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1. Navigate to Apache Website - (httpd.apache.

2. Click on "Download" link for the latest stable version
3. After being redirect to the download page, Select: "Files for Microsoft Windows"
4. Select one of the websites that provide binary distribution (for example: Apache Lounge)
5. After being redirect to "Apache Lounge" website (,
Select: Apache x.x.xx Win64 link
6. After downloaded, unzip the file into C:/
Step 2:
1. Open a command prompt: Run as Administrator
2. Navigate to directory c:/Apache24/bin
3. Add Apache as a Windows Service: httpd.exe -k install
4. In the event of the following error follow Step 3 otherwise jump to Step 4: "The program can't start
because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this
Step 3:
1. At Apache Lounge website, check the section "Apache 2.4 VC15 Windows Binaries and Modules" on
the main page
2. Download the file from the link vc_redist_x64 (I.e
3. Install Visual C++ 2017 files
4. Repeat Step 2
Step 4:
1. Open Windows Services and start Apache HTTP Server
2. Open a Web browser and type the machine IP in the address bar and hit Enter

Starting Apache : Httpd.exe –k start

Stopping server : Httpd.exe –k stop

If service is not stopping manually the use below command for kill forcefully

1) Netstat –ano | findstr :80 or 443

2) Taskkill /PID <PID number as get from first command > /f

Configuration changes in Attached file

httpd-vhosts.conf httpd.conf


Changes in httpd.conf follow as below

3) SRVROOT should have qualified path of apache eg: C:\Appache\httpd-2.4.41-win64-

4) Listen Should have *:80 / *:443, in case of 80 http request will be handled and in
case of 443 https request will be handled
5) All this moduled should be open/uncommect

LoadModule actions_module modules/

LoadModule alias_module modules/

LoadModule allowmethods_module modules/

LoadModule asis_module modules/

LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/

LoadModule authn_core_module modules/

LoadModule authn_file_module modules/

LoadModule authz_core_module modules/

LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/

LoadModule authz_host_module modules/

LoadModule authz_user_module modules/

LoadModule autoindex_module modules/

LoadModule cgi_module modules/

LoadModule dir_module modules/

LoadModule env_module modules/

LoadModule include_module modules/

LoadModule isapi_module modules/

LoadModule mime_module modules/

LoadModule negotiation_module modules/

LoadModule proxy_module modules/

LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

LoadModule setenvif_module modules/

6) ServerAdmin if required

7) ServerName which wil be override by virtual host

8) Changes like below

<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied

Changes in httpd-vhost.conf follow as below

9) <VirtualHost *:80> OR <VirtualHost *:443>


ProxyPass /

ProxyPassReverse /


Proxypasas should have ip with port number

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