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Int. J.

Cancer: 123, 436–443 (2008)

' 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Fetal growth and the risk of childhood CNS tumors and lymphomas
in Western Australia
Elizabeth Milne1*, Crystal L. Laurvick1, Eve Blair1, Nicholas de Klerk1, Adrian K. Charles2,3 and Carol Bower1
Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Centre for Child Health Research,
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
Princess Margaret Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women, Subiaco, Perth, Western Australia
Schools of Paediatrics and Child Health, and Women and Infants Health, University of Western Australia

The etiology of childhood cancers is largely unknown, although sis).22,23 The mitotic properties of IGFs, coupled with their ability
the early age at diagnosis has led to particular interest in in utero to inhibit cell death, are thought to enhance tumor growth.24–27
and perinatal factors. Birth weight is the most frequently studied
perinatal factor in relation to risk of childhood cancers, and We recently reported a moderately strong positive association
results have been inconsistent. We investigated whether the risk of between the risk of ALL and proportion of optimal birth weight.28
CNS tumors and lymphomas in children was associated with three These findings are consistent with a biologically plausible mecha-
measures of the appropriateness of intra-uterine growth: propor- nism of accelerated growth associated with the growth-promoting
tion of optimal birth weight (POBW), birth length (POBL) and effects of IGFs in normal as well as cancer cells, and/or failure of
weight for length (POWFL). A cohort of 576,633 infants born in apoptosis of pre-leukemic cells initiated by an in utero ‘first hitÕ.29
Western Australia in 1980–2004 were followed from birth to diag- A study of fetal growth and risk of non-CNS solid tumors is cur-
nosis of a CNS tumor (n 5 183) or lymphoma (n 5 84) before age rently under way within our group. The aim of the present study
15, death, or December 31, 2005, and analyzed with Cox regres- was to investigate whether the risk of childhood CNS tumors or
sion. Overall, there was little evidence of any association between
fetal growth and risk of CNS tumors, although risk of ependy- lymphomas is associated with the appropriateness of fetal growth.
moma/choroid plexus tumors was positively associated with
POBL and negatively associated with POWFL. The risk of Hodg-
kin and Burkitt lymphoma increased with increasing fetal growth Material and methods
among boys only, whereas the increased risk observed with non-
Hodgkin lymphoma was only in girls. These associations between We used the Western Australian Data Linkage System30 to
fetal growth and disease risk were also observed among children obtain information on all births from the midwives’ notifications
not classified as high birth weight, suggesting that accelerated and birth registrations in Western Australia for the period 1980–
growth is more important than birth weight per se. Results were 2004 and cancer registrations for children diagnosed in 1980–
similar when cases were compared with their unaffected siblings, 2005 while aged 0–14 years. Linkage to the Birth Defects Regis-
suggesting that the increased growth associated with cancer risk try31 identified all children with a birth defect. The data were
was not general to the family. The associations we observed are organized into mother-child pairs with a unique encrypted identi-
consistent with causal pathways involving fetal growth factors. fier for each individual. The case/noncase status for each child
' 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
was also determined. Siblings of cases were identified as those
individuals who had the same maternal identifier as a cancer case.
Key words: CNS tumors; lymphoma; childhood; cohort study; intra- The final linked data file was de-identified to protect patient confi-
uterine growth dentiality and was current as at May 2006.
There were 613,613 birth registrations between 1980 and 2004.
The exclusions applied to the data in defining the study cohort are
The etiology of childhood cancers is largely unknown, although depicted in Figure 1. There were 29,969 noncases and 101 cancer
the early age at diagnosis has led to a growing interest in both cases with birth defects, including Down syndrome, that were
in utero and perinatal factors. Birth weight is the perinatal factor excluded from the study. However, cancer cases with a birth
that has been most frequently studied in relation to childhood defect caused by the cancer, such as hydrocephalus caused by a
cancer risk, and it is one of the few for which positive associations congenital brain tumor, or whose sole birth defect was the cancer
have been reported. Positive associations with birth weight (n 5 46), were retained in the dataset. We excluded children with
have generally been reported for acute lymphoblastic leukemia other birth defects because of the potential for confounding of the
(ALL),1–9 while the findings for other cancer types have been con- relationship between cancer risk and POBW; for example, some
flicting. For example, studies of childhood lymphomas have vari- birth defects are known to be related to both birth weight and risk
ously reported associations with low birth weight,9,10 high birth of some cancers.32,33 The cohort of eligible subjects comprised
weight,4,11,12 or have shown no relationship.13,14 The variation in
the findings for any given childhood cancer may be due in part to
differences in study design, sources of data, case definitions,
method of categorization of birth weight, and whether adjustment Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CNS, central nerv-
ous system; HR, hazard ratio; ICCC3, International Classification of Child-
is made for gestational age. The latter is required to differentiate hood Cancer 3rd Edition; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; IRR, incidence
between an association with birth weight per se and one with rate ratio; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; OR, odds ratio; PNET, primitive
intra-uterine growth. neuroectodermal tumour; POBL, proportion of optimal birth length;
The mechanism(s) underlying the observed association between POBW, proportion of optimal birth weight; POWFL, proportion of optimal
weight for length; RR, relative risk; SD, standard deviation.
birth weight and some childhood cancers has not been well eluci- Grant sponsor: National Health and Medical Research Council of Aus-
dated. Birth weight has been positively correlated with insulin-like tralia; Grant number: 404086. Grant sponsor: NHMRC; Grant numbers:
growth factor-I (IGF-I) and to a lesser extent with insulin-like 353628, 353514.
growth factor-II (IGF-II),15,16 which could be explained by their *Correspondence to: Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, PO
roles in regulating the normal growth and differentiation of cells Box 855, West Perth, Western Australia 6872, Australia.
Fax: 161-08-9489-7700. E-mail:
and tissues during fetal development.17 Some tumors have been Received 27 November 2007; Accepted after revision 22 January 2008
shown to produce IGF-I, IGF-II or their binding proteins, or to DOI 10.1002/ijc.23486
possess IGF receptors18–21; IGF-I, in particular, has been shown to Published online 15 April 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.
inhibit the normal process of programmed cell death (apopto-

Publication of the International Union Against Cancer


FIGURE 1 – Flow chart of cohort selection.

576,366 noncases, 183 cases of CNS tumors and 84 cases of lym- nature of any growth deviation more specifically, we also investi-
phoma. Children with other cancer diagnoses (n 5 614) were gated the comparable measure of the appropriateness of longitudi-
included in the noncase group, as they were considered to be at nal growth ‘proportion of optimal birth lengthÕ (POBL) (primarily
risk of the cancers under study. reflecting skeletal growth); and the similarly derived ‘proportion
The outcomes of interest in this study were CNS tumors or lym- of optimal weight for lengthÕ (POWFL), a measure of the appro-
phomas diagnosed before age 15 years. We used the International priateness of birth weight for length (primarily reflecting soft tis-
Classification of Childhood Cancer 3rd Edition (ICCC3) codes34 to sue growth). To assess the importance of each of these measures
determine the specific cancer groupings to be investigated; these of intra-uterine growth to the risk of each childhood cancer, they
were astrocytoma, medulloblastoma/primitive neuroectodermal tu- were examined separately in the analysis. z-scores of POBW,
mor (PNET), ependymoma/choroid plexus tumor, other gliomas, POBL and POWFL were calculated so that the estimated change
other intracranial/spinal tumors, Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin in the risk of a specific cancer was per standard deviation (SD),
lymphoma (except Burkitt lymphoma) (referred to as ‘NHLÕ hereon allowing the regression estimates of each measure to be compared
in this paper) and Burkitt lymphoma. The ICCC3 categories are directly. The population means and SDs used in the calculation of
shown in Appendix 1. The following categories were not analyzed the z-score for each variable were those shown for the noncase
individually as there were too few cases: four intracranial/spinal group in Table I. Additional explanatory variables that were inves-
germ cell tumors, one unspecified CNS tumor, five miscellaneous tigated include sex and birth order (‘first bornÕ compared with
lymphoreticular neoplasms and one unspecified lymphoma. How- ‘subsequently bornÕ).
ever, the five cases from the first two categories were included in the Cox proportional hazard regression models were initially fitted
analysis of ‘All CNS tumors combinedÕ. Children were followed-up in STATA version 9.036 using the fractional polynomial procedure
from birth to their date of diagnosis, 15th birthday, date of death, or to determine the appropriate form of each continuous variable to
31 December 2005 – whichever occurred first. include in the models. In each case, a linear term was found to be
The main explanatory variable was ‘proportion of optimal birth the most appropriate. The PHREG procedure in SAS version 9.137
weightÕ (POBW) whose calculation is described in detail else- was used for Cox regression analyses to determine the association
where.35 Briefly, it is an estimate of the appropriateness of intra- between the explanatory variables and the risk of being diagnosed
uterine growth and is the ratio of the observed birth weight to the with each cancer. Where appropriate, we investigated possible
‘optimal birth weightÕ. Optimal birth weight is calculated from a effect modification by sex and birth order, and produced sex- and
regression equation including terms for gestational duration, birth order-specific estimates. The ‘discreteÕ option in the PHREG
maternal height, parity and infant sex, derived from a total popula- procedure was used to perform a conditional logistic regression of
tion of singleton births that excluded risk factors for intra-uterine cancer cases matched to their unaffected siblings. All confidence
growth restriction, including maternal smoking. To identify the intervals (CIs) presented are 95% CIs.


97.6 (10.4)
96.9 (10.6)

96.0 (10.6)
97.1 (11.4)
96.3 (10.2)

100.1 (12.0)
93.7 (8.8)
97.1 (9.1)

99.8 (7.7)
97.5 (8.1)
A total of 183 CNS tumors and 84 lymphomas were identified.

Mean (SD)
The numbers of each type are shown in Table I, along with other

Includes 18 Ependymomas and 3 choroid plexus tumors.–2Includes 32 Medulloblastomas and 6 PNETs.–3Includes 4 intracranial/spinal germ cell tumors and 1 unspecified CNS tumor.
descriptive characteristics. As previously indicated, some very
rare tumours—including 6 lymphomas—were not analysed indi-
vidually and are not presented in the tables.
The majority of CNS tumors and all but four of the lymphoma
cases were diagnosed at or after 2 years of age (data not shown).
99.5 (4.5)
99.6 (4.8)
101.0 (4.0)
99.3 (3.5)
98.5 (4.1)
100.2 (5.0)
99.4 (4.5)
101.3 (4.2)
100.0 (4.5)
98.7 (5.0)
Mean (SD)

Mean parental age was similar among the noncases and all cancer

categories, while a higher proportion of all categories (except

‘Other intracranial/spinalÕ tumors) were of Caucasian ethnicity

SD, Standard deviation; POBW, proportion of optimal birth weight; POBL, proportion of optimal birth length; POWFL, proportion of optimal weight for length.
compared with noncases (data not shown).
The results of the univariate Cox regression analysis are shown
in Table II. The risk of CNS tumors was similar in boys and girls,
97.5 (12.5)
96.9 (13.5)
95.0 (10.7)
96.7 (10.6)
94.9 (12.3)
97.6 (12.4)
96.2 (12.5)

98.1 (11.9)
99.2 (13.7)

101.4 (9.9)
while boys appeared to have a higher risk of Burkitt and Hodgkin
Mean (SD)

lymphomas than girls. There was some evidence that higher birth
order was associated with an increased risk of ‘Other gliomasÕ,
and a reduced risk of ‘Other intracranial/spinal tumorsÕ (Table II).
Overall, there was little evidence of any association between the
three measures of fetal growth and risk of CNS tumors, although
there was a suggestion that risk of ependymoma/choroid plexus
280,449 (48.7)
32 (40.5)
9 (42.9)
14 (63.6)
18 (47.4)
4 (22.2)
80 (43.7)
15 (50.0)
14 (50.0)
9 (45.0)

tumours may be positively associated with POBL (HR 1.37) and


negatively associated with POWFL (HR 0.68) (Table II). There

was also some suggestion that the risk of medulloblastoma/PNET
was inversely associated with each of the three growth measures.
There was weak evidence of an increased risk of Hodgkin lym-
Birth order

phoma with increasing POBW and POBL (Table II). Inclusion of

maternal ethnicity and parental age in the regression models for
POBW, POBL, and POWFL and any of the cancers produced no
295,917 (51.3)
47 (59.5)
12 (57.1)
8 (36.4)
20 (52.6)
14 (77.8)
103 (56.3)
15 (50.0)
14 (50.0)
11 (55.0)

material change in the hazard ratios (data not shown).

First born

Univariate analyses indicated that high birth weight was not

associated with any CNS tumor or lymphoma (data not shown).
There was some suggestion of an increased risk of astrocytoma
with birth weight <2,500 g (RR 1.88:0.72–4.91), although the
estimate was imprecise
The potential for interactions between sex and POBW, POBL
282,608 (49.0)
40 (50.6)
10 (47.6)
11 (50.0)
16 (42.1)
8 (44.4)
85 (46.4)
10 (33.3)
12 (42.9)
4 (20.0)

and POWFL was explored, and the results were suggestive of an

Females N (%)

increased risk of ‘Other intracranial/spinalÕ tumors associated with

an increase in each of the three measures in boys only (Table III).
No other associations with CNS tumors were apparent in either
sex. The increased risk of Hodgkin lymphoma associated with an
increase in each of the three measures was only evident in boys.

Male-only associations were also observed between risk of Burkitt

lymphoma and POBW and POWFL. Conversely, the positive
293,758 (51.0)
39 (49.4)
11 (52.4)
11 (50.0)
22 (57.9)
10 (55.6)
98 (53.6)
20 (66.7)
16 (57.1)
16 (80.0)

association between risk of NHL and POBW and POBL was only
Males N (%)

evident in girls (Table III).

Possible interactions between birth order and POBW, POBL
and POWFL were also investigated (Table IV). There was no dif-
ference in the association between any of the measures of intra-
uterine growth and risk of CNS tumors by birth order, other than
POBL which appeared to be positively associated with risk of
‘Other intracranial/spinalÕ tumors among first-borns but inversely

associated with risk among subsequent births. There was weak


evidence that the associations between increasing POBW and

POWFL and risk of Hodgkin and Burkitt lymphoma only applied
to subsequently born children.
Similar to the approach taken in our previous report of fetal
growth and childhood ALL,28 we then examined the association
Ependymoma/choroid plexus1

All CNS tumors combined3

between increasing POBW and risk of Hodgkin and Burkitt lym-


Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Other intracranial/spinal

phomas (in boys) and NHL (in girls) who did not have ‘high birth
weightÕ according to two commonly used definitions: >3,500 g
Hodgkin lymphoma

and >4,000 g. The HRs for Hodgkin lymphoma for a 1 SD

Burkitt lymphoma

increase in POBW were: 2.26 (1.39–3.68), among boys weighing

Other gliomas

<3,500 g at birth, and 2.19 (1.56–3.07) among boys weighing


<4,000 g at birth. For Burkitt lymphoma, these HRs were 1.38


(0.57–3.33) and 1.49 (0.83–2.68), respectively. The HRs for NHL

for a 1 SD increase in POBW were: 1.50 (0.58–3.86) among girls
weighing <3,500 g at birth, and 1.68 (0.95–2.95) among girls

weighing <4,000 g at birth.

Sex* Birth order* POBW z score POBL z score POWFL z score

Astrocytoma 1.07 0.69–1.66 0.80 0.51–1.25 0.95 0.76–1.19 0.99 0.79–1.23 0.95 0.76–1.18
Ependymoma/choroid plexus1 0.95 0.40–2.23 0.82 0.34–1.94 0.82 0.53–1.26 1.37 0.90–2.06 0.68 0.44–1.06
Other gliomas 1.04 0.45–2.40 2.05 0.86–4.90 0.94 0.62–1.43 0.93 0.62–1.39 0.97 0.63–1.47
Medulloblastoma/PNETs2 0.76 0.40–1.44 1.01 0.53–1.91 0.81 0.59–1.12 0.81 0.62–1.06 0.86 0.62–1.20
Other intracranial/spinal 0.83 0.33–2.11 0.34 0.11–1.04 1.01 0.63–1.59 1.12 0.71–1.76 0.97 0.61–1.54
All CNS tumors combined3 0.90 0.68–1.21 0.90 0.67–1.20 0.90 0.77–1.04 0.96 0.83–1.11 0.89 0.77–1.04
Hodgkin lymphoma 0.52 0.24–1.11 1.28 0.63–2.62 1.34 0.95–1.88 1.38 0.98–1.94 1.25 0.88–1.76
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 0.78 0.37–1.65 1.18 0.56–2.48 1.05 0.73–1.51 1.09 0.76–1.57 1.00 0.69–1.45
Burkitt lymphoma 0.26 0.09–0.78 0.95 0.39–2.30 1.15 0.75–1.76 0.84 0.57–1.23 1.27 0.84–1.94
HR, Hazard Ratio; CI, 95% Confidence interval; POBW, proportion of optimal birth weight; POBL, proportion of optimal birth length; POWFL, proportion of optimal weight for length.
Includes 18 Ependymomas and 3 choroid plexus tumors.–2Includes 32 Medulloblastomas and 6 PNETs.–3Includes 4 intracranial/spinal germ cell tumors and 1 unspecified CNS tumor.
*Reference categories: male sex and first born.


POBW z score POBL z score POWFL z score
Males HR (CI) Females HR (CI) Interaction p-value Males HR (CI) Females HR (CI) Interaction p-value Males HR (CI) Females HR (CI) Interaction p-value

Astrocytoma 0.94 (0.69–1.29) 0.96 (0.70–1.32) 0.94 1.12 (0.82–1.53) 0.88 (0.66–1.17) 0.25 0.87 (0.63–1.20) 1.02 (0.75–1.40) 0.48
Ependymoma/choroid plexus1 0.77 (0.42–1.40) 0.87 (0.47–1.64) 0.77 1.17 (0.65–2.12) 1.59 (0.90–2.80) 0.46 0.68 (0.37–1.25) 0.68 (0.37–1.28) 0.99
Other gliomas 1.07 (0.60–1.93) 0.82 (0.45–1.49) 0.53 1.18 (0.66–2.11) 0.78 (0.54–1.14) 0.25 1.03 (0.57–1.86) 0.91 (0.50–1.64) 0.77
Medulloblastoma/PNETs2 0.88 (0.57–1.34) 0.73 (0.44–1.20) 0.57 0.87 (0.58–1.31) 0.77 (0.58–1.03) 0.63 0.90 (0.59–1.38) 0.81 (0.48–1.34) 0.72
Other intracranial/spinal 1.37 (0.77–2.44) 0.66 (0.33–1.34) 0.12 1.43 (0.80–2.57) 0.83 (0.47–1.46) 0.19 1.27 (0.70–2.31) 0.68 (0.34–1.36) 0.18
All CNS tumors combined3 0.93 (0.77–1.14) 0.85 (0.69–1.06) 0.54 1.05 (0.86–1.27) 0.88 (0.72–1.07) 0.23 0.90 (0.74–1.10) 0.88 (0.71–1.10) 0.90
Hodgkin lymphoma 1.67 (1.14–2.43) 0.81 (0.43–1.51) 0.05 1.65 (1.11–2.45) 0.95 (0.53–1.71) 0.13 1.54 (1.03–2.30) 0.79 (0.42–1.47) 0.08
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 0.76 (0.46–1.25) 1.53 (0.91–2.55) 0.05 0.76 (0.54–1.08) 1.85 (1.12–3.06) 0.006 0.82 (0.50–1.35) 1.28 (0.75–2.18) 0.23
Burkitt lymphoma 1.35 (0.85–2.14) 0.56 (0.21–1.50) 0.11 0.91 (0.56–1.46) 0.74 (0.49–1.10) 0.51 1.50 (0.95–2.35) 0.61 (0.23–1.64) 0.10
HR, Hazard Ratio; CI, 95% Confidence interval; POBW, proportion of optimal birth weight; POBL, proportion of optimal birth length; POWFL, proportion of optimal weight for length.
Includes 18 Ependymomas and 3 choroid plexus tumors.–2Includes 32 Medulloblastomas and 6 PNETs.–3Includes 4 intracranial/spinal germ cell tumors and 1 unspecified CNS tumor.

Apart from ‘other intracranial/spinalÕ tumors, over 80% of each

Interaction p-value
cancer group had at least one sibling (Table V). The matched sib-
ling analyses for ependymoma/choroid plexus tumor were indica-

HR, Hazard Ratio; CI, 95% Confidence interval; POBW, proportion of optimal birth weight; POBL, proportion of optimal birth length; POWFL, proportion of optimal weight for length.
tive of an increased risk with higher POBL (OR: 2.97 per 1 SD

Includes 18 Ependymomas and 3 choroid plexus tumors.–2Includes 32 Medulloblastomas and 6 PNETs.–3Includes 4 intracranial/spinal germ cell tumors and 1 unspecified CNS tumor.
increase) and a reduced risk with higher POWFL (OR: 0.59) (Ta-
ble VI). POBL appeared to be positively related to risk of ‘Other
intracranial/spinal tumorsÕ (OR: 1.87), and inversely related to risk
0.98 (0.69–1.39)
0.73 (0.37–1.42)
1.01 (0.59–1.70)
0.74 (0.46–1.20)
0.83 (0.31–2.26)
0.87 (0.70–1.09)
1.56 (0.99–2.46)
1.04 (0.61–1.75)
1.78 (1.06–2.98)
Subsequent HR (CI)

of medulloblastoma/PNET (OR: 0.52), when cases were compared

POWFL z score

with their nonaffected siblings. Risk of Hodgkin lymphoma was

higher with increases in each measure of intra-uterine growth,
while there was a suggestion that risk of Burkitt lymphoma may
be slightly elevated with increased POBW and POWFL compared
with siblings. NHL appeared to be inversely associated with
POWFL (OR: 0.43) (Table VI).
0.92 (0.69–1.23)
0.65 (0.37–1.15)
0.94 (0.47–1.89)
0.98 (0.63–1.52)
0.98 (0.58–1.65)
0.90 (0.74–1.10)
1.00 (0.60–1.65)
0.97 (0.58–1.65)
0.91 (0.50–1.65)
First born HR (CI)

This study provides some new insights into the relationship
between intra-uterine growth and specific childhood cancers by
Interaction p-value

using relatively novel measures of the appropriateness of fetal

growth: POBW, POBL and POWFL. All three measures are inde-

pendent of gestational age and take account of the major nonpa-

thological determinants of intra-uterine growth, which represents

an improvement on the analysis of birth weight alone or birth

weight adjusted for gestational age. Consistent with our previously
0.96 (0.67–1.36)
1.53 (0.82–2.86)
1.00 (0.59–1.69)
0.70 (0.48–1.01)
0.60 (0.40–0.90)
0.86 (0.69–1.07)
1.20 (0.72–2.00)
1.21 (0.72–2.03)
0.77 (0.42–1.41)

reported findings for childhood ALL,28 we observed a positive

Subsequent HR (CI)

association between intra-uterine growth and risk of some specific

POBL z score

CNS tumors and lymphomas in children.

We observed a higher risk of ependymoma/choroid plexus tu-
mor among children with greater than expected skeletal growth
(length) at birth, and among children with less soft tissue (weight)
than expected for their birth length. We also observed, among
1.00 (0.75–1.32)
1.24 (0.72–2.16)
0.86 (0.48–1.54)
0.92 (0.61–1.39)
1.41 (0.87–2.30)
1.04 (0.86–1.26)
1.56 (0.99–2.43)
1.00 (0.60–1.65)
0.89 (0.52–1.51)
First born HR (CI)

boys, an increased risk of ‘Other intracranial/spinalÕ tumors asso-

ciated with greater than expected birth weight and length. Similar
patterns of results were observed when the cases were compared
with their nonaffected siblings, suggesting that the rates of specific
aspects of fetal growth associated with risk of these tumors are
individual rather than familial characteristics. We found little or
Interaction p-value

no evidence of associations between intra-uterine growth and risk

of other CNS tumors. The results of previous studies of birth

weight and CNS tumors have been inconsistent, and effect esti-
mates have generally lacked precision because of small numbers
of cases. Von Behren and Reynolds reported an increased risk of
astrocytoma among girls (but not boys) with birth weight >4,000 g
0.98 (0.69–1.38)
0.89 (0.46–1.74)
1.02 (0.60–1.72)
0.68 (0.42–1.09)
0.62 (0.23–1.69)
0.85 (0.68–1.06)
1.54 (0.97–2.45)
1.11 (0.66–1.86)
1.49 (0.82–2.69)

(OR 2.21: 1.08–4.49).38 An increased risk of astrocytoma in high

Subsequent HR (CI)

birth weight children was also observed in studies by Emerson

POBW z score

et al. (>4,000 g: RR 1.9 (1.1–3.1),39 Kuijten et al. (>4,000 g: RR

2.9 (0.9–9.3),40 Lee et al. (>3,500 g: IRR 1.4 (0.3–7.1)4 and Mog-
ren et al. (>4,500 g: SIR 4.44 (1.19–11.38).41 Overall, there has
been less support for an association between high birth weight and
risk of other CNS tumors, although a recent study by Schuz
0.93 (0.69–1.24)
0.75 (0.43–1.34)
0.86 (0.43–1.74)
0.95 (0.61–1.47)
1.10 (0.66–1.85)
0.93 (0.76–1.13)
1.18 (0.73–1.92)
1.00 (0.60–1.69)
0.91 (0.50–1.65)

reported a RR of 1.34 (0.97–1.85) for birth weight >4000 g in

First born HR (CI)

relation to all CNS tumors combined,9 while two earlier studies by

the same author reported that both low birth weight (<2,500 g)
and high birth weight (>4,000 g) were associated with some ele-
vation in risk of all CNS tumors combined,10 and of astrocytoma,
ependymoma and medulloblastoma separately.42 Savitz et al.
reported a similar pattern of results with RRs for CNS tumors of:
Ependymoma/choroid plexus1

1.6 (0.6–4.2) for birth weight <2,500 g, and 2.3 (0.9–6.1) for birth
All CNS tumors combined3

weight >4,000 g.11 Other studies have reported no associa-

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Other intracranial/spinal

tion.12,13 Only the Singaporean study by Lee et al.4 adjusted for

Hodgkin lymphoma

gestational age. As indicated earlier, it is not possible to distin-

Burkitt lymphoma

guish between the possible effects of accelerated intra-uterine

growth and high birth weight per se without taking account of
Other glioma

gestational age. Previous studies of the risk of CNS tumors

have not directly compared birth weight among cases and their
Emerson et al.39 have suggested two possible explanations for a

relationship between high birth weight and risk of CNS tumors.

N cases with Total N Mean Case Mean Mean Case Mean Mean Case Mean
a sibling (%) siblings POBW Sibling POBW POBL Sibling POBL POWFL Sibling POWFL

Astrocytoma 65 (82.3) 118 96.9 (12.9) 94.8 (11.1) 99.6 (4.6) 98.7(4.5) 96.9 (10.4) 95.7 (9.1)
Ependymoma/choroid plexus1 17 (81.0) 33 93.7 (9.1) 93.5 (14.2) 100.6 (4.3) 97.9 (4.0) 92.7 (6.8) 94.9 (12.2)
Other gliomas 20 (90.9) 31 97.1 (11.1) 97.1 (11.3) 99.4 (3.6) 98.5 (6.6) 97.4 (9.5) 98.8 (15.3)
Medulloblastoma/PNETs2 31 (81.6) 62 94.3 (11.9) 97.5 (12.5) 98.1 (4.0) 99.7 (4.0) 95.8 (10.2) 97.6 (10.4)
Other intracranial/spinal 12 (66.7) 24 95.1 (13.6) 94.1 (8.0) 99.6 (4.7) 97.7 (3.8) 95.2 (13.1) 96.4 (6.9)
All CNS tumors combined3 149 (81.4) 279 95.5 (12.0) 95.4 (11.5) 99.2 (4.4) 98.7 (4.5) 95.9 (10.0) 96.4 (10.4)
Hodgkin lymphoma 25 (83.3) 42 101.4 (10.2) 96.2 (12.8) 101.1 (4.4) 99.7 (4.7) 99.9 (8.1) 96.1 (10.2)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 24 (85.7) 51 98.1 (12.3) 99.2 (11.3) 100.3 (4.4) 98.7 (6.9) 97.2 (8.5) 99.4 (8.9)
Burkitt lymphoma 19 (95.0) 32 99.9 (13.8) 98.2 (11.0) 98.9 (5.0) 99.5 (4.4) 100.4 (12.2) 98.3 (9.4)
Includes 14 Ependymomas and 3 choroid plexus tumors.–2Includes 25 Medulloblastomas and 6 PNETs.–3Includes 4 intracranial/spinal germ
cell tumours and 1 unspecified CNS tumor.


POBW z score POBL z score POWFL z score
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)

Astrocytoma 1.17 (0.75–1.82) 1.22 (0.82–1.82) 1.08 (0.70–1.67)

Ependymoma/choroid plexus1 0.83 (0.37–1.89) 2.97 (1.03–8.56) 0.59 (0.26–1.30)
Other gliomas 0.81 (0.30–2.16) 1.16 (0.72–1.86) 0.77 (0.40–1.45)
Medulloblastoma/PNETs2 0.70 (0.42–1.18) 0.52 (0.25–1.07) 0.78 (0.48–1.28)
Other intracranial/spinal 1.31 (0.49–3.54) 1.87 (0.75–4.68) 0.90 (0.36–2.23)
All CNS tumours combined3 0.90 (0.68–1.18) 1.11 (0.88–1.41) 0.84 (0.65–1.08)
Hodgkin lymphoma 2.42 (0.99–5.93) 1.73 (0.88–3.41) 2.04 (0.88–4.73)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 0.73 (0.32–1.66) 1.31 (0.79–2.18) 0.43 (0.17–1.11)
Burkitt lymphoma 1.49 (0.66–3.34) 0.72 (0.33–1.55) 1.76 (0.80–3.88)
Includes 14 Ependymomas and 3 choroid plexus tumors.–2Includes 25 Medulloblastomas and
6 PNETs.–3Includes 4 intracranial/spinal germ cell tumors and 1 unspecified CNS tumor.

The first was that in utero exposure to excess glucose would tend produced conflicting results. The results of two studies by Schuz
to increase fetal weight, while also modifying the trans-placental and coworkers,9,10 a study by McKinney et al.45 and two studies
response to carcinogenic factors. The second was that augmented by Roman and coworkers43,46 were indicative of some increased
rates of cell division and growth may increase the sensitivity of risk of NHL with low birth weight (<2,500 g). None of these stud-
the fetus to carcinogenic agents in utero. Schuz and Forman sug- ies adjusted for gestational age. On the other hand, Yeazel et al.
gested that regulators of embryonic brain development, such as reported an OR of 1.5 (1.0–2.5) among children at least 2 years
the TWIST transcription factor, might remain up-regulated by old at diagnosis with birth weight >4,000 g, after adjustment for
IGF-I.9 Another possibility is that increased growth factors may gestational age.12 Petridou et al. reported a 42% (4–92%) increase
prevent apoptosis occurring in cells that have had a ‘first hitÕ, in risk of NHL for each 500 g increase in birth weight,
while also giving rise to larger babies. after adjustment for ‘socioeconomic, perinatal and sun exposure
We found that the risk of Hodgkin lymphoma was associated variablesÕ (p 1035).44
with higher than expected birth weight, birth length, and birth Burkitt lymphoma was more common in boys, and risk
weight for length, particularly in boys. These findings were repli- appeared to be somewhat elevated among boys who had higher
cated in the combined-sexes matched siblings analysis, suggesting than expected birth weight and weight for length. Similar findings
that the increased fetal growth associated with risk of Hodgkin were seen in the combined-sexes matched analysis of siblings,
lymphoma is an individual rather than a familial characteristic. suggesting that the increased fetal growth associated with risk of
The relationship between intra-uterine growth (POBW) was even Burkitt lymphoma is specific to the individual and not general to
stronger among boys who did not have ‘high birth weightÕ, despite the family. Similar to the findings for Hodgkin lymphoma in boys
the small number of cases in the analysis. This finding supports and NHL in girls, the fact that the risk of Burkitt lymphoma
the notion that risk of Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with tended to be elevated among boys who did not have ‘high birth
accelerated growth rather than high birth weight per se. To our weightÕ suggests that accelerated growth is the more important
knowledge, only three previous studies have examined birth factor. To our knowledge, only one study has reported an associa-
weight in relation to risk of Hodgkin lymphoma separately from tion between birth weight and Burkitt lymphoma specifically4;
other lymphomas,12,43,44 and none found an association. that study also reported an increased risk with high birth weight
Our results were consistent with the risk of NHL being (>3,500 g) (IRR 10.5:1.1–102.6), after adjustment for gestational
higher—among girls only—primarily with greater skeletal growth age.
but also with somewhat more soft tissue at birth than expected. Three other previous studies have combined all lymphomas into
However, compared with their siblings, NHL cases tended to have one group for analysis. Savitz and Ananth reported a positive asso-
lower birth weight for their length, though with small numbers the ciation with birth weight >4,000 g compared with 2,500–4,000 g,
confidence interval is wide. Together, these findings suggest that although there were only 26 cases in the analysis and confidence
NHL cases may belong to families with a tendency toward accel- intervals were wide.11 McKinney et al. presented weak evidence
erated fetal growth. Similar to the findings for Hodgkin lymphoma of an increased risk with low birth weight (<2,500 g),13 and
in boys, the fact that the association between fetal growth and risk Adami et al. reported no association.14 None of these three studies
of NHL tended to be elevated among girls who did not have ‘high adjusted for gestational age. No previous studies appear to have
birth weightÕ suggests that the pertinent risk factor is accelerated directly compared the birth weight or intra-uterine growth of
growth. Previous studies of NHL in relation to birth weight have lymphoma cases with that of their siblings.

As in other studies, our results were based on relatively small we investigated associations between the measures of fetal growth
numbers of cases, so many of our findings are inconclusive. We and the risk of specific cancer subtypes. Analyzing CNS tumors or
also acknowledge that there is heterogeneity within some of the lymphomas as a group (as in some previous studies) may mask
ICCC3 tumor categories, such as in the ‘other gliomaÕ category; important associations with specific subtypes.
however, there were insufficient cases to conduct some of the sub- Selection bias is unlikely to have affected our results. The study
group analyses that would have been of interest. In addition, we included the entire population of children born in Western Aus-
investigated at least three explanatory variables and their interac- tralia between 1980 and 2004, although some outward migration
tions with sex and birth order for each of several cancer groups, so will have occurred resulting in a loss to follow-up. However, there
that some of the observed associations may be due to chance is no evidence to indicate that outward migration of children is
because of multiple comparisons. However, we believe we have related to the appropriateness of intra-uterine growth, a diagnosis
been appropriately conservative in the description and interpreta- of childhood cancer, or both. Recall bias is not a threat to validity
tion of our findings. as information on risk factors was collected prior to diagnosis.
The use of administrative health data generally involves some To our knowledge, ours is the first population-based study to
level of compromise in terms of the variables available for inclu- have examined appropriateness of fetal growth in relation to the
sion in the analysis, as the data are often collected for purposes risk of childhood CNS tumors and lymphomas, and to have
other than research. For example, we would have liked to investi- directly compared fetal growth among cases and their siblings.
gate whether there was any association between head circumfer- Given the rarity of these childhood cancers, collaborative studies
ence at birth and risk of CNS tumors in childhood. Samuelsen involving data pooling are most likely to produce precise esti-
et al.47 reported an increased risk of pilocytic astrocytoma (RR mates of the associations with fetal growth. We recommend that
1.34:95% CI: 1.09–1.65) and ependymoma (RR 1.36:95% CI: future studies take account of gestational age (at least) in the anal-
0.92–2.01) per 1-cm increase in head circumference, after adjust- ysis of associations between fetal growth and cancer risk, and
ment for birth weight, gestational age and sex, among children compare cases with their siblings, as such an approach is
aged 0–15 years. Although we had data on head circumference for more likely to elucidate possible causal pathways. Further
children born from 1990 onwards, it was missing for 53% of CNS research into the underlying biological mechanisms suggested by
tumors over the entire time period. the observed associations for these childhood cancers is also of a
This study has some important strengths. The examination of high priority.
the risk of childhood cancer associated with the appropriateness of
intra-uterine growth—rather than birth weight per se—represents
an advance relative to previous studies, particularly on those that Acknowledgements
did not adjust for gestational age. Our approach also obviated the The authors acknowledge the assistance provided by Ms. Diana
need to assign an arbitrary cut-off for ‘high birth weightÕ. Further- Rosman and Ms. Carol Garfield at the Western Australian Data
more, we were able to investigate the risk of childhood cancers in Linkage Unit and Drs. Tim Threlfall and Judith Thompson at the
relation to three distinct aspects of intra-uterine growth: propor- Western Australian Cancer Registry. The authors also thank
tion of optimum weight, proportion of optimum length and the Ms. Margaret Wood for extracting the linked data files and provid-
proportion of optimum weight for length. To the extent possible, ing advice on the cleaning and preparation of the data for analysis.

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ICD-Oncology-3 codes
ICCC3 cancer category
Morphology Topography

Astrocytoma 9,380 C72.3

9,384, 9,400–9,411, 9,420–9,424, 9,440–9,442
Ependymoma and choroid 9,383, 9,390–9,394
plexus tumour
Other gliomas 9,380 C70.0–C72.2, C72.4–C72.9,
C75.1, C75.3
9,381, 9,382, 9,430, 9,444, 9,450, 9451, 9,460
Medulloblastoma & PNETs 9,470–9,474, 9,480, 9,508
9,501–9,504 C70.0–C72.9
Other specified intracranial and 8,270–8,281, 8,300, 9,350–9,352, 9,360–9,362, 9412,
intraspinal neoplasms 9,413, 9,492, 9,493, 9,505–9,507, 9,530–9539, 9582
Intracranial and intraspinal germ 9,060–9,065, 9,070–9,072, 9,080–9,085, 9,100, 9,101 C70.0–C72.9, C75.1–C75.3
cell tumours
Hodgkin lymphomas 9,650–9,655, 9,659, 9,661–9,665, 9,667
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas 9,591, 9,670, 9,671, 9,673, 9,675, 9,678–9,680, 9684,
9,689–9,691, 9,695, 9,698–9,702, 9,705, 9708, 9709,
9,714, 9,716–9,719, 9,727–9,729, 9731–9734,
9,760–9,762, 9,764–9,769, 9,970
Burkitt lymphoma 9,687
Miscellaneous lymphoreticular neoplasms 9,740–9,742, 9,750, 9,754–9,758
Unspecified lymphomas 9,590, 9,596

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