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First of all, praise and thanks go to the almighty Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and
tremendous blessing so that our group is finally able to finish this report and have a good
cooperation with the members of group 2 in ESP class A2.

This report isentitled “Need Analysis for Civic Students Utilizing Questionnaires”. It is
conduct for the purpose to accomplish the subject of ESP at college. How the Civic students need
English effective for them in both of their study and their work. Hence by analyzing their needs,
the English teachers will know how to teach them and create syllabus for them.

We would like to express our sincere to RaisaFadilla, M. Pd as our ESP lecturer for her
guidance, corrections, and suggestion. So, we can submit this report as our final project. Also, we
greatly appreciate to participant ofCivic students of ULM Banjarmasin who have helped us in
conducting this mini research.

We realized that this report is far for being perfect. Therefore, criticisms and suggestions are
need for perfection and improvement.

Banjarmasin, July 30th 2019

Table of Contents

Preface ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Table of contents …………..……………………………………………………………….. 2


1.1 Background of the study …………………………………………………………… 3

1.2 Subject of research …………………………………………………………………. 3


2.1 Result ………………………………………………………………………………. 4-16

2.2 Discussion ………………………………………………………………………… 17-19


3.1 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 20

3.2 Suggestion ………………………………………………………………………… 20-21


- Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………. 22-26

- Sample answers

References ………………………………………………………………………………… 27



1.1 Background of the study

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a new approach in the teaching and use of English
for specific fields and studies that are in accordance with the needs of the field of science and
profession of English language users. The fields of science and professions such as English for
law, medical, mechanical engineering, economic and so on. Thus, the teaching of English for
Specific Purpose (ESP) has approaches and assumptions that are different from General English
(GE). In short, ESP is the activity of teaching and learning of specific skills and language needed
by particular learners for a particular purpose.

Before we begin an ESP course, we should have careful preparation because our students
are people who will or who have worked. All effective training begins with need analysis the
training needs survey measures what skills employees have, what they need, and how to deliver
the right training at the right time. (American Society of Training and Development). Need
analysis is sequence of procedures for collecting information about learner’s needs. Schroder
(91, p.45) suggested that there are essentially four techniques for investigating needs’: the
questionnaire, the detailed interview, participating observation, and press ads. (Citedin Robinson,

The teaching of English for Civil Study, especially for teacher takes place in essence to
make the analysis of learners’ needs about English. So, this paper discusses the result of the
analysis for Civic students, how far they need English for their course and job in order to be
professional in the future.

1.2 Subject of the research

The subject of our research is Civic students of FKIP ULM Banjarmasin batch 2016.



This chapter presents the data of 15 respondents from Civic students of FKIP ULM
Banjarmasin. The result of the analysis of their needs of English as the following.

2.1 Result

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

2.2 Discussion

The research was conducted at Civic Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. The data collection process started
from July 25-29 2019 using Google Form. The respondents are 20% male and 80% female (2
males and 13 females). The age range of respondents are 21-25 years old. The length of time it
took to learn English is varied. From the 15 respondents tell us that these notion reaches, “less
than a year” 14,3%, “1-5 years” 42,9%, “6-10 years” 28,6%, “more than 10 years” 14,3%. Then,
the English level of the respondents are “Basic” 14,3%, “Beginner” 42,9%, “Intermediate”
35,7%, “Advanced” 7,1%.

From the data shown that 80% of respondents said that English is important to learn in
their study program. While, 20% of respondents said that English is not too important to learn it
in their field.They said that English is important to learn because the purpose of the language
itself. 53,3% of respondents said the purpose of learning English is to read a textbook and 46,7%
to communicate with others.

For the topic that they had done or still on-going, 64,3% of respondents said that the topic
are related with their field. While, 35,7% respondents said it is not related with their field. The
materials that the respondents need is 26,7% for general topic, 13,3% for specific topic and 60%
for general and specific topic.Meanwhile, the topic that they want to learn is about education
around 46,7%, daily life 40% and issues or news around 13,3%. So, we can give them both of
general and specific topic in learning English especially about education.

The skill “Speaking” which mostly important needed by the Civic students from most
important to least important is in order Speaking-Listening-Reading-Writing. The percentage of
students who need to master the skill “Speaking” is 66,7%. The percentage of respondents who
regard Listening is the most important is 20%. The lowest percentage, Reading is 13,3%. While,
there is no one who choose Writing. When we asked about what language skill that they have
mastered, the respondents answered Reading (53,3%), Speaking (20%), Listening (13,3%) and
Writing (13,3%).

In learning a new language, such as English, it is not always easy. Our respondents
saidthat Grammar becomes their difficulties in learning English, it is about 53,3%. Then, the

pronunciation was too fast (26,7%), understanding the context (13,3%) and finding new

Besides as a course requirement, the respondents also have their own goals in learning
English. The percentage is 73,3%. Their assessing their English skill is fair with the percentage
53,3%. Poor and bad has the same rate, 20%. The respondents mostly said that English will play
a major role in their future work, especially in educational 57,1% and government 42,9%. To
improve their language skills, most of them choose to listen or watching video in English
(46,7%), reading and writing exercises (26,7%), doing conversation with friend using English

The students of Civic Education Department also should master the four skills of English.
In listening, our respondents expected 50% authentic materials as the material that they want to
learn, 28,6% is monologue and dialogue with list of vocabulary, 14,3% monologue and dialogue
with pictures, and 7,1% of monologue and dialogue. For the activities of listening, our
respondents would like to identify the expressions in a monologue or dialogue (35,7%), 28,6% of
them would like to identify the information in a monologue or dialogue, 28,6% choose to answer
the questions by writing about a monologue or dialogue, and the rest of our respondents
preferred to answer the questions by speaking about a monologue or dialogue.

53,3% of our respondents choose monologue or dialogue which has a list of vocabulary
and its pronounciation as the material that they would like to learn in speaking, 26,7% choose
monologue or dialogue with pictures, 13,3% choose casual monologue or dialogue while the rest
of our respondents choose the authentic materials. For speaking activity, 42,9% states that they
would like to practicing a dialogue in pair in front of the class rather that role-playing (7,1%),
sharing information with friend or group (21,4%), and discussing about a topic (28,6%).

In reading, 64,3% of our respondents choose authentic materials such as magazine, news
paper, etc as the material they would like to use in learning reading. On the other hand, 28,6% of
our respondents prefer to use text that describes the context relating to the field of work and
7,1% choose text with list of vocabulary. For reading activity, only 20% of our respondents want
to do a group discussion to discussing a text and for the rest options (reading aloud, reading a
text individually and answer related questions, and analyzing new vocabulary) got 26,7% score.

The last one, writing. In writing, our respondents choose the example of text that will
learn as the material about 40%, 33,3% prefer explaination of structures which related with the
activity, 20% choose to use pictures which related with the activity, while the rest of our
respondents choose vocabulary. For the activity, most of our respondents would like to re-arrange
sentences into a good paragraph (53,3%) and identifying and fixing the errors in a sentence



3.1 Conclusion

The writers of the report conduct a survey by a questionnaire. The respondents are 15
students of Civic Education Department of LambungMangkurat University, batch 2016. Mostly
of them are female and about 42,9% of our respondents has been learning English for 1-5 years,
our respondents has various difficulty in learning English but 53,3% of them states that accuracy
of grammar was the hardest one in learning English.

The students of Civic Education Department considered the importance of learning

English, especially for their future job. 93,3% respondents stated that English is important thing
for their future job and between two field that the writers given (education and government),
57,1% respondents claimed that education field needs English the most rather than government
field (42,9%).

Talking about four skill in English (listening, reading, speaking, writing), our respondents
mastering reading skill the most with 53,3% scale and speaking skill with 20% scale. In addition,
for the skill that they need in their field is speaking (66,7%). In teaching and learning process of
four skills in English, our respondents would like to practice a dialogue in pair in front of the
class for speaking (42,9%), identify the expressions in a dialogue or monologue for listening
(35,7%). Moreover, only 20% of our respondents want to do a group discussion to discussing a
text and for the rest options (reading aloud, reading a text individually and answer related
questions, and analyzing new vocabulary) got 26,7% score for reading. Last, for writing, our
respondents would like to re-arrange sentences into a good paragraph (53,3%).

3.2 Suggestion

After we conduct this needs analysis, we found that English for Civic students is
important to learn not only for their course requirement but also for their future work. Speaking
is skill that mostly chosen by the respondents 66,7%. For the teacher, we suggest that to give
more speaking activities such as role play or debate. Those way can make them to speak up. For

the students, we suggest that they can learn English outside the course by watching English
Youtube channel, movies or have a conversation with foreigner in social media.


- Questionnaire

Kuisioner Analisis Kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris untuk Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila
dan Kewarganegaraan

Nama lengkap :

Semester :

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa pertanyaan yang menunjukkan kondisi Anda. Pilih salah satu
darialternatif jawaban yang disediakan.

Bagian I

1. Jenis kelamin Anda ialah.…

o Laki-laki
o Perempuan
2. Berapakah usia Anda?
o Di bawah 20 tahun
o 21-25 tahun
o Diatas 25 tahun
3. Berapa lamakah Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris?
o Kurang dari 1 tahun
o 1-5 tahun
o 6-10 tahun
o Lebih dari 10 tahun
4. Pada tingkatan apakah kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda?
o Pemula
o Dasar
o Menengah
o Lanjutan

Bagian II

1. Seberapa pentingkah mempelajari Bahasa Inggris di program studi Pendidikan Pancasila

dan Kewarganegaraan?

o Tidak penting
o Kurang penting
o Penting
o Sangat penting
2. Menurut Anda apa tujuan mempelajari Bahasa Inggris di Pendidikan Pancasila dan
o Berkomunikasi
o Memahami ceramah
o Membaca buku teks dan petunjuk (manual instruction)
o Menulis laporan
3. Apakah topik bahasan Bahasa Inggris yang sudah dan sedang anda pelajari saat ini sudah
sesuai dengan bidang studi Anda?
o Sangat sesuai
o Sesuai
o Kurang sesuai
o Tidak sesuai
4. Materi atau bahan ajar mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang Anda perlukan adalah …
o Topik-topik umum
o Topik-topik bidang studi
o Topik umum dan bidang studi

5. Dalam belajar Bahasa Inggristopik yang Anda inginkan adalah ….

o Kehidupan sehari-hari
o Pendidikan/ sekolah
o Isu/ berita terkini
6. Dari keempat keterampilan bahasa (Listening, Speaking, Reading dan Writing),
keterampilan mana paling diperlukan dalam bidang studi Anda?
o Listening
o Speaking
o Reading
o Writing
7. Dari keempat keterampilan bahasa (Listening, Speaking, Reading dan Writing),
keterampilan mana yang lebih Anda kuasai?
o Listening
o Speaking
o Reading
o Writing
8. Kesulitan yang Anda hadapi dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris ialah .....
o Pengucapan kata terlalu cepat
o Banyak menemui kosa-kata baru

o Memahami isi atau konteks
o Ketepatan tata bahasa

Bagian III

1. Apakah anda memiliki tujuan pribadi dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris selain dibidang
studi Anda ?
o Ya
o Tidak
2. Bagaimana Anda menilai kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda?
o Sangat baik
o Baik
o Cukup baik
o Kurang baik
o Tidak baik
3. Menurut Anda apakah Bahasa Inggris akan berperan penting dalam pekerjaan Anda yang
akan datang?
o Ya
o Tidak
4. Jika Ya, dalam hal apakah Bahasa Inggris dapat berperan penting dalam pekerjaan Anda
yang akan datang?
o Pendidikan
o Pemerintahan
5. Apa yang Anda perlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris?
o Kosa kata
o Latihan membaca dan menulis
o Mendengarkan atau menonton video berbahasa inggris
o Berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan teman

Bagian IV

1. Dalam belajar listening (mendengarkan) materi yang Anda inginkan berupa....

o Monolog dan dialog

o Monolog dan dialog yang disertai gambar

o Monolog dan dialog yang disertai daftar kosa kata baru

o Materi asli seperti acara berita, siaran radio, film, dan lagu

2. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris listening (mendengarkan) jenis kegiatan yang Anda
sukai adalah ….
o Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari dalam dialog/monolog yang disimak
o Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang ada dalam dialog/monolog yang disimak
o Menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan terhadap dialog/monolog yang disimak
o Menjawab pertanyaan secara tertulis terhadap dialog/monolog yang disimak
3. Dalam belajar speaking (berbicara) materi yang Anda inginkan berupa ....
o Model monolog dan dialog
o Model monolog dan dialog yang disertai dengan gambar
o Model monolog dan dialog yang disertai dengan daftar kosa kata baru dan cara
o Materi asli yang sering dijumpai
4. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris speaking (berbicara) jenis kegiatan yang Anda sukai
adalah .............
o Mempraktekkan dialog di depan kelas berpasangan dengan teman
o Bermain peran (role play)
o Bertukar informasi antar teman dalam kelompok
o Berdiskusi tentang topik tertentu atau permasalahan terntentu
5. Dalam belajar reading (membaca) materi yang Anda inginkan berupa ...
o Materi asli, yang dengan mudah dapat dijumpai dalam keseharian (contohnya,
majalah, surat kabar, dll)
o Teks yang menggambarkan konteks yang berkaitan dengan bidang kerja saya
o Teks yang disertai daftar kosakata baru yang terkait
o Teks disertai gambar
6. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris reading (membaca) jenis kegiatan yang Anda sukai
adalah ….
o Membaca nyaring teks dengan pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar
o Membaca sebuah teks secara individu lalu menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks

o Mendiskusikan isi teks secara berkelompok untuk memahaminya
o Menganalisa arti kosakata baru berdasarkan konteks yang dibaca
7. Dalam belajar writing (menulis) materi yang Anda inginkan berupa ....
o Contoh teks/tulisan yang akan dipelajari
o Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks yang akan ditulis
o Penjelasan struktur kalimat yang berkaitan dengan teks yang akan ditulis
o Gambar yang berhubungan dengan teks yang akan ditulis
8. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris writing (menulis) jenis kegiatan yang Anda sukai
adalah ….
o Menyusun kalimat-kalimat sehingga menjadi satu paragraf yang benar
o Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kesalahan struktur kalimat
o Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kesalahan tanda baca pada teks
o Menulis teks yang serupa dengan input teks yang diberikan


Robinson, C. Pauline. 1991. ESP Today: A Practitioner’s Guide:Prentice Hall


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