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Content and function words

A. Content :
a. Noun (benda)
1. Countable noun is a word objects that can be calculated (directly).
written articles a or an countable noun used as a plural (being plural noun).

No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning

1. Pencil Pensil 11. Tambourine Rebana
2. Balloon Balon 12. Onion Bawang merah
3. Hat Topi 13. Carrot Wortel
4. Candy Permen 14. Raddish Lobak
5. Mask Topeng 15. Lotus Bunga teratai
6. Gift Hadiah 16. Fish Ikan
7. Candle Lilin 17. Squid Cumi-cumi
8. Trumpet Terompet 18. Eel Belut
9. Doll Boneka 19. Starfish Bintang laut
10. Ribbon Pita 20. Peacock Burung merak

2. Uncountable Noun is Objects that can not be calculated. (Uncountable nouns) has
characteristics among others:
Her objects we can not count directly. Example :
"Water", can not be one water or two of water, but we can insert noun Others, like “a
glass of water”.
Usually these objects can’t made plural. Could not be added meaning a / an.

No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning

1. Sugar Gula 11. Fur Bulu binatang
2. Salt Garam 12. Husk Sekam padi
3. Rice Beras 13. Dust Abu/debu
4. Water Air 14. Land Tanah
5. Milk Susu 15. Sea Laut
6. Honey Madu 16. Fumes Asap
7. Jam Selai 17. Powder Tepung
8. Soda Soda 18. Wind Angin
9. Glutamate Penyedap 19. Mercury Air raksa
10. Oil Minyak 20. Coffee Kopi

3. Singular When the object was only one, the object The singular or singular.
Example :
No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning

1. A piano Piano 11. An egg Telur

2. A violin Biola 12. An apple Apel
3. A harmonica Harmonika 13. An orange Jeruk
4. A drum Genderang 14. An avocado Alpukat
5. A pumpkin Labu 15. An octopus Gurita
6. A Hut Gubuk 16. An eel Belut
7. A coconut Kelapa 17. An owl Burung hantu
8. A mangosteen Manggis 18. An ostrich Burung onta
9. A seal Anjing laut 19. An arrow Panah
10. A shark Hiu 20. An egg-plant Terung

4. Plural Noun is If the object is if more than one then the object is said Plural or plural.
if you want to change objects of Singular to Plural there are some rules;
 By adding “S”. Example...
1. Bag = bags ( tas-tas)
2. Bowl = bowls ( mangkuk-mangkuk )
3. Pillow = pillows ( bantal-batal )
4. Broom = brooms ( sapu-sapu )
5. Pan = Pans ( Panci-panci )
6. Lock = Locks ( Gembok )
7. T-shirt = t-shirts ( Kemeja-kemeja )
8. Vest = Vests ( Rompi-rompi )
9. Cup = Cups ( Cangkir-cangkir )
10. Violin = Violins ( Biola-biola )

 By adding “es” if the noun ends with the letter ‘x, z, s, sh, or ch’, the plural
coupled with ‘es’.
Example : Branch = Branches ( Dahan-dahan )
1. Dish = Dishes ( hidangan-hidangan/ makanan )
2. Box = Boxes ( Kotak-kotak )
3. Buzz = Buzzes ( Dengungan-dengungan )
4. Beach = Beaches ( Pantai-pantai )
5. Ranch = Ranches ( Peternakan-peternakan )
6. Church = Churches ( Gereja-gereja )
7. Fox = Foxes ( Rubah-rubah )
8. Crees = Creeses ( Kris-kris )
9. Scissors = Scissorses ( Gunting-gunting )

 Noun ending in the letter ‘y’ and preceded by a cosonant change the suffix ‘y’
is preceded by consonant to nouns the single became the suffix ‘i’ and then
plus ‘es’ or ‘y’ was change to ‘ies’. Example :
1. Lady = Ladies (Gadis-adis )
2. Army = Armies ( Tentara-tentara )
3. City = Cities ( Kota-kota )
4. Lily = Lilies ( Bunga-bunga Lily )
5. Fly = Flies ( Terbang )
 If the nouns ends ‘y’ and preceted b a vowel then just add’s only, meaning do
not change the ‘y’ to ‘ies’. Example :
1. Day = days
2. Key = keys
3. Boy = boys

 Nouns ending in the letter ‘f’ or ‘fe’ then change to ‘ves’. Example :
1. Wolf = Wolves ( Srigala )
2. Leaf = Leaves ( Daun )
3. Knife = Knives ( Pisau )
4. Wife = Wives ( istri )
5. Cliff = Clives ( Tebing )
 Note : if there are some nouns that end with ‘f’ and we can direct add ‘s’ only.
Example :
1. chief = chiefs ( pemimpin)
2. grief = griefs ( )
3. roof = roofs ( atap )
4. hoof = hoofs ( kuku)
5. kerchiefs = kerchiefs (sapu tangan)

b. Verb ( Kata kerja )

1. Regular Verb known also as weak verb, verb in which the past tense and participle
obtained by add the suffix-ed.
Example :

No. Inviitive Past Participle Meaning

1. Abashe Abashed Abashed Memalukan

2. Believe Believed Believed Percaya
3. Change Changged Changed Mengubah
4. Destroy Destroyed Destroyed
5. Expan Expanded Expanded

2. Irregular verb or strong verb, is a word working the past tense and participle
obtained in various ways.
Example :

No. Base Past tense Past Meaning

form Participle
1. Break Broke Broken Memecahkan
2. Chide Chid Chidden Mengurusi
3. Cleave Clove Cloven Membelah
4. Fly Flew Flown
5. Get Got Gotten

3. Transitive Verb is verb followed direct object to receive action.

Example :
1. Draw : Menggambar
2. Shoot : Menembak
3. Cook : Memasak
4. Play : Bermain
5. Chase : Mengejar

4. Intransitive Verb is a word that is not followed by direct object as the

recipient of the action
Example :
1. Lean : Bersandar
2. Jump : Melompat
3. Cry : Menangis
4. Run : Berlari
5. Sleep : Tidur

5. Auxiliary verb ( kata kerja bantu) example : is, are, it ( tobe in tenses)
Example : Tatu is a student of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi North

6. Adjective ( kata sifat) used to explain the noun ( kata benda ) word objects
including pronoun object/nperson.
Example :
1. Blunt : Tumpul
2. Thin : Tipis
3. Fast : Cepat
4. Sweet : Manis
5. Empty : Kosong

7. Adverb ( kata keterngan/ words caption ) is a word that serves axplain verb,
adjective, or other adverb.
a. Adverb of place : keterangan tempat
 In the court = di pengadilan
 In Kotabumi = di kotabumi
 In the hospital = di rumah sakit
 In the Ranch = di peternakan
 In the Estate = di perkebunan
b. Adverb of time : keteranagan waktu
 Tonight = Malam ini
 Today = Hari ini
 This afternoon = Sore ini
 Yesterday = Kemarin
 Tomorrow = Besok
c. Adverb of manner : keterngan cara
 Quickly = Dengan cepat
 Clearly = Dengan Jelas
 Slowly = Dengan lambat
 Unmercifully = Dengan tak kenal ampun
 Carefully = Dengan hati-hati
d. Adverb of frequency : keterangan rentang waktu
 Never = Tidak pernah
 Sometime = Kadang-kadang
 Always = Selalu
 Usualy = Biasanya/ selalu
 Every day = Setiap hari

8. Preposition ( Kata depan ) is word that combined with a noun or pronoun,

forming phrase explain verb, noun, or adjective.
Example :
1. Behind = Di belakang → my bag is behind you.
2. Beside = Di samping → a red pencil is beside laptop
3. Above = Di atas → complite that sentences above! .
4. Between = Di antara → do you stand up between tree and a car?
5. Near = Di dekat → my house is near from university

9. Pronoun ( Kata Ganti orang atau Benda )

No. Subject Object Pass.Adjectiv Pass.Pronoun Reflexive pronoun

1. I Me My Mine Myself
2. You You Your Yours Yourself/yourselve
3. They Them Their Their Themselves
4. We Us Our Ours Ourselves
5. He Him His His Himself
6. She Her Her Hers Herself
7. It It It’s It’s It’s

10. Conjunction ( kata penghubung ) is word or group of words which sereves to

connect two words, phrase, clause, or paragraph. Conjunction that are FAN
BOYS ( for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so ).
Example :
1. For = he didn’t come last night, for he fell asleep ( dia tidak datang
semalam, karena dia tertidur)
2. and = I often listen to the British Broadcasting and the Voice of America.
3. Nor = she didn’t answer my call, nor did her friends when I called them
last night ( dia tidak menjawab telpon saya, tidak juga teman-temannya
ketika saya telpon semalam).
4. But = she love her job, but it doesn’t pay enough money ( dia menyukai
pekerjaannya, but uang bayarannya tidak cukup)
5. Or = what do you prefer to stay at home or go to the cinema on this
weekend? ( apa yang anda lebih suka, diam dirumah atau pergi ke
bioskop akhir minggu in?
6. Yet = the book is thick, yet yhe text is large ( buku ini tebal, tapi
tulisannya besar)
7. So = he has lived in Bandung for more than five years, so he can speak
sunda well (dia telah tinggal di Bandung selama lebih dari lima tahun,
jadi dia dapat berbicara bahasa sunda dengan baik)

B. Function word

11. Synonym is the word that has the same meaning with others words.
Example :
1. Fast = Quick (Adj) → Cepat
2. Usually = Generaly (Adj) → Biasanya
3. Seldom = rarely (Adj) → Jarang
4. Speak = Talk ( Verb) → Bicara
5. Man = Male ( Noun ) → Laki-laki

12. Antonym the word that has the opposite meaning with other words.
Example :
1. Sweet >< Bitter = Manis >< Pahit ( Adj )
2. Strong >< Weak = Kuat >< Lemah ( Adj )
3. Rich >< Poor = Kaya >< Miskin ( Adj )
4. Stand >< Sit = Berdiri >< Duduk ( Verb )
5. In front of >< Behid = Di depan >< Di belakang ( Preposition )

13. Affixes ( Imbuhan )

Example :
 Negative
a. Prefixes ( Awalan )
1. Anti → Antiseptic = Penangkal infeksi
2. In → Incorrect = Tidak Benar
3. Un → Uncountable = Tidak dapat dihitung
4. Mis → Miscomunication = Salah paham
5. Im → Impossible = Tidak mungkin
 Positive
b. Suffixes ( Akhiran )
1. Ly → gruff = ( gruffly ) dengan keras
2. Ist → natural = ( naturalist ) penyelidik alam
3. Ful → use = ( useful ) berguna
4. Dom → king = ( kingdom ) kerajaan
5. Ment → agree = ( agreement ) pertsetujuan

14. Derivitional is adding a prefix or suffix makes basically said / changes in the
group / class of words and their meanings. Example :
1. Write : Tulis (verb ) = Writer : Penulis (n)
2. Rich : Kaya ( Adj) = Enrich :Memperkaya (v)
3. Punish : menghukum (v) = punishment : hukuman (n)
4. count : menghitung (v) = countable : dapat dihitung (n)
5. child : anak (n) = childish : kekanak-kanakan
15. Inflectional is adding a prefix or suffix does not change the group / class of
words but only changes the meaning. Example :
1. Formal ( resmi ) (Adj) = Unformal ( tidak resmi ) (Adj)
2. Piano ( piano ) (n) = Pianist ( pemain piano ) (n)
3. Spell ( mengeja ) (v) = Misspell ( salah mengeja ) (n)
4. Believe ( percaya ) (v) = Unbelieve ( tidak percaya ) (v)
5. Friend ( teman ) (n) = Friendship ( pertemanan) (n)

16. Homonym the word that has same spelling and pronounciation but diffrent in
Example :
1. Doll = Boneka (n) → toys for children
Doll = gadis cantik (adj)→ beautiful girl
2. Like = suka (adj)→ love befond of someone, care for someone, I do like
date on.
Like = seperti/sama → for conjuction in sentece
3. Bat = kelelawar (n)→ bat is a nocturnal animal
Bat = memukul (v) → verb action, hit to someone
4. Tie = mengikat (v) → example, my friend tied the box with a red ribbon.
Tie = dasi (n) → accessory of shirt/clothes
5. Light = lampu (n) → example turn of the light please! ( tolong nyalakan
Light = terang (adj) → I prefer a light color for my furniture ( saya lebih
suka warna yang terang untuk mebel).

17. Homophone is the word that has the same sound and pronounciation with
others but diffrent in meaning.
Example :
1. See / Si: / = melihat
Sea / Si: / = laut
2. Principle / ‘prinsəpl / = prinsip
Principal / ‘prinsəpl / = kepala sekolah
3. Whole / həʊl / = seluruh
Hole / həʊl / = lubang
4. Flower / flaʊə(r) / = bunga
Flour / flaʊə(r) / = tepung
5. Meat / mi:t / = daging
Meet / mi:t / = bertemu

18. Homograph is the word that has the same spelling but the meaning and the
pronounciation are diffrent.
Example :
1. Entrance (n) / ‘entrəns / = jalan masuk → door, used for entering a room.
Entrance (Adj) / In’trɑ:ns / = mempesonna → feel great pleasure and
give all their attention
2. Buffet (n) / ‘bʊfet / = Bupet → box for save of object or thing.
Buffet (v) / ‘bʌfIt / = memukul → action to hit someone
3. Tear (n) / tea(r) / = air mata → tear on eyes when cry
Tear (v) / tIar(r) /= cabikan
4. Close (v) / kləʊz / = tutup → close the door!
Close ( pre) / kləʊs / = dekat → my house is close the bank.
5. Pasty (adj) / peIsti / = pucat → soft color
Pasty (n) / pæsti / = pastel dari daging → a food made from meat.

19. Hyphonym two words that have relationship example :

1. Stomach → human body
2. Violin → music instrument
3. Grasshopper → insect
4. Spoon → kitchen set
5. Crab → fish
6. Bus → vehicle
7. Earth → univers
8. Hairpin → accessory
9. Ruler → stationary
10. Grape → fruit

20. Idiom Expression is a group of words strung together with a particular

arrangement where meaning it can’t be guessed from the meaning of words
said constituent separately.
Example :
1. Keep off = menghindari
2. To account of = mempertanggung jawabkan
3. As well as = di samping juga
4. In the long run = dalam jangka panjang
5. At first = sama sekali

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