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Name Classification Dosage and Indication of Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing

Route Drug Responsibility

Generic Name: Type: Dosage: Vascular - Oral: Nausea, -Watch for s/sx of:
Sulodexide Anticoagulants, 250 LSU pathologies Hypersensitivity vomiting, -Anaphylactoid
Brand Name: Antiplatelets & (Lipoprotein with thrombotic to sulodexide, Epigastric pain. reaction
Vessel Due-F Fibrinolytics lipase risk, transient heparin, and -Bleeding Tendency.
(Thrombolytics Releasing ischemic other heparin- Parenteral: -Check PTT and
) Units 1mg=10 attacks and like products. Pain, burning platelet count freq.
LSU) cerebrovascular and hematoma -In long term
Route: disease, -Diathesis & at injection site. therapy, periodically
Per Orem peripheral hemorrhagic assess stool for
vascular diseases. occult blood.
infuuiciency, -Monitor potassium
diabetic level in patients with
retinopathy, MI, diabetes or renal
Retinal Vasal diseases.
Thrombosis. (Hyperkalemia)
-Advise Patient
>To avoid
hazardous activites.
>To use soft
toothbrush and
electric razor.
> To report and
signs of bleeding.
Name Classification Dosage and Indication of Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing
Route Drug Responsibility
Generic Type: Dosage: Inhibits - GI In pts. with
Name: Anti- 500mg bacterial Hypersensitivi disturbances, renal
Cirprofloxacin Infective; Route: DNA ty to drug or Headache, insufficiency
HCL 2nd Per Orem synthesis by other Dizziness, , assess
Brand Name: Generation inhibiting fluoroquinolon Restlessness, creatinine
Cifloxin Fluoroquinol DNA gyrase es. Tremors, level before
one in Drowsiness, giving first
susceptible Insomnia, dose and at
gram- Nightmare, least once a
negative Visual week during
and gram- disturbances, therapy.
positive Peripheral Monitor
organisms. Neuropathy, blood level
Hypersensitivit closely.
y-Type -Watch for
reactions, s/sx of
Rash & serious
Hematological adverse
disturbances. reactions,
including GI
-Tell pt. to
take drug 2
hrs. after
-Instruct pt
to stop
taking drug
and notify
prescriber at
first sign of
Name Classification Dosage and Indication of Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing
Route Drug Responsibility
Generic Type: Dosage: Promotes -Hypersensitivity Hypoglycemia, -Monitor glucose
Name: Pancreatic glucose to drug or its allergic reaction level frequently
Isophane Hormone; Route: transport, componenets. (anaphylaxis), to assess drug
Insulin Hypoglycemic Subcutaneous which Lipodystrophy, efficacy and
Suspension Injection stimulates -Hypoglycemia insulin appropriateness
Brand carbohydrate resistance. of doseage.
Name: metabolism in -Monitor for signs
Humulin N skeletal and and symptoms of
(NPH) cardiac hypoglycemia.
muscle and -Assess for signs
adipose and symptoms of
tissue. hyperglycemia
-IDDM (polydipsia,
polyuria, and
-Monitor for
-Closely evaluate
kidney and liver
function tests.
-Teach pt. how to
administer insulin
as appropriate.
- Advise pt. to
draw regular
insulin into
syringe first
when mixing 2
types of insulin.
- Instruct pt. to
inj. Sites.
- Teach pt. how
to recognize s/sx
of hypoglycemia
- Teach pt. on

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