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Phases extra

Starter Have students make questions about the

sentences in the first exercise.

2 Ask students to match the questions with the
answers. Check their work orally having one
student read the question aloud and a second
student answer it. Pay special attention to
Aims fluency and intonation. Use backward build-up
if necessary, starting from the last word and
To ask for and give personal information.
eliciting repetition every two words, eg T: ‘from?’
To describe clothes. S: ‘from?’ T: ‘you from?’ S: ‘you from?’ T: ‘are
To talk about one’s family. you from?’ S: ‘are you from?’ T: ‘Where are you
from?’ S: ‘Where are you from?’
To revise verbs to be and have got.
To revise possessive adjectives. 1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 d

3 Students work in pairs to ask and answer

Initial phase the questions in exercise 1 about themselves.
Model the first exchange as an example and
If this is the first class with the group, introduce then circulate monitoring students’ work.
yourself, say where you are from and your age,
and elicit the same from two or three students. Ask Motivating teenagers is not an easy
students to mentally choose a number between task and it should be a major aim in our
1 and 20 and write it on a sheet of paper. Then work. To make the activity above more
ask a student to say a number from 1 to 20, eg fun, you may invite different pairs out to
‘5’. Have all those students who have chosen the front and ask them to role-play this
number 5 introduce themselves as if they were a situation: they are at a celebrity party
celebrity. They should say their first name, surname, but they haven’t been invited and they
do not know anybody. The celebrity may
nationality and any other piece of personal
get angry and express their feelings!
information they know.

If you want to help a student that

you perceive as shy or weak, you may Workbook page 3
have him/her repeat somebody else’s
personal information in the third
person singular.
4 Have the class look at the picture and find the
clothes in the box.
Do not overcorrect. At this stage it
is important to focus on fluency and 5 1.02 Play the track for students to listen and
spontaneity. Grammar will become our repeat. Check exercise 4 orally: point and elicit the
focus in the second part of thi’s lesson. word. Use what students are wearing or drawings
to teach the rest of the words in the box.

More able students may be challenged

Core to provide other words such as
‘dungaree’, ‘blouse’, ‘coat’, ‘suit’,
‘track suit’, etc.
Personal information
1 Have the class complete the sentences with the
words in the box. Check their work orally.
Phases extra
1 14; 2 Manchester; 3 swimming Students are given three minutes to write as many
items of clothing as possible in alphabetical order.
The winner is the student who writes more words.
Of course, this should be done with books closed.

Revise/Teach possessive case in reference 9 1.03Play the track for students to listen and
to the people in the picture and the
repeat. Point out that ‘cousin’ is both male and
words in the box. Say, ‘Louise’s trousers
female. Compare with students’ L1.
are beige but Will’s are blue.’ Use the
board to explain that we use ’s with
personal names or singular nouns. If the 10 1.04 Play the track for the class to listen to
proper noun finishes in an ‘s’, we may Will talking about his family and identify the
use ’ or ’s. Plural nouns only take the people in the picture. Have them complete the
apostrophe. Compare with students’ L1. sentences. Check their work orally and write the
answers on the board, eg ‘Tom: granddad’

6 Invite students to describe the clothes in the Audioscript

picture in exercise 4. This may be done orally or This is a picture of my family. Here are my parents. Laura is my
mum and my dad’s name is Michael. I have got one brother.
in students’ folders and then checked orally. His name is Nick. I haven’t got any sisters. That’s Harriet.
She’s my cousin. And those are my grandparents. Tom is my
Answers granddad and Margaret is my grandmother.
Will’s T-shirt is blue. Izzie’s skirt is blue. Izzie’s shoes are black.
Izzie’s leggings are short. Louise’s shirt is red, blue and white. Answers
Louise’s T-shirt is white. 1 Michael is his dad. 2 Nick is his brother. 3 Harriet is his
cousin. 4 Tom is his granddad. 5 Margaret is his grandmother.

7 Students work in pairs to correct their 11 Students write sentences about their family or a
partner as in the example. Explain they may family on TV such as the Simpsons, the Addams or
make sentences about the picture on page 4 or a family from a local programme. Check orally.
about their classmates. Model an exchange and
then circulate as you monitor their work. This
should not take more than three minutes. Phases extra
Divide the class into two groups. Write on the board:
Workbook page 3 ‘1 NT’, ‘2 BRTHR’, ‘3 CSN’, ‘4 DGHTR’, ‘5 HSBND’, ‘6
GRNDDD’, ‘7 NC’, ‘8 NCL’, ‘9 WF’, ’10 NPHW’. Have
the two groups take turns to come to the board and
write the words with the missing vowels.
Phases extra
Play ‘Wrong is correct’. Organize the class into 1 aunt; 2 brother; 3 cousin; 4 daughter; 5 husband;
two teams. Have the members of the first team 6 granddad; 7 niece; 8 uncle; 9 wife; 10 nephew
make sentences about their classmates using the
possessive case, eg ‘Mary’s trousers are not red.’
The members of the opposite team must say if the
sentence is True or False but explain that a sentence Workbook page 3
is true if it is false and the other way round.

Activities of this kind develop student’s
thinking skills as they can’t take 12 Revise the affirmative and negative forms and
anything for granted. questions of be on the board and have the class
write true sentences using the beginnings and
ending given. Check orally. When appropriate,
accept different answers. If necessary,
Family systematize and have students copy a few
examples onto the board under the title: ‘be
8 Draw your own family tree to make sure (am/is/are): asking for and giving information
students remember the family words and then (us, our family and our clothes)’.
ask them to copy and complete the table into
their folders. They should also state what words Answers
can be both male and female. 1 am/am not; 2 is/isn’t; 3 are/aren’t; 4 is/isn’t; 5 isn’t

male: brother, father, granddad, husband, nephew, son, uncle
13 Proceed in the same way with have got.
female: aunt, daughter, grandmother, mother, niece, sister, Revise the affirmative and negative forms
wife and questions, and have the class copy a short
both: cousin summary into their folders, the title of which is:
‘have/has got: possession’. Then have students
choose the correct words. Check orally.

1 have got; 2 has got; 3 have got; 4 has got; 5 have got Closing phase
Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 6
and 7, point and make sentences using possessive
Phases extra adjectives and items of clothing. They can invent
Give students 15 seconds to say what they have/ names for the different people on the pictures, eg
haven’t got. The student who makes more picture 1: ‘The girl on the left is Alice. Her raincoat
sentences is the winner. is purple. The girl on the right is Mary. Her trousers
are brown.’

14 Revise possessive adjectives. Use have/has got

to contextualize your presentation, eg ‘I’ve got
a dog. My dog’s name is Fido.’ Write all the
possessive adjectives on the board and then ask
students to use them to complete sentences
1–5. Check orally and write the answers on the
board to avoid mistakes.

1 my, Its; 2 her; 3 My; 4 Their; 5 his

Pronouns are words that stand for a

noun. Personal pronouns function as
subjects. Adjectives modify a noun and
are usually followed by one. This is why
my, your, his, her, etc are possessive
adjectives as different from possessive
pronouns (mine, yours, etc.). It is a
good idea to put up a poster in your
classroom reminding students of the use
of possessive adjectives and possessive
case. Students can make the posters

Phases extra
Read these sentences aloud for the class to put the
possessive adjectives in brackets in their correct place.
1 He is cousin Alfred. This is school bag. (my, his)
2 classroom isn’t very big. (our)
3 English teacher isn’t African. (your)
4 surname is Peters. (his)
5 trousers are pink. (her)
6 books are open. (their)
7 Look at new shoes! (my)

15 Revise classroom language asking students to

check the mistakes in sentences 1–6. Elicit more
examples of each exponent.

1 Have you got a sharpener, please? 2 Can I borrow your pen,
please? 3 Where are your books?/Where is your book? 4 We
haven’t got maths on Monday. 5 Is Mary’s book on her desk?
6 We cannot/can’t see the whiteboard.

Workbook page 4


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