly violate the a statute (e.g. Issued by an administrative organ/official;
EMPA) or a government regulation. There will be wider grounds to
- containing an administrative act based on the law and regulation;
review ministerial or local regulation once Environmental protection
- That is concrete (i.e. not abstract or of a general nature) and
and Management Plan has been passeds6 and provides substantive
pertaining to an individual (i.e. concerning a person/legal
guidance on how to mitigate and adapt to climate change. As has
been discussed, the Environmental Protection and Management Person);
Plan should be legalized in the form of government regulation which That is final (can be applied without approbation from another
is superior in the hierarchy of legal norms. agency or offrcial); and

36. It is important to note that, according to the Supreme Court

- That creates legal consequences for a person/legal person.
Other claims related to the liability of unlawful governmental activities
Regulation No. r/zoo4, a judicial review application should be
fall under the jurisdiction of the General Courts.6o
submitted no later than r8o days after a regulation is passed (Art.
z tq}.This provision inevitably limits the right of a third party 38. With this limited jurisdiction, we can anticipate that only legal
whose interests may emerge after the time limit passes. In the llead actions concerning the issuance of a permit can be raised in climate
of Local Gouernment's Election, Appointment and Dismissal Case
a panel of Supreme Court justice allow judicial review application
from a third party even though it was submitted after the time limit

57 Thev argue, among others, that since such limitation is restr ictiug hunlan rights, it
52 Constitutional Court Decision 058-059-060-063/PUU-Ir/2004 stroitci Ue regulateil bv statute, not lo$'er level regul;1tions. See Supreme Court Decision
ancl 008/puu-ill/200s),
511. 41/P/HUM/2006.
53 Simon A. Butt, lttdicial RetiaL, irr lrrdonesin; hetwean Ciuil Law anrl Accttu.ntnhilitv?: A stutlrl 58 In lattcr decisions, the Supreme Court normallv reject judicial review application
i of Corrsfitrrtiottol Court l)ecision 2003 ^ 2005 (D Phil Thesis, Iv{elbourne Universitl', 2006}, submitted after the time limit passes.
j 177-240. 59 Article 1. point 3 La$, 5/l986.Some of the elemeuts are conlroversial in practice. See
i 54 Constitutional Court Decision 006/PUU-lIl /2005 Beclner, Adnrin ish.ntiite C-orrrls and P.M. FIadion, 'Judicial Review of Administrative
Action arrtl Government Liability in Indonesia' in Yr:ng Zhang (ed), conpnrolitte studies
55 constitutional Court Decision 058-059-060-063/PUU-Il/2001anct 008/puu-fi|/2005), in nntl Sauth F.nst Asin (Kluwer Law International,1999),
ttrt Colerwrrcrrtnt Linbititq East
r1 8-120.
56 See discussion on this matter in the environmental frame work chapter. (dl See also the elucidation of Law 5/'l-c)86.

2t8 2L9
change litigation.6'Nonetheless, this is a big issue
because research (no later than go days after the decision received or published).65
shows that many permits for mining and agriculture corporations There is no such provision forthe thirdparty affectedbythe decision.
in forest areas issued by government violate forestry and spatial Therefore, the third party can refer to the supreme court Guidance
planning regulations -thus contributing to the onglirrg massive which allows judges to decide the time limit on case by case basis -
destruction ofthe forest area.6" which are normally in favour of the applicant.66

Gri,ttnd or t.nal.!.enge and Timing

Leqal Standing

39. There are two grounds on which an administrative decision can be 42. In order to have standing before the Administrative court, an
challenged:6e individual applicant must have had suffered loss as a result of the
contested decision (Article 53 hl). Environmental NGOs have been
- The administrative decision is contrary to law and regulations; granted legal standing in the law and case law.6z
- The administrative decision is contrary to goocl governance
practices (which are narrowly interpreted in the elucidation Remedy
of the law as: legal certainty, supremacy of law, transparency,
43. The main remedy in an Administrative court is the annulment of
proportionality, professionalism and accountability).
administrative decisions and rehabilitation. Monetary compensation
40. To successfully challenge a permit, the plaintiff needs to establish an
is available, only as pro forma: up to around us$ 6oo. Nonetheless,
explicit violation ofthe law or regulation caused by the issuance ofthat based on the Court's Specific Guidance No. zz3/Td'TIJN/X/t993
permit, There is a risk to use good governance principle as the main
and the case "Lindawati u Bupati GianyQr", the plaintiff can seek
legal basis for the challenge due to the narrow interpretation ofthose material compensation in a General Court as a follow up to his/her
principles in the current law as compared to the principles already victory in the Administrative Court.68
established and practiced.6a

The law stipulates a time limit for individuals that become the Ad m i ni st r ativ e E nf o rce m e nt th ro ugh Regu latory Co mpli a n ce
subject of the administrative decision to submit his/her application
44. The Central and local governments are responsible for promoting
regulatory compliance following the issuance of permits. In doing
61 Legally speaking, there sl-rould be a strong chance to use this legal action in CC so, they have extensive powers, such as entering premises, taking
litigations, unless there is "extra judicial involvement" as in thiase of Titrsgettic
samples, checking equipments, etc.6e They can also sanction to
cnsc where the court argued that Ministry of Agriculture ciecision
that authoiizrng corporations that violate regulations by, inter alia, issuing warnings
restricted pla.,'ing of transgenic cotton in seveial area to Monsanto is
permit thus it did not have to complete an EIA.
actually not a or revoking permits.zo However, as mentioned earlier, those powers
62 satgas PMH (research forestrv sector in Central Kalimantan), 2011, unpublisired. are seldom used by the responsible officers despite many alleged
63 Article 53 (2) Law 9/2004. legal violations by the corporations.
64 Prior to the amendment of Law_S/19g6 sorne judges already applied good governance
principles -such as principles of prudence and juitification-of decisioX-
as gror.,.rs
to review administrative decision which was chalenged crespite there 65 Article 55 Law 5/1986.
Basically accorcling to Supreme Court Circular Letter 2/1999 and enforced in,
explicit provision in the^Law 5/1986 alowing the use of those principles. In i.e,
the 66
ne*'amendme.t (Law 9/2004) sorne, but limited, good governance principles are Supreme Court De-cision 41K/TUN/1994- the application should be lodged no-later
than 90 day after the third partv aware of the existence of the contested decision.
incorporated. The.ew law for instance, does not includJ the principles of prudence See
iustification of decision. Thus there is a risk the judges ,.uy not uppiy tlut principles or Beclnec Adm i nistr a tioe Cour t, 775.
other principles that are not expricitry acknowlecrge in the new taw.
i see anna Erlvana, Article 92 Law 32/2009.See also Mas Achmad santosa and sulaiman N Sembiring,
'Administrative Court and Legal Reform since 199g in Intionesia, hulorayon utnmn
i1 sakumoto a^cl Hnk Gtrgat organisnsi Lingkungnn (Jakarta: ICEL,1997)^andwnlhi z, htti
]uwana (eds.), ReJbrming Lnws, gl.Important to note that in the controversial Tralsg4ric

(South jakarti District Court Decision 520 / P'Jt. / G / 1988/PM Jkt'Pst)'

Cotto.n Cnse, the judges find that Ministerof Agriculture has
sufficient measure (e.g, Bedner, Arh niistrnttue Cou r ts, 17 4 -
l public announcenent, expert review and laboiatorv test) before issuing 68
ti. tle iecision-
thus in line with the precautionary principles. lts failure to perform EIi
is not consirler 69 Article 74 (1) Law 32/2009.
as the violation of that principles.
70 Article 76 (2) Law 32/200q.


Private Law 49. Article 1365 is wider than Article 87 since the action that can be
l: challenged under that article is not limited to those who cause
Unlawf ul Acti o n : I ntrodu cti o n environmental pollution or damage as in Article 87. Furthermore,
the s-ubject of the law in Article 1365 is everybody (including the
45. Civil proceedings deal with, among others, any unlawful government)tt while in Article 87 the subject is limited to the party
action Qterbuatan melauan hukum) by person, legal person
responsible for the enterprise and/or activity. Thus, to challenge the
and government - excluding those instances that iall within
government's unlawfrrl action, we can only use Article 1365 as our
the jurisdiction of Administrative courts as discussed earlier.
legal basis.
consequently, it is civil proceedings that are likely to be brought in
relation to climate change issues.
+6. There are two grounds for legal actions in relation to unlawful
50. In general, fault includes subjective and objective elements.
activities in a climate change context. These can be found in Article
Subjectively, a person must have understood the meaning and the
1365 of the Civil Code and Article 87 of the EMPA.
nature of the action and must have acted with deliberate intention
Article 1365 states that: or negligence in carrying out the unlawful action. Objectively, the
measure is whether a reasonable person in the same circumstances
Euery unlawfuI action which couses ross fo another person, obriges would have foreseen the potential damage and would have acted
the person by whosefault the /oss hcs resulted, to compensate that differently.z+ Both of these elements must be fulfilled to establish
/oss fault. Although elements of fault are not explicitly listed in Article
87, in practice plaintiffs must be able to prove the existence of both
Article 87 reads:
these elements.Ts
Euery portA responsible for the enterprise and/or actiuifu
51. Under the previous law, strict liability applied for actions that use
committing unlauful action in the form of pollution and/or
hazardous materials, produce hazardous waste or which "create
enuironmental damage causing /oss to another person or the
significant impact to the environment" which implicitly applied to
enuironment shall be obriged to pay compensation and/or carry
any activity that required an EIA.z6 However, in the new EMPA the
out certain actions.
language has been changed to provide for strict liability for actions
47. Elements of an unlawful action that must be established, as well as that cause a "serious threat to the environment"zz It remains to be
other important related aspects, are elaborated below.z' seen how the courts will interpret this provision.

Unlawful Action Damage or Loss

+8. The term "unlawful" is usually defined widely, to include actions 52. Article 1365 only recognised damage or loss to a person, including
that contravene:7, both material and immaterial loss. Examples of the latter include

another's subjective right (e.g. freedom, reputation or property); 73 Wiriono Prodlodikoro, Perbuntnn Melnnggor Hukrrrrl (Bandung: Sumur Bandung,7976),
lawful obligations of persons; 74 Moegni Djojodirdio, Perbuatan Melnztan Hukum (lakarta: Pradnya Paramita, 1982),66.
public decency; 75 Nicholson, Environmental Dispute,74.
principles of propriety/appropriateness, prudence and 76 Article 35 Law 23/1.997. Under Law 23/1997 every activity which "create significant
impact to he environment" should have ElA. Koesnacli Hardiasoemantri and Suparto
reasonable care. Wiicrvo in Nicholson, Erruironnrcntal Dispute ,83. However, court does not show progress
71 irr ihe applicatlon of this concept. Nichtrlson,82 - 85 based onLagunn Mntdiri cnse nnd
Rosa Agustina, Perhuntm Mernutnn Hukunr (Jakarta: pr.gram pasca sarjana o" ui, ,uorl
PT Wnllti -o PT Pnkerin.

72 Setiawan, 'E,tu,at Kiterin perhustnn Mclnurnn Hukrtn yurispr.urlerrsi", 77 Article 88 Law 32 / 2009.
vnrin pcrntrirnrt
Nmnher 16 Tnlun 1I (Januari 1987\,71,6.

damage to one's health, enjoyment of life or feeling of security. Who May Claim and Who Can be a Detendant?
Article 87 also acknowledges damage or loss to the environment.
57. Anyone who can prove that he/she suffered damage/loss can claim
compensation, especially for material loss. Environmental NGO's
can bring claims for certain action in the context of environmental
53. The causality element is one of the most important aspects of this preservation. Principally, anyone 'responsible' for the damage/
law, as the action in question has to be the most proximate and loss can be sued. Normally, the court will interpret "responsible"
actual cause of the claimed loss.z8 narrowly, targeting the main actors.

Remedies Standi ng and Re prese ntatio ns

54. There are several remedies available in civil litigation, including 58. Standing to bring civil proceedings in General Courts is similar
provision of compensation and an order to perform a certain action. to standing in Administrative Courts. NGO's are also given legal
The EMPA provides several examples of "certain actions',, which The main difference is the recognition of a class action
includes: installing or improving waste management units, restoring procedure.s+ Supreme Court Regulation No.z/zooz provides
environmental functions or eliminating causes of environmental clear guidance on how to administer a class action, in response to
pollution and/or damage.ze controversy in past Citizen's lawsuits are also beginning
to be recognized.s6
55. There do not appear to be any cases where a court has granted a
remedy in the form of an order for the government to initiate a policy
Prospective Cases; Government Liability
to minimise future.8' Nonetheless, there are cases where the court
has ordered companies to repair the environmental damage and take Averview
actions necessary to prevent or reduce future negative impact.81
59. To date there is no single cases brought to the court using the
climate change arguments. Thus, in this part we will try to elaborate
Burden of Proof
potential climate change litigation with the understanding of the
56. The plaintiff bears the burden of proof in respect to Article 1365 Indonesian private law discussed above.
and Article 87 although, at least in the law, judges have discretion
to extend the burden of proof to the defendant under certain 6o. Apart from cases where strict liability applies, elements of fault
and causation in environmental disputes generally are difficult
for plaintiffs to prove. Loss resulting from pollution, for instance,
78 Djojodirdjo, Perbuntan Melawan Hukwn ,35 involves a complex chain of causality. In many cases, pollution may
79 Elucidation of Article 87 Law 32/2009.
80 rn Nunukan Case the court found that the govemment not conducting 83 According to Law 32/2009, there are three requirements for a NGO to have standing
unlawful activity
in protecting migrant worker while acknowledging that tl're protectiJn for migrant before the court: (a) it should be in a form of legal person; (b) its statuie clearlv states
worker is not yet ideal and therefore order the govemment to among all that it is established to preserve/proiect the environment; (c) It has been actively
law, ratify relevant convention, conducting conirete action to reforri-management involved in environmental presen'ation/protection no less than two years.
migrant worker (south Jakarta Dishict Court Decision 2B/PDT 84 Article 91 Law 32/2009.
This decision is rejected bv the High Court (480/pDT /2005/pT.DKl|
85 fndro Sugianto, Clnss Action; Menrhuka Akses Keadilmt Bngi Mnsynrnknl (Malang: Intranss
81 wnhli tt PT Lreeltort lndonesin (south Jakarta District Court Decision 3gg/?D"I'.G/2000/ Press, 2005), lI9 -"121'
PN.Jaksel) and, Mnndnlarunngi Lntdslide cnsc (supreme Court Decision 77g4K/pdt/20;D4)
In J. Sandyawan Sumardi, eI u Gouennnent of Indonesin Cnse for instance, the District Court
whereby court order defendants In class action io do the recovery of the lan|lslide areas
accept for the first time application using c'itizen lawsuit procedure. Nonetheless there
through forest and land rehabilitation prop;rams.
were critics on the decision since it did not provide clear qualification to bring citizen
i 82 Article 163 HIR and Article 1865 Civil Code. Nonetheless the judges u.ray share the law suit (see District Court Decision 28/PDT.G/2003/PN.Jkt.Pusat)' As discussecl
burden of prove to the defendant under certain conditions. However, thls is seldom earlier, there is a tendency that many iudges are not to entertain new concept when
il y_sg{by judges. see Yahva Harahap, Hukum Acara pertlnta (Jakarta: sinar crafika, 2006). there is no guiclance from the Suprenre Court. Thus it is safer to saV that since there is
ii 518-34. still no guiclance frorn the Supreme Court concerning this matter, there will be cases
where citizen lawsuit will be reiected by the court.

224 225
originate from multiple sources, thus making it difficult to prove change, they could argue that the government should be held
that a particular action by the defendant caused the loss in question hablJfor the failure to comply with its stipulated obligation. This
although join responsibility is acknowledge in several cases.sT Even challenge, however, may be diffrcult to sustain as it would be difficult
more difficult problems may be faced in climate change related to e-stablish the causal link between the absence of an adaptation
litigation, especially direct climate change litigation in Indonesia. plan and the loss suffered.,In addition, scientific expert opinion is
First, Indonesia is not the main contributor to GHG. Second, also required to prove cause and effect.
defendants can argue (and this will most likely be in line with the
court's interpretation) that it is the nature (weather/climate or 65. The government's obligation to put an end to open dumping which
something else) that caused the loss, not them. can minimize the release of GHG to the air as well as prevent smell
and other negative consequences, is on a different plane. When the
6r. It seems more likely that indirect rather than direct challenges on government does not comply with its stipulated obligation to put
climate change issues will succeed. Nevertheless, it may be possible an end to open dumping practices and there is a loss' e.g. there is
to directly challenge the government's unlawful actions related to landslide that causes loss to property or life, the causal link is clearer
climate change since the government has several obligations under
- improving the plaintiffs chances in court.
the law.
Failure to lmplement an 1btigation under Human Rights or other Relevant
62. Article 1365 stipulates that there are at least three occasions where Laws
government liability in the context of climate change is enforceable,
that is if the government: (a) fails to conduct its specific obligation 66. Human rights provisions, such as the right to life, property or the
under environmental law legal framework related with climate right to environment or right to health as stipulated in the Health
change; (b) fails to take necessary action under human rights or Actss can be used as a basis to challenge the government's failure to
other relevant laws to prevent climate change impact; or (c) acts properly adapt to climate change in relation to minimizing climate
in contravention to its plan, policy or obligation. Foilowing are the change impacts on health. Due to the change of climate, for example,
examples of these three scenarios. there is a higher risk that the public will suffer from dengue fever.
consequently, when the government fails to initiate the necessary
policy and take the relevant actions to minimize the risk and loss
occurs, grounds may be available to take legal action' In Gun
63. As discussed, environmental law and regulations impose several
Subasri, eI v Gouernment of Indonesia cq Gouernor of Jakarta lhe
obligations on the government in relation to mitigation and
court assessed the adequacy oflocal government's system to prevent
adaptation. Among others, these obligations include the obligation
and respond to (regular) floods in Jakarta and found that the Mayor
to develop Environmental protection and Management plan and
was indeed engaging in an unlawful action in failing to implement
Strategic Environmental study, criteria for environmental damage
the system in place.eo
caused by climate change, complete the delineation of forest area
and spatial plan, and prohibit open dumping. Some, if not all, of 67. Indigenous people can also submit a claim that their right over land
these obligations can be the subject of chailenges before the court in the forest areae'has not been respected by a REDD or a forest
under unlawful action litigation. conservation project.e, Nonetheless, this particular issue is related
6+. As an example, the government has acknowledged that some parts
to other causes - such as the unfinished task of delineating forest
of Jakarta will be impacted by the climate change.'. Thus, the 89 Article 4 Law 39/2009.
government should develop adaptation plans. If such plans are 90 UnfortunatelV the Mayor was not the parf,v in the case, thus the court reiect the clairns
due to errcx in person reasons.
absent and people in that area suffer losses attributable to climate
h'rciigenous people rigl'rts are acknowledged in some laws, including Human Rights
Law and Land Law.
See for instancewollti v. Pt Pakerirr et n! Cnse (District Court Decision g/pdt.G/r99g/
sce for example disputes ovel forest area betweeu PT REKI ancl Indigenous People

of Anak Dalam Tribe in jambi Tempoltrteraktif, "Bere'but Hutan Jambi" wr+'w'
ICCSR,59 and 2,,,r National Communication, 12.
I hg/ nusa _.lainnya/201'1/03 /07 /brk,20110307-31B193,id.html.
Ir 226 227
tr areas, and conflicts between the laws of forestry and land law (both is low, especially due to the difficulty in linking such failure to the
I topics would require specific attention that is teyond the scope of loss that might occur. Nevertheless, such an action can be used as
this PaPer).ra a means to pressure the government to take climate change more

68. The most readily available legal ground to raise claims is in relation seriously.
to a government failure to inform the pubric on the impact of climate
70. Government action that contravenes its own plan/policy is a
change. The Public Access to Information Law clearly states that a different story. In West Sumatera for instance, the government
public body, including the government,eashould publish information developed infrastructure (roads) despite the fact that, based on
which may cause public harm, including natural or man-made research, the area is likelyto be impactedbyclimate change (increase As mentioned above, government is already in possession of sea level).ee When such infrastructure is damaged (and in this
of data related to areas in Jakarta that win be impacted by climate case, it was), a member of the public can raise a claim against the
change. Thus, if the government does not provide this information to government for wasting public If there is damage to private
those who live or have property that wil most likely will be damaged property in such an area, the property owner can challenge before an
or destroyed due to the raise ofsea level, than such entities should Administrative Court the government's act in permitting houses or
have standing to claim compensation from the government when the businesses to be built in this area.
actual damage/loss takes place. Although the right to information
under Public Access to lnformation Law has never been tested. in
Prospective Bases; Business Liability
Dauid Tobing u Minister of Health, the Supreme court confirmed
that the government's failure to publish information concerning 71. their indirect activities that
Businesses may also be held liable for
the existence of harmful bacteria in baby milk is an unlawful action contribute to climate change. For example, if they breach a logging
as it demonstrates carelessness on the part of the government in license (e.g. logging outside the designated area) or start fires and
conducting its public service duty.eo burn land for the purpose ofland clearing. In such cases, there is no
need to prove its relation to climate change as the breach itself is an
Failure to by the Government to lmplement lts plan/policy or Action contrary unlawful action. Thus if such actions result in damage to a person or
to the Government's ptan/policy or ab\gation to the environment (as in Wclhf u PT Pakerinet ol'oo),the concerned
69. As discussed, the government has policies related to climate businesses can be held liable.
change, such as measures to increase the use of renewable ener$/ .fo business can be challenged for conducting
Another possibility is that a
or to put an end to open dumping practices at certain times. while an activity without a proper license. This type of lawsuit would be
the government's failure to achieve its plan/target is difficult to easier to bring for an environmental NGO since it only needs to
challenge,sz a member o the public can challenge the government's prove that such unlawful activity is damaging the environment'
level of effort in implementing its duties. The likelihood or success

CriminaI Law
see among all Myma safitri,'Forest Tenure: Thesis on socio-Legar Chalenges of
Securing Communities Rights' (D phil Thesis, Leiden Universit-i:, ZOf f;.
7g, There are several provisions of criminal law that can be used in
"Privatebody" which fall under the obligation are only state own
companv (which is the context of climate change. Under the EMPA a person which
financially supported, entirely or in part, by state budget), political purty
*j .,ur,_
governmental organization that get financial support from the state, pullic donatron activity surpass the standard criteria for environmental damage,
or an intemational grant. Thus, private corporation is not subject to tire law (Article
number 3 Law 1412008).
98 plan to_develoP water
front city, 34-35.http:/ /jurnal.pdii'lipi'go.idladmin/jurnal/61087222'pdf (riset ttg
Article 10 Law 14/2008 and Art 12 [2] point a antl b Information Commission
kondisi geogafis Pantai Padang);
Iiegulation 1/2010.
96 Supreme Court Decision 297 5 K / p dt / 2009.
99 JawaPos Nasional Nehvork, "Abrasi Pantai Meluas;86 Bangunan Hanyut", <ww.jpnn.
corn/read/20!0/'11'/05 /76320/Abrasi-Pantai-Meluas,-86-Bangunan-Hanvut>'
97 Indroharto, Perbuaton Penerintnh Merrumt Hl*um publik tlan
Huktun perdata(Jakarta: 100 The case is about corporation which btrming land for land leaming which contributed
LPP-HAN, 1995),87_93.
to significant forest fire.

burning lands (for land clearing) or conducting activity without .fn Foreign court decisions do not have any legal effect. Only foreign
environmental license can be prosecuted. The EMpA also recognizes arbitration awards concerning commercial matters can be legally
corporate criminal liability including corporate directors' liability. enforced (by submitting a request to the court). 'o:
The EMPA, Forestry, spatial planning and Access to Information
Act also envisage sanctions for: (r) officials granting operational Litigation Costs
license without prior approval and an environmental license; (z)
officials granting environmental ]icense without an Environmental 78. Plaintiffs are required to pay a certain amount of estimated court fees
Impact statement; (g) officials intentionally not performing their (for administration of the case) to initiate civil and administrative
superuisory work which results in environmental damage; (4) litigation. However, the court will order the losing party to pay the
Person cutting and transporting logs without a proper license; (5). fees at the end of the process.'or This does not include legal fees and
officials granting permits that are not in accordance to spatial plans; costs ofgathering evidence, such as laboratory test or expert witness
and any Public body not providing information which may cause fees -both of which are more substantial. Penurious plaintiffs are
public harm. entitled to have court fees waived and to free legal assistance.'os
There are no fees levied to lodge a claim before the constitutional
74. While the law is relatively adequate in terms of providing legal court.
protection in the climate change context, law enforcement, as
discussed earlier, remains an issue. Furthermore, most of people Access to Information
who have been convicted in relation to crimes under the Forestry
Act ( for instance, for cutting and transporting logs without a proper 79. A party can request the judge to order the other party to provide
license) are field actors (physical perpetrators) not intellectual information as long as he/she can convince the court of the
importance of that information to the litigation.
actors (fu nctional perpetrators).
Bo. According to the EMPA, EIA contents, Government reports and
Practicatities evaluation of environmental observation/monitoring concerning
the compliance and quality change in environmental condition and
0rders and Enforcement spatial plans are all considered as public information. However,
7s. courts can issue protective orders, such as freezing orders. They can there was no ground for a member of the public to access documents
also issue orders to inspect the disputed object to get information to submitted by corporations to the government, besides EIA related
decide the case. documents. With the new Freedom of Information Act (see below)
such documents do not form part of the information that can be
26. General court decisions are mostly enforceabre, for instance by exempted from public access, and therefore should be accessible.
seizing the defendant's assets, although problems have occurred
in such instances.'o' Administrative court decision used to be 8r. After the Law number t4fzoo9 regarding Public Access to
difficult to enforce, unless the losing parry (the government) was Information came into force in zoro there are stronger legal
willing to enforce it voluntarily. The new law seeks to resolve this guarantees to access to information from a public body (either
issue by stipulating that 6o days after a court has declared that the state or private). Public body decisions, policies (and supporting

) administrative decision challenged is unlawful, it is automatically (1\Law 30/1999. C)ther conclitions are: reciprocity principles and not against
103 Article 67
null and void and the court can, inter alia, order the government to public policv. There aro notorious cases w4rere court refuse to recognize ancl enforce or
pay a coercive sum (dtaangsom).,o' even annuls intemational awarcls r,r,ithout reasonable arguments occur, although that is
not the majority position of court. S R Luttrell, 'Lex Arbitri Indonesio -The Law, Practice
and Place'of Conrrnercial Arbitration in Inclonesia Tcrdal" 1v117*'.t.luttrell com/articles/
101 Yahya Hgrlhap, Ruang Litrgkrry pernmsnlolnn Lex*Arbih'i-lndcxesia-(lnt-A-L-R-% 20Dec-2007).pdf .
Eksekusi Bidmrg perrlnta (Jakarta: sir.rar
Grafika, 2005), 389-438. 104 Article 181 (1) Civil Procedural Lrrw.
102 Article 116 Law 51./ 2009. 105 Article C l_aw, 5'l / 2009 ancl Article 68 49 / 2009. See also supreme court
Circular 10/2010.

230 237
documents), project planning as well as correspondences of its 86. The strengthening of enforcement practices in the area of
head/officers are ail available for public information. There is arso natural resources has begun through the establishment of a joint
an obligation for a public body to publish information which mav enforcement team initiated by the Ministry of Forestry consisting
cause public harm. of the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Environment, police,
public prosecutors, commission eradication commission, financial
intelligence unit and Presidential Task force to eradicate the judicial
CONCLUSION, TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT corruption Since its establishment coordination among agencies
Bz. To date there is no strong climate change legal framework has been improved and more forest related crimes are brought to
yet in Indonesia, despite some improvement, particularly in justice. The Joint enforcement Team could be viewed as a positive
Environmental Management and protection Act. It is worsened with step to develop synergized efforts in promoting strong and effective
the weak law enforcement. Generaily law enforcement agencies and environmental enforcement instead of a sectoral approach in an
the judiciary are perceived as far from effective and their integrity, uncoordinated fashion.
commitment and professionalism are often questioned. Nonetheless,
82. The Supreme Court and the Ministry of Environment in
the government stance on climate change is positive and there are
cooperation with the Indonesian Centre for Environmental Law and
some positive developments in the government policies and law the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network
enforcement areas.
has developed the practice of environmental certified judges (ECJ)
83. The commitment by president Susilo Bambang yudhoyono to reduce which authorizes only certified judges to handle environmental and
GHGs of 260/o with self financing and to increase up to 4L natural resources related cases. To be certifiedjudges require special
% with
international support by 2020 has attracted national stakeholders - training and continuous evaluation. With this, judges' knowledge/
government and non government - and the international community expertise in handling natural resources related cases, including
to develop ways to implement climate change mitigation in Indonesia climate change, should be improved'
particularly reducing deforestation and forest degradation as a major
88. The current involvement of the Corruption Eradication Commission
source of GHGs. It is expected the new commitment by the president
in working with the Ministry of Forests in preventing potential
foko Widodo even stronger than his predecessor. corruption in the forestry area could also be seen as concrete step
B+. The Letter of Intent between the Government of Indonesia and to promote sound and good governance in Indonesia forestry's
Royal Norwegian Embassy has induced Indonesia to take concrete management. This initial involvement can be an important start for
steps to resolve long standing problems on reforestation and forest further work to address a potential risk of corruption in mitigation
degradation through REDD+ including instituting a moratorium and adaptation of climate change. As reiteratedbytlNDP, corruption
policy to suspend new licenses in primary and secondary forests will potentially affect the REDD+ readiness, implementation, and
peat land, and to accelerate and improve enforcement practices distribution phases'o6.
as to produce strong deterrent effects.

Bs. Dissolution of the newly-established National REDD+ Agency

which is supposed to be the spearheader of nationar climate
change mitigation and the dissolution of The National council of
climate change in the beginning zor5 have been considered as
kind of weakening country's commitment to reduce GHGs. The new
institutional arrangement under president Joko widodo should
prove that the dissolution of the two above institutions does
affect the country's commitment and effort to mitigate and adapt
climate change. 106 Stnqhrg Orr Trnck: Tncklirtg Corruption Risks in Climnta Clnnge, UNDR 2010

232 ALAf'li''' i ,fr I 233

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(Jakarta: ICEL, zoor)

234 235
Santosa, Mas Achmad and Sembiring, Sulaiman. Hak Gugat
Law Number 30 year 2oo9 on Electricity
Organisasi Lingkungan ffakarta: ICEL, Lggij
Santosa, Mas Achm
1!, \ole of Governonce in Addressing Climate
c^hange, unpubrished paper prepared for De"mocratic
Governance Unit, UNDp-lndonesia-(Decembe4 ZOI0) LawNumber 4gyear 2oo9 on General Court
satuan Tugas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum. Modus operandi, Law Number 51 year 2oO9 on the Second Revision of Law number 5 year
Akar Masalah dan penanggulangannya (satgas pMH: 1986 on Administrative Court
fakarta, 2009)
Government Regulation Number 4 year 2OO1 concerning Environmental
setiawan. 'Empat Kriteria perbuatan Melawan Hukum yurisprudensi,,, Damage Control Caused by Forest Fire.
Varia Peradilan Number t6 Tahunlf (Januari r9g7)
Presidential Regulation Number 5 year 20o6 concerning National Enerry
Sugianto, I ndro. class Action : M embuka Akse s Keadilan b ag i M Policy
a sy ar akat,
(Intrans Press, Malang, zoo5)
Presidential Regulation Number 5 year zoo6
The Asia Foundation, survey Report on citizen' perception of
the Presidential Regulation Number 46 year 2oo8 concerning National
Indonesian Justice sector, (Ny: cornell Southeast Asia program,
zoor) Council on Climate Change

Presidential Decree Number 19 year 2o1o concerning Working Group on

Institution DeveloPment of REDD+

Laws and Regutations presidential Instruction Number L year zo06 concerning Supply and
Utilization of Bio Fuel as Alternative Energy
1945 Constitution
Ministry of Energy Regulation Number zf zott concerning Instruction for
Civil Procedural Law (HIR)
State Company on Electricity to buy Electricity from Geothermal
Law Number 5 year 1986 on Administrative Court sources

Law Number go year 1999 on ADR and Arbitration supreme court circular Letter Number 2 year 1999 on class Action
Law Number 4ryear 1999 on Forestry
Supreme Court Circular ro Number 2o1o on Legal Aid Assistances and
Law Number 9 year 2oo4 on Revision of Law number year Prodeo Cases
5 1986 on
Administrative Court
Information Commission Regulation Number l year 2o1o on Standard of
Law Number 10 year zoo4Law and Regulation Making Public Information Service

Law Number rB year 2oo4 on Agriculture Decision of Directorate General of Forest Protection and Natural Resource
Conservation Number ISz/KPTS/D J -YI I 1997
LawNumber z6year 2oo7 onspatial plan

Law Number 14 year zoo8 on Access to public Information

Law Number 18 year zoo8 on Domestic Waste Management

Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, "East Kalimantan: Kaltim Green,
Constitutional Court Decision Number
o5g9_o59_o6o_o63/pUU _II/ 2oo4 Green Development dan Green Governance" www.kaltimprov.
and Case Number oog/pUU_Ill/zoo5 d= 447 4
Constitutional Court Decision Number
oo6/pUU_III/zoo5 Press Releie Ministry of Enerry and Mineral Resources Monday zr
Supreme Court Decision Number February 2011 concerning socialisation of the new Minister
Supreme Court Decis ion g sosialisasi-peraturan-menteri-esdm-no-z-tahun-zo r r.html
ry 4K/ p dt / 2oo4
Supreme Court Decision Number zg75K/pdt/zoo9 PT REKI and Indigenous People of Anak Dalam Tribe in Jambi
Kota Baru District Court Decision Number
Tempolnteraktif, "Berebut Hutan Jambi" www.tempointeraktif.
o9/pdt.G/rg9B/pN.KIB com/hg/nusa_lainnya I zo tr I o3 / o7 f brk,zotto3 o7-3 r 8 r93,id.
south sumatera District court Decision html
Number B/pdt.G/r9gB/pN.pLG
south Jakarta District court Decision
Number gzo/pdt. G/rgBB/pN.Jkt.

Jakarta Administrative court Decision

Number 7r / G.TUN/ zoo r/pr{.rN-
south Jakarra District court Decision z8/pdt.G/zoo3/pN.JKT.psr

Jakarta High Court Decision Number

south Jakarta District court Decision
central Jakarta District court Decision

Antara, "Bali: presiden Dukung Komitmen
Bali jadi provinsi Hijau,,www.
antaranews. com/berita e7 r4S/presiden_d"ku;;_k;_itmen_
/ 9 597
bali-j adi-provinsi_hij au

Antara Mataram, .,NTB Susun Strategi

Adaptasi perubahan lklim,,, www. ?rubrik=5&id=
Kompas Daily, penge!9\an Sampah:
Tahun zor3 Tak Ada Lagi
Penimbunan Terbuka, Rabu, z Maret 2o1r
Pemerintah provinsi Kalimantan Timur
"Kaltim Bentuk Dewan
Perubahan Iklim Daerah,,
php?page = detailberita&id =423 1


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