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Randy and Ronda Corn

Mission Service Corp

Dear Family and Friends, Summer of 2010
We wanted to personally let you know what a wonderful experience that Ronda and I had while serv-
ing in American Samoa as the Incident Command Disaster Relief Coordinators. Our last week was
spent going around to all the churches and meeting the pastors and their wives and ministering to
the people. We had discussed going to Western Samoa for a couple of days just to relax and rest. We
prayed that if God had ministry for us to complete on the island; we would be obedient and choose
ministry over a mini vacation. Spiritual fulfillment cannot be duplicated by man made things, even if
it is a vacation. God opened a door for us to minister and so we did. We had been asked by Cathy
Miller, at NAMB, to help provide information for a virtual prayer walk online for all the Baptist
Churches on the Island which includes the Seafarers Ministry. We visit each of the eight churches
and took their prayer request, took pictures of the church/pastor family and then prayed for each of
them. They were so thankful and appreciative that we came by to visit them and we were truly
blessed by their excitement and passion to serve God.

During our last week we also had an opportunity to minister to two Chinese girls that lost their dad
in the Tsunami and who we had met back in October of 2009 when we attended his funeral and be-
came acquainted with BingBing and Betsy. Since our first visit, their mom has left and took their
youngest sister back to China with her. The two girls now live with their cousin above a small store
adjacent to the Star-Kist Cannery. We invited the girls and Miss Judy on a picnic at the beach and
had some quality time to listen to their hearts and encouraged them in the Lord. On another night
Miss Judy invited all of us out to dinner and we had a wonderful time of fellowship. BingBing, Betsy,
and Miss Judy even came to the Pago Pago airport to see us as we were leaving. God has given us a
love for these two girls and we have stayed in touch with them through email and continue to en-
courage them.

During our stay, I had the privilege of speaking at the Chinese Church and at the Samoan Church at
Happy Valley. Ronda and I had the opportunity to teach an evangelism class for the Chinese church
and two young fishermen were so touched by the Holy Spirit during the class that they prayed and
accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Ronda ministered to a young woman at the Eng-
lish Church by going to her house and spending time encouraging her and praying for her. We had
multiple opportunities to witness to the VOAD case workers and to the village people when we ac-
companied the ladies crisis intervention team. God is so good and we have been humbled and
blessed to be His ambassadors.

We are overflowing with joy that comes from knowing and serving our God on a little
island in the South Pacific. We thank God for you and your faithful support and

Disaster Relief Operations began on October 13th 2009 and officially concluded on
July 29th 2010 when Ronda and I departed from the island. Following is a brief update
of our experience and God's successes over the last nine months.

In the beginning, God gave us water purifiers as our door of opportunity to go into the villages and
minister to the people. We purified water in villages from Fagamalo in the west to Tula in the east.
Summer of 2010
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To date we have purified approximately 9,000 gallons of water for the people. We used water purifi-
cation as a way to share the gospel. The dirty water represents us as sinners without a relationship
with God, the purifier represents Jesus who died on the cross to cleanse us of our sin through His
blood sacrifice, and the clean water represents us forgiven with a relationship with God through Je-
sus Christ.

God opened another door for our Disaster Relief Chaplains to go in the public schools and speak to
the children who had been impacted directly or indirectly by the Tsunami. Teen challenge assisted
our Chaplains with young people who worked with us and broke the ice with their music and testi-
monies before sharing with the children. They have ministered to over 400 individuals through
Chaplaincy Crisis Intervention in the schools and personal contacts in the villages.

Disaster Relief Repair teams responded from 14 states in the mainland and include: AZ, CA, CO, HI,
GA, KY, MI, MS, NC, NM, TN, UT/ID, VS and WA. The teams stayed busy and worked hard in the
heat and high humidity. They did not come just to drive nails, but to witness and pray for the fami-
lies and villages. Our disaster relief repair teams restored seven homes that were damaged or de-
stroyed by the Tsunami. They also assisted the Brethren with a home they were working on in Fagasa
and we assisted the Mennonites with a home they were working on in Asili.

The Disaster Relief child crisis intervention team went into 10 villages and shared with over 500 chil-
dren and adults who came to the event. The children were encouraged with games, activities, and the
love of Christ. This process was developed to help children heal from any lingering physiological ef-
fects that the Tsunami may have caused and was requested by the American Samoa VOAD leader-
ship after several deaths have recently occurred in the villages and were thought to be caused by
emotional stress related to the Tsunami.

Ronda and I have always emphasized that disaster relief is really about people and not about the pro-
jects. Projects are just doors of opportunity to develop relationships and build credibility on the way
to sharing Christ. We believe that Southern Baptist Disaster Relief has left a mark on the island that
will continue on for years to come. Through the combined disaster relief effort there have been 1,780
ministry contacts with people on this island. This means 1,780 seeds were planted by praying with
people, giving them bibles and tracts, encouraging them with scripture, and sharing testimonies of
our God. Disaster Relief efforts have amounted to a total of 2,392 volunteer days. This is equivalent
to one man working a fifty hour week for over 7 years.

The gospel was presented to 179 men, women, and children on the island and we thank God for the
28 professions of faith that were made during the nine months.

May God bless you now and in the coming days, weeks, months and years!

For His Glory,

Randy & Ronda Corn
Mission Service Corps Missionaries

Those wishing to donate to this ministry can make gifts payable to the North American Mission Board at NAMB-
MSC, PO Box 116543, Atlanta, GA 30368-6543. Please include our account number (8922) and our last name
(Corn) in the memo section of your check. All gifts are tax deductible if you itemize.

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