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Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________ Score: _________

Directions: TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze each statement/question very thoughtfully.
Write the letter of the correct answer before the number

A. Bimbisara F. Ahimsa K. Aybek P. Mauryan Empire

B. Siddhartha Gautama G. Chandragupta Maurya L. Abkar O. Moguls
C. Kingdom of Magadha H. Chandra Gupta M. Nur Jahan
D. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa I. Asoka N. Aurangzeb
E. Shah Jahan J. Dravidians O. Taj Mahal

1. In the 1920s, archeologists found the remains of two great cities in the Indus River and one of its
tributaries. This cities are____________.
2. He became the Buddha, the enlightened one.
3. It was described as nonviolence and central belief of Jains.
4. It is the most stable and most prosperous kingdom in Gagnes River.
5. He conquered one small kingdom and gained control of trade in Gagnes delta. And through
marriage, he acquired the land of the north.
6. After the death of Alexander a young adventurer took over the kingdom of Magadha. He
established a new empire and made Pataliputra as the capital for its strong central government.
7. He converted to Buddhism and renounce war and violence. He is the great ruler in world history.
8. They are the people from Indus Valley who fled southward from the Aryan invaders.
9. Under his rule Northern India became the center of a brilliant and creative culture. And he
reunite the kingdoms through marriage.
10. They declared India territories a separate Muslim kingdom or sultanate, with its capital Delhi.
11. He was an excellent general who ruled the Mogul empire about 49 years.
12. Jahangir’s wife, a Persian woman who influences both politics and way of living in the empire.
13. Jahangir’s son, led a rebellion against his father.
14. The tomb of Mumtaz Mahal, Shah Jahan’s wife.
15. He imprisoned his father and seized the throne in 1658.

TEST II. True or False. Write YES if the statement is correct and NO for wrong statements.

16. The Harappans trading system uses stones and clay seals to mark goods and sign contracts.
17. The Indo-European language that the Muslim brought to India became Sanskrit.
18. The reason why Indian history is unwritten is because of Indian concept of a constant cycle of
death and rebirth.
19. Fall of Indus Valley civilization is about 500 BC.
20. Venus is the leading god in Rig-Veda, ruled the skies, rain and thunder.
21. The Vaisya are the common people, the merchants, traders and artisans.
22. The Aryans regarded class distinctions is an important and unchangeable part of the universal
23. The sources of Hindu traditions are two great epics from the Vedic age namely, Ramayana and
24. One of the Four Noble of Truth stated that the path to enlightenment, or nirvana. Follow the
“middle way” one that avoid the extremes of too much pleasure and too much self-denial.
25. Buddhist monks wore red robes, lived simply, owned little, and usually begged their food from

1. D. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

2. B. Siddhartha Gautama
3. F. Ahimsa
4. C. Kingdom of Magadha
5. A. Bimbisara
6. G. Chandragupta Maurya
7. I. Asoka
8. J. Dravidians
9. H. Chandra Gupta
10. K. Aybek
11. L. Abkar
12. M. Nur Jahan
13. E. Shah Jahan
14. O. . Taj Mahal
15. N. Aurangzeb

16. TRUE
18. TRUE
21. TRUE
22. TRUE
24. TRUE

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