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What is teenage pregnancy? What are the main causes of teenage pregnancy? Teenage pregnancy is
defined as a teenage girl, usually between the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is
one of the major factors that affect population growth in the Philippines. And it is a situation which
involves female adolescents. Being a teenager and finding out you are pregnant, especially if the
pregnancy is unexpected and not wanted, can put enormous strees on a young woman and to thier

Some teenage parents might feel they're so busy trying to cope with the rest of their life that they can't
give their children enough attention because, they might also have to worry about finishing their
education. Teenage pregnancy occurs due to many reasons. Some of this are

: peer pressure, lack of attention of their parents, their poor quality of living and underage drinking. And
also if a young woman is under the control of alcoholic drinks with a guy and they don't know what's
happening between them. That will lead them to make the biggest mistake to their lives as a teenager.

Most teenage pregnancies are unintentional. Woman of all age may have unintended pregnancies, but
some groups, such as teens are at higher risk. A lot of teenagers who become a pregnant sometimes
wish the weren't. This happens because they either don't want to be parents or they know it's not the
right time. By the time they find out they are pregnant they start stressing out because it was never
ment to happen and also because they don't want their parents to know or find out.

Therefore, I conclude that teenage pregnancy is a serious problem, and many teenage mothers are not
prepared. Teenagers are not able to get a decent education, and some teens don't know what they want
to do their lives. The main causes of teenage pregnancy may be linked to things such as lack of
education, peer pressure and early engagement of sexual activity and also the curiosity of the teens
strikes about sexual activity is. And it will ruin their lives if they enter that kind of issue.

Teenage pregnancies associate with social issues, such as lower educational levels and higher rates of
poverty. This happens because when they are pregnant they drop out of school and just worry about
their baby. Although they are unemployed they go on a benefit which is when money is given by the
goverment. Why do the young moms still lead a poor life inspite of money given by the goverment? Well
they lead poor life because they don't think about the future, instead they spend all their money on their
child. They don't save up any money and they keep buying things for themselves and their child.
There are life skills you will have to master than if you weren't to become a young mother. First you have
to learn how to put a roof over your head and warm food on the table. You might have a suppprt system
that is doing that for you but a mother needs to be self reliant. Learn how to manage money wisely.
Learn how to prevent another unwanted pregnancy. Learn how to remain restful and peaceful in the
midst of the chaotic life of a mother

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