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Significance level: disambiguation
Research What the significance level is not
Pseudoscience Properties
(413 active topics)

(182 articles
published) "Level of significance" has several meanings,
commonly confused and used interchangeably
Tools (Gigerenzer et al, 2004):

A cutoff point: a conventional level of

How to contribute significance (p < 0.05, or p < 0.01) used for
Methods & Statistics rejecting a "null hypothesis".
Site history An exact level of significance: an exact
probability value (p) is used for reporting
Recent changes
information about data but not for making
Site Manager decisions regarding whether a "null hypothesis"
gets rejected or not.
The "alpha level": a conventional significance
level (eg, α = 0.05, α = 0.01) used for
rejecting a hypothesis in favor of a second one
(the "alpha level" represents the probability of
rejecting the hypothesis in error, that is when
it shouldn't be rejected). This meaning also
implies setting a "beta level", the error of
failing to reject a hypothesis that should have
been rejected.
A posterior probability: the probability that
a hypothesis is correct or truthful.
A hybrid confusion: a fifth meaning is the
common confusion of all above as if they
meant the same and were, thus,

A typical introduction to the significance level, especially in the social

sciences, is an amalgamation of three meanings associated to three
different approaches to data analysis. "The result is not [alpha], nor an
exact level of significance, nor a conventional level. It is an emotional

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gets perpetuated in research publications, and being "too picky" about
it may see one's articles rejected for publication by peer-reviewers who
are more familiar with this hybrid meaning than with the remaining
(more appropriate) ones. Thus, it is good to, at least, introduce this
hybrid meaning below, while the interested reader can access the other
meanings in their appropriate pages.

The significance level is a value associated to some statistical tests,

which indicates the probability of obtaining those or more extreme
results. This value can be interpreted as the probability of obtaining
those results if the null hypothesis were true (when sampling is
random) or as the probability of obtaining those results by chance
alone (when sampling is less than random).

The value of this probability (also known as "p", "p-value", "alpha" and
"type I error") runs between 0 and 1. The closer to '0' the lower the
probability of the results being found if the null hypothesis were true,
or the lower the probability of the results being a chance result.

Significance levels are used to reject the null hypothesis that, for
example, there is no correlation between variables, there is no
difference between groups, or there is no change between treatments.
A significance level of '0.05' is conventionally used in the social
sciences, although probabilities as high as '0.10' as well as lower
probabilities may also be used. Probabilities greater than '0.10' are
rarely used. A significance level of '0.05', for example, indicates that
there is a 5% probability that the results are due to chance. A
significance level of '0.10' indicates a 10% probability that the results
are due to chance. Thus, using significance levels above '0.10' is rather
"risky", while using lower significance levels is "safer".

Test results with an associated probability equal to or lesser than the

significance level are said to be "significant", meaning that the null
hypothesis can be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis. Thus,
the significance level is used as a cut-off point to reject the null
hypothesis (or accept the alternative one), while at the same time
indicates the chances of being wrong in so doing (ie, the chance of
rejecting the null hypothesis when this is, in fact, correct).

The significance level is the maximum probability of error that a

researcher wants to make when interpreting results. If he is using a
'two-tailed' test, then this 'p-value' is, in effect, worth '0.025' for each
tail. A "trick in the hat" when doing statistical tests is to use 'one-
tailed' tests, although this only works with directional hypotheses (ie,
when you hypothesise that one group is going to be better than the
other, but not viceversa).

Another way of putting it is the following: for each 100 tests done
using a significance level of '0.05', you may expect 5% of them to be
'significant' merely by chance (or 1/25 tests, or 2/50 tests,
approximately). If you do lots of tests but only obtain a small number
of significant results, then you should be cautious when reporting your
results, as some of them, although you do not know which, may be
significant merely by chance. (See, for example, some of the footnotes
in this article).

In order to prevent accepting too many 'significant' results when

multiple tests are done, corrections such as the Bonferroni correction

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a lower "p-value" for rejecting the null hypothesis. However, instead of
settling for a standard "p-value" (let's say, '0.01' instead of '0.05'), the
estimated "p-value" is a function of the number of tests intended and
the "initial"p-value".

The significance level is a probability figure between 0 to 1

associated to most statistical tests.
This figure is used as a cut-off point to reject the null hypothesis
(eg, that there is no difference between groups) and accept the
alternative hypothesis (ie, that there is a 'significant' difference
between groups).
Cut-off points are set up by convention. In the social sciences,
conventional cut-off points are '0.05' or '0.01', representing a
5% and 1% chance of being wrong when claiming that the
results are significant, respectively.
All things being equal, standard errors will be larger in smaller
data sets, so it may make sense to choose '0.1' for alpha in a
smaller data set. Similarly, in large data sets (hundreds of
thousands of observations or more), it is not uncommon for
nearly every test to be significant at the alpha '0.05' level;
therefore the more stringent level of '0.01' is often used (or
even '0.001' in some instances) (Noymer, undated1 ).
A result is said to be significant when its "p value" is equal of
lower than the cut-off point. You could see it expressed as, for
example, p = .05, or p < .05, or p =.49).
The significance level is also known as "alpha", "type I error"
and "p-level". It normally appears and is reported as "p" in
output sheets and scientific papers (eg, p = .05).

1. NOYMER Andrew (undated). Alpha, significance level of test. In,
Paul J LAVRAKAS (undated). Encyclopedia of survey research methods.
ISBN 9781412918084.

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page revision: 24, last edited: 2 Aug 2012, 05:10 (2007 days ago)
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