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Team Member

- Christella Ndabashinze

- Mateus Paulo Namuanho

-Zacarias Raimundo Impitiua Junior

-Elidio Gabriel Dava

Professors: - Dr. Manuel Chenene

- Dr. Mussa Achimo


December 2019


• To interpret well logs using Reconnaissance and quantitative interpretation

• Design Depth contour map of the interpreted reservoir identified on those wells.
• To Propose location of new well
• To Estimate the total reserves originally in place in the reservoir.

1.Reconnaissance Interpretation

Log interpretation are used to detect hydrocarbon bearing zone and to estimate the porosity and fluid
Log interpretation and zones of interest are made based on:
- Gamma ray for lithology: Low GR indicates Sandstone, Limestone or Dolomite.
- Resistivity for indication possible presence of Hydrocarbon: The difference in short and longer
penetration Resistivity at same location shows the Permeable Zone (Zone of interest).
- Caliper may show Mud cake.
- Neutron and Density Logs for type of Hydrocarbon: Two apparent porosity logs Crossover indicates
Hydrocarbon Zone.


Student 1:( Well1)

Zone1; Gamma Ray read Low Value (Clean Sand), Resistivity is high, which indicates presence of
Hydrocarbon, Crossover of Two apparent porosity logs and high separation between porosity curves
shows presence of Gas: Clean Gas Bearing Formation.

Zone2; Same interpretation as Zone 1 but at (2826-2858) m, the resistivity decreases and the
separation between two porosity curves decrease, which show the presence of liquid(oil) at that
section. It is a Clean Gas Bearing formation).
Zone3; Same as Zone 1(low value of GR, high resistivity and crossover of two apparent porosity logs
indicate clean gas bearing Formation.


Zone1; Low gamma ray and high resistivity show a potential hydrocarbon zone. Gama ray solid between
2892 - 2927m is low indication sandstone. And below 2927 m Gamma Ray becomes high indicating in
shale area. Porosity between this depth indicates between 12%-30%, indicating it is a porous sandstone.

Zone2; Low gamma ray and high resistivity show a potential hydrocarbon zone. Gama ray solid between
3177- 3260 m is low indication sandstone. And below 3260 feet Gamma Ray becomes high indicating in
shale area. Porosity between this depth are between 10%-28%, provide hope that oil is present and
movable and permeability is great also.

Zone3; Negative TNPH indicate sandstone and high resistivity suggests hydrocarbons. High RT and high
A060 indicate presence of oil in porous media. Gama ray solid between 4235 – 4343m is low indication
sandstone. And below 4345 m Gamma Ray becomes high indicating in shale area.




Zone1; GR Log indicates sandstone, the reading has not high discrepancy, showing the reading where is
clean sandstone zone. Resistivity Log values increase in such way that the interpretation that the high
reading indicates presence of hydrocarbon in porous media. Neutron Log and Density Log, the
interpretation is, the Neutron Log decrease indicating high considerable porosity. From this log it’s
possible to interpret that in this zone has Gas presence, due to high region inside the plot (right side for
Density Log and left side for Neutron Log).
Zone2; GR Log readings indicates low values, what we can interpret that the lithology of this zone is
clean sandstone zone. Resistivity Log, the reading that are shown the increase of Resistivity, the
interpretation is that region have hydrocarbon. Density Log and Neutron Log, we see indication to the
presence of hydrocarbon, because it has high porosity, the lines are too close and don’t have big area
between them indicates that it’s possible to have presence of oil.

Zone3; GR Log, from this log, interpretation it as a clean sandstone zone at most, with shale as a upper
and lower boundaries layers. Resistivity Log, the readings indicate high RT the presence of hydrocarbon.
Density Log and Neutron Log in this zone indicate that present is Gas.

Student4;( Well4):

Zone1; Low GR reading indicates Almost Clean zone, Resistivity is high (presence of hydrocarbon), low
value of neutron porosity indicates presence of gas. We have Clean Gas bearing Zone.

Zone2; Low GR (Clean Zone), Low Resistivity reading (no Hydrocarbon), high value of neutron porosity
means no presence of hydrogen. we have Clean Water bearing zone.

Zone3; Same as Zone 1.It is a Clean Gas bearing Zone.

Student 1, 2, 3, and 4;(Well5):

Zone1; Low Value of GR (Clean sand), Low Resistivity Value indicates no presence of hydrocarbon, the
two porosity curves logs are not separated (limestone filled with Water).so it is a Clean Water bearing

Zone2; Low GR reading with a little Shale (almost Clean sand),High resistivity reading indicates presence
of hydrocarbon, density logs and neutron logs curves are closed (presence of oil).This means it is Clean
oil bearing zone.

Zone3; Low value of GR and little Shale formation (almost Clean sand), high resistivity (3351-3390) m
and two porosity curves are not separated too much (Presence of oil), low resistivity (3390-3410) m,
porosity curves logs meet at same location (presence of Water).It is a Clean oil bearing zone.

Zone4; Reading of GR shows low Value (Clean Sand).Reading of resistivity is high(presence of

hydrocarbon).Crossover of two porosity logs curves and they are closed(oil).We have Clean oil bearing

Zone5; Value of GR reading is low (Clean Zone), High resistivity Value (Presence of hydrocarbon),
crossover of two porosity logs curves with high separation between them (Gas).so it is a Clean gas
bearing zone.

2.Quantitative interpretation of three Wells

a) Values read from the log

Rt is read from deep penetration Resistivity logs in zone of interest

Ro from deep penetration Resistivity of Clean Water formation.
Bulk density read from density log.
Neutron porosity read from Neutron log.

b) Thickness and Formation Temperature

using Rule of Thumb with Ts=70oF

Wells Zones Top depth Bott Depth Thickness(m) TD (ft) BD (ft) Thikness (ft) Tf(°F) Net Pay (m)
1 1 2566 2632 66 8415 8632 216 156.32 54
2 2781.5 2858 76.5 9122 9373 251 163.73 74.98
3 3102.5 3110 7.5 10175 10199 25 171.99 6.66
3 1 2838 2913 75 9307 9553 246 168.65 75
2 3052 3167 115 10009 10386 377 173.86 102.26
3 3267 3323 56 10714 10898 184 178.98 52.883
4 1 2631 2760 129 8628 9051 423 160.51 126.458
2 2778 2817 39 9110 9238 128 162.38 35.25
3 2919 3012 93 9573 9878 305 168.75 84.60

c) Porosity, Resistivity Factor and Water Resistivity

The true porosity is given by the combination of density and neutron logs using the fig 14.2b
(pge293 in book Bassiouni).
Or use the following formula for porosity

Low porosity means little formation brine.

d) Rwa and Saturation of Water and Gas

Rwa indicates where we have water or not. High Rwa means Sw is low and high hydrocarbon

To summarize the quantitative interpretation of those Wells, we have;

Three zones of interest of our Reservoir

3.Project Location

lat long X Y
Well1 -66.1592 38.52823 478721.6 2662268
Well2 -66.2055 38.6765 485435.6 2657145
Well3 -66.4256 38.66471 485036.3 2632614
Well4 -66.2153 38.5725 480761 2656031
Well5 -66.3624 38.64894 484293.1 2639654

4.Depth Contour Map of the interpreted Reservoir

Contour map is a topographic map on which the shape of land surface is shown by contour.
It is a way to show three dimensional surface on a two dimensional plane and to provide the
size, shape and distribution of a layer.

Different colors indicate zone of equal depth of reservoir. The white color is the highest depth and
green the lowest depth in the reservoir.

5.Proposed Location of New Well relative to other Wells

The new well should be located at Lat. -66.3301o and Long. 38.56123o based on surface topography,
Reservoir characteristics and the area that is able to have new Well.

Petroleum rises to the highest occurrences of Rock layer.

6.Total Reserves originally in Place and Total Dollar Value

To estimate Gas in Place, we need Gas formation volume Factor Bg, Recovery Factor FR and the
Drainage Area of the reservoir.
We can assume those unknown parameters:
Bg=0.003Rb/SCF and FR=0.65(considering water as drive mechanism).

In this case, the lateral extent of the Reservoir is unknown, the area can not be calculated and
hence the total Volume. But we can assume also the area using the polygon formed by those
Wells in UTM coordinates.

Depending on Market Place, the Price is expressed in US Dollars per Thousand cubic feet or one MMBtu.

2.33 $ per Thousand CF.

According to the results of Reserves (GIIP), we can conclude that the total price for recoverable gas is


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