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Grammar translation method and Desuggestopedia as a connection to teach a foreign language

Have you heard about Grammar Translation Method as a conductive and traditional
method?, in which there is any relationship between students and teachers, and would you like to
know which approach catered the first steps to get involved teachers and students in a class
context?; In fact, we can identify contrasts in the kind of interaction, and similarities based on the
teaching-learning process that Grammar translation method and dusuggesstion offer us.

Firstly, we have to clarify that Grammar translation method had not allowed to manage a
new language and to develop the students’ abilities, whereas dessuggestopedia method allowed to
make up a good connection into teachers and students in which student is the main part of each
class, hence, learners are able to increase their affective filter factor in order to domain linguistic
competences within a language, which never happened in GMT method. For example, in GMT,
Teachers says: “complete el ejercicio, Sujeto+ verbo + complemento” instructions are in mother
tongue, so students do not make any effort to use and to interact within the language. As a result,
there is a lack of dynamic, yet dusuggestopedia is focused on an open interaction. Students are part
through several activities in which they need to use the language

Secondly, in the case of teaching and learning process G.M.T. and dussaggestopedia
method have similarities to present a lesson to students because the main goal is to teach English
as a foreign language with the necessity of keeping in touch abroad according to a time; therefore,
both methods tried to teach trough using realia or fine arts from the context where is spoken English
actually from United State or England. As a good example, we can say that dussaggestopedia
showed every single class with colorful and bright posters in each wall where students are able to
absorb the whole context about grammar as well as GMT method was focused in teaching grammar
with fine arts.

To sum up, those sorts of methods were theoretically the best options on each time because
of the limitation of the language that our society had to overcome in order to spread and connect
different communities abroad; for that reason G.M.T and desuggestopedia methods tried on
purposing some principles to teach and acquire a several code into a culture to another. Thus, both
were essential to encourage learners toward a new way to learn and teachers got experience to be
a guide of an effective process to teach a foreign language.

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