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Your Guide On How To Stay In Great

Shape With A Foot Or Ankle Injury
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book For Total Body Success
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book

Go To Guide for Keeping Your Body and Mind Fit While Healing A
Foot or Lower Leg Injury.

Hello my friend,

I’m so happy we’ve found each other online. ​No injury is a good injury… but foot injuries?
They are pretty brutal aren’t they? The healing process is long and often an emotional roller
coaster of ups and downs; good and bad days. If you are struggling with an injury right now I
want you to know: ​you are not alone​. I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you!

I’ve been in your shoes (and your boot). I’ve felt the sadness, fear, anxiety, depression, isolation,
frustration, regret, anger, physical and emotional upset of dealing with a foot injury. I’ve felt it
I remember believing that I’d never be truly fit if I couldn’t run or jump. That being sidelined
with a hurt foot meant I wouldn’t be able to do hard workouts. I worried I would get super out of
shape and all of my muscles would deteriorate. I thought I would go crazy without running as a
stress reliever. I thought my life as a fit, active, healthy person was over.

But through recovering from my foot injury, I surprised myself and proved all of those
fearful thoughts wrong.​ I found ways to stay challenged, strong, healthy, and sane. Now I want
to share these positive exercises with others to ease the injury recovery process and help people
stay fit (and sane) through the journey towards full health.

Getting hurt sucks. I know it. But whatever happened has happened and now it’s up to you to
make the best of it. Every day is a choice, and injury or not, you can choose to rise up to the
challenge and live a strong, positive life. ​I did it and I believe you can do it too.

Injury is an opportunity to strengthen your physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. If you are
working through a foot or lower leg injury right now, I am here to support you. Are you ready to
take this injury as an opportunity to learn and grow stronger? Then this Hurt Foot Fitness e-book
is for you.

I have helped people all over the world stay in shape while recovering from foot and lower leg
injuries. I am here to use my expertise and experience to give you guidance, hope, strength, and
light during the frustrating process of being sidelined from the active life you love. This
comprehensive guide was created to help you take a proactive approach to healing and stay fit,
focused, and positive while you recover.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Here’s what my Hurt Foot Fitness Program clients have to say:

Hurt Foot Fitness Program​ Client Testimonials

“Aloha from Maui Caroline! I just want to thank you so much for your positive attitude. You
have helped me get through such a rough time. Since Sept. my Father was in and out of hospital
sick and passed away March 28th. Meanwhile I had broke my foot and had surgery in Jan. I was
on crutches for 2 months and just got out of my boot this past Monday. Your ‘Hurt Foot Fitness
Program’​ ​got me through it without going crazy from not being able to exercise. I’m an avid
runner and spinner so it took everything for me to not go crazy. I start PT on Monday and
looking forward to getting my life back. Thanks again for ALL your positiveness from the bottom
of my heart.” – Lauren, Maui, Hawaii

“Hi Caroline, My name is Bob Mayer, and I live in northern Wisconsin. I’ve never so much as
commented on a YouTube video before, but I needed to go out of my way to thank you for
providing the broken foot workouts. I’m a triathlete, half-marathon runner, cross country skier,
basketball player, and (aspiring) weightlifter. So, having a broken foot really upends my
lifestyle. I’m appreciative that folks like you are willing to put some time into people like me that
have a frustrating injury. Again, thanks! Keep up the good work. Best, Bob” – Bob Mayer,

“Two broken metatarsals and unfortunately a non union fracture meant that your work outs
were all that kept me sane for 9 months. I am complete convert to your anything is better than
nothing mantra. THANK YOU”

“Hi, Caroline! I just wanted to say thank you, really! I sprained my ankle for the first time in life,
5 months ago and it was horrible! It happened after training and I was so depressed about it and
felt so helpless not able to move for almost 2 weeks and then having pain and not training at all.
I was so happy to find your Hurt Foot Fitness Program and your YouTube videos have been so
helpful ! Thank you for your advices, positive energy and help in such hard time. You rock! Keep
on your great work! Looking forward to more videos from you! Have a great summer, Trisha”
Trisha, Denmark

“Caroline, I just want to thank you SO much not only for your Hurt Foot Fitness Program and
YouTube workouts for a broken foot, but for your AWESOME attitude and positive energy!! I
have really been lifted up by your validation and empowering dialogue. Seriously, it is a hard
thing to recover from an injury and have my usual cardio addiction at a standstill. Your
workouts were my turning point from feeling completely depressed and victimized by my
injury–to feeling optimistic and empowered that there IS something I can do to stay fit and
positive. Your quote, “The only disability is a bad attitude” is like my new life motto!! I can’t tell
you how much I needed that! And I can tell I’m healing faster with working out too. Thank you
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

so much for your amazing work!! It’s making a huge difference for me!! ” Elsie Madison,

“I just wanted to thank you for your Hurt Foot Fitness Program! I run around 5/6 miles a day
pushing my two daughters in their running buggy but two weeks ago I badly sprained my ankle
going down a slide with my eldest your workouts have saved me from going insane and
helped me maintain the body I've worked hard for after having my youngest daughter 4 months
ago! I think you're totally fabulous and love your work. Xx” - Chloe Rake Leeds England

“Thank You for Your Hurt Foot Fitness Program, I injured my ankle 3 weeks ago at jogging.
and have to wear ankle brace...I was looking for some guidance on how to work out and found
You. I am working out with Hurt Foot Fitness Program and I love all the workouts. All workouts
are very positive and I am trying to do my best. I always thought, that all my body-workouts were
good enough, but after first of Your workouts, I was like dead...and day after -> hurting in my
core....couldn't laugh how it was hurting   wow. That was great feeling. It is going better and
better with every workout. Want to start with jogging in July and then I will have to look at Your
Youtube channel for warming up and cooling down workouts before and after jogging. Hope You
have some. I like your meditation videos too, I always wanted to start it and didn't know how to
meditate. Thank You for Your positive way, it is nice to listen to You   Many greetings from
Germany” Michaela Heimlich

“Your Hurt Foot Fitness Program was a lifesaver for me! I really appreciate your kindness and
encouragement too! You are so right when you say that you can even use these exercises after
the injury has healed! It is a great core workout! Thank you!”

Are you ready to be a Hurt Foot Fitness success story? Join our community online and off of
positive people staying fit and strong while overcoming an injury challenge. ​This e-book is a
small sample of my FULL, comprehensive, online Hurt Foot Fitness coaching course. This
course contains EVERYTHING you need to survive a foot or ankle injury. You’ll get
bonus resources and over 100 creative ways to stay active and positive while you heal. Not
to mention a online support community that can empathize with your journey and support
you in a positive recovery. Get access to amazing content and create your own POSITIVE
recovery journey. ​Click here to enroll and get access to what you need to heal.

I created this Hurt Foot Fitness e-book and ​program​ to help you keep your body and mind fit
while healing from a hurt foot or lower leg injury. In order to heal properly you must be ready to
make the commitment to be good to your body and take a proactive approach to doing
everything you can to promote healing. This means making the commitment to follow your
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

doctor’s recommendations, do all of your ​physical therapy exercises​, ​listen to your body’s needs​,
eat a nutrient rich diet, invest in healing supplements, rest, and work on keeping your mind in a
peaceful place.

Recovering from an injury means focusing your training schedule and fitness goals on healing
and coming back stronger. Are you ready to heal your body and get stronger inside and out? If
you are ready to commit to be good to yourself, this program will help you keep your body and
mind in shape while you recover from an injury and return to 100% health.

In this ​Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book​ you will learn:

- Exercises and workouts you can safely do to maintain lean muscle mass, strength, fitness,
and flexibility.
- How to put together a weekly Hurt Foot exercise program schedule and routine that fits
your personal needs.
- Nutrition tips and guidelines for how to eat to heal faster and feel better.
- Tools and resources to help you through the mental challenges of injury
- How to stay positive and use injury to help you transform into a stronger person inside
and out.
- How to safely return to active living and prevent future injuries.

Expect these Results From my ​Hurt Foot Fitness Program​:

- Coaching, support and guidance to help you learn how to take care of yourself through
the recovery process.
- Fresh ideas for exercises and workouts you can use to help maintain physical and mental
- Guidance on structuring a weekly workout schedule
- Customized Hurt Foot Workout fitness resources
- Motivation and inspiration to keep you strong while you heal. Coaching on how to keep
your mindset and attitude positive and turn any challenge into an opportunity for
powerful personal growth.

Hurt Foot Guidebook Table of Contents:

1. Workouts and exercises to help you maintain your physical fitness while recovering from
a foot or lower leg injury
2. Samples of Hurt Foot Weekly Workout Programs
3. Foods and Supplements to Speed Healing From a Bone Break or Injury.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

4. How To Stay Positive (and not lose your mind) when Recovering from a foot or lower
leg injury
5. Stress and Mindfulness Resources.
6. Getting back into the Game of Active Living. Training Suggestions for a Safe Return to
7. Conclusion and Thank you

Having a foot or ankle injury is challenging in every way. But don't worry, I'm here to help you
stay positive and fit as you recover. I’ve been there and know how hard injury can be, but I
believe in you and know you can heal quickly by being smart, staying positive, and finding your
strong. Ready to get started? Get moving with this Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book and​ enroll in my
Hurt Foot Fitness Program​ today. Let’s get you feeling your best and moving forward in a
positive recovery.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Workouts and Exercises to help you maintain your physical fitness

while recovering from a foot or lower leg injury
I know what you are thinking: “But Caroline… how am I supposed to exercise without my
feet?!” “What do I do if I can’t run? Or jump?” Don’t worry! I’ve got a lot of options for you.
All you need is to be open to think outside the box. Are you ready to explore new types of
movement? Look at this injury as an opportunity for fun exercise adventures! Get ready to try
new things and see what your body is capable of.

Done ​safely​, exercise is an important way to accelerate healing. The healing process requires
good blood circulation, and a satisfactory flow of nutrient replenishing blood to the injury area.
However, your exercise choices need to be SAFE, SMART, and not put ANY stress on your
injury… which means you are going to have to get creative.

You must be cleared by your doctor or physical therapist before starting this or any
exercise routine.​ The following guide is not to replace the care of a doctor or medical
professional. ​ALWAYS check with your doctor first and remember: when you are healing from
an injury, ​HEALING​ needs to be your #1 priority. Take however much time you need to heal
properly so you can come back to full health and pace yourself when working through this
guidebook. Your goal should be to come back stronger and better. Creative workouts can support
you in keeping your muscles moving and your mind positive while you recover. I suggest
reading this guide all the way through ​first​ so you can determine if specific moves need to be
eliminated or postponed until your body is ready. I’ll show you how you can mix and match all
of the workout options and exercises into your weekly routine to stay active, fit, and sane.

Always listen to your body and if anything puts your injury healing in jeopardy or hurts STOP.
We don’t have time for you to get another injury! Honor what you need to do for healing and
move mindfully. Once you’ve gotten the approval from your doctor, we can get moving! Here
are some fresh and fun ways to stay in shape while recovering. ​For 100 more exercises,
workouts, videos, and playlists, enroll in my comprehensive Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching
Program for total success.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Bodyweight Workouts

I have put together an online series of body weight workout routines with exercises that are safe
to do while recovering from a foot or ankle injury. You can mix and match the workout videos
into your weekly fitness schedule to maintain muscle mass and stay in shape while recovering
from an injury. ​Bookmark this playlist and have it ready to go for your daily dose of endorphins.
BONUS if you want to boost your mood, connect to other hurt foot YouTube subscribers by
posting on the Hurt Foot workout video comment walls and making friends who can empathize
with what you are going through.​ Or join my Hurt Foot Fitness coaching course to get exclusive
access to a positive online recovery support group.​ It’s a great way to find a community of
strong people to relate to and help you through this tough time.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Strength Workouts

Strength training is one of the safest and most effective ways you can exercise with a foot or
lower leg injury. Getting creative in the gym with non weight bearing strength workouts is fun
and challenging! Here are some of my favorite strength exercises you can do with a hurt foot or
ankle.​ ​Use these exercises to help you boost circulation for healing, maintain lean muscle mass,
and keep your metabolism moving fast. You can mix and match each strength exercise to create
different circuit workouts for yourself. Keep things interesting by switching up the reps, sets, and
combinations of every workout you do. ​You’ll get even more strength moves when you join my
Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching course.

Hurt Foot Strength Exercises

Core Exercises Photo

Modified Plank

Lie face-down on the floor with your legs

together, forearms close to the torso, and toes
perpendicular to the floor as if you’re going to
do a push up. Lift your body using your
abdominal muscles and your arms, until it’s in
a straight line from head to toe, and the only
body parts touching the floor are your knees
and your forearms. Hold this position for as
long as you can, working up to three minutes
at a time. A good starting goal is 2-3 sets
30-60 seconds

Single leg drop

Laying on the floor with the legs extended up

in the air above your hips. Place the hands
underneath your hips or at your sides. Lower
one leg down towards the floor and bring leg
back up to meet the other. Repeat with single
legs or take both legs down at the same time.
Try 2-3 sets of 12-20 reps.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness


Lie down with knees bent and hands behind

the head. With the knees in toward the chest,
bring the right elbow towards the left knee as
the right leg straightens. Continue alternating
sides. Go slow, focus on form, and aim to
keep the shoulders off the ground with the
elbows open.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness


Form is key when it comes to this exercise

standby. Lie on your back with the knees bent
and feet flat on the floor. With hands behind
the head, place the chin down slightly and
peel the head and shoulders off the mat while
engaging the core. Continue curling up until
the upper back is off the mat. Hold briefly,
then lower the torso back toward the mat
slowly. Try 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Windshield Wipers

This move helps you target the oblique

muscles. Lying on your back with your knees
bent and core tight, let the knees fall gradually
to the left. You should feel a stretch in your
lower back, but use your core to control the
legs. Hold for five seconds, return to center,
and repeat on the right side. Try 2-3 sets of
10-20 reps.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Single Leg Stretch

Lay on your back with knees in a tabletop

position. Lift your head and shoulders off the
ground, bring one knee in towards your nose
and extend other leg straight out. Wrap your
arms around bent knee. Switch legs and
alternate for 10-20 reps. Keep your head on
the floor if needed for your neck.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Single Straight Leg Stretch

Lay on your back with knees in a tabletop

position. Lift your head and shoulders off the
ground, extend one leg straight in the air and
the other leg straight out a few inches off the
floor. Wrap your arms around the straight leg
in the air. Lift your shoulders off the floor to
feel the core and keep your neck in neutral.
Feel a nice stretch in your hamstrings as you
scissor switch the legs for 10-20 reps. Keep
your head on the floor if needed for your

Double Leg Stretch

Two legs is twice the fun. Lay on your back

with knees in a tabletop position. Lift your
head and shoulders off the ground, bring both
knees in towards your nose and wrap your
arms around your knees. Extend both legs out
at the same time, reaching the arms beyond
the head. Scoop your arms back around as
you bring the knees back in towards your nose
and repeat. Try 10-20 reps. Keep your head
on the floor if needed for your neck.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Modified Side Plank

Lift your body on the side with one elbow and

knee as shown. Make sure the hips are lifted
and the core is engaged. Hold this position for
30-60 seconds and then repeat on the second
side. Try 2-3 sets.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Sprinter Sit-Up

Lie on your back with the legs straight and

arms by your side — elbows bent at a
90-degree angle. Now sit up, bringing the left
knee toward the right elbow. Lower the body
and repeat on the other side. Try 2-3 sets of
10-20 reps (it’s tough!).
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Russian Twist

Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet

together, lifted a few inches off the floor.
With the back at a 45-degree angle from the
ground, move the arms from one side to
another in a twisting motion. Here, slow and
steady wins the race: The slower the twist, the
deeper the burn. Add a medicine ball or
dumbbell (as shown) for variation and
challenge. Try 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Upper Body Exercises Picture

Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Modified Push-Up​.

Place your hands firmly on the ground,

directly under shoulders. Ground your knees
into the floor to stabilize your lower half.
Brace your core, engage glutes and
hamstrings, and flatten your back so your
entire body is neutral and straight. Begin to
lower your body—keeping your back flat and
eyes focused about three feet in front of you
to keep a neutral neck—until your chest
grazes the floor. Don’t let your butt dip or
stick out at any point during the move; your
body should remain in a straight line from
head to toe. Draw shoulder blades back and
down, keeping elbows tucked close to your
body (don't "T" your arms). Push Back Up
Keeping your core engaged, exhale as you
push back to the starting position. Repeat for
10 to 20 reps or as many as can be performed
with good form.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Seated Row.

Sit on a chair, bench, or a stability ball. Use 2

dumbbells. For DIY dumbbells, grab two cans
or bottles of water. Bring the feet slightly
apart. Hinge at the hips and bring the torso
forward. Keep your knees slightly bent and
engage your core. With palms facing each
other and the abs engaged, row arms back,
squeezing the shoulder blades together. Keep
your shoulders down and focus on working
your upper back muscles. Repeat. Work for
2-3 sets of 8-15 reps.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness


Lie facedown with arms and legs extended.

With your core tight, simultaneously raise the
arms and legs to form a small curve in the
body. Keep your shoulders down and neck in
neutral. Hold for a few seconds and then
lower. Try 5-10 reps. This one is great for
better posture!

Contralateral Limb Raises, aka


Lie on your stomach with the arms reaching

forward. Lift one arm and the opposite leg a
few inches off the floor. Hold the position,
then switch sides. It should feel like
swimming. Use your core and keep your
shoulders back and down. Try 10-12 reps.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Triceps Dip

Sit on a step or bench. With knees slightly

bent grab the edge of the elevated surface and
straighten the arms. Bend them to a 90-degree
angle, and straighten again while the heels
push towards the floor. For extra challenge,
perform the exercise with straight legs - as
long as this does not put ANY stress on your
injury! You can elevate the feet as needed for
non-weight bearing.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Seated Lat Pulldown on Cable Machine

Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide

bar attached to the top pulley. Make sure that
you adjust the knee pad of the machine to fit
your height. These pads will prevent your
body from being raised by the resistance
attached to the bar. ​Grab the bar with the
palms facing forward using the prescribed
grip. Note on grips: For a wide grip, your
hands need to be spaced out at a distance
wider than shoulder width. For a medium
grip, your hands need to be spaced out at a
distance equal to your shoulder width and for
a close grip at a distance smaller than your
shoulder width. As you breathe out, bring the
bar down until it touches your upper chest by
drawing the shoulders and the upper arms
down and back.Tip: Concentrate on squeezing
the back muscles once you reach the full
contracted position. The upper torso should
remain stationary and only the arms should
move. The forearms should do no other work
except for holding the bar; do not try to pull
down the bar using the forearms. After a
second at the contracted position squeezing
your shoulder blades together, slowly raise
the bar back to the starting position when your
arms are fully extended and the lats are fully
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

stretched. Try 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps with a

challenging weight.

Dumbbell Chest Press

Lie on a weight bench or floor with a

dumbbell in each hand and your feet flat on
the floor. Push the dumbbells up so that your
arms are directly over your shoulders and
your palms are up. Lower the dumbbells
down and a little to the side until your elbows
are slightly below your shoulders. Roll your
shoulder blades back and down, like you’re
pinching them together and accentuating your
chest. Push the weights back up, taking care
not to lock your elbows or allow your
shoulder blades to rise off the bench. Try 2-3
sets of 8-15 reps with challenging dumbbell
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Shoulder Stabilization Series (I, Y, T, W


Lie down on your stomach with arms

extended overhead and palms facing each
other. Move the arms into an “I”, a “Y”, and a
“T”. Keep your shoulders away from your
ears and core engaged. Try this on a stability
ball for a different variation. Perform 3 reps
of each I, Y, T, W!
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Lower Body Exercises

Exercise Picture
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Stability Ball Hip Bridge

Lay down on your back with your legs
extended long over the stability ball. Lift your
hips off the floor using your butt, hamstrings,
and core. Try to keep the ball stable and use
your muscles to control the movement. Lift
and lower for 10-20 reps or lift and hold your
hips off the ground for 30-60 seconds. Try 2-3

Stability Ball Hip Extension

Lay face down with your stomach over the
stability ball and your hands on the floor. You
may need to adjust your body position to find
the right placement for you. Bring your knees
wide and your heels together (making a frog
position with your legs). Lift your feet
towards the ceiling using your butt,
hamstrings, and core. Try 10-20 reps or add a
pulse at the top. You should feel your booty
burn with this exercise!
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Hip Band Bent Leg Lift

You will need a loop resistance band for this
exercise. They come in several different
intensities for more or less resistance.​ Choose
the band resistance that is right for you and
lay down on your side with the band above
your knees. Bring your legs to 90* with your
knees across from your belly button. Lift the
top leg up and down using your hips, butt, and
core. Try 10-20 reps and then switch sides.

Hip Band Straight Leg Lift

You will need a loop resistance band for this
exercise. They come in several different
intensities for more or less resistance.
Lay on your side with your top leg straight
out and the resistance band above your knees.
Lift and lower your top leg using your hips,
butt, and core. Try not to wobble and work to
keep a stable body. Do 10-20 reps and then
switch sides.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Hip Band Clamshell

You will need a loop resistance band for this
exercise. They come in several different
intensities for more or less resistance.​ ​Bring
your knees together in line with your torso
with the band above your knees. Keep the
knees touching the ground and lift your ankles
off the floor. Keep the toes touching while
you open and close the legs. The exercise
looks like a “clamshell” and you should feel
the burn in your hips and butt. Try 10-20 reps
and then switch sides.

Weighted Hamstring Kick

Bring your body to tabletop position with
your hands under your shoulders and knees
under your hips. Use extra cushion for your
knees if needed for support. Place a dumbbell
behind one knee, squeezing your heel to your
butt so you don’t drop it. Holding the weight
with your leg, lift and lower the leg towards
the ceiling. Try 10-20 reps and switch sides.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Weighted Dog and Fire Hydrant

Same setup as the weighted hamstring kick,
except this time you will be lifting your leg to
the side. Bring your body to tabletop position
with your hands under your shoulders and
knees under your hips. Use extra cushion for
your knees if needed for support. Place a
dumbbell behind one knee, squeezing your
heel towards your butt so you don’t drop it.
Holding the weight with your leg, lift and
lower the leg out to the side (it looks like a
dog peeing on a fire hydrant!). Try 10-20 reps
and switch sides.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Bodyweight Leg Curl

Lie face down with your legs extended long.
Using your core, lift one leg off the floor.
Keeping the leg off the floor, curl your heel
towards your bottom engaging your
hamstrings and butt. Repeat 10-20 reps with
good form and then switch sides. Try 1-2 sets.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Seated Leg Curl Machine

A hamstring isolation machine that can be
effective in keeping your hamstrings strong
while recovering from a foot injury: the
seated leg curl machine.

Adjust the machine lever to fit your height

and sit on the machine with your back against
the back support pad. Place the back of lower
leg on top of padded lever (just a few inches
under the calves) and secure the lap pad
against your thighs, just above the knees.
Then grasp the side handles on the machine as
you point your toes straight (or you can also
use any of the other two stances) and ensure
that the legs are fully straight right in front of
you. This will be your starting position.
As you exhale, pull the machine lever as far
as possible to the back of your thighs by
flexing at the knees. Keep your torso
stationary at all times. Hold the contracted
position for a second. Slowly return to the
starting position as you breathe in. Try 2-3
sets of 8-20 reps with desired weight.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Seated Hip Adduction Machine

To begin, sit down on the adductor machine
and select a weight you are comfortable with.
When your legs are positioned properly on the
leg pads of the machine, grip the handles on
each side. Your entire upper body (from the
waist up) should be stationary. This is the
starting position. Slowly press against the
machine with your legs to move them towards
each other while exhaling. Feel the
contraction for a second and begin to move
your legs back to the starting position. Keep
your upper body stationary and avoid fast
jerking motions. Try 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps at a
challenging weight.

Seated Hip Abduction Machine

Sit on the abductor machine and adjust the
height of the seat so that the sides of your
knees or ankles (depending on the design) rest
comfortably against the pads. On some
machines you will have to sit down with your
feet on the foot pegs so that the knees are bent
at 90 degrees. with a slow, controlled motion,
move the pads out (open your legs) by
pushing with the knees or an ankles
(depending on the design) until the legs reach
the farthest outward position. Slowly return to
the starting position without letting the
resistance rest on the weight stack between
repetitions. Try 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps at a
challenging resistance.

Total Body Exercises

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Caroline Jordan Fitness

Exercise Picture

Table Top Single Arm Row

Bring your body to tabletop position on your
mat with your hands under your shoulders and
knees under your hips. Perform this exercise
on a gym bench for more height or core
challenge. Choose a dumbbell weight that is
challenging for your body (I like to use 10 or
15 lbs for this exercise). Holding the
dumbbell in one hand, row the arm back
engaging the core, lats, and biceps. For extra
core challenge and variation, extend the
opposite leg out to parallel (as shown in the
third photo) and hold the leg up as you
perform all of the rows. Use your core to keep
your spine straight and not wobble as you
row. Try 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps per side.
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TRX Total Body Row

Adjust the TRX straps so that your body is in
a straight line, as if you were in a vertical
plank position and there is tension in the
straps. This is starting position.
Keep your palms facing each other throughout
the lift. To begin the movement, retract your
shoulder blades back and down. Now, pull
your torso towards your hands keeping your
elbows close to your body. Your body should
remain rigid and your palms and wrists should
stay neutral.
Lower your body back to the starting position
and repeat. If the exercise is too easy, move
feet a bit farther forward. If it is too difficult
with correct form, move your feet back a bit.
Try 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps
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Chest Fly with Leg Drop

This exercise takes some coordination! Lie
down on your back with your legs in the air at
a 90* angle. With a dumbbell in each hand,
lift your arms up in the air bringing the
weights together across from your chest.
Perform a chest press with the upper body
while at the same time dropping one leg down
to hover above the floor. Raise the arms and
leg up together and repeat alternating legs as
you lift and lower the arms. If you feel this in
your lower back, modify by bending the knees
and performing the exercise with bent knees.
If you want more of a challenge, drop both
legs to hover above the floor as you lower the
arms down. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.
Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to
perform the exercise with good form and
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BOSU​ Kneeling Bicep Curl and Shoulder

Carefully kneel on a ​BOSU Balance trainer
with your feet and ankles hanging off the
back. Make sure your posture is tall with your
spine straight. With a dumbbell in each hand,
perform a bicep curl and overhead press.
Keep your core tight (you’ll work your abs!)
to stabilize. Try 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
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BOSU​ upside down side plank.

Lay on your side on the ​BOSU Balance
trainer ​with your legs extended straight out
and your forearm lying on the floor. Since
everyone’s torso and body length is different,
you may have to move around a bit until you
find the right position for your body. Using
your core, lift your straight legs to hover off
the floor. Hold for 30-60 seconds and then
switch sides. Advance the exercise by lifting
your bottom forearm off the floor as you lift
the legs. Try 2-3 sets of 30-60 seconds per
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BOSU​ upside down side plank.

Kneel on your ​BOSU Balance trainer ​with
your hands on the floor. Engage your core and
your butt to keep your spine straight. Squeeze
your hamstrings to hold your heels close to
your hips. Lower your chest towards the
ground and then push up, performing a
pushup exercise. Try 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Only do as many reps as you can with good
form. Try flipping the BOSU dome side down
for a different push up variation as shown in
3rd and 4th photo.
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Medicine Ball Overhead Press

You will use a medicine ball or dumbbell for
this exercise. Take the medicine ball over
your chest with arms extended long. Keep
both legs on the ground or lift the legs up (as
shown) for more core challenge. Keeping
your arms straight, lower the medicine ball
towards the ground. Use your abs, arms, and
lats to keep your core tight and lower back
connected to the ground. Lift the ball back up
towards the ceiling. If you feel this in your
lower back, keep the legs on the ground or
bend the knees. Try 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
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Floor Barre

Floor Barre workouts are another wonderful option to keep moving and stay fit while recovering
from a foot or lower leg injury. These ballet inspired workouts help maintain core, hip, and foot
control while not bearing weight down though your feet. Floor barre can be done in the comfort
of your own home or at the gym. I’ve put together a playlist of full length floor barre exercise
videos you can do with a hurt foot to maintain your fitness. ​Add these into your weekly workout
routine ​and feel the benefit of better posture, core strength, and fitness.
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Chair Yoga
Keep up your yoga practice while recovering from a foot injury with chair yoga! Chair yoga is a
gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair for support. Perfect for all levels, chair
yoga is a great way to relax from head to toe without the stress of putting weight on your injury.
There are a lot of chair yoga videos available on Youtube (but not all of them are great!). I’ve
done the research for you, and put together a playlist of the best chair yoga videos online to help
guide you in finding quality chair yoga classes to help you through your injury. ​Click here to
bookmark the playlist and use the videos throughout the healing process.
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Foam Rolling/Self Massage

Healing from a foot injury can cause all sorts of aches and pains in your body. Moving around in
a boot or being less active can make your muscles tight, tense, and restricted. In fact, because
moving around in a boot can put your hips on different levels, you are at a higher risk for hurting
your back or coming across other painful injuries from compensating just to get around. Foam
rolling is a great way to loosen up stiff muscles, improve your range of motion, correct these
imbalances, and feel better. To foam roll at home, you’ll need a ​foam roller​ (they come in
different densities, I prefer the ​black high density roller​, but you may want the blue medium
density or white light density). I also use the ​Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls​ ​to massage away
tightness and muscular imbalances throughout my whole body. I teach you how to use these balls
for ​different body parts in this playlist​ ​and will also show you how to integrate foam rolling into
your weekly workout schedule below.
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Swimming Workouts

When you are dealing with a foot injury, the pool can be a lifesaver. It is great cardiovascular
exercise and works to strengthen and tone your entire body. Swimming is non-impact,
non-weight bearing, and is suitable for all age groups and physical abilities. You MUST get
approval from your doctor or physical therapist before trying the below or any pool workouts.
You might have to wait a few weeks or months depending on your injury before you are cleared
to do water workouts safely. Once you are doctor approved to get into the pool, here are a few
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swim workouts you can try. These pool workouts were designed for a 25 yard lap pool, adjust
the workout as needed to fit the length of your pool.

Swim Workout 1: Practice All Strokes Total

● 400 Freestyle Warm Up (16 laps)
● 200 Pull (8 laps)
● 200 Breaststroke (8 laps)
● 200 Back Stroke (8 laps)
● 200 Pull (8 laps)
● 200 Freestyle (8 laps)
● 200 Choice (8 laps)
● 200 Warm Down (8 laps)
Swim Workout 2 : No Walls
● 200 swim
● 200 pull
● 200 kick
● 200 swim
● 6×125 on 2:00 (Don’t use the walls - turn at the T in the pool)
● 4×300 pull on 4:15 (100 easy/100 medium/100 strong)
● 100 easy recovery warm down
Swim Workout 3: One of my favorite sets! Only to be used when you are doctor approved to
● 400 Warm up
● 200 kick
● 200 pull
● 4 rounds of: 200 aerobic, 15 seconds rest, 8x25 sprint with 5 seconds rest between each
● 200 Warm Down
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Frequency, Intensity, and Duration of Workouts

How often, how hard, and how long you should workout depends on where you are in your
injury recovery process. I can’t stress enough the importance of working with your doctor and
physical therapist to help guide you in structuring an exercise program custom fit to your
personal healing needs. This information is here to offer you ideas on how you can mix and
match different exercises and workouts to create your own Hurt Foot Fitness program. There is
no one size fits all approach, but I am confident that if you are smart, safe, and listen to your
body, you can take the information above and develop a movement plan that makes you feel
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good. Here are examples of Hurt Foot Fitness client’s workout schedules so that you can see how
other people have structured their routines and work to develop one that works for you.

Sample Weekly Workout Routine #1: Well Rounded (non weight bearing)
● Sunday: Healthy week grocery shop and meal prep, journal, foam roll, ​10 minute
meditation exercise.
● Monday: ​30 Minute Total Body Workout​ ​Video
● Tuesday:​ ​25 minute Chair Yoga video
● Wednesday: ​30 Minute Floor Barre Workout​ video
● Thursday: Rest, journal, ​foam roll video​,​ and ​10 minute healing meditation
● Friday: ​Pilates Butt lift workout​ video and ​Five Favorite Ab Moves Workout ​video
● Saturday: See friends, enjoy a hobby, journal, foam roll

Sample Weekly Workout Routine #2: Strength Focus (approved for water workouts.
Strength workouts mix and match the exercises pictured above. Adjust weight as needed
for more/less challenge)

● Sunday: Healthy week grocery shop and meal prep, journal, ​10 minute guided body scan
● Monday: 30 minute strength training in the gym. 3 rounds of: 15 reps of TRX Total Body
Row, 15 modified push-ups, 15 BOSU Kneeling Bicep Curl and Shoulder Press with 10
lb dumbells, 20 Bicycle Crunches, 20 Weighted Hamstring Kick with 8 lb dumbbell, 30
seconds modified side plank each side, and 20 situps.
● Tuesday: 30 minute water workout (lap swim no walls or water jogging no floors)
● Wednesday: 30 minute strength training in the gym. 3 rounds of: 10 reps Table Top
Single Arm Row with 10 lb dumbell, 15 Chest Fly with Leg Drop with 10 lb dumbells,
20 Stability Ball Hip Bridge, 20 Hip Band Clamshells, 20 Russian Twist (add one 10lb
dumbell for more challenge), 20 Contralateral Limb Raises, aka “Swimming”, 60 second
modified center plank.
● Thursday: ​Hurt Foot Stretch video​, epsom salt bath, journal, ​“Let Go” Meditation​.
● Friday: 30 minute water workout (lap swim or water jogging no floors)
● Saturday: 30 minute strength circuit in the gym. 3 rounds of: 10 reps Lat Pulldown Cable
Machine, 15 reps Seated Hamstring Curl Machine, 15 reps Seated Abductor Machine, 15
reps Seated Adductor Machine, 10 BOSU push-up, 30-60 seconds BOSU upside down
plank, 20 crunches.

Sample Weekly Workout Routine #3: Short and Sweet Workouts + Self Massage
● Sunday: ​20 minute floor barre video​ and ​hip foam rolling video
● Monday: Healthy weekly meal prep, cook with friends/family, ​deep breathing meditation
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● Tuesday: ​15 minute hurt foot workout video​ and ​lower back foam rolling video
● Wednesday: Rest, journal, ​Louise Hay Self Healing Meditation
● Thursday: Hurt Foot ​Workout Part 1​ and​ Part 2​ ​.
● Friday:​ ​Knee massage and stretching video​, rest, journal, healthy dinner with friends
● Saturday: ​Hurt Foot Workout Part 3​,​ ​Hurt Foot Stretch video​,​ ​epsom salt bath

Sample Weekly Workout Routine #4: Cardio and Stretching Focus

● Sunday: 30 minute ​Chair Yoga video
● Monday: ​40 minute Chair Cardio video
● Tuesday: ​30 minute Floor Barre video
● Wednesday: Rest, journal, meditate
● Thursday:​ ​30 minute chair cardio workout video​ (this one is fun! Be mindful not to place
pressure on your injury).
● Friday: ​Hurt Foot Stretch Video
● Saturday: Rest, healthy weekly meal prep, dinner with friends, journal.

More sample workouts and weekly fitness schedules are included in the total online Hurt Foot
Fitness Coaching Program.​ Remember: to recover as quickly as possible, it’s essential you listen
to your body and create your weekly exercise schedule around what your body needs to heal and
feel better. Recovering from an injury will teach you how to really learn to listen to your body.
Take it one day, one week at a time. Let your goal be FEELING GOOD and seeking out
workouts that help you do feel your best.
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Foods and Supplements to Speed Healing From a Bone Break or

When you are recovering from an injury, nutrition is an essential piece of healing properly. Your
body needs fuel to repair and recover. Feeding your body the right nutrients through real food
ingredients will help you return to full health faster. Don’t eat junk or you’ll feel like junk! Treat
your body right with food that helps it feel its very best. ​Of course, everyone’s needs are
different, so always consult with a doctor / nutritionist before changing your diet or adding
supplements.​ These recommendations are based off my own personal injury recovery
experience. I share them with you with the hope that the resources below help you stay positive,
make progress, and recover to full health.

Foods and Supplements to Help Heal From A Foot or Ankle Injury

Following an anti-inflammatory, high quality, nutrient rich diet is a powerful way to support
your body in recovering from an injury.

Injuries provide an opportunity to shape up other areas of your life, including your diet. Eating
clean is the #1 way to stay fit while healing from an injury. Small dietary changes can produce
incredible results and keep you fit even though you are exercising less. Making healthy changes
with your diet feels empowering and gives you something positive to focus on while healing.
Become the healthiest person you know by fueling yourself with food that gives your body what
it needs to recover.

I strongly recommend following a low sugar, high protein, nutrient rich diet when healing from
your injury. The ​JJ Virgin Sugar Impact Diet ​ ​is the best program I have found to transform your
body and your health for good. Numerous studies show that sugar can be addictive, cause
inflammation, lead to a number of devastating illnesses, and delay your body’s ability to heal. If
you want to recover and feel your best, ​I highly recommend this book​.

There are also a few specific foods and supplements that can further aid in the process. Here are
the foods and supplements I have found to be most effective:

● Vitamin D.​ The jury is still out on whether or not vitamin D supplementation actually
leads to healing, but evidence suggests that a ​vitamin D deficiency​ often plays a role in
broken bones. In that way, vitamin D does play a role in healing, at the very least
indirectly. If you have an injury, getting out in the sun is ideal because getting vitamin D
directly from sunlight is really important for bone growth and health. I did this a lot with
my injury in the beginning – I made an effort to go out by the pool and get sunshine!
During the wintertime, investing in a​ ​Sun Therapy Lamp​ ​can help in healing (and
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seasonal depression). You can also take​ ​5,000 IUs of vitamin D​ ​twice a day ​for three
months to help heal broken bones fast.
● Calcium​. Calcium is an essential structural component of the skeleton, which makes it
vital for both health and bone healing. That’s why a calcium deficiency can contribute to
broken bones — and why eating more calcium rich foods can aid bone healing naturally.
You can get calcium from green leafy foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, arugula, and raw
fermented dairy products. In addition to eating calcium rich foods,​ ​I like to take a calcium
supplement to ensure I’m getting enough.
● Magnesium​. In order for your body to even use calcium, you also have to have
magnesium because research shows ​magnesium and calcium metabolism are closely
related​. Eat magnesium rich foods like green leafy vegetables, Flaxseeds, chia seeds and
pumpkin seeds, Grass-fed beef, Swiss chard, Almonds, Avocados, and Black beans. You
can also add a magnesium supplement, ​I take the Source naturals magnesium daily​.
● Vitamin C​. Many studies tout the benefits of vitamin C on bone healing. Eat foods rich in
vitamin C like vegetable juices, orange juice, true oranges, lemons, bell peppers, kiwis,
broccoli and asparagus.
● Protein​.​ Getting enough protein is always important, but especially when you are healing
from an injury. Bone is made of living protein upon which mineral crystals are implanted.
By volume, about 50% of bone is protein. When a bone fracture takes place, the body
starts collecting protein building blocks to create new bone. Increasing protein
consumption promotes growth factors such as insulin like growth, which has a positive
effect on skeletal integrity, muscle strength, immune response, and bone renewal. ​Make
sure you know and work to meet your daily protein requirement with high quality
nutrition​. I follow a healthy, clean diet and supplement extra protein in recipes with all
natural, plant based ​Vega protein powder​ ​(it’s my favorite). Getting enough protein
ensures that your body has what it needs to repair and restore.
● Collagen​.​ I was really skeptical about collagen at first, but then I purchased a bottle at
Whole Foods Market, and have been hooked ever since. Collagen is the mechanical
strength of bone. It helps to build bone matrix, repair connective tissues for improved
elasticity, improve blood vessel circulation, and promote wound healing. I take 6
capsules of ​Super Collagen+C Type 1 and 3​ in the morning before breakfast. I also put
Nunaturals​ collagen​ in my morning bowl of oatmeal for an extra dose. It doesn’t have a
taste, but makes the oatmeal super thick!
● Turmeric​.​ Turmeric supports a healthy inflammatory response and heart, joint & liver
function. You can ​add ​turmeric spices​ to foods​ / recipes or take a supplement to promote
healing. I​ take the ​Gaia herbs turmeric supreme​ ​3 times per day with meals. I’ve also
tried taking ​Curamin​ (main active ingredient in turmeric) directly. I feel both have made
a difference in my healing.
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● Bone broth.​ ​Bone broth contains high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other
nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation. It is a rich source of
chondroitin sulfate, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and has been found to also
help alleviate joint pain, improve blood circulation, promote intestinal healing, help in
calcium- or- magnesium-deficiency-related insomnia, irritability, fatigue and anxiety. ​I
prefer this brand because it’s low in sodium​, ​but there are a lot of options to purchase at
your local market and ​healthy ways to cook up your own at home.
● Apple Cider Vinegar.​ ​Apple cider vinegar is considered to be a potent remedy for
illnesses and overall health. ​You can read all about it’s diverse and incredible health
benefits here.​ ​I drink an apple cider vinegar detox drink every day and swear by it’s
magic powers.
● Epsom Salt.​ ​Taking regular epsom salt baths has been powerful for me in dealing with
pain and promoting recovery. Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfates which help
flush toxins, improve absorption of nutrients, help form joint proteins, brain tissue and
mucin proteins.​ ​I take a hot bath several times a week to promote circulation and healing.
● Arnica.​ Arnica functions as anti trauma aid and can be taken immediately after fracture. I
take the pellets and also use the cream on muscles.
● Zheng Gu Shui.​ You’ve probably never heard of zheng gu shui but let me tell you: it’s a
game changer. Zheng Gu Shui translates to ‘mending bone water’ in English. Zheng Gu
Shui is a liniment especially designed to relieve pain associated with fractures, bruises
and other types of mild trauma. I put the ointment on my foot nightly and also found it
helpful with sore muscles, aches, and pains.

A quality healing diet consists of lots of nutrient dense anti-inflammatory foods, vitamins, and
minerals. It’s important to stay away from foods that tend to be overly acidic, conventional meat
and dairy products, alcohol, excess sodium, and sugar. Those will acidify your body and actually
leach minerals out of your body and cause your healing to slow down.

Having a tough time making dietary changes? Depressed about your injury and only want
to sit around and eat ice cream (or drink all the wine?)?​ Trust me: Not eating well is only
going to make you feel worse. Think about how you feel after eating a lot of sugar or heavy
foods - headaches, tummy trouble, and fatigue (not fun). Now think about how you feel after you
eat healthy foods - light, energized, and powerful! Don’t you deserve to feel good? I know the
diet piece is often the hardest part, but I also know you CAN do it. You don't have to overhaul
your whole diet overnight. Start small and make little changes. Eat more vegetables, watch
portion sizes, cut back on the sugar. Tell your friends and family about your clean eating diet
goals and have them join you! Cook healthy meals together and try new clean recipes. It’s a great
way to build accountability, support, and bond over health. You can use this injury as an
opportunity to transform your diet and be a positive influence on others in your life. Diet is one
of the best ways to keep your body in great shape while you heal and fuel yourself with
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confidence, strength, and power. Fuel yourself with health and you will give your body what it
needs to heal up!

Get more nutrition, digestion, and eating for healing suggestions by enrolling in my Hurt Foot
Fitness coaching course. Become a success story today.

I also offer a Hurt Foot Healing Diet for complete guidance on using food to HEAL, transform,
and grow. ​You can check that out here.
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Caroline Jordan Fitness

How To Keep Your Mind In Shape When Recovering From An

Injury (AKA how To Stay Sane and Positive)
Wellness is so much more than physical. It’s mental, it’s spiritual, it’s taking care of yourself as a
whole. Keeping your mind + spirit in good shape will help you recover from your injury and
return to good health. Don't just sit around and wait till your body heals, use this downtime to
strengthen your mind and spirit! Here are some useful methods, resources, and tools you can use
to take this challenge and transform yourself into a stronger human.

Acknowledge and radically accept the injury.​ It is not what you wanted. It is not what you
asked for. It sucks but here it is and you must be the one to prioritize and deal with it. Resistance
in the healing process is not good. Acceptance helps release resistance. Accept that there are
some things you cannot control about the healing process, like how long it may take. But also
recognize that there are many things you can control, like how you react to it (moment by
moment), how consistent you are with your rehab and treatment, the energy of people you keep
around you while you are healing (this is a big one, keep the Negative Nancy’s away!), the
alternative activities you do with your time while you are healing, and so on.

Be non-judgmental but honest with yourself about how it got to this point. ​Ask yourself,
“What was my body trying to tell me?” and “Did I listen to its first signals? Or wait until it got to
the point where the only way my body could get my attention was to take me out of the game for
a bit?” This will help you learn how to better listen to your body. It will help you understand
your​ body’s signals and messages to possibly prevent an injury from occurring again. However,
sometimes sh*t happens and you break your foot without notice. Acknowledge that too and
move on.

Affirm Your Body’s Ability to Recover and Empower Your Mind To Help you Heal. ​If you
believe your body isn’t healing and talk about how you are not getting better, you are affirming
the negative and NOT helping the recovery process. You must empower your mind to help heal
your body. It’s kind of like preparing to run a race or deliver an important presentation at work.
Close your eyes, visualize the outcome you want, and affirm to yourself that your body WILL
heal and WILL recover back to full health. Empower your mind to think positively about
recovery and help your body heal. Your body hears everything your mind says! ​Use this guided
meditation to help you stay positive and give your body healing thoughts.

You are going to have good days and you are going to have bad days. And it’s important to
know: that's OK. ​Throughout the recovery process you will have days where it’s easy to deal
and manage healing. You may also have days where you feel frustrated, upset, impatient, angry,
all sorts of emotions. It’s important to know that it's totally normal to feel those feelings and to
have positive strategies on hand for coping with them when they happen. Don’t isolate yourself
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or hurt yourself doing something self-destructive (like using drugs/alcohol/food to numb

emotions or pushing your injury too far in a workout session that you're-hurt yourself.). Reach
out to friends, family, loved ones. Do something to help release the feelings and restore your
spirit in a healthy way. Which leads me to my next suggestion…

Cheer Yourself UP.​ Life is short. Injured or not, there is SO much to enjoy about it. Count your
blessings instead of adding up your troubles. Choose to see the good in everything and make the
best of the situation. Put on your favorite music. Sing out loud. Shake your booty. Watch funny
movies. Surround yourself with friends. Plan your next vacation. Write thank you notes to those
who made a difference in your life. Write a note of encouragement to yourself. Find ways to
cheer yourself up. Your body will feel the positive energy and it will make you feel better.

Do what you CAN do. ​Don’t stew over what you can’t do. Do what you CAN do. If you have a
hurt foot, work on your push-ups. Work on the physical therapy exercises prescribed to you
through your doctor. Do all your “homework” exercises and follow the doctor's orders. Be the
best patient there ever was, the kind doctors love to work with. You’ll heal faster and it will
make you feel better to be proactive and positive about the recovery process.

Visualize it. Affirm it. Talk about it​. Yes, realistically you are injured but that is no excuse to
rehash the past every day with every ache or pain, or with every person that asks how you are
doing. If some asks how you are doing say to them “Thanks for asking and I’m healing up.” or
“On my way to coming back stronger and better.”

Most of you know, I am a big believer in positive affirmations ​(in fact, there’s a whole chapter in
my book on them!​)​. I recommend repeating one or two healing affirmations throughout the day.
This will keep your mind in good shape. My favorite healing affirmations are “My body now
restores itself to its natural state of perfect health” and “Every day in every way I am getting
healthier and stronger”.

Be kind to yourself. ​The healing process is all about the art of allowing. Allowing releases
resistance and therefore releases tension in the body that is needed for healing, as opposed to the
resistance creating tension that inhibits healing. Being angry with our body is like being angry at
a kid for having broken leg. What is done is done and now what is needed is support and
kindness towards yourself. Also, allow others to take care of you and trust their care. This can be
difficult for Type-A-control-freak-independent types (again I say this in the most endearing
sense, you all know I love you) but maybe that is a part of the lesson. Many high achieving
individuals struggle with asking or receiving help. Be kind to yourself and allow others to help
support your needs. This in itself can be very empowering because we are all in this together.
There is no person on earth that does not need someone for something in their life, we are all
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Accept this moment and this injury in this time and space. ​Try to see your injury isolated to
this time and space in your life. Just because something is happening now does not mean it will
happen again, especially if we learn from it. What you resist only stays with you longer and
when you fight something, you only make it stronger. Flow with reality, not against it. Choose to
accept what is, be positive and proactive, let go of the need to control every little detail, and
embrace peace in the process. Remember: what you resist persists, what you embrace dissolves.
Practice letting go and trusting your body. Which leads me to my last suggestion…

Trust yourself and trust your body. ​Time to heal allows you to focus on yourself. Sometimes
we think that because we train and workout we are paying attention to ourselves when ​really​ we
may be distracting from life or other issues. An injury allows you to learn more about you. It
provides and opportunity to learn how to be more self compassionate. It also provides time to
reflect on things that may need to change in your life. Healing through an injury allows you to
make space in your life FOR YOU. Guess what, your life is not going anywhere and if you use
this time to take care of yourself and heal correctly you’ll probably come back stronger, wiser,
and better than before. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. However, it is up to you to
prioritize yourself and take good care of YOU during this time.

Healing Meditations and Stress Relief Resources

Your thoughts and beliefs affect your body’s ability to heal. If you are caught in a negative
thought cycle or obsessed with your pain, you’ll only move downward. What you focus on
expands and if you let yourself worry about pain, you are giving more power to it. Both health
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and illness is a part of life. When you keep that in mind and have a positive state of mind, then
illnesses or injury can change.

If you are feeling hopeless, depressed, or stuck in a state of pain around your injury, these guided
meditations can help you shift your mindset to a more positive place. Doing meditation is about
establishing a different relationship with your thoughts and affirming your body’s ability to heal
itself. You’re training yourself to place your attention where and when you want. This is very
powerful. It gives you the ability to direct your thoughts (and mood) in more productive and
peaceful directions. This ability has profound self-healing implications for physical and mental

The mind is a powerful thing, and our thought and intent are as potent as any medicine. The
benefits of practicing Meditation include:

● Assisting you in releasing your fears by relaxing your mind

● Giving you more energy to focus toward physical healing
● Training your mind to support your body and restore wellness
● Helping your body relax so it can repair itself.

I’ve collected a series of the best guided meditation resources that can help you keep your mind
in good shape so you can heal yourself. Find a quiet environment, take a comfortable seat, close
your eyes and take a deep breath. I hope these serve you in feeling your very best.

● 10 Minute Healing Meditation

● 10 Minute Headspace Meditation
● Progressive Muscle Relaxation
● 5 minute Alternate Nostril Breathing

Use these meditation tools to help you keep your mind and perspective positive. The body hears
everything the mind says! Keep it in a positive place and it will help the healing process. “If you
change the way you see things, the things you see change.” Injury and pain in life are
opportunities to grow and sometimes change directions in life. Be open to what this time in your
life is reflecting back to you. Take it one day, one breath at a time.

Learn more on how to manage setbacks, overcome mental and emotional roadblocks, and
strengthen your mindset through the recovery process in my full Hurt Foot Fitness coaching
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Getting Back In The Game - Returning to Weight Bearing Exercise

and Active Living Safely
Coming back from an injury is hard I know. But at least it’s not as hard as actually dealing with
the injury itself! Healing can be empowering and exciting if you let it. The first thing to keep in
mind when getting back to weight bearing exercise after your time off is: Pace yourself and be
grateful for every step.

How you plan your return will depend on the nature and severity of your injury and the length of
time you’ve been out for.

I understand your frustration and eagerness to get back into your active life. You miss running,
biking, hiking, jumping, high heels, you miss it all! But listen: going back too fast too soon will
only give you a whole other set of problems. You don’t have time for that! It’s better to make
slow positive progress than to jump back into things before your body is ready and end up more

One challenge is figuring out the proper rate of exercise progression so that you can continue to
heal your injury and return to the activities you love. This is a time in your life when it’s 100%
worth it to invest in professionals who can help guide you through the healing process and put
together a program custom fit to your needs. Because dealing with an injury often causes the
body to develop muscular imbalances and strange movement patterns, it’s important to work
with people who can help you heal your injury, retrain your body, and prevent future injuries.
Finding the right professionals to work with is hard, but worth every ounce of effort. Do all the
research you need on the best physical therapists and health professionals for you. Interview
them in depth. Ask about their experiences in helping others with your specific injury and for
details on what to expect when working with them. Only invest in people who you feel
comfortable and confident with. Inexperienced professionals can hurt your progress or even set
you back. Spend money on professionals you trust and you know will be there to support you in
every step of the journey from hurt to healed. Follow their guidelines and recommendations for
when you can return to the gym, how hard to push yourself, what types of exercises are best, and
the type of rehab you should be doing. But remember first and foremost: always listen to your
body and stop if anything puts you at risk for re-injury.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Ease your way back into active living safely with these helpful
Training tips:

● Build Slowly.​ Patience pays off in the long haul, do NOT rush things! Gradually increase
the amount of time you spend weight bearing and supplement the rest with cross-training.
● Keep Up Your P.T.​ A lot of people make the mistake of slacking on their physical
therapy or other rehab exercises as soon as they start becoming more active. Don't get
comfortable and forget that, in order to prevent getting injured again, you still need to
keep up on your preventative care. I call my P.T. exercises my “homework” and make a
habit to do them first before anything else. Setting yourself up for long term success is
worth it!!
● Don’t beat yourself up​. Be kind and compassionate to yourself as you ease your way
back into active living. Don’t torture yourself with comparisons to your pre-injury self. It
will only set you up for frustration and can ultimately derail your comeback. Track the
progress you make post-injury and take every victory (ie: extra miles, faster workouts,
etc.) as it comes. Be proud of yourself for staying patient, positive, and smart in the
recovery process.
● Take it one day at a time.​ Being patient is tough for everyone. Sometimes the only way
to retain sanity is to take it one day at a time. Rather than focus on how much work you
have ahead of you, look at what workouts and goals you can achieve for that day or that
week. Set mini goals each week and check them off as benchmarks along your route to
making a full comeback to active living.
● Keep Up with Your Strength Training!​ Maintain your strength as you return to 100%.
All of the Hurt Foot Workout videos and exercises will help you keep your core stable
and body strong. This is important to maintain as you get back into active living and will
prevent future injuries.
● There will be setbacks but you are strong and smart enough to deal with them right.
In the healing process there will be setbacks. There will be weeks when you overdo it just
a little bit and your body tells you it’s too much. This happens! I know it can feel
defeating, but look at setbacks as an opportunity to listen to your body and reasses
movement patterns or your workout schedule. Spend more time resting or meditating
until your body feels ready to go again. Let your body tell you what it needs you to do.
Before you know it, you’ll be back on track and better for listening, learning, and
growing from each set back.
● Positivity and Perspective:​ The biggest deciding factor in how well you can come back
from an injury is perspective and your ability to stay positive. Even on the days when
you'd like to burn the elliptical or bike to the ground, give yourself a little window of
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

time to vent. You WILL heal and make it through this time. Look forward to each baby
step forward and do not forget that each mile is NOT a given. Be grateful for what you
can do. This will help you remain patient and keep your eyes focused on the long term
and healing to full health.

Patience really is the hardest part of the healing process, but it is something worth practicing so
you don’t end up in a constant cycle of injury, re injury, and pain. So practice! Practice being
patient. Practice letting go and letting your body do what it needs to heal. When someone asks
you, “When will you get better?” or “When will you be able to run again?” Tell them, “When my
body is ready.” Take all the time you need to heal. If you do it right, you’ll only need to heal
from your injury once. I believe in you and in your body’s ability to come back from this injury
stronger. Be smart, be kind to yourself, and take it one step at a time in getting back into the
active game of your life.
Hurt Foot Fitness E-Book
Caroline Jordan Fitness

Conclusion and Thank you.

I know how incredibly frustrating and challenging dealing with an injury can be. It helps to stay
positive, patient, and focus on the steps you can take ​right now​ to move forward.​ ​I hope this Hurt
Foot Guidebook offers you tools, resources, comfort, and support through this difficult time. It is
important that you recognize that you can choose how you react to your situation. Simply by
investing in this guidebook and making a commitment to your health, you are choosing to react
to a challenging situation with strength. I am proud of you and I want you to know : YOUR
BODY WILL HEAL. You will come back from this injury stronger and with more appreciation
for the active life you love.

Have faith, practice patience, trust the journey, and take small steps in healing every day.
Be kind to yourself and treat your body, mind, and spirit with love.

If this e-book helped you, you’ll love my full Hurt Foot Fitness coaching course. Everything
you need (and MORE) to successfully recover from an injury ​well​. ​Click here to check out
the program ​and when you are ready to be a Hurt Foot Fitness success, I’d be honored to
be your coach. ​ENROLL.

It gives me great joy to help people feel their best and fuel their success through health. ​I
am here to support you in healing from your injury and am cheering for you! ​If you have
questions or need more support, please visit me at ​​ or
contact me at ​​ . Thank you so much for downloading this
Hurt Foot Fitness e-book. Stay strong, stay smart, and stay positive my friend.

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