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SRS for student database management system

1. 1. Page i of 15 Software Requirements Specification for LNMIIT’s STUDENT

MANAGEMENT PORTAL Version 1.0 Prepared by:- Suman Saurabh (Y11UC231)
Sunil Agarwal (Y11UC233) Shivam Prakash (Y11UC208) Ankit Choudhary
(Y11UC038) Anurag Kanodia (Y11UC055)
2. 2. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii INDEX 1. Introduction
..............................................................................................................................3 1.1
........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Document Conventions
............................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Intended
Audience and Reading Suggestions.............................................................................. 3 1.4
Product Scope
.............................................................................................................................. 3 1.5
................................................................................................................................... 3 2.
Overall Description
..................................................................................................................4 2.1 Product
Perspective……………………………………………………………………………4 2.2
Product Functions
........................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 User
Classes and Characteristics .................................................................................................
5 2.4 Operating Environment
............................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Design and
Implementation Constraints ...................................................................................... 5 2.6
User Documentation
.................................................................................................................... 5 2.7
Assumptions and Dependencies
.................................................................................................. 6 3. External Interface
Requirements ...........................................................................................6 3.1 User
Interfaces .............................................................................................................................
6 3.2 Software Interfaces
...................................................................................................................... 6 3.3
Communications Interfaces
......................................................................................................... 6 4. System Features
.......................................................................................................................6 4.1 Use Case
Activity for Instructor .................................................................................................. 7 4.2
Use Case Activity for Student
..................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Use Case Activity
for Admin ...................................................................................................... 8 5. Other
Nonfunctional Requirements .......................................................................................9 5.1
Performance Requirements
.......................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Safety
Requirements .................................................................................................................. 10
5.3 Security Requirements
............................................................................................................... 10 5.4 Software
Quality Attributes…………………………………………………………………..10 5.5
Rules………………………………………………………………………………...11 6.
Appendix A:
Appendix B: To Be Determined
List…………………………..………………………………11 Revision History Name
Date Reason For Changes Version Group No:20 09-02-14 Initial preparation V 1.0
3. 3. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> The software development team
for their use in analysing the requirements. 1.4 Product Scope The scope of the to-be-
developed „Student Management Portal‟ software package is: i) To cater to ALL types of
Course The Instructors of the course „Software Engineering‟ for their review and
monitoring progress of the project.  SRS-Software Requirement Specification 1.3
Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions This document is created for,  All key-
words related to the academics are formatted in italics.  To enable Sports PTI to classify
students in different categories and accordingly form their groups during any fest. 1.2
Document Conventions The following documentation conventions are followed in
preparing this SRS:  To enable medical officer and admin staffs to view student‟s
medical history and medical status in any case of emergency.  To enable professors to
upload marks and submit grades from his/her office. No need to mail and wait it to be
forwarded to all mailing groups.  To enable students to view their marks and grades any
time from their home. No need to meet professors personally.  To maintain/process
complete details of Students about their personal, academic, sports and health domain.
Page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This software package is developed from scratch
exclusively for The LNM Institute of information Technology, Jaipur in order to, s
offered by the administration of LNMIIT to its students. ii) To cater to the need of a
suitable interface for all students and instructors of an offered course. iii) To facilitate
medical officer to know students‟ medical history and fill up any details.
4. 4. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Wikipedia. 2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective The following diagram describes the high-level business process
of the Student Management functions of the LNMIIT: The Student Management
Functions Part – I: Creation and Maintenance of Student Details: The SRS Template and
Sample sent by Prof. Ravi Gorthi. Page 2 iv) To facilitate PTI to quick team selection in
case of participation in any sports fest/tournament. v) To facilitate administration to view
any details of student quickly. 1.5 References The following references are used in
preparing this SRS:
5. 5. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 3 The Student Management
Functions Part – I: Creation and Maintenance of Grade Details of Students: The Student
Management Functions Part – I: Creation and Maintenance and Modifying Student
6. 6. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 4 2.2 Product Functions This
software package is expected to offer the following services: 1. for Administrators of
LNMIIT: a) To facilitate the maintenance of important records of students currently
studying in LNMIIT. b) To maintain grade reports of any student and courses offered in
any semester online. 2. for Faculties of LNMIIT: a) To keep track of
improvement/decline in the performance of any student enrolled in their courses online.
b) To provide their contact details to students and acquire students‟ contact details when
needed. 3. for Students of LNMIIT: a) Facility to go through their course progress and
the grades and marks of various fields in the course. b) Facility to view their personal
details and view some of them. c) 4. for Medical Officer of LNMIIT: a) Facility to access
medical history of student and view current health status. b) Facility to add/modify any
health detail of any student. 5. for Physical Trainer of LNMIIT: a) Facility to access
sports achievement details of all students. b) Facility to classify students into different
levels of competence, thus easing team selection during any fest/tournament. 2.3 User
Classes and Characteristics a) Faculty: These users will fill the marks of the students that
are enrolled in the course, and will calculate the grades of a student and publish them. b)
Administrator: In the aspect of the student, this user will create profile for a new student;
assign him/her the courses in which he/she has been enrolled. Admin can modify the
details related to the registered student. And in the aspect of faculty, Admin can allot
them courses to teach according to the particular session. c) Student: This user can see his
profile and progress in particular or current curriculum via viewing his grades uploaded
by the faculty on his profile and can contact to the faculty if there are any issues related to
it. d) Medical Officer: They can view student medical history and data related to various
health aspects of student (e.g.: height, weight, Blood report etc.). They can add/modify
these details as well.
7. 7. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 5 e) Physical Trainer: They
can view details regarding sports activity of a student. They can add any achievement of
any student. They can classify students according different level of competence that will
ultimately ease them to select proper team for any fest. 2.4 Operating Environment This
software package is expected to work in the following atmosphere: i) Microsoft stack
consisting of, a) OS - Windows 7, XP b) Eclipse IDE c) Java, PHP, JQuery, HTML, Java
Applets d) MySQL for RDBMS on Apache server. 2.5 Design and Implementation
Constraints The design time constraints are: a) The software package should be designed
so as to handle the access by ~20 Instructors/staff, 1 Admin and ~150 students
concurrently. 2.6 User Documentation a) This software package will come with a user‟s
manual as a guide to its interface actions. b) The details of the (i) Analysis, (ii) Design
and (iii) Test Cases of this software package will be delivered along with this software.
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies There are no assumptions made. 3. External Interface
Requirements 3.1 User Interfaces The set of User Interfaces consists of, a) To log in to
their respective accounts by users. b) To Add and Modify courses, Add fields to a course
such as Quizzes, Attendance, Midsem, Endsem and define their respective weightages in
the course, save and publish the various data stored in the fields. c) To read the
„published‟ data, by the students/Admin according to the permission of their respective
accounts. d) To generate the grade sheet by the admin for the particular semester for each
student. e) To view sports and medical details of a student and edit those.
8. 8. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 6 f) To get list of student
playing a particular sport with required level of profiency. 3.2 Hardware Interfaces NIL
3.3 Software Interfaces NIL 3.4 Communications Interfaces This software package
should be securely accessible through intranet communication channels (wired or
wireless). 4. System Features The requirements of this software package are described
per each category of User: i) All requirements of the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT
Administrative Staffs ii) All requirements of the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Student. iii)
All requirements of the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Faculty. iv) All requirements of the
MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Medical Officer. v) All requirements of the MIS Portal for
The LNMIIT Physical Trainer. Business Use Case # 1: All the Requirements of The
LNMIIT Administrative Staffs: 4.1 Adding Student and Faculty Details in The Database
4.1.1 Description and Priority The TBD (to-be-developed) software package should
facilitate The LNMIIT Administrative staff to, i) To add a new Student‟s Personal
details, Academic details, Financial details, Medical details and Sports Activity details in
the MIS Database. ii) Assigning user name and password to each Student. iii) Viewing
and Modifying Personal details, Academic details, Financial details, Medical details and
Sports Activity details in the MIS Database. iv) Adding Faculty information and course
in the MIS Database. v) Assigning user name and password to faculty. Manual # 1,
section 2.3.4 (see reference);
9. 9. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 7 4.1.2 Stimulus/Response
Sequences Sr No Stimulus from the User Response from the Software 1 MIS
(Administrative Staff) logs-in using user-id and password (see Appendix-I for user-id and
password rules) Software will validate the user-id and password; Software will display
the MIS Administrative Staff Initial Screen by recognizing the user-id; 2 MIS
(Administrative Staff) chooses the „Add new Student‟ option. The software will display
the form (see Appendix-I for a list of the fields) to enter the details of the new Student
and all the associated rule-sets, else the Software will display an error message (see
Appendix-I for the list of Situation- Error Message‟); 3 MIS (Administrative Staff) will
enter all the fields of the new Student including user-id. Software will validate all the
fields of the new Student (see Appendix-I for all the validation rules); default password
will be generated which is same as user id; if there are any errors, the software will re-
display the screen with the errors being high-lighted; else, the software will display a
message that „Student Details added to Database‟; 4 If errors are displayed, the MIS
(Administrative Staff) will correct the errors and re-submits the student details; Software
will display the MIS Administrative Staff Initial Screen; 5 MIS (Administrative Staff)
can choose „View an existing Student Details‟; Software will authenticate the user
whether he / she is authorized to perform the chosen option or not and accordingly
display either the associated next screen or an error message; 6 MIS (Administrative
Staff) can choose „Modify an existing Student Details‟; Software will authenticate the
user whether he / she is authorized to perform the chosen option or not and accordingly
display either the associated next screen or an error message; 7 MIS (Administrative
Staff) chooses the „Add Faculty Information‟ option. The software will display the form
(see Appendix-I for a list of the fields) to enter the details of the Faculty and all the
associated rule- sets, else the Software will display an error message (see Appendix-I for
the list of Situation-Error Message‟); 8 MIS (Administrative Staff) will enter all the
fields of the new Faculty including user-id. Software will validate all the fields of the new
Faculty (see Appendix- I for all the validation rules); default password will be generated
which is same as user id; if there are any errors, the software will re-
10. 10. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 8 display the screen with the
errors being high-lighted; else, the software will display a message that „Faculty Details
added to Database‟; 9 If errors are displayed, the MIS (Administrative Staff) will correct
the errors and re-submits the student details; Software will display the MIS
Administrative Staff Initial Screen; 10 MIS (Administrative Staff) can choose „View an
existing Faculty Details‟; Software will authenticate the user whether he / she is
authorized to perform the chosen option or not and accordingly display either the
associated next screen or an error message; 11 MIS (Administrative Staff) can choose
„Modify an existing Faculty Details‟; Software will authenticate the user whether he /
she is authorized to perform the chosen option or not and accordingly display either the
associated next screen or an error message; 12 MIS (Administrative Staff) can choose
„Logout‟; Software will logout MIS (Administrative Staff). 4.1.3 Functional
Requirements As per the above table described in 4.1.2. Business Use Case # 2: All the
Requirements of The MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Student: 4.2 Viewing and Editing
Information from Student Portal 4.2.1 Description and Priority The TBD (to-be-
developed) software package should facilitate the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Student
to, i) View his/her Personal details, Academic details, Financial details, Medical details
and Sporting Activities in the MIS Database. ii) Students are authorized only to edit
Mobile Number, Email –id, Residential Address. The priority of this requirement is 70.
4.2.2 Situation-Response Sequence Sr No Stimulus from the User Response from the
Software 1 The Student accesses the MIS Portal through the internet; Software displays
the following options: (a) User Id (b) Password. 2 The Student logs-in using user-id and
password (see Appendix-I for user-id Software will validate the user-id and password;
11. 11. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 9 and password rules)
Software will display the Student portal‟s Initial Screen by recognizing the user-id; 3 The
Student can choose the „Personal information‟ option. The software will display the form
where the information filled by administrative staff will be present also student will be
allowed to edit some information like secondary email id, residential address and mobile
no.; 4 The Student can choose the „Academic Details‟ option. In this menu there will be
two tabs one for the courses which he had done and other for the courses which he is
currently doing; 5 If The Student chooses the „Courses done‟ option Software will
display him all the courses which he had done and grades he got in the courses. And in
the last of the page software will show Students current CPI; 6 If The Student chooses the
„Previous year mark seat‟ option Software will display him a drop down box in which he
can select session and accordingly his course for that semester including SPI(Of that
semester) will be shown; 7 If The Student chooses the „Currently pursuing courses‟
option Software will display him all the courses which he is doing in the current
semester. And he can also view his marks which he got in the quizzes, mid semester, end
semester; 8 The Student can choose the „Sports Details‟ option. The software will
display him a form where he can view his sport, achievements and level at which he is
currently standing. And if he want to add or modify something he can contact in
administrative staff; 9 The Student can choose the „Financial Details‟ option The
software will display him. His fees and fines with the total at the end. 10 The Student can
choose the „Medical Details‟ option The software will display him. His Medical
information. Business Use Case # 3: All the Requirements of The MIS Portal for The
LNMIIT Faculty: 4.3.1 Description and Priority The TBD (to-be-developed) software
package should facilitate the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Faculty to, i) View his/her list
of courses assigned in the current semester. ii) Faculty are authorized to edit his/her
details such as: Name, Phone Number, Room Number, Mobile Number, Email -id. iii)
Faculty gets list of all the courses assigned to him/her.
12. 12. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 10 iv) On selecting
particular course will get a list of student registered for that course. v) Faculty can
give/edit the marks of Midsem 1, Midsem 2, Endsem, 8 quizzes of any student assigned
to his/her course. vi) Faculty are allowed to enter grades of each student at the end of
semester. The priority of this requirement is 95. 4.3.2 Situation-Response Sequence Sr
No Stimulus from the User Response from the Software 1 The Faculty accesses the MIS
Portal through the internet; Software displays the following options: (a) User Id (b)
Password . Upon login will show MIS Faculty initial screen 2 Faculty can edit his/her
details such as: Name, Phone Number, Room Number, Mobile Number, Email -id,
Password as it fits. Selecting update, the above field will be uploaded to database(see
Appendix-I for all the validation rules); 3 Clicking 'Course' tab. It will show his/her
courses in the current semester. 4 Selecting particular course. It will generate list of
students registered for that course with fields of Midsem 1, Midsem 2, Endsem, 8 quizzes
for each student. 5 Selecting 'Update' after entering the marks and grades. The uploaded
details will be added to database. 6 Assigning 'Final Grades' to students. After selecting
this option, faculty cannot edit the grades of students. 7 MIS (Faculty) can choose
„Logout‟; Software will logout MIS (Faculty). 4.3.iii. Functional Requirements As per
the above table described in 4.1.2.
13. 13. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 11 Business Use Case # 4:
All the Requirements of The LNMIIT Medical Officer: 4.4 Viewing and Adding Student
information by The Medical Portal 4.2.1 Description and Priority The TBD (to-be-
developed) software package should facilitate the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Student
to, i) View any student‟s Personal details, Medical details and Sporting Activities from
the MIS Database in a single line. ii) The Medical Officer will be allowed to add new
disease which he found in the student and also can change student‟s current health status.
The priority of this requirement is 70 4.4.2 Situation-Response Sequence Sr No Stimulus
from the User Response from the Software 1 The Medical Officer accesses the MIS
Portal through the internet; Software displays the following options: (a) User Id (b)
Password. 2 The Medical Officer logs-in using user-id and password (see Appendix-I for
user-id and password rules) Software will validate the user-id and password; Software
will display the Medical Officer portal‟s Initial Screen by recognizing the user-id; 3 The
Medical Officer can choose the „Student Details‟ option. The software will display
“Enter Students Roll No” with text box below, 4 The Medical Officer will manually input
the Roll No of a particular student and will submit. This will search the MIS Database
and will show student‟s Personal details, Medical details and Sporting Activities.; 5 If
The Medical Officer chooses the „Adding new reports‟ option Software will display him
a form where Medical Officer will type student‟s new disease and current health status
that will be updated In the database ; Business Use Case # 5: All the Requirements of The
LNMIIT Physical Trainer: 4.5 Viewing and Adding Student information by The Trainer
Portal 4.5.1 Description and Priority The TBD (to-be-developed) software package
should facilitate the MIS Portal for The LNMIIT Physical Trainer, i) View any student‟s
Personal details, Medical details and Sporting Activities from the MIS Database in a
single line. ii) . The priority of this requirement is 70
14. 14. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 12 4.5.2 Situation-Response
Sequence Sr No Stimulus from the User Response from the Software 1 The Physical
Trainer accesses the MIS Portal through the internet; Software displays the following
options: (a) User Id (b) Password. 2 The Physical Trainer logs-in using user-id and
password (see Appendix-I for user-id and password rules) Software will validate the user-
id and password; Software will display the Physical Trainer portal‟s Initial Screen by
recognizing the user-id; 3 The Physical Trainer can choose the „Student Details‟ option.
The software will display “Enter Students Roll No” with text box below; 4 The Physical
Trainer will manually input the Roll No of a particular student and will submit. This will
search the MIS Database and will show student‟s Personal details, Medical details and
Sporting Activities; 5 If The Physical Trainer chooses the „Modifying Level‟ option
Software will display him a form where Physical Trainer will type student‟s new level
that will be updated In the database; 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 5.1
Performance Requirements This software should be able to handle the following tasks: a)
At least 20 instructors/staff can log in on an average of four hours a day for five days a
week. b) At least 100 students can log into their accounts for 3 hours for 5 days of the
week. c) It should be able to handle the MYSQL database of 100 instructors and 1500
students. 5.2 Safety Requirements This software will ease the process of student grading.
At the end of every semester each student will receive a grade sheet generated by the
administration using the data uploaded by the course instructor on this software. All
important details should be maintained in hard copy as well. 5.3 Security Requirements
This software will, a) Authenticate each user, who logs in; b) When the user performs
any action, authorize him/her to perform the actions allowed for the user and displays an
error message if found to be unauthorized.
15. 15. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 13 5.4 Other Software
Quality Attributes NIL 5.5 Business Rules No such business rule. 6. Other Requirements
NIL Appendix A: Glossary <Define all the terms necessary to properly interpret the SRS,
including acronyms and abbreviations. You may wish to build a separate glossary that
spans multiple projects or the entire organization, and just include terms specific to a
single project in each SRS.> Appendix B: Analysis Models <Optionally, include any
pertinent analysis models, such as data flow diagrams, class diagrams, state-transition
diagrams, or entity-relationship diagrams.> Appendix C: To Be Determined List <Collect
a numbered list of the TBD (to be determined) references that remain in the SRS so they
can be tracked to closure.> Appendix 1: Username and Password Rules: 1. Username
should begin with any letter. 2. Username should be unique for all users. 3. Username
should be at-least 6 characters long. 4. Password should contain at least one special
character and one number. 5. Password should be at least 6 characters long.

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