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[10/12 13.

19] Bimakuntum: Text following text is for questions 23 to 27

Charles Ives, now acclaimed as the first great American composer of the twentieth
century, had to wait many years for recognition he deserved. The son of a
Ives entered Yale at twenty to study composition with Horatio Parker, but after
he did not choose to pursue a career in music. He suspected correctly that the
would not accept the music he wrote. Even the few conductors and performers he
tried to
interest in his compositions felt that they were unplayable. Instead, he became a
successful insurance executive, building his company into the largest agency in the
country in only two decades: Even during that busy time, he still dedicated himself
composing music in the evenings, on weekends, and during vacations. Although he
occasionally hired musicians to play one of his works privately for him, he usually
his music only in his imagination.
[10/12 13.38] Bimakuntum: The following text is for questions 19 to 20
Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of animals. Most
people know it as the substance used to make a jellylike salad or dessert. Not only
is it useful in making these foods, but it is also beneficial to the consumer
because of its high protein content. Gelatin is also commonly used in the
photographic industry and in making medicinal capsules. ith nine ey were i finally
for the The process for producing gelatin is a long and complex one. In the
processing of gelatin made from bones, which varies slightly from that of gelatin
made from skin, the grease first must be eliminated. Then, the bones are soaked in
a solution of hydrochloric acid in order to rid them of minerals and then washed
several times in water. life in a dog. rabies, parture erica as e dock ent. He
Next, the bones are placed in distilled water, heated to over 90T for a few bours,
placed in fresh distilled water, and then heated again at a little over I 00OF. A
fluid forms from this heating, and it is concentrated, chilled and sliced. Finally,
it is dried and ground. In its final form gelatin is white, tasteless, and
odourless. mighty .been

19. What is firstly done to elimirnate the grease from the bones?
A Soaking the bönes in'a solútion of hydrochloric acid.
B. Concențrating the fluids formed with heating
C. Grinding the bones after being heated.
D. Placing the bones in distilled water.
E. Washing the bones several times. n by a n and ssing Cocond paragraph?
[10/12 13.45] Bimakuntum: 20. What s the main idea of the second paragraph? A.
Gelatin consists of protein. B. Gelatin is only produced from skin C. We can make
gelatin in a simple way. D. The processs of producing gelatin is very complex. E.
Fresh water is very important in producing gelatin ves. twas a blossing The
following text is for Question 21 and 22 Simatupang and Partners Law Firm o
America. is pleased to announce that they have opened their law practice on
September 1,2012 in 4 different cities. New clients are welcome A law firm for all
family matters: real estate, estate planning. & administration,, traffic, personal
injury divorca/custodyl support, wills/trust, adoption, and home visits Jalan
kebayoran 5 Bandung Jalan Angsana Timur 456.Jakarta Jalan Agiwlyata 688 Surabaya
Jalan Surabaya 343 Bogor Main Office Branchos A new branch office in Semarang will
I open next month. 21. According to the text, clients who live in Surabaya can go
to .. branch office for consultation. A. Jalan Kebayoran 5. B. Jalan Angsana Timur
456 C. Jalan Agwiyata 688 D. Jalan Surabaya E. Semarang Page 92
[10/12 13.55] Bimakuntum: After he recovered from a serious heart attack, he became
reconciled, to the fact that his ideas, especially the use of dissonance and
special.effects, were just too different for musical mainstream. Detemined to share
his music with the few people who might appreciate it, he published his work
privatély and distributed it free. Cin 1939, when Ives was sixty-five, American
planist John Kirkpatrick played Concord Sonata in Town Hall. The reviews were
Laudatory. One reviewer proclaimed it "the greatest music composed by an American,"
By 1947, Ives was famous. His Second Symphony was presented to public in a
performance by the New York Philharmonic, fifty years after it had been written.
The same year, Ives received the Pulitzer Prize. He was seventy-three.
[10/12 13.57] Bimakuntum: 23. What does the text tell us about? A. Musical
Composition. B. John Kirkpatrick's life. C. The Pulitzer Prize D. Charles Ives'
life. E. Career choices: 24 What is main idea of the third paragraph? A. Charles
Ives got success after fifty years. B. Charles Ives worked hard for his success. C.
John Kirkpatrick made Charles Ives famous. D. John Kirkpatrick played concord
Sonata in Town Hall: E. Charles Ives made himself famous after his. second
performance. 25. Why didn't the public appreciate Ives' music? A: He didn't write
it down. B. The performers didn't play it well. C. It was not so famous for the
public! D. It was not performed for a long time. E. It was very different from the
music of the time.
[10/12 13.59] Bimakuntum: he, became reconciled to the fact that his ideas,
especially the use of 26.. dissonánce.." (Paragraph 2) The word "reconciled" is
closed in meaning to ... A. sophisticated B. harmonized C. conciliated. D.
conceited É. satisfied 27. How was the performance of Concord Sonata received? A.
There were no reviews. B. There were no composers. C. The public would not accept
it. D. The musicians felt it was unplayable. E. It established Ives as an important
The following text is for questions 28 and 29
[10/12 14.01] Bimakuntum: The following toxt is for questions 28 and 29 November
25, 2012 Information Computer Technology Group 1234 Narrow Road Rainbow, PA 10987
Dear Staff Members: Good day. Information Computer Technology Group (ICTG) has
scheduled a series of employee training sessions as suggested by the President. All
departments are required to attend. The company has invested in new software to be
installed in each computer unit. The software will help everyone to work
efficiently.-and effectively. The training session will be beneficial and
worthwhile for our company to be updated with the current trend of the industry.
Kindly review the attached schedule that is specific: to your department Should you
havé questions with the schedùle, kindly contact the ICTG helpdesk at 123-456-789
local 123 or emall May we request for all supervisors and
managers to confirm the attendance of their department before November 30, 2011.
Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Julius Sált ICTG Head
[10/12 14.04] Bimakuntum: ICTG Head 28. Why are all departments required to attend
the employee training sessions? -A. The company is going to invest in hew software.
B) The company.has just signed a contract with ICTG. C., The training can make
employees happy to work in the company. D. A new software has just been installed
in each computer unit in the company.. E. Employees need to be updated with new
trend in technology. 29. From the text we know that. A. the participants will be
excited about the new technology. B: hot many people will attend the training. Cthe
staff metmbers are nột happy about it. D. there will be questions about the
schedule. En the schedule is ona separate page Page 94
57 The following toxt is for questions 30 to 33.
Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we'll enter
the amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you're eating.
Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial
regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The
cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a smal pine apple. Inside the fruit
are the tree's seeds, also know as cocoa beans. The beans are fermented for about a
weok, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker
starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavor. Different beans from
different places have different qualities end flavor, so they are often sorted and
blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed.
Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its sholl. Then, the nibs are
blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid, The liquid is called
chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao
beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground
nibs form liquid. It's pure bitter chocolate.
30, The text is about..
A. the cacao tree.
B. the cacao beans.
C. the raw chocolate.
D. the process of making chocolate.
E. the flavor of chocolate.

31. The third paragraph focuses on... A. the process of producing chocolate. B. how
to produce the cocoa flavor. C. where chocolate comes from. D. the chocolate
liquor. E: the cacao fruit. 32. so they are often sorted and blonded to produce."
(Paragraph 3) The underlined word is close in meaning to.... A arrahged. B.
combined. C. separated. 33. How does the chocolate maker.start to make chocolate?
A. By fermenting the beans. B. By roasting the beans. C. By blending the beans. D.
By sorting the beans. E, By drying the beans: D. distributed. E. organized.

This text is for questions 34 to 37 Several theories have been proposed about whry
the dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the earth. In recent years one popular
theory propose that climatic changes caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. This
climatic change theory says that millions of years ago the climate of the world
gradually became colder. As the earth slowly become colder, fewer plants were able
to grow, The cold weather finally resulted in a. severe shortage of food for
dinosaurs: As you probably know, most of dinosaurs were vegetarians, and they
depended on plants for their food supply. In summary, then, the disappearance of
the dinosaurs was caused directly by a shortage of plants to eat, and indirectly by
a change in climate.
Today there is new evidence for the theory that the dinosaurs did not disappear
gradually, but they đisappeared quickly and suddenly. This theory is known as

hit the earth, it caused a huge dust cloud. The huge dust cloud covered the whole
earth and blocked out the sun for months. Since there is no sun for many, many
months, most of the plants on earth died. The dinosaur's food supply was destroyed
in a period of months. While this asteroid theory is not new, what is new is the
evidence for the theory. Until recently there was no evidence that scientists found
large amount of a rare earth element called iridium all over the world. This
iridium was found in layers of the earth that are 65 years old. The iridium was
found in the same layers where the bones of the last dinosaurs were found. The
element iridium is very uncommon, in fact, rare on the earth. It is an element that
is more often found in space. The comet or asteroid theory explains, two things:
(1) it explains the larger amounts of the rare element iridium found in the 65-
million-year-old layers of earth, and (2) it explains why the dinosaurs disappeared
from the earth. Today scientists continue to debate two theories: the climatic
change theory and the asteroid theory. In the future evidence may be found thạt
supports a totally new theory of whiy the tumble lizards died out.

out. 34. The text tells' us about.... A. the climatic change theory B. the era of
dinosaurs 65 million years ago. C. the asteroid theory D. diffèrent theories on the
extinction of dinosaurs E. the iridium element theory 35. Which of the following
statements is TRUE about the climatic theory? A. Scientists believe that the
climatic change happened 65 million years ago. B. The change in climate critically
reduced the food supply for dinosaurs. C. At the time the dinosaurs, all animals
were vegetarians. D. The disappearance of dinosaurs effected the climatic change.
E. The cold weather made animals living at that time unable to survive. 36. Which
of the following statements is TRUE about iridium element? A. It is believed that
it originated in space. B. It is an element found in the bones of dinosaurs. C. It
came after the comet hit the earth. D. It existed only 65 million years. ago. E. It
is an element commonly found on earth. 37. Today there is new evidence for the
theory that the dinosaurs did not disappear ..." What does the 'undeirlined word
mean? A. Imaginary. B. Fact C. Promise. D. Coincidence. E. Proof.

The following text is for questions 38 to 42

The Three Sheiks and Queen of Arabia

Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of
Arabia, had many. suitors. One by one she discarded them; Until her list was
reduced to just three sheiks, all equally young and handsome, rich and strong. It
was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks, as
they were about to have dinner, and asked them for something to eat.
The first gave her some leftover food; the second gave her some unappetizing
camel's tail; the third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most
tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheiks' camp.
The following day the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She
ordered her servants to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening
Hakim, who received a plate- of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other
two, Could not share it with him, and this act finally convinced Queen Maura that
he was the man for her
Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you," she announced her choice to
the sheiks. "So it is Hakim I will marry"

choice lo the sheiks. "So it is Hakim I will marry 38. The three sheiks were not. C.strong D. ugly E.. Handsome 39. Which statement is TRUE about the queen?
A. The queen was young, strong and rich: B. The queen wantéd to kill the three
sheiks by giving delicious food. C. The queen married Hakim because he was the most
generous sheik. Bunof 8 m ate all the delicious food, E The queen was very
satisfied with the food given by the sheiks. 40. Why did the Queen ask her servants
to give the sheiks the same kind of food she got from them the evening before? A
she wanted to entertain her the three sheiks. C. she wanted to see the sheiks'
reactions. D. she wanted to make the three sheiks' favorite food. E. she wanted to
introduce her servants to the sheiks. 41. What doos the fifth paragraph tell us
about? A. Hakim was an unselfish person. Hakim was served with succulent meat. .C.
Hakim was satisfied with the food served. D.. Hakim wanted to eat all the delicious
food. E. Hakim was very proud of the food served. 42. Which of the following
statements is TRUE according to the text? A. The Queen was very gluttonous. B. The
Queen wanted to get a strong, handsome and rich husband. C. Hakim didn't want to
marry the Queen. D. The queep thought that Hakim was the most suitable sheik for
her. E. Hakim was the most handsome, the strongest and the richest among the

The following text is' for questions 43 to 45 A satellite is a specialized wireless

receiver or transmitter that is launched by a rocket and placed in an orbit around
the Earth. There are hundreds of satellites currently in operation. They are used
for such diverse purposes as weather forecasting, television broadcast, amateur
radio communications, Internet communications, viewing your property and the Global
Positioning System (GPS). Adopted from: h (2th November 2011)
43. The text mainly talks about... A. what a satellite is B. a wireless transmitter
C. radio communication systems D.. how to broadcast television programmes E. what
Global Positioning System (GPS) is 44. Where can we find satellites? A. On the
Earth. B. On a rocket: dn the earth atmosphere, an orbit around the Earth. E. In an
orbit around the Moon. 45. They are used for such diverse purposes as weather
forecasting, television broadcast.. (Sentenče 3) The underlined word has a similar
meaning to.... A. Difficult B. Complex C. Incoherent D. Various E. equal .
E.This text is for questions 46 to 47
Every Saturday from 18.00 to 21.30 Dieng Restaurant A selection of our
original.recipe, Prepared in front of your eyes by our chef Included frée Carića
drink Enjóy the live music by Antrax Band Formore info: Call: 3389777 ext. 65111 -
65112 DIENG RESTAURANT WONOSOBO 46. What is the purpose of the advertisement above?
A. To promote Dieng Restaurant. B. To enjoy Antrax Band. C. To inform Dieng
Restaurant. D. Tó describe Dieng Restaurant. E. To explain Carica drink.

47 "A selection of our original recipe, What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. fresh B. famous C. delicious D. indigenous E. extraordinary fill in the blanks
Choose the most suitable word Coffee has become the most popular drink in offices.
This information is the result of a recent ...(48)... of office workers across the
country. According to the results of the siudy, 55% of office workers choosé coffee
as their favourite beverage. The second most popular drink is tea, chosen by 30% of
office workers in the study. The remaining 15% ..(49)... soda, water, or other
drinks. During the workday, most coffee.drinkers get their coffee from a machine in
the office. In fact, 70% of coffee drinkers get their coffee in this way. Another
20% get their coffee 'to go' at coffee shop. or restaurant. 10% make their coffee
at home and.. (50) it to work in a themos he members of this last group, more than
others, believe that there is nothing like the taste of hömemade coffee.

48. A survey B. train. C. training D. dismissal E. discussion 49. A. choice B.

chosen C. choose D. chooses E. choosing 50. A. take . B. taking C. have taken D.
took E. to take

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