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SCHOOL: Educandário Horizonte Novo

SUBJECT: Inglês TEACHER: Danielle Silva


Question 01. Grife os verbos que estão no “present continuous tense” nos trechos das
canções abaixo.

a) b)

“We're all just looking for connection

Yeah, we all want to be seen
“You're giving me a million reasons to
I'm looking for someone who speaks my
let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to
Someone to ride this ride with me quit the show
Can I get a witness? (Witness) You're givin' me a million reasons …”
Will you be my witness? (Witness)…”
I Think I’m In Love Again – Kat Dahlia
Katy Perry - Witness

c) d)

“We’re running out of time

Chasing our lies
Everyday a small piece of you dies “My head’s under water
Always somebody…” But I’m breathing fine
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind…”
Kill ‘em With Kindness –
Selena Gomez All of Me – John Legend

Question 02. Escreva os verbos a seguir no present continuous:

go: going
a) take:______________
b) sleep:______________
c) work:______________
d) study:______________
e) speak:_____________
f) sing:______________
g) play:______________
h) dance:____________
i) run:______________
j) eat:______________
Question 03. Leia o texto abaixo:

Dear Rosa,

How are you? I’m fine. Miami is great! The buildings are
blue, yellow and green... They are very beautiful. Dorothy is
my new friend. She is tall and thin. She’s American and
her favorite color is pink. My favorite color isn’t pink. I
love purple.

Dear: querida Green: verde Thim: magra
Favorite: favorita Blue: azul And: e
She: ela Fine: bem Tall: alta
Love: amo Great: maravilhosa My: minha, meu
Purple: roxo Very: muito Ins’t: não é
Pink: rosa Are: são I: eu
New: nova Buildings: prédios Her: sua
Is: é The: o, os Friend: amiga
American: americana They: eles
Yellow: amarelo Color: cor
How are you: como vai você

Com a ajuda do vocabulário, passe o texto para o português

QUESTION 04. Retire do texto um substantivo, em inglês, que esteja no plural.
QUESTION 05. Qual o assunto principal do texto?
QUESTION 06. O texto que você leu é:
A ( ) Uma canção
B ( ) Um bilhete
C ( ) um texto informativo
D ( ) Um texto romântico
E ( ) N. D. A

QUESTION 07. Assinale a alternativa que contém o plural correto dos seguintes substantivos:
monkey - appendix - story - shrimp - tomato – proof
a) monkeys - appendixes - stories - shrimps - tomatos - prooves
b) monkies - appendices - storys - shrimp - tomatoes - proofes
c) monkeys - appendixies - stories - shrimps - tomatoes - proofs
d) monkeys - appendices - stories - shrimp - tomatoes - proofs
e) monkies - appendixes - storys - shrimps - tomatos – prooves

QUESTION 08. Marque a alternativa em que completa o espaço em branco da frase abaixo com o plural do
Th ere are my _____ toys.
a) children
b) children's
c) child's
d) of children
e) B e C são corretas.

QUESTION 09. Passe os substantivos para o plural:

a) Sister___________________________
b) child ___________________________
c) story___________________________
d) tomato ________________________
e) teacher_________________________

QUESTION 10. Question 04. Marque um (x) na alternativa que preenche as lacunas das
frases abaixo de forma correta do present continuous. games. You…………the piano.

a)am playing. a)am playing.
b)is playing. b)is playing.
c)are playing. c)are playing.

We…………the guitar.
a)am playing.
a)am playing.
b)is playing.
b)is playing.
c)are playing.
c)are playing.

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