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Cardigan Sweater V

These directions are for Size 10. Changes for Sizes 12, 14 and
16 are in parentheses.
Columbia-Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 oz skein) - 4(4-5-5) skeins
Columbia-Minerva Calypso Germantown Knitting Worsted (2 or 4 oz
skein) - 14(16-18-20) ozs
Knitting Needles: 1 pair each "Boye" Sizes 4 and 8 - 14 inch
Gauge: 5 sts to 1 inch; 7 rows to 1 inch (Size 8 needles - St
BACK: With Size 4 needles cast on 80(86-90-96) sts. Work in
ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 2 inches. Change to Size 8 needles and
work in St St until work measures 12 ½”(12 ½”-13”-13”) or
desired length from start to underarm. To Shape Armholes: Bind
off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows - 70(76-80-86) sts on needle.
When armholes measure 2 ½”(3”-3”-3 ½”), measured straight from
bound-off sts at underarm, To Work Yoke: Work in ribbing of K 1,
P 1 until armholes measure 7 ½”(8”-8”-8 ½”) measured
straight. To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 10(11-12-13) sts at beg
of next 4 rows. Bind off rem 30(32-32-34) sts for back of neck.
LEFT FRONT: With Size 4 needles cast on 53(55-58-60) sts. Work
in ribbing as follows: Row 1: (Right side of work) 0(0-P 1-P 1),
*K 1, P 1, repeat from * across to within last 13 sts, K 6, sl
1, K 6 (front border and facing). Row 2: P 13, *K 1, P 1, repeat
from * across, ending 0(0-K 1-K 1). Repeat these 2 rows for 2
inches. Change to Size 8 needles and work as follows: Row
1: (Right side of work) K to within last 14 sts, P 1, K 6, sl 1,
K 6. Row 2: P 13, K 1, P to end of row. Repeat these 2 rows for
pat. When work measures same as Back to underarm, To Shape
Armhole: Bind off 5 sts at side edge - 48(50-53-55) sts on
needle. When armhole measures 2 ½”(3”-3”-3 ½”), measured
straight, To Work Yoke: Row 1: (Right side of work) P 1(P 1-0-
0), *K 1, P 1, repeat from * across to within last 13 sts, K 6,
sl 1, K 6. Row 2: P 13, *K 1, P 1, repeat from * across, ending
K 1(K 1-0-0). When armhole measures same as at Back, To Shape
Shoulder: Bind off in ribbing 10(11-12-13) sts at armhole edge
every other row 2 times. Bind off rem 28(28-29-29) sts in pat
for front neck edge. Place markers for 7 buttons on front
border, having first marker ¾ inch from lower edge and 7th
marker ¾ inch below neck edge.
RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond with Left Front, reversing pat,
working front border and decs at opposite sides and working
double buttonholes to correspond with markers as follows: (Right
side of work) K 2, bind off 2 sts, K 2, sl 1, K 2, bind off 2
sts, K 2, work to end of row. On next row cast on 2 sts over
each set of bound-off sts.
SLEEVES: With Size 4 needles cast on 44(46-48-50) sts. Work in
ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 2 ¼ inches. Change to Size 8 needles
and work in St St, inc'ing 1 st each side, then inc 1 st each
side every 4th row 17(18-17-18) times more - 80(84-84-88) sts on
needle. When work measures 15 inches, or desired length from
start to underarm, bind off.
Sew shoulder seams. Sew Sleeves in place. Sew underarm and
sleeve seams. Turn under front facings and sew in place, working
around buttonholes.

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