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Sample Unit Learning Module Overview based on Purposive Communication OBE Syllabus


Dates: Week 1 (3hrs)


What is Communication

Communication is the process of conveying information between two or more people. The communication process is the steps we take in order to achieve a successful communication.

The Communication Process

The communication process consists of several components. Let's take a look.

A sender is the party that sends a message. You, of course, will be the sender. You'll also need the message, which is the information to be conveyed. You will also need to encode your message, which is transforming your
thoughts of the information to be conveyed into a form that can be sent, such as words.

A channel of communication must also be selected, which is the manner in which the message is sent. Channels of communication include speaking, writing, video transmission, audio transmission, electronic transmission through
emails, text messages and faxes and even nonverbal communication, such as body language. You also need to know the target of your communication. This party is called the receiver.

The receiver must be able to decode the message, which means mentally processing the message into understanding. If your receiver can not decode, the message fails. For example, sending a message in a foreign language that is
not understood by the receiver probably will result in decoding failure.

Sometimes, a receiver will give the you feedback, which is a message sent by the receiver back to the you. For example, a member of your team may provide feedback in the form of a question to clarify some information received
in your message.

Communication is a process, and if the process breaks down, communication will fail. In this lesson, you'll learn by reading, watching videos and discussion about the communication process and its elements and principles. You will
explain how communication skills help resolve problems, better understand new concepts, and aid in your profession and in other real-life contexts. Finally, you will participate by applying the principles of effective communication
in a multi-modal, multicultural group presentation.

A the end of lesson the students will be able:

1. explain the principles and process of communication and ethical considerations in communication;

2. elucidate how communication skills help resolve problems, better understand new concepts, and aid in your profession;

3. apply the principles of effective communication in a multi-modal, multicultural group presentation.


 Lecture/Discussion

 Pair-Share after reading Chapter 2 of Canilao et al. (2017) Purposive Communication in English, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila Press.

 Group Discussion Via FB GC: What is Communication Process at


 Quiz
 Essay Writing/Problem Solving
 Performance Task: Multi-modal Interpretations Performance task rubric on multi-modal interpretations (Criteria: Respond, Articulate, Create)


 Power-Point Presentation

 Hand-outs

 Youtube: What is Communication Process at

 Textbook: Canilao et al. ( 2017) Purposive Communication in English, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila Press.

 AdditionalReading :



Lesson 1 : Communication - Processes, Principles, and Ethics

IG Topic: Communication- Its Definition and Components Time Frame: Week 1/ Day 1/ 1 hour Inclusive Date: ___________________
Aim: Explain the principles and process of communication and ethical considerations in communication.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of lesson the students will be able to:

a. define the communication;

b. identify the elements of communication; and

c. describe communication process

Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning Activities Teaching-Learning Activities Tools Assessment Tasks Assessment Tools

A. Define the communication Lecture Power-Point presentation Pair-share, Quiz

B. Identify the elements of communication Lecture/group discussion

C. Describe communication process Illustrate the communication

process through a diagram

Learners Support/Resources:

Lecture Hand-outs


Textbook: Canilao et al. ( 2017) Purposive Communication in English, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila Press.

AdditionalReading :

Lesson 1 : Communication - Processes, Principles, and Ethics

IG Topic: Principles of Effective Communication and its Ethical Considerations Time Frame: Day 2- 1 hour Date: ___________________

Aim: Elucidate how communication skills help resolve problems, better understand new concepts, and aid in your profession;

A the end of lesson the students will be able to:

a. explain the ethical principles of communication in different context.

b. address communication challenges and problems in different context by applying communication principles.

Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning Activities Teaching-Learning Activities Tools Assessment Tasks Assessment Tools

define the communication Lecture Power-point presentation

identify the elements of communication

Learners Support/Resources:


Lesson 1 : Communication - Processes, Principles, and Ethics

IG Lesson 1 : Communication - Processes, Principles, and Ethics Time Frame: Day 3 - 1 hour Date: ___________________
Aim: Apply the principles of effective communication in a multi-modal, multicultural group presentation.

At the end of lesson the students will be able to:

a. demonstrate effective communication skills in a multi-modal, muticultural presentations.

Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning Activities Teaching-Learning Activities Tools Assessment Tasks Assessment Tools

define the communication Lecture Power-point presentation

identify the elements of communication

Learners Support/Resources:

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