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Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko,

Lius Fernando de Mingo Lopez, Juan Casellanos


New Trends
Information Technologies

Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, Lius Fernando de Mingo Lopez, Juan Casellanos (ed.)
New Trends in Information Technologies
Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010
ISBN 978-954-16-0044-9

First edition
Recommended for publication by The Scientific Concil of the Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA

This book maintains articles on actual problems of research and application of information technologies, especially the new approaches,
models, algorithms and methods of membrane computing and transition P systems; decision support systems; discrete mathematics;
problems of the interdisciplinary knowledge domain including informatics, computer science, control theory, and IT applications;
information security; disaster risk assessment, based on heterogeneous information (from satellites and in-situ data, and modelling data);
timely and reliable detection, estimation, and forecast of risk factors and, on this basis, on timely elimination of the causes of abnormal
situations before failures and other undesirable consequences occur; models of mind, cognizers; computer virtual reality; virtual
laboratories for computer-aided design; open social info-educational platforms; multimedia digital libraries and digital collections
representing the European cultural and historical heritage; recognition of the similarities in architectures and power profiles of different
types of arrays, adaptation of methods developed for one on others and component sharing when several arrays are embedded in the
same system and mutually operated.

It is represented that book articles will be interesting for experts in the field of information technologies as well as for practical users.

General Sponsor: Consortium FOI Bulgaria (

Printed in Bulgaria

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved

© 2010 ITHEA® – Publisher; Sofia, 1000, P.O.B. 775, Bulgaria. ; e-mail:
© 2010 Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, Lius Fernando de Mingo Lopez, Juan Casellanos – Editors
© 2010 Ina Markova – Technical editor
© 2010 For all authors in the book.

® ITHEA is a registered trade mark of FOI-COMMERCE Co.

ISBN 978-954-16-0044-9
C\o Jusautor, Sofia, 2010



Boris Sokolov, Rafael Yusupov, Michael Okhtilev, Oleg Maydanovich

Abstract: Current status and perspectives of an interdisciplinary knowledge domain including informatics,
computer science, control theory, and IT applications were analyzed. Scientific-and-methodological and applied
problems of IT integration with existing and future industrial and socio-economical structures were stated.

Keywords: computer science, informatics, cybernetics, control theory, information technologies, control systems,
information systems, industrial applications

ACM Classification Keywords: A.0 General Literature - Conference proceedings

Informatisation and information society (as the final aim of informatisation) are characterized by active
development and mass introduction of information technologies into all areas of human activity, namely [Yusupov,
Zabolotskii, 2000]: social life, material production, power engineering, health protection, education, science,
culture, business, transport, communication, military science and so on. By now, some attempts were made in
order to evaluate the role and influence of IT on the progress (enhancing effectiveness) of the above areas.
In the present paper we are trying to draw attention of specialists to the influence of information technologies
(IT) on the progress in such an area as processes and control systems for objects of various kinds.

The main aspects of IT influence on progress in control systems for complex objects
We note that for realizing control process it is necessary to have information on control goals and objectives,
state of the plant and environment. This information is formed on the basis of processes of data measurement,
transmission and handling by means of sensors (receptors, detectors), communication channel and
computational facilities, which are fundamental elements and subsystems of any control system. Currently
general topics related to collection, processing, representation, transmission and protection of information are
studied in informatics. Results of these investigations are realized as IT. This term means a family of methods
for realizing informational processes in various fields of human activity aimed at manufacture of informational
product, including those in control systems. It is obvious that operational effectiveness of control systems
depends on the progress in informatics and information technologies. Constructive identification and investigation
of the above dependence is an actual scientific-and-technical problem, in the framework of which leaders of
modern large-scale enterprises are trying to get an answer to the question: “in which of perspective IT’s we
should invest and why?”.
Business and state are ready to pay for exactly such amount of information resources that they really need for
information support of management. Moreover, they proceed from such classical efficiency indices, used today in
the market of computer services, as return on investment (ROI), total cost of ownership (TCO), and quality of
service (QoS). Superfluous information resources and redundant IT are frozen investments and resources
(moreover, they are lost resources, with account for fast obsolescence of hardware and software facilities and
equipment). Insufficient informational resources mean a loss of profit ([Perminov, 2007], [Seletkov,
Dneprovskaya, 2006], [Sokolov, Yusupov, 2008a], [White, 2004]).
New Trends in Information Technologies 79

Discussing modern control processes and systems, we hereinafter will separate two classes of control
systems for objects, namely: automatic and automated control systems for the corresponding objects (or
groups of objects). It should be noted right away that information technologies, which are realized by means of
the corresponding hardware-and-software facilities and computers, played and still play the determining (central)
part in the aforementioned control systems. Moreover, historically, the tightest integration of these technologies
and facilities with control systems is shown by the fact that computers were called cybernetic machines during
the first years of their existence ([Gerasimenko, 1993], [Mertens, 2007], [Sovetov 2006], [Sokolov, Yusupov,
The above features objectively lead to necessity of development of automated control systems, by which we
mean “man-machine” systems that ensure effective operation of the corresponding objects. In these systems,
information gathering and processing, which is necessary for realization of control functions, are performed with
the use of automation facilities and computer engineering ([Sovetov, 2006], [Starodubov, 2006]). According to
realized control functions, kinds of controlled objects, and used generations of information technologies and
facilities, there are various types of automated control systems (ACS) for complex objects (CP): supervisory
control and data acquisition systems (SCADA); manufacturing execution systems (MES); ACS for flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS); systems of computer-aided design (CAD); automated systems for scientific
investigations (ASSI); integrated ACS; AS for organizational control (ASOC); branch-wise ACS (BACS);
corporative ACS (CACS); enterprise resource planning system (ERP); storage-and-retrieval system (SRS);
storage-and-advisory systems (SAS); management-information system (MIS).
Previous investigations demonstrated that both in Russia (in USSR, in the period 1960-1980) and abroad the
most widespread and economically effective were automated systems at enterprises that manufactured various
kinds of products ([Mertens, 2007], [Sovetov, 2006]). As a rule, such systems incorporate SCADA, MES, and
ERP. An aggregate of the aforementioned systems form a computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM).
Directions of evolutionary progress in ACS CP, as well as control systems, were always determined by
tendencies of development of related information and communication technologies and systems, which form the
material basis for realization of existing and perspective technologies of automated control and have, by their
nature, specifically informational character, as was already mentioned.
Fig. 1 represents, in a generalized form, evolution of basic information technologies that were used as the basis
of the corresponding ACS for industrial enterprises discussed above. Let us take a quick look at the influence of
these information technologies on the progress of this class of automated systems. For Russian ERP-systems
the following three stages of their evolutionary development are usually separated (see Fig. 2).
Stage I (from the mid-1960’s to the end of the 1970’s).
At this stage of development of ERP-systems based on the computers of the IInd generation (М-20, М-220М, М-
222, Minsk 22, Minsk 32, SM-4) at enterprises manufacturing goods and services in various specific fields, only
some functions of dataware and production activity control were automated. Among such functions were, first of
all, gathering, processing, storage, representation and analysis of some kinds of industrial and economic
information. The first attempts were made to integrate various information technologies in the frameworks of the
corresponding SCADA and MES.


Internet systems
computers in a
Distributed computations
Batch mode, time sharing
Personal computers



Fig. 1. Evolution of basic information technologies (Chernyak, 2003a).

1980’s – automation 1990’s – automation Now – automation of the whole IT-infrastructure, ability to adapt
of internal processes of personal office workto requirements of business. Main goal: stability, reliability,
(back office). Main (front office). Main speed, and return on investments.
goal: stability and goal: speed.
reliability. Adaptive enterprise

Business-oriented systems


Service-oriented systems

Internet-based systems

Client-server systems

Personal computers


Fig. 2. Stages of evolutionary progress in automated and information systems (Chernyak, 2003a).
New Trends in Information Technologies 81

Stage II (from 1980 to the beginning of 1990’s).

In this period, after learning the lessons of Stage I of automation and informatisation of industrial activity, works
were carried out for unification of processes of using IT on the basis of wide introduction of standard automation
modules (SAM). As the main element of technical basis for realization of concept of typification and unification of
complex automation facilities (CAF) computers of series “Ryad” (ES) were chosen. On the basis of this concept
more than 6000 ACS of various classes were created in the USSR to the beginning of 1990’s [Sovetov, 2006].
Stage III (from 1990’s to present stage of progress).
At this stage, evolutionary complexation and integration of information resources and technologies, proposed by
Russian and foreign companies, take place on the basis of wide distribution of personal computers and
modernization of previously used medium- and large-scale computers (mainframes). Information technologies
that supports operation of distributed data banks and databases, as well as protocols of such local and global
telecommunication networks as Intranet and Internet, provided for material basis for a new integration level for
various classes of ERP-systems.
It should be noted that disintegration of the USSR in 1992 caused negative consequences for Russia, because
financial support and amount of works on creation of automated systems (AS) of various classes have been
greatly reduced. Instead, not very successful copying and adaptation of foreign counterparts of Russian
enterprise-oriented ACS (systems of classes ERP, MRP, MRPII, and SCADA) started. One of the main problems
in introduction of these systems was that Russian legislative and juridical base in accounting, financial and
management spheres differs from the respective foreign base. Moreover, there was a lack of necessary technical
and technological standards and information databases that determine specific features of manufacturing
process. Due to these reasons, integrated automation appeared to be impossible.
Nevertheless, as time went by (in the end of 1990’s) domestic replicable ERP-systems, called corporative
information systems (CIS), began to appear in Russian Federation. Such domestic automated system as
“Galaktika” and “Parus” can be mentioned among them. But this automation performed at industrial enterprises
“from above” (at the strategic level of control) without corresponding complex automation of control processes at
lower levels of control (where, in essence, wealth and surplus value are created) gave no planned effect and did
not justify productive investments.
Today, owing to saturation of world market by all kind of products as well as due to general accessibility of high
technologies (including those in the infosphere), the time factor is brought to the forefront of competitive activity.
Now only those have a chance to win this competitive struggle who can successfully synchronize business-
processes and manufacturing (ERP- and MES-systems) in real time (RT); develop and promote a new product
(CAD/CAM/PDM-systems) in the market; have a flexible, effective and highly automated technology of control of
logistic processes, which provide for decreasing cycles of delivery and off-take (Supply Chain Management,
SCM); reduce order processing time (customer relationship management, CRM); ensure monitoring of resource
spending in RT; realize operational control scheduling in RT (automated systems of operational supervising
control, ASOSC); reduce time of return on investments (ROI-systems); reduce time needed for analysis and
decision-making (OLAP-systems); provide for effective control of manufacturing cooperation in RT (e-
manufacturing, co-manufacturing, m-business).
At the modern level of progress in enterprise ACS, an important role in practical realization of the above
requirements must be played by manufacturing execution systems (MES) (they are called ACS of
manufacturing processes in Russia) and mobile (wireless) information technologies. Now we briefly describe
how these information technologies have effect on the processes of automated enterprise control, and show the
main problems in distribution of the above technologies.

Today, speaking about successes in automation of complex organizational-and-technical complexes (COTC),

one should mention, first of all, ERP-systems (in Russia they were previously called ACS of enterprise). The
share of its successful applications in financial, administrative and trading organizations is much higher than in
industry ([Len’shikov, Kumilov, 2002], [Sovetov, 2006]). At the administrative level, ERP-systems take into
account any financial operation and any document, while no such a detailed supervision exists at the
manufacturing levels (level of SCADA, MES). But the analysis shows that the manufacturing levels are the
birthplace of the surplus value, the place of fundamental spending and main sources of economy; these levels
provide for manufacturing plan and required quality of production; many factors determining efficiency and
profitability of the enterprise as a whole work here. In these conditions, such a principal unit as manufacture drops
out of the loop of automated control and enterprise management.
Thus being the case, today in most of implemented projects connected with creation of integrated automated
control systems for industrial enterprises there is a whole strata of functions that have been covered neither by
the ERP-systems nor by SCADA-systems.
Analysis of fig. 3 shows that ERP-systems do not support the level of operational control of production, being
restricted by strategic scheduling only; they are not interconnected from the informational and logical viewpoint,
and are not synchronized with the goals of production control in RT [Len’shikov, Kumilov, 2002]. In this layer of
operational production control, which is not encompassed by information technologies, there exists a whole class
of manufacturing processes that are vitally important for the enterprise, create surplus value and have an
influence on its profitability on the whole.

ERP Management
Маркетинг Дилеры
Dealers Customers
Поставщики Supply
Снабжение Финансы
Кадры Accounting
Бухгалтерия Sale
Сбыт Transport
Raw material Планирование
Склады сырья производства Warehouse
Склады продук-
НИОКР storage scheduling
Orders ции
Production stock-
Учёт произ-
Проектирование Technology Детальное
Detailed пла-
production водства
Технология нирование про- taking
обо- scheduling
Техобслуживание рудования
maintenance Quality control
Диспетчериза- продукции
Process control
Document control
Управление Power
Энергопо- процессами scheduling
ция производ-
документами требление
consumption Technology
Gathering and storage of
Сбор и хранение техноло-
technological data
гических данных




Fig. 3. Functional gap between ERP and SCADA (Len’shikov, Kumilov, 2002).
Up to now this class of processes is supported by manufacturing execution systems (MES) directed to
informatisation of operational scheduling and production control, optimization of manufacturing processes and
production resources, control and scheduling of fulfillment of a plan with minimal cost. Thus, speaking about
integrated automated systems of enterprise control under the current conditions it is expedient to separate out the
following three interconnected levels of control, namely: SCADA, MES and ERP. Each of them performs
New Trends in Information Technologies 83

(realizes) its own control technology and is characterized by its own intensity of information circulation, time scale,
set of goals and relevant tasks.
Today enterprises often face such phenomena as return of production, delay in order fulfillment by partners, order
cancellation due to low quality of raw materials, too large period needed for analyzing the cause of defect and so
on. To get over these difficulties, it is necessary to provide for timely and reliable handling of information. This is
possible, in its turn, only if data gathering and handling are performed immediately at the very moment of the
associated event and as close to its source as possible. By the way, it should be noted that errors are most often
made during simple and routine operations of data input in integrated ERP-systems (IERP) ([Len’shikov, Kumilov,
2002], [Mertens, 2007]).
In general, analysis of modern tendencies in the progress of information technologies and systems (IT and IS)
shows than all leading foreign and domestic companies specializing in the field built and still do build corporative
information infrastructures (including ERP-systems) only by vertical principle; they are guided by particular criteria
and hardly coordinate their own conceptions with requirements of business. As a result of realization of the above
tendencies, traditional approaches to automation of business-processes are today in a pre-crises if not even in a
crisis state. Moreover, difficulties of controlling modern corporative information systems go beyond the scope of
administration of software environments. Necessity of integrating several heterogeneous environments into all-
embracing corporative computer system and desire to overstep the limits of the company form a new complexity
level. For example, in order to cope with diversity of external and internal queries to the corresponding business
applications, modern IT-companies are forced to distribute their solutions in business-systems over hundreds and
thousands servers. In these conditions, manual control (administration) of this diversity of information resources
becomes impossible due to both organizational and financial reasons. By data of foreign analysts, only about
30% of companies’ IT-budgets can be directed on development of IT-technologies, while the rest is spent on
support of existing IT-technologies. If nothing will be done, this ratio reaches 5:95 to 2010 [Chernyak, 2004].
Among other shortcomings (and associated problems) brought to light up to date in the process of developing
computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) created and exploited on the basis of existing IT, the following ones can
be enumerated:
1. in a number of cases there is no comprehensive analysis of existing (non-automated) technology of
gathering and processing information and decision-making; no propositions and recommendations are
elaborated on its perfection (non-productive labor is automated) and transition to new intellectual
information technologies; required degree of automation is not justified for any specific organization;
2. many AS (first of all, ACS for complex objects) are mostly information systems, where processes
associated with decision-making are not automated, or the part of automation of these processes is
negligible as compared with automation of information gathering and processing; possibilities of
methods and algorithms of complex simulation and multi-objective choice are hardly used for decision
justification and management;
3. there exists considerable inconsistence in goal orientation as well as in technical, mathematical,
software and organizational facilities of AS on different control levels, and AS that are at the same level
in the framework of a fixed hierarchical structure of the corresponding organization;
4. AS still do not provide for required orientation of each specific organization onto optimization of using
available resources and growth of its efficiency on the whole; this thesis is supported by the fact that
optimization problems constitute only several percent among all problems solved in AS;
5. in many AS there is no necessary software-and-mathematical facilities for performing system analysis
for organization as a whole, operation of AS itself, and control of its operation quality;

6. quality of dataware still has not reached the required level; for instance, necessary filtering of
information, its selection according to management level and representation in a compact form are not
7. development of software and technical facilities for “man-machine” communication, dialog
communication procedures (creation of intellectual interfaces) is far behind the practice;
8. creation of AS is not interconnected appropriately with evolution problems and allotting the system with
high flexibility and adaptation to variations of environment.
What are the reasons for existence of the above mentioned drawbacks (problems) related to creation and
development of AS?
One of the main reasons, which have a methodological character, is that requirements of system approach to
design of complex technical-and-organizational complexes are often ignored while developing AS. This is
apparent, in particular, from the fact that automation is performed for some separate stages of information
gathering and processing, and only some computational problems are solved on computers, without investigating
the automation problem for control processes on the whole. In other words, there is no complex automation of the
processes under consideration. As has been demonstrated by practice, automation should be applied only to
well-known and fairly stable processes and technologies, for which constructive formal descriptive facilities
(models), methods, algorithms and methods of solving applied problems have been developed.
Thus being the case, problems of creating and developing AS are, first of all, model-and-algorithmic and
informational problems that require development of a fundamental theoretical base for their solution.
Speaking about technical-and-technological reasons, it should be emphasized, first of all, that traditional
technology of creating AS calls for using a lot of specialists (designers, programmers, database administrators,
managers, technicians and so on), which manually form the appearance of a future system, using traditional
paper technology. For such a technology, developers of hardware-and-software facilities permanently
encountered and still do encounter a number of hardly solvable problems, namely: problem of inadequacy of
structuring of AS; problem of misadjustment of structural parts of AS; problem of inconsistency, ambiguity,
redundancy (or incompleteness) of design documentation.
All of the above-listed problems stem from complexity of automated systems as objects for analysis and design.
For a long time in Russia, due to bureaucratic barriers and backwardness in the field of microelectronics,
available facilities for automated information processing and control have low level of unification, and were used
for solving a small number of problems; this was also one of the reasons for failures in creating AS.
Among organizational reasons, it should be noticed once again that, as a rule, many enterprise managers
reassigned all questions on coordination and control of work related to creation of AS to other functionaries,
which have not necessary authority (principle of the first manager, which is one of the basic principles in
developing AS, was not honored). Moreover, some conservatism often took place in organizations, owing to
which structure and functions of AS were fit, deliberately or unconsciously, to existing technological-and-
organizational structure (in other words, non-productive labor was automated).
Summarizing the aforesaid, it should be stated that modern stage of progress in science and engineering is
characterized by fairly high level of development of hardware-and-software facilities for information gathering,
transmission and processing, which are incorporated into any AS; these facilities are permanently modified and
their technical and economical characteristics are improved.
At the same time, today, when national economics are transforming to global market economy that has dynamic
network nature, increasingly more foreign and domestic specialists began to understand importance of a complex
approach to automation of operation of enterprises and organizations in order to overcome the above-listed
New Trends in Information Technologies 85

problems in modern IT-industry ([Dmitrov, 2006], [Zatsarinnyi, Ionenkov, 2007], [Mertens, 2007], [Sovetov, 2006],
[Building an adaptive enterprise, 2003], [HP, 2001], [HP, 2003], [IBM, 2004]). With this aim in view, a principally
new methodology of creation and development of automated and information systems in XXI century is to be
As a basic concept for development of information and telecommunication area, leading manufacturers of
computer technologies and systems propose to use the concept of “natural”, “organic” information technologies
(Organic IT), which provide for permanent dynamic balance between business queries for services (business
applications) and information resources of the corresponding automated systems.
Introducing the notion of Organic IT into terminology of modern computer science, analysts of Forrester Research
([Chernyak, 2004], [Chernyak, 2003a], [HP, 2001], [HP, 2003], [IBM, 2004]) would like to emphasize necessity of
more organic, natural, indirect use of IT in the interests of business applications in solving the following three
groups of problems:
- effective utilization of information resources; here the proposed IT has to admit scaling the given
resources “up” and “down” without service outage; regarding reliability, modern automated systems must
be similar to modern power and telephone networks;
- integration: Organic IT are to combine dissimilar technologies in an easy and simple way;
- manageability: Organic IT are to support processes of automatic installation, load balancing, diagnostics
and repair, leaving possibility for an operator to intervene in the process only in worst-case situation.
As specific examples of transition to “natural” computer systems in large-scale corporations working in the field of
information services, the following technologies can be mentioned: Dynamic Computing (Dell); Adaptive
Infrastructure or Adaptive Enterprise (Hewlett-Packard); Computing On Demand (IBM); Autonomous Computing;
Dynamic Systems (Microsoft); N1 technology (Sun Microsystems).
As applied to industrial enterprises and appropriate ERP-systems, realization of the Organic IT conception means
a transition to a principally new (fourth) stage of creation and development of the automated systems under
consideration, which are to possess the following basic properties ([Dmitrov, 2006], [Kozlovskii, 1985], [Mertens,
2007], [Rostovtsev, 1992]): self-configuration, self-perfection, self-optimization, self-diagnostics and self-repair,
self-preservation, “self-conscience” and proactivity. In other words, under discussion are flexible, adaptive, self-
organizing automated industrial enterprises. By these terms we mean complex geographically distributed
automated organizational-and-technical complexes that provide for manufacture of products under the conditions
of operatively changed market demand and operate (because of high degree of automation of production and
management processes) with a limited personal staff. These enterprises and the corresponding conceptions
(methodologies) of their creation and usage are called (in Russia) flexible manufacturing automated factory
(FMAF), the relevant foreign terms are Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) in the USA and
European Strategic Planning for Research in Information Theory (ESPRIT) in European Community ([Chernyak,
2004], [Chernyak, 2003a], [Building an adaptive enterprise, 2003], [HP, 2001], [HP, 2003], [IBM, 2004]).
Such being the case, the main goal of industrial enterprises of the next generation and the corresponding
automated control systems for them is to greatly increase productivity and quality of manufactured products on
the basis of implementation of adaptive automated control technologies, which provide for high flexibility and
operative reaction on changing market requirements.
Today one should note prevailing role of service oriented architectures (SOA) and those based on business-
application services. These technologies are oriented on permanent support of information infrastructure of
communication, and on coordination in a distributed decision-making environment, which is typical for adaptive
and self-organizing automatic and automated systems of new generation.

The stage of visualization of information resources is the most important stage of the evolution to adaptive
enterprises and the corresponding automated systems. By means of virtualization, logical functions of servers,
storage devices and other system components become separated from their physical functions (processors,
RAM, disk drives, input-output systems, switchboards and so on); further on, they are transferred to general pool
of resources, which are convenient to control in automatic and/or automated mode of operation. By now, for
instance, HP proposed and realized several variants and directions of virtualization for information resources,
namely ([HP, 2001], [HP, 2003], [IBM, 2004]): server virtualization, virtualization of telecommunication network,
virtualization of data storage systems, virtualization of applications.
According to the idea of HP, utility data centers (UDC), created by the company, builds the basis for a transition
to Darwin reference architecture. This architecture ([Chernyak, 2003b], [HP, 2001], [HP, 2003], [IBM, 2004]) is a
tool for creating and developing hierarchical-and-network information structures, which makes it possible to adapt
IS and IT to changing goals and objectives of business-systems. It is proposed to establish three control levels,
namely ([Chernyak, 2004], [Chernyak, 2003a], [HP, 2001], [HP, 2003], [IBM, 2004]): component level that
controls data processing center, service level that controls aggregated components and delivers applied servers,
and business level that controls users and permissions to access applications.
On the whole, future Darwin reference architecture is to provide for permanent balance between business queries
for services and infrastructure resources delivering these services in FMAF.
Fig. 4 presents information technologies that, together with SOA, provide for realization of the adaptive enterprise
concept ([Gorodetskii, 2000], [Dmitrov, 2006], [Zatsarinnyi, Ionenkov, 2007], [Chernyak, 2003a]). On the whole,
by expert estimates, creation and development of flexible adaptive integrated ACS for controlling enterprise make
it possible to reach the following goals ([Kozlovskii, 1985], [Mertens, 2007], [Sovetov, 2006]): enhance
productivity of labor at future industrial enterprises 8-10 times; increase production output per unit area 1.5–2
times; decrease the period of production cycle 2-10 times; increase machine utilization by 30–40%.
In conclusion of the report we shall consider, as an example of the above ideas, the influence of modern space-
based information technologies on operating benefits of ACS for space-based facilities (SF). Hereinafter, by
space-based information technology (SIT) we mean information technologies that provide for gathering, storage,
transmission (importation), representation, processing and analysis of data at various stages of life-cycle of SF.
The basic features of SIT are determined by:
 essential influence of numerous factors of space and related specific space-and-time, technical and
technological restrictions that prevent direct usage of standard information-and-telecommunication
methods and tools for effective solution of fundamental and applied tasks of cosmonautics;
 multilevel and cyclic nature of solving targeting and maintenance problems by SF;
 complex integration of space-based information technologies with technologies of automated (automatic)
control of SF in the frameworks of the corresponding automated systems (AS).
New Trends in Information Technologies 87

Information and communicative


Information technologies Communicative technologies

• Distributed computation systems • Broadband wireless communications

• Model-driven architecture • Movable satellite communications
• Intellectual technologies. Cell sensor networks. • Optical wave multiplexing
• Service-oriented architecture. • Active and passive retranslation
• Application using location data. • Packet radio communications
• Immuno-computing. DNA-computing, quantum • Antijamming transmission of information
• Grid - technologies

Information security technologies (authentication, encryption,

traffic masking, anti-virus protection and other)

Fig. 4 Perspective information technologies (Zatsarinnyi, Ionenkov, 2007).

The influence of SIT on the essence of modern ACS for SF is apparent in the framework of the following
directions [Military-space activity…, 2005]:
 Increase of globality and continuity of control of SF on the basis of creating network structures for
information interchange with spacecrafts (SC) of various classes.
 Distribution of methods of situation packet telemetry, which makes it possible to form flexible telemetry
programs directly on spacecraft-board.
 Substantial reduction of amount of measurements of current navigation parameters (MCNP) performed
by means of ground control complex (GCC) on the basis of comprehensive utilization of navigation and
time-and-frequency field produced by domestic “GLONASS” space navigation system and foreign
 Creation of SF of new generation (modernization of existing SF) in order to enhance the level of their
unification and multi-functionality that provides for required conditions for adaptation and self-
organization of the processes of automated (automatic) control for SIT in various conditions of
dynamically changed environment.
 Decentralization (space-time distribution) of the processes of gathering, representation, decision-
making, storage and access to information circulating inside the control loops of SIT; it is realized by
means of creating integrated distributed databases and knowledge bases with necessary level of
information security and information safety.
Speaking about intrinsic efficiency indices of SIT, we restrict ourselves by a single example, which is a result of
joint works performed by SPIIRAS and a special design bureau during the period from 2003 to 2008 [Okhtilev et
al, 2006]. As a result of comprehensive investigations performed in the specified period, methodological and
methodic basis was developed and realized for solving problems of structural and functional synthesis of
intellectual information technologies (IIT) and systems for monitoring multi-structure macro-states (MS) of
complex technical objects (CTP). These methods are based on their poly-model multiobjective description

obtained in the frameworks of the theory of underdetermined calculations and control of structural dynamics
([Kalinin, Sokolov, 2005], [Okhtilev et al., 2006], [Sokolov, Yusupov, 2008a]).
The proposed IIT makes it possible for a user, who is not a programmer, to perform, using a professionally-
oriented language in interactive or automatic mode, intellectual processing of multi-type data and knowledge on
the state of both CTP and MS using incorrect, incomplete and contradictory measurement information. This IIT is
oriented to development of applications for objects that are especially difficult to control under the conditions of
arising emergency and extraordinary situations and time trouble (including power consumptions, cosmonautics,
petrochemical industry and transportation).
Preliminary analysis have shown that realization of the developed intellectual information technology of state
monitoring (SM) for space-based facilities makes it possible to obtain the following effect for dataware systems in
ACS SF [Okhtilev et al, 2006]:
 reduce time expenses spent for performing SM providing for obtaining results in real-time according to
the transfer rate of measurement information (MI) with sufficient level of authenticity;
 enhance flexibility, reliability and information capacity of software used for SM; on the whole, this
improves effectiveness of usage of the corresponding ACS SF;
 formalize (by means of a knowledge representation language and appropriate systems of initial data
preparation) up to 90-95% of data about performing SM;
 reduce at least twice the time needed for preparation of initial data and knowledge for SM regarding SF
that are being taken to information maintenance;
 reduce the period of the cycle of development and realization of information system for SM from 10 to 15
 provide for saving resources spent for development of special software (SS) for the corresponding ACS
SF that incorporate the SM system at hand;
 exclude up to 60-80% of all errors encountered in developing software for SM owing to the usage of
verification tools for SS;
 exclude up to 80-95% of corrupted data received from CTP.
Thus, summarizing the aforesaid, it should be noted, first of all, that one of the main tendencies of development of
information technologies and systems (IT and IS) in XXI century will be connected, in our opinion, with solution of
the problem of comprehensive integration of these technologies and systems with existing and future industrial
and socio-economical structures and the corresponding control systems. To solve successfully this
interdisciplinary problem, it is necessary to solve a number of scientific-and-methodological and applied

Today influence of computer science and IT on the progress in control theory and systems has a global nature.
Specialists note that recently the second turn of convergence between general control theory (cybernetics) and
computer science take place; we are observing revolutionary progress in control systems caused by the influence
of IT.
In this connection, the problem under discussion deals with formation of a new interdisciplinary direction at the
turn of cybernetics, telecommunication theory and general systems theory. This direction was conditionally called
neocybernetics by the authors of the report ([Sokolov, Yusupov, 2008b], [Yusupov, 2005]).
New Trends in Information Technologies 89

Interdisciplinary investigations on the topics under consideration were conducted with financial support of RFFI
(grants 09-07-00066, 10-07-00311, 08-08-00403), ONIT RAS (project № 2.3/03).

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Authors' Information
Boris Sokolov – Doctor of Sciences (Tech), Prof., Honored scientist of Russian Federation; Deputy-Director for
Research of St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(SPIIRAS); SPIIRAS, 14th Line, 39, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia; e-mail:
Major Fields of Scientific Research: Development of research fundamentals for the control theory by structural
dynamics of complex organizational-technical systems
Rafael Yusupov – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Doctor of Sciences
(Tech), Professor, Director of Institution of RAS St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS
(SPIIRAS), Honored scientist of Russian Federation; SPIIRAS, 14th Line, 39, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia;
Major Fields of Scientific Research: Control theory, informatics, theoretic basics of informatization and information
society, information security
Michael Okhtilev – Doctor of Sciences (Tech), Prof., Leading Researcher of St. Petersburg Institute for
Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS); SPIIRAS, 14th Line, 39,
St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia; e-mail:
Major Fields of Scientific Research: Development of research fundamentals for the control theory by structural
dynamics of complex organizational-technical systems
Oleg Maydanovich – PhD (Tech), Assistant professor; SPIIRAS, 14th Line, 39, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia;
Major Fields of Scientific Research: Development of complex military-technical systems

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