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Self-Assessment: Diversity (Page 1 of 2)

Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

Give examples of situations that show you treat all children with equal respect and
Allow all the children to be heard about what they want to express if they are comfortable
with it.
Give examples of situations where you offer activities and talk to children to build positive
selfidentity and valuing of differences in children.
The all about me book is good to share for diversity and allowing the children to make one
for themselves, and self portraits. Having anti biased picture file that allows the children to
Give examples of situations where you are aware of and avoid using stereotypes in language
references – firefighter instead of fireman, etc.
While in the dramatic play area is allowing a child no matter their gender to play in the
play kitchen area.
Give an example of a situation where you did or would intervene when children might tease or
reject others.
I would intervene if a child is being mean at the lunch table and it is affecting the other
children from eating lunch.
Give some examples of what you would consider to be stereotypical language or bias toward
or against a child or group, and how you might respond if you saw or heard these from adults or
children in your classroom.
I would consider a child being left out because of their race to be bias towards children.
Describe the materials provided in the preschool environment to address a range of diversity
(dolls, play props, books, pictures, posters, play food, clothing items, etc.) Explain how the
materials reflect the lives of the children and families in your program as well as the diversity
found in society, including gender, age, language, and abilities – no stereotypical
representations (images of members of ethnic groups in only traditional garb or only females
in nurturing roles, only males as construction workers or doctors, etc.), reflect range of
diversity, especially children and families in the program. Give examples of materials that
could be added.
1. Skin color paints 2. Different job costumes and dolls 3. Anti- biased photos around the
room. It reflects their lives because not everyone fits into a stereotype and it
shows kids they can be whatever they want to be.

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