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. Execute brtools command.

Choose option 2 – Space Management.

BR*Tools main menu

1 = Instance management
2 - Space management
3 - Segment management
4 - Backup and database copy
5 - Restore and recovery
6 - Check and verification
7 - Database statistics
8 - Additional functions
9 - Exit program
2. Select option 6 – Move data file.
Database space management

1 = Extend tablespace
2 - Create tablespace
3 - Drop tablespace
4 - Alter tablespace
5 - Alter data file
6 - Move data file
7 - Additional space functions
8 - Reset program status
3. Select option 3, to fill in the Tablespace names and select option 4, to
fill Data file names.
BRSPACE options for move data file

1 - BRSPACE profile (profile) ...... []

2 - Database user/password (user) .. [/]
3 ~ Tablespace names (tablespace) .. [PSAPSR3]
4 ~ Data file names (file) .........
5 - Confirmation mode (confirm) .... [yes]
6 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .. [20]
7 - Message language (language) .... [E]
8 - BRSPACE command line (command) . [-p xxxx]
4. Press ‘c’ to continue with the executions.
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0291I BRSPACE will be started with options....

5. Next, select option 3 – Move destination (destination) and select option 6
– Force instance shutdown to ‘yes‘.
Options for moving data file /oracle/TR3/sapdata1/sr3_1/sr3.data1

1 * Current file size in MB (currsize) . [2000]

2 * Current link target (currlink) ..... []
3 - Move destination (destination) ..... [/installsoft/sapdata]
4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ... []
5 - Parallel copy processes (parallel) . [1]
6 - Force instance shutdown (force) .... [yes]
7 - SQL command (command) .............. [alter database rename file
6. Press ‘c’ again to continue. Wait the process to be done. Check the space of your
operating system level to verify this.
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2011-04-15 15.51.08
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2011-04-15 15.51.08

BR0370I Directory /oracle/TR3/sapreorg/sefrawcz created
BR0202I Copying /oracle/TR3/sapdata1/sr3_1/sr3.data1
BR0203I to /installsoft/sapdata/sr3_1/sr3.data1 ...

#FILE..... /oracle/TR3/sapdata1/sr3_1/sr3.data1
#COPIED... /installsoft/sapdata/sr3_1/sr3.data1

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2011-04-15 15.56.55

BR0063I 1 of 1 file processed - 2000.008 MB of 2000.008 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 100.00%, estimated end time: 15:56
BR0001I **************************************************

BR0292I Execution of BRSPACE finished with return code 0

Tags: move data file with brtools, move oracle data file

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