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Drugs Against The Influence Of Social Life

In The Basketball Diaries (1995) Movie

This project focuses on analyzing the importance of the influence of drugs in the
social environment on the development of children and adolescents for the future. Jim
Carroll, a character in this film who is still a teenager has a very complex problem,
especially in drug problems.
The main objective of this research is to discuss the effects of drug abuse that causes
addiction among teenagers.
At this time, juvenile delinquency has been rampant and can also affect the social
environment. Poor social influence will affect the growth and development of adolescents
and make adolescent personalities worse. From the beginning until now, there have been
many crimes committed by adolescents that can endanger their future (DS Elliott; D
Huizinga; SS Ageton, 1982). The reason why this film tells the life of teenagers is because
juvenile delinquency is sometimes considered trivial by some people, so they are not too
focused on the problem. What if the problem is not as expected? What if the problem is
very large and complex. Juvenile delinquency varies from ordinary juvenile delinquency
to special juvenile acquaintances that can endanger others and endanger themselves.
Juvenile delinquency can occur when there is a lack of control from parents or adults
around them, which causes teens to be naughty and wild (referral). Many incidents of
juvenile delinquency such as disturbing their friends, disturbing friends with ideas that
can harm others, and much more. The film set in the United States is depicted that the
lives of some teenagers there as if they were used to it, they do not care, many teenagers
who smoke, get drunk, have free sex, do not care about each other and are more addicted
to drugs. Seeing this situation is very worrying for teenagers, even in Indonesia itself
many teenagers who fall into drug cases. Drugs are defined as drugs that can cause a
decrease or change in consciousness, loss of pain and can cause dependence, usually used
for medical purposes, but many are misinterpreting the use of these drugs.
Therefore knowledge about the dangers of drugs and the effects of drugs on the
environment of adolescents is very important to understand to reduce drug addicts. Lack
of attention from the people around him so that teenagers are easily affected by dark life,
it is good to check juvenile delinquency that is difficult to avoid and find ways to reduce
these unwanted things. However, it must be remembered that in projects in this field given
little attention. In this project will be more specific to analyze more about how the
influence of drug abuse and how to solve it that refers to existing studies. Therefore,
important in this project requires research from several reliable sources to support this
writing further.

Teenagers are the next generation of the nation who are demanded to have good
behavior, but now juvenile delinquency is very worrying, they are not only naughty in the
style of children their age, but have deviated towards social deviations and even a lot of
dependence on illegal drugs such as drugs (citation needed). Substances or drugs that can
cause those who consume it to lose consciousness or anesthesia, because of the various
substances that work by affecting the central nervous (Wreswiniro, 1999) . Narcotics
itself has many developments and levels in this era. Someone who is addicted to drugs
can occur because they are influenced by the environment who think that drugs is a cool
lifestyle. This is also found in the compilation of the film The Basketball Diaries. Seeing
the main character, Jim Caroll for the first time tried Heroin given by his friends, because
he was lacking in knowledge of the effects that occur so Jim tried Heroin. Jim thinks that
he won't be addicted to drugs, but instead, he is addicted and can't help himself. If only
Jim Caroll knew what long-term effects he would have, maybe Jim didn't want to try
Heroin. According to the journal (Finnigan, F 2009) also believes that the development
of drug abuse among adolescents begins because of excessive curiosity. Someone who
has been addicted to drugs will think that by using drugs and other illegal drugs will firmly
say that drugs are not dangerous, the same thing as someone who is addicted to smoking,
they will remain in their perception.
The cause of juvenile delinquency can occur due to two things, namely internal
factors or external factors. Internal factors themselves s can occur as a result arising from
oneself, such as lack of control over emotions and excessive desire on oneself and the
level of religiosity. While the external factors are the role of family and the role of peers.
Mangunwijaya in Ismail (2003) argues that the level of religiosity is religion that has been Commented [LAB1]: You don’t put this in your
references list
lived by someone in the heart. While the role of the family according to Sudarsono in Sari
(2009) has a very important role in providing education and character building and Commented [LAB2]: This one also

according to Santrock (1990) in Gunarsa (2004) negative peer influence can easily be Commented [LAB3]: This one also

carried over to bad behavior such as smoking, stealing and using illegal drugs. Commented [H4R3]:
Commented [LAB5]: What these points contribute to
In some parts of the country such as Indonesia itself, many are the victims of this case.
your project development?
Then the relationship between drugs used by teenagers is different, namely Morphine,
Heroin, Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD (Lysergic Acid), and Opium. In Indonesia, the types of
drugs most commonly used are Marijuana and Crystal Meth, because these items are the
easiest to find (citation needed). Whereas in America teenage children often use Heroin,
as in the movie The Basketball Diaries always mention Heroin. All addicts think that the
use of drugs is not dangerous, just like cigarette addicts who think that smoking does not
cause cancer. In other words they judge what they are doing according to their
perceptions, we also cannot judge someone because they think that drugs are dangerous
for him, because what is clear is that if someone already likes something, it will be very
difficult to forbid it. The long-term effects of the drug itself also vary, depending on the
type of drug itself, which I know can have a loss of concentration, have a very high desire
to do anything, disrupt psychology, interfere with mental health, and sometimes it often
appears anxiety, and can also disrupt the economy to cause crime to go to jail. Commented [LAB6]: Implications?

Furthermore, in the film one of Jim's close friends is aware of the mistakes they made,
and he tries to stop Jim from making a bigger mistake, but Jim doesn't seem to listen to
him and just ignores him, then Jim leaves his friend so only. After the incident with his
friend, Jim became more and more intense, he smoked, got drunk, had free sex by paying
women, he even robbed a car, and robbed in several shops to get money just because he
wanted to buy Heroin, Jim was accompanied with two other friends. Not only that, but
Jim was also driven out by his mother from home because he was caught using drugs and
forced his mother to give him a lot of money. From events in the film can see what
speculation about this drug. Therefore, we know that drugs are closely related to the social
environment of adolescents regarding their psychic. In this paper, the types of drugs, the
relationship to use among teenagers, the causes of drug addiction, and the effects that are
not good for them. So this case must be understood to increase the knowledge of teenagers
about the dangers of drugs to lead to a better future for all of us.

Based on the analysis of the effects of drug abuse on teenagers above, it can be
concluded that there is a meaning that we can draw from this is that drugs are very
dangerous for mental and psychological health, not recommended for anyone, especially
for teenagers who still have a myriad of dreams. In this case, the role of parents, family
and friends is needed. It is true that giving comfort to adolescents as well as more
knowledge about the dangers of these drugs is very influential, so they don't fall into
mistakes for the umpteenth time. Knowledge about the dangers of drugs is rarely done
which causes adolescents to not know what the dangers of these drugs are, so the
government currently has to disseminate information to adolescents so that they know
what drug use is and what are the negative effects of drug abuse for their own future. If
you can't stop it, at least it can reduce the effect of drug use on teenagers.
References :
Suzanne K. Vosburg, Thomas. A. Eaton, Marta Sokolowska, Eric D. Osgood, Judy
B. Ashworth, & Jeremiah J. Trudeau. (2015). Prescription Opioid Abuse, Prescription
Opioid Abuse, and Heroin Abuse among Teenagers in Recovery Middle School: Pioneer
Study. Journal of Substance Abuse of Children and Adolescents, 25 (2), 105-112.

Kenakalan Remaja Hari Ini (2018, 16 April). Bulelengkab.

Raymond W. Biggar Jr., Craig J. Forsyth, Jing Chen & Karen Burstein. (2016). Drug
Users: Check the Relationships between Drugs used by Teenagers. Deviant Behavior, 38
(10), 1186-1196.

Ahdiat, A. (2019, Mei 27). Meski ada pemusnahan miras, konsumsi alkohol Indonesia
meningkat. Blog post

Finnigan, F. (2009). How non-heroin users perceive heroin users and how heroin users
feel about themselves. Addiction Research, 4 (1), 25-32. doi:10.3109

Dena C. Carson, Christopher J. Sullivan, John K. Cochran & Kim M. Lersch. (2008).
General Strain Theory and the Relationship Between Early Victims and Drug Use, 30
(1), 54-88.

Jing Chen, Craig J. Forsyth, Raymond W. Biggar & Karen Burstein. (2018).
Determining Normal Deviations: Juvenile Drug Use ?. Deviant Behavior, 40 (1), 19-28.

Narkoba. (n.d). Wikipedia.

(DS Elliott; D Huizinga; SS Ageton, 1982).

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