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RLC Circuits

Lab Manual

Compiled By
Dr. Muhammad Asim Rasheed

**This manual has been compiled and adopted from various resources like Brilliant Math and Science Wiki, Wikipedia and some other lab manuals on the internet
which were then modified to meet requirements of this lab.

RLC Series Circuit


1. To impart the concepts of circuit elements like resistor, capacitor, and inductor’s response
to AC fields.
2. To introduce the concept of impedance.
3. To familiarize the students with the use resistor, capacitor and inductor in series
4. To highlight the role of capacitor and inductor towards circuit impedance.
5. To experimentally determine the resonance frequency in RLC series circuit and compare
this to the calculated value of resonance.


Resistor in an AC Circuit

In a purely resistive circuit, we use the properties of a resistor to show characteristic relations for
the circuit. Consider a time-dependent current flowing through the circuit. Applying Kirchoff's
voltage law for closed loops in the circuit shown;

we get V = VR. Also, we know that according to Ohm's law, potential drop across a resistor is
given by VR = IR

So we can say that as

Where Io = Vo/R is the maximum value of current in the circuit.

From the last derived function, we can clearly see that current in a purely resistive circuit
is in phase with the applied voltage, i.e. whenever the voltage attains its maxima, so does the
current, and whenever voltage attains its minima, so does the current.

Capacitor in an AC Circuit

In a purely capacitive circuit, we use the properties of a capacitor to show characteristic relations
for the circuit. If we consider a time-dependent current flowing through the following circuit,
then by using Kirchoff's law of voltages for closed loops, we get V = VC.

Now, from the theory of capacitors, we know that the potential drop across a capacitor of
capacitance C is given by VC = Q/C, where Q is the charge on the capacitor at any instant. So,
using the given information,

But current through the circuit is given by the rate of charge flow. So,

From, the final expression, it is clear that current in a purely capacitive circuit leads the
applied voltage by a phase difference of π/2, i.e. when voltage attains its maxima, current attains
its minima, but being ahead of voltage.

Here, Io is the peak current during a complete cycle. This current is given by

Now, look at the term in the denominator. It acts as resistance in this circuit and is denoted by XC
and is known as capacitive reactance. So, XC = 1/Cω.

The following shows the graph of V and I with t for some ω. Look how current always
leads the voltage.

Inductor in an AC Circuit

In a purely inductive circuit, we use the properties of an inductor to show characteristic relations
for the circuit. Considering the flow of a time-dependent current through the circuit shown below
enables us to use the concept of induced emf due to the changing current in the inductor. So,
according to Kirchoff's voltage law for closed loops, we get V = VL

Also, from the theory of electromagnetism, we say that potential across the inductor is given by

So, using this information we have, the following is obtained

However, since the voltage oscillates between a maximum and a minimum value following a
sine graph, it is logical to assume the same for the current. Hence, we get the integration constant
K = 0. So,

Where Io is the peak current in the circuit and is given by

Looking at the term in the denominator, we assume that it acts as the resistance for this circuit
and is known as Inductive reactance XL. So, XL =Lω.

It can also be deduced from the formula of time-dependent current that it lags the applied
potential difference by a phase of π/2, which can be clearly seen from the graph shown below.

Current and Voltage in RLC Series Circuit

The components are in series as shown in Figure of RLC series circuit, so as a result the current
passing through them will be the same. Let this current be which varies with time. Now, using
the values of potential drop across every component, and using Kirchhoff's voltage law for
closed loops, we can clearly make out that:

This is a differential equation in Q, which can be solved using standard methods. but phasor
diagrams can be more illuminating than a solution to the differential equation.

Since the current through all the components is same, we construct a ray OQ that shows the
direction of the current, which will be the same for all the components. Now, from the
derivations of purely resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuits, we have seen that voltage and
current have a particular phase difference between each other for every component. So,
considering these facts in mind, we complete the diagram by producing a ray OP parallel to OQ
that represents the voltage across the resistor. Similarly, we construct a ray OA at an angle of
+π/2 with respect to current. This represents the voltage across the inductor. Finally, construct a
ray OB at an angle of -π/2 with respect to OQ. This shows the voltage across the capacitor. We
get something like this:

Looking at the diagram, we see three vectors OA, OB and OP which represent voltages across
single components. Using basic vector algebra, and considering potential drop across the
capacitor to be more than that for the inductor, we see that the net voltage is along the diagonal
of the so formed parallelogram COPD, and is given by the vector OD. Also, let the angle
between OD and OQ be given by ϕ. As we can see, ϕ represents the overall phase difference
between voltage and current.

So, we can infer that

Here, Z is known as the impedance of the circuit and plays the role of net resistance.
Alternatively, Z can also be written as

Also, from the diagram, we can see that the phase difference ϕ is related to voltage as

In brief, in a series RLC circuit, if the applied voltage is given by

, then the current through the circuit is represented by

, where

Resonance in Series Circuit

Resonance in case of an RLC circuit refers to the condition when the potential drop across the
inductor is the same as the potential drop across the capacitor, or VL = VC.

The basic condition for resonance can be easily derived. Since VL = VC, we can write

Here ωr or ωo represents the resonant frequency of the circuit, or the frequency of the applied
voltage that causes a condition of resonance. Since XL = XC from the formula for impedance of
the circuit, we can easily derive the relation that Z = R; in other words, the impedance of a circuit
in case of resonance is minimum, or conversely, the current in the circuit is maximum.

Applications of RLC Circuits

This property of resonant circuits is used amazingly in television and radio sets. Quite
basically, such a device can be viewed to consist of an LCR circuit in it. When it receives an
electromagnetic signal of some frequency, this signal is converted into an electrical signal which
tends to be the AC source for the circuit. Now, for every channel, there's a particular
configuration of inductor and capacitor used. So, if the received frequency matches with resonant
frequency for that particular channel, then the current in that circuit goes to maximum and the
signal is said to be accepted. On the other hand, if it does not match the resonant frequency, then
the current stays less than the maximum current and the signal is said to be rejected or denied.

Experiment Details

In this experiment, the voltage through an RLC series circuit will be measured as a
function of frequency for a fixed applied voltage. The frequency for which the peak to peak
voltage attains a maximum value is the resonance frequency. The expected resonance frequency
is given by slightly modified equation compared to the one given above.



Bread board, resistor, capacitor, inductor, function generator, oscilloscope, and wire leads and
digital multi-meter


1. Before connecting the circuit to the function generator set the frequency to 100 Hz. Then,
using the voltmeter set the generator’s output to 7 volts (rms) by adjusting the amplitude
2. Record the values of R, L, and C for this circuit in the space provided in the data section.
3. Use equation 1 to compute the expected resonance frequency and record your result in
data table 1.
4. Use the bread board and wire leads to connect the resistor, capacitor, and inductor
along with the output of the function generator in series to construct the circuit shown
in Figure below. Make sure to connect the crocodile grip black leads together at the end
of the resistor. After this the peak to peak voltage is measured across the resistor using
the digital oscilloscope.
5. Change the function generator frequency to 80 Hz and record the peak to peak
voltage (Vpp) from the oscilloscope in data table 2. Then, adjust the output frequency
to 100 Hz and record the voltage. Adjust the output frequency to 300 Hz and record
the voltage. Continue adjusting the output frequency to a t l e a s t f i v e r e a d i n g s

below the expected resonance frequency computed in step 3. Record the Vpp for each of
these values.
6. Determine an experimental value for resonance frequency by finding the frequency that
produces the highest voltage on the oscilloscope. Record this frequency and voltage.
7. Record a t least five frequency and voltage values that are above the resonance
frequency determined in step 6.
8. Turn all equipment off and disconnect the circuit.

To oscilloscope

Figure: Schematic Diagram of RLC Series Circuit


1. Use any plotting software to produce a plot of frequency vs. voltage. The frequency axis
should be set to a logarithmic scale.
2. Draw a smooth curve through all the data points.
3. Use the graph to determine the resonance frequency.
4. Compare the experimental resonance frequency to the expected value obtained from
equation 1.

R = ____________

C = ____________

L = ____________

Table 1

Parameter Value Error

Calculated Resonance
Observed Resonance

Table 2

Frequency (f) Error in f Peak to Peak Voltage (Vpp) Error in Vpp


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