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Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group

Saving the World one Drawing at a Time Vol 84 Decembr 2007

S aving the World One Drawing at a Time is the inspiration of

Brenda Sherburn, a sculptor living in Fairfax, Virginia. The idea
What’s Inside
behind her project is to have teens & children volunteer to make Cover story
and donate drawings which are then auctioned with proceeds going Saving the World One Drawing at a Time
towards the “wish lists” of various environmental organizations and Page 1
people working to save threatened species. Money raised is sent in News from the ASG
support of a specifically chosen environmental project, which the
Changing Faces in the ASG Page 3
kids designate from a list of those partnering with Saving the World
One Drawing at a Time. Global ASG Network in place Page 4
Seed Grant Reports
Reports from Previous DAPTF Seed Grants
Page 4
Population and Health of common toads
across agricultural lands Page 4
More Research
Bd infects M. moreirae from an Atlantic rain-
forest, Brazil Page 6
Conference Updates
International Conference on Bd Page 8
Global Bd Mapping Project Page 10
Funding Opportunities
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Page 10
News from the Field:
Drawing by Garin W.
New Philatus Species Discovered from the
As Brenda explains: “As a teacher, I could not find easy ways for chil- Western Ghats Page 11
dren and teens to volunteer for environmental causes. I thought there
should be a website that connects the youth with organizations that Journal Update
need help. Providing something from a “wish list” for these organiza- New Section in “Hereptological Review”
tions and individuals looked like an obtainable goal to me. So here I Page 12
am giving it a try. If I can get 100 kids to auction off their artwork Instructions to Authors Page 12

Saving the world one Drawing at a time
Continued from page 1
for as little as $10 each, that is
$1000 towards some very needed
wishes for an organization. Thus
in our small way we can make an
important contribution to these
organizations, which do the much
needed and difficult work to help
save out planet.”

Golden frog, Panama

There are ten great projects cur- Drawing by Lauren W. grade 4

rently being supported around the with photos of her survey and the “I was trying to get a website set
world, two of which are focused on amphibians that she finds. In a let- up, but have been struggling with
amphibians. Brenda recently meet ter written by Jodi, she shares some dengue fever at the same time
with a group of 3rd & 4th grad- of the struggles she is faced with: (that’s one downside to work-
ers at Marin En- ing over here- the
richment and they tropical diseases!).
talked about Jodi Anyway, I decided
Rowley and De- to focus on Viet-
nise Quelquejeu’s nam in particular,
Amphibian Proj- as the amphibians
ects in Vietnam & of Vietnam are
Panama respective- much more diverse,
ly. She explained and under greater
the significance of threats. I prepared
Densise’s work and the website specifi-
that seeing a Gold- cally for your pro-
en Frog in Panama gram.”. Both these
is a symbol of good researchers need
fortune. Jodi will money for equip-
actually give the ment and surveys
kids in Vietnam throughout the
who volunteer a year. The 25 young
follow-up report A gratetful Jodi Rowley and frog in Vietnam artists at Kentfield

Saving the world one Drawing at a time
Continued from previous page these organizations are trying
to do and the problems they are
that participated produced beauti-
facing, people are encouraged to
ful frog drawings and we even got
be part of the solution and to
a salamander drawing! They will be
adopt the missions of the orga-
nizations and people working to
save these species. You can follow
the projects that are being sup-
ported by visiting their webpage
on Brenda Drawing by Matt B. grade 4

will be doing ongoing write-ups

for every project so those partici-
pants in the program can follow
Drawing by Claire K. grade 4
the progress being made. There is
positive energy at the Saving The
posted and auctioned off to directly World One Drawing At A Time
help Jodi & Denise’s work. If you website, as each of projects deals
have a business and would like to with a critical situation, and the
match the money Marin Enrich- website focuses on solutions.
ment kids bring in, you can spon- The ongoing saga for the proj-
sor these children and help Jodi & ects is still unwritten. Brenda
Denise’s program thrive! Please, hopes for strong support from
email parents and schools. The donated
for more information. art for the auction can be found
By learning about the work Drawing by Thomas S.J. grade 3 by visiting the website.


Changing Faces in the ASG vationists from all over the world. look forward to our paths cross-
I wish the recently appointed ing again in the near future! “

A fter three successful years as

the International Coordina-
tor for the Declining Amphibian
ASG Working Group Chairs ev-
ery success with their amphibian
research and conservation pur-
We are enormously grateful to
Jeanne for ensuring a seamless
and successful transition of the
Population Task Force (DAPTF) suits. I would especially like to former DAPTF into the ASG
and throughout its transition to thank the former international and wish her well for the future.
the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Spe- Director of the DAPTF, Tim Hal- Robin Moore, Conserva-
cialist Group (ASG), Jeanne Mc- liday, for his enormous contribu- tion International’s Amphibian
Kay will be leaving to continue tion to amphibian research and Conservation Officer, will take
her conservation work as the Re- for his continued guidance and over as Editor of Froglog and
cruiting and Alumni Manager support. It has been a pleasure together with Don Church will
for the Rare Pride program, UK. to work with the ASG co-Chairs, be responsible for managing the
Jeanne said, “It has been a great Claude Gascon and Jim Collins as ASG’s Seed Grant Program and
privilege to work with innumerable well as the ASG secretariat staff, Global Working Group network.
amphibian researchers and conser- Don Church and Robin Moore. I

ASG Global Network position as Chair or Co-Chair and of the world, we will facilitate

W e are pleased to announce

that the complete ASG
Global Network of Regional and
look forward to working with all of
you. One of the aims of the ASG is
to catalyze conservation actions by
communication among conser-
vationists and researchers. Please
contact the appropriate regional
National Chairs is posted at www. forging partnerships and collabo- Chair regarding any amphibian We are very grate- ration - we hope that by having work that you are undertaking or
ful to all those who have accepted a points of contact in each Region planning in your region.

Seed Grant Reports

Reports and publications from previous DAPTF Seed Grants

R ecipients of former DAPTF
Seed Grants are generally ex-
pected to publish the results of
Muhammad Iqbal Setiadi, Ben
Evans, Amir Hamidy, Zainal Abi-
din Yusufpati & Dwi Susanto.
• The following papers report work
supported by former DAPTF Seed
their projects in refereed journals, (2006) Speciation and Distribu- Grants:
or as articles in Froglog. They are tion Patterns of Amphibians and Alemu, I. J. B., Cazabon, N. M. E.,
also required to send reports, so Reptiles in Halmahera, Indonesia. Dempewolf, L., Hailey, A., Lehtinen,
that their results can be made ( R. M., Mannette, R. P., Naranjit,
available to ASG members. Below J. Susanne Hauswaldt, Jessika K., & Roach, A. C. J. (2007) Eco-
is a report that has been received Füssel, Claudio Angelini, Diethard logical observations on the critically
recently. Anyone wanting a copy Tautz, Sebastian Steinfartz. (2006) endangered Tobago endemic frog
of it should contact the author in Population genetics of the endan- Mannophryne olmonae. Applied
the first instance; if you cannot gered Spectacled Salamander, Sala- Herpetol: 4; 377-386. (Grants to
reach the author, please contact mandrina perspicillata and S. ter- Adrian Hailey et al., 2005, funded by
Tim Halliday - t.r.halliday@open. digitata. Chester Zoo.) (sebastian.steinfartz@uni- (

Population and Health of Common Toads Across

Agricultural Lands: Implications in Worldwide Declines
Paola M. Peltzer, Rafael C. Lajmanovich, Andrés M. Attademo, Mariana Cabagna, Gabriela Fiorenza, Celina
M. Junges and Agustín Bassó

es. The overall goal of this research local scale.
merging evidence indicates was to determine the diversity and The Primary Objectives of this
that loss of habitat as a result health of toad populations on agri- study were: a) estimate the diversity
of agricultural development may cultural lands of Entre Ríos Prov- and composition of toads in soybean
be contributing to reductions in ince (Argentina). The three select- cropland; b) determine the extent of
anuran diversity in some locations. ed species in this study (Chaunus cholinesterase activity in common
Although, this vertebrate group is fernandezae, C. arenarum, and C. adult toads of agricultural sites; c)
commonly used in laboratory tox- schneideri) are widely distributed establish hematological parameters
icity tests, few field studies have in Argentina and have relatively of adults, and d) detect genotoxic ef-
produced evidence a significant small home ranges (Lajmanovich fects of pesticide in erythrocytes of
relationship between agricultural 1995), making them excellent bio- tadpoles.
activities and amphibian respons- indicators of contamination at a We studied agricultural sites in the

Population and Health of common toads across ag lands
Continued from previous page
cell hemoglobin concentrations, neideri varied significantly among
Mid-west region of Entre Ríos Prov- red blood cell, and white blood cell agricultural ponds and referencce
ince. It presents the biggest expan- were determined for each toad spe- sites, being biased towards males
sion of agricultural lands and frag- cies following the protocols of Ca- in the former.
mentation of the landscape. Ten bagna et al. (2005). We found upper eye-lid (n = 1),
soybean fields and two control sites For micronuclei (MN) tests hindlimb (n = 3), and forelimb (n
were sampled for larvae and adults we conducted field experiments = 3) malformations in toad speci-
during breeding events (coincident with Scinax nasicus (Anura, Hyli- mens (total specimens review n =
with period of soybean cultivation). dae) tadpoles caged in agricultural 124) collected across agricultural
During the day, surveys were con- ponds, because this species is not sites of the Mid-west Entre Ríos
ducted to detect anuran egg masses gregarius and is larger than Chau- Province. Moreover, similar mal-
and tadpoles, while night surveys nus tadpoles. Three replicates of formations were recorded in other
included active searches to detect each in situ chamber (ten tadpoles native species (Leptodactylus ocel-
non-calling anurans and listening of similar Gosner development latus, L. chaquensis, L. gracilis, Ph-
for calling male anurans, following stage (st. 37) were located in each ysalaemus biligonigerus) that com-
the guide by Heyer et al. (1994). pond under plant shade). Samples monly occur in agroecosystems
Individual adults were transported of blood was extracted in anes- alongside the three study species.
in buckets to Ecotoxicology Lab of thetized tadpoles by cardiac punc- Cholinesterase analysis and hae-
FBCB-UNL for laboratory analysis. ture. Two peripheral blood smears matological analysis:
Each individual was anesthetized us- for each tadpole were prepared on The mean values of plasma BChE
ing the guide by ASIH et al. (2001), clean slides, fixed and stained by activity varied from 1 µmol min-
sexed, measured for snout-vent the May-Grunwald-Giemsa meth- 1ml-1 (C. schneideri at agricultural
length (SVL; to nearest mm) with a od. The MN frequency was deter- sites) to 17.31 µmol min-1ml-1
caliper and mass (g) with a balance. mined in 1,000 erythrocytes from (C. fernandezae at references sites).
Adult malformations were ana- each tadpole using 1,000 X mag- BChE activity was statistically
lyzed following the descriptions nification. Other alterations of the lower in the amphibians collected
detailed in the field guide to mal- erythrocytes were also registered. from the agricultural sites than
formations of frogs and toads (Me- Relative abundance. those from the reference site (KS
teyer, 2000). To take representative The most common toad species test for the three species P < 0.05).
samples and comparable data we observed was Chaunus fernandezae, Moreover, the differences in the
used adult of three bufonid species recorded in 65% of the total ponds activity of BChE were significant
for this parameter. Samples of blood sampled surrounded by or within among the three study species (P
(ca. 300-500 µL) were extracted in soybean croplands, followed by C. < 0.05). In addition, the increase
anesthetized adult animals by cardiac schneideri (21%) and C. arenarum in plasma BChE was inversely
puncture using a small heparinized (14%). Tadpoles and eggs in jelly proportional to the body weight of
needle, previously locating the heart strand were recorded for the three the three anurans (r = - 0.85; P <
via palpation. The anurans then were toad species in reference sites, but 0.01). However, the blood param-
released in the same sites in which evidence of reproduction was only eter examination from agriculture
they were captured. Plasma BChE observed for C. fernandezae in ponds sites did not differed statistically to
activity was determined colorimet- sampled surrounded by sor within the controls (P > 0.01), in all cases
rically by the method of Ellman et soybean croplands. The proportion lower values in agricultural sites
al. (1961) with some modifications of males and females of C. fernan- were recorded for each haemato-
(Sánchez-Hernández & Moreno Sán- dezae did not differed signifcantly logical parameter.
chez, 2002). Hematocrit, hemoglo- among pond samples (agricultural The erythrocystes of caged tad
bin concentration, mean of cell he- sites and controls). The proportion poles in natural sites were oblong-
moglobin, mean cell volume, mean of sexes of C. arenarum and C. sch- oval shaped with centric nuclei.

Population and Health of common toads across ag lands

Continued from previous page dreas & R.M. Featherstone. (1961).

to indicate the response and health A new rapid colorimetric determi-
Caged tadpoles at agricultural sites status of toads across agricultural nation of cholinesterase activity.
had MN in their erythrocytes, al- lands in Argentina. Extrapolation Bioch. Pharm. 7: 88-95.
though there was no significant- from the present study is easy, by Heyer, W.R., M.A. Donelly, R.W.
difference with respect to the con- the use of representative species of McDiarmid, L.C. Hayek & M.S.
trol group. Moreover, erythrocytes native anuran commonly found Foster. (1994). (Eds.). Measuring
lysis was found in higher percent- in agroecosystems. But, before de- and Monitoring Biological Diversi-
ages (17.51%) in tadpoles caged at finitive conclusions can be drawn ty, Standard Methods for Amphib-
agricultural sites. concerning the unsuitability of ians. Smithsonian Institution Press,
Pesticides have the potential to agricultural areas for anuran pop- Washington DC.
cause dramatic variation in natu- ulations, long-term monitoring Lajmanovich R.C. (1995). Rela-
ral communities (Relyea 2005), of population health are urgently ciones tróficas de bufónidos (Anura:
yet our knowledge of their effects need. Bufonidae) en ambien­tes del río
on natural communities is limited Acknowledgements: We thank Paraná, Argentina. Alytes 13: 87-
to cases in which pesticides have very especially to Dr. Juan Carlos 103.
been intentionally or accidentally Sánchez-Hernández for his advice Meteyer C.U. (2000). Field guide
applied to natural sites with sub- with B-sterases techniques and lo- to malformations of frogs and toads
sequent biota surveys. Based in gistical support. with radiographic interpretations.
our results we can determine that References: Biological Science Report. USGS/
toads inhabiting agroecosystems ASIH, HL & SSAR. (2001). BRD/BSR-2000-0005.
are at serious risk, based on evi- Guidelines for use of live amphib- Sanchez-Hernandez, J.C. & B.
dence indicating the response to ians and reptiles in field research. Moreno-Sanchez. (2002). Lizard
exposure compromises health sta- http: // cholinesterases as biomarkers of
tus. Indeed, we found anuran mal- asih/herpcoll.htlm. Accessed on pesticide exposure: enzymological
formations across agricultural sites 13/06/02 characterization. Environ. Toxicol.
suggesting a link with agrochemi- Cabagna M.C., R.C. Laj- Chem. 21: 2319-2325.
cals contamination. Based on lab- manovich, G. Stringhini, J.C. Relyea R.A. (2005). The impact
oratory evidence we propose that Sanchez-Hernandez & P.M. Pelt- of insecticides and herbicides on
B-sterases should be applied in zer. (2005). Hematological pa- the biodiversity and productivity
field monitoring as biomarkers of rameters of health status in the of aquatic communities. Ecol. Appl.
pesticide exposure to wildlife be- common toad Bufo arenarum in 15: 618-627
cause the non-destructive nature agroecosystems of Santa Fe Prov-
of its analysis and the sensitivity of ince, Argentina. App. Herpetol. 2 Emails: paolapeltzer@hotmail.
wildlife to anti-ChE agrochemi- (4): 373-380. com; lajmanovich@hotmail.
cals. These data represent the first Ellman L, K.D Courtey, V. An- com;


Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infects Melanoprhyniscus moreirae (Anura

Bufonidae) from an Atlantic Rainforest area (Itatiaia), southeastern Brazil
Monique Van Slys, Thais Klaion Ferreira, Flavia Rachel Moreira Lamarão, Milton Ozório Moraes

D eclines of amphibian popu- 2005). Although there is evidence species declines and extinctions on
lations driven by the chytrid that not all reported amphibian de- several continents (Weldon & du
fungus Batrachochytrium dendro- clines are caused by the chytrid fun- Prez 2004, Lips et al., 2006; Men-
batidis are a concern worldwide gus (Daszak et al., 2005), the disease delson et al., 2006; Schloegel et al.,
(Berger et al., 1999; Lips et al., chytridiomycosis has been linked to 2006).

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infects M. moreirae from an Atlantic rainforest, brazil
Continued from previous page
and 16h in individual new plas- termine the impact of B. dendro-
In Brazil, reported declines of tic bags, in which they were mea- batidis on this endemic species.
amphibian populations come sured for snout-urostyle length Acknowledgements.
mainly from the Atlantic Rain- (SUL) with a calipers (precision = We thank CNPq and Biodiver-
forest, and also from the Cerrado 0.1mm). We firmly ran one swab sitas for fundings. D. Boyle from
(Heyer et al., 1981; Weygoldt, (Medical Wire & Equipment Co.) CSIRO, Australia, provided the
1989, Guix et al., 1998, Eterovick in different parts of the frog’s body standards. We appreciate the finan-
et al., 2005). B. dendrobatidis has (Kriger et al., 2006). All animals cial support provided by RANA for
already been reported from several were released after sampling. one of the authors (TKF) to attend
species in the Atlantic Rainforest, We analyzed swabs using quan- the workshop on chytrid investiga-
from Rio Grande do Sul (southern- titative (real-time) PCR tech- tion.
most state) to Pernambuco (north- niques (Boyle et al. 2004, Kriger References
eastern) (Toledo et al., 2006, Car- et al., 2006). We classified each Berger L, Speare R, Hyatt AD
naval et al., 2006). However, there sample as positive or negative for (1999) Chytrid fungi and amphib-
is not enough data to link B. dend- infection with Batrachochytrium ian declines: overview, implications
robatidis to amphibian declines in dendrobatidis. Our estimates of and future directions. In: Campbell
Brazil. the number of zoospores repre- A (ed) Declines and disappearances
Melanophryniscus moreirae is a sent the mean value of B. den- of Australian frogs. Environment
small bufonid (mean adult body drobatidis genome equivalents Australia: Canberra, p 23-33.
size < 20mm) found in the Ita- detected in the three runs of the Boyle, DG, Boyle DB, Olsen
tiaia Plateau and in the Serra PCR analysis. V, Morgan JAT, Hyatt AD (2004)
Fina, southeast Brazil, always Two individuals (SUL = Rapid quantitative detection of
above 2,000 m (Bokerman, 1967; 24.9mm and 26.1mm) were in- chytridiomycosis (Batrachochy-
Marques et al, 2006). These toads fected with B. dendrobatidis, cor- trium dendrobatidis) in amphib-
are diurnal, and breed in shallow responding to a prevalence (sensu ian samples using real-time Taq-
puddles from September to De- Bush et al., 1997) of 4%. The man PCR assay. Dis. Aquat. Org.
cember (Bokerman, 1967; Star- numbers of zoospore equivalents 60:141-148.
ret, 1967; Guido-Castro, 2006). were low in both individuals (1.4 Bokermann, WCA (1967) Ob-
M. moreirae has been reported as and 1.5 zoospore equivalents, re- servações sobre Melanophryniscus
‘declining’ by Guix et al. (1998), spectively). No evident clinical or moreirae (Mir. Rib.) (Amphibia -
but no systematic monitoring of abnormal signs were observed in Brachycephalidae). An. Acad. Bras.
this endemic toad has been carried these frogs. Cienc. 39(2):301-306.
out. This is the first report of B. den- Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM,
Herein we report the occurrence drobatidis in M. moreirae and the Shostak AW (1997) Parasitology
of B. dendrobatidis infecting the first for the genus. Even though meets ecology on its ows terms:
toad M. moreirae using Real time the prevalence and severity of in- Margolis et al revisited. J Parasitol
PCR. fection were low, this result sug- 83(4): 575-583.
The study was carried out on the gests precautionary measures be Carnaval, ACOQ, Puschendorf
Itatiaia Plateau in the Itatiaia Na- taken considering the restricted R, Peixoto, OL, Verdade, VK, Ro-
tional Park (PNI), located 44º34’ geographic range of M. moreirae. drigues, MT (2006) Amphibian
to 44º42’ W, and 22º16’ to 22º28’ Monitoring of M. moreirae as chytrid Fungus Broadly distributed
S, southeast of Brazil. Field work well as the possible evolution of in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain For-
was carried out in spring 2006 the pathogen in this population est. EcoHealth, 2006:1-8.
(October and November) as part of should contribute to our current Daszak P, Scott DE, Faggioni
a monitoring program. Fifty adult understanding of the dynamics of C, Kilpatrick AM, Gibbons JW,
males were captured between 09h this disease and to accurately de- Porter D (2005) Amphibian pop-

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infects M. moreirae from an Atlantic rainforest, brazil
Continued from previous page
biodiversity in a Neotropical am- ing Wildlife Species? EcoHealth 3:
ulation declines at Savannah phibian community. Proc. Nat. 35–40.
River site are linked to climate, Acad. Sci. 103:3165-3170. Toledo, LF, Britto, FB, Araújo
not chytridiomycosis. Ecology Mendelson III JR et al. (2006) OGS, Giasson, LMO, Haddad,
86:3532-3537 Confronting Amphibian Declines CFB (2006). The Occurrence of
Kriger K.M., Hines H.B., and Extinctions. Science 313: 48. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Hyatt A.D., Boyle D.G. and Rachowicz, LJ, Hero, J-M, in Brazil and the Inclusion of 17
Hero J-M. (2006) Techniques Alford RA, Taylor JW, Morgan New Cases of Infection. Jour. Her-
for detecting chytridiomycosis JAT, Vredemburg, VT, Collins pet. 1(3): 185-191.
in wild frogs: comparing his- JP, Briggs, CJ (2005) Cons. Biol. Weldon C, du Preez LH (2004)
tology with real-time Taqman 19(5): 1441-1448. Decline of the Kihansi spray toad,
PCR. Diseases of Aquatic Organ- Schloegel LM, Hero J-M, Nectophrynoides asperginis, from
isms 71: 141-148. Berger L, Speare R, McDonald the Udzungwa mountains, Tanza-
Lips, K, Brem F, Brenes R, K, Daszak P (2006) The Decline nia. Froglog 62:2-3.
Reeve JD, Alford RA, Voyles of the Sharp-Snouted Day Frog
J, Carey C, Livo L, Pessier AP, (Taudactylus acutirostris): The Corresponding author: MVS
Collins JP (2006) Emerging in- First Documented Case of Extinc- (
fectious disease and the loss of tion by Infection in a Free-Rang-

Conference update

International Conference on Batrachochytrium dendobatidis

By Dr. Purnima Govindarajulu

T he conference ‘Amphib-
ian Declines & Chytridi-
omycosis: Translating Science
limit spread and impact. The
conference was attended by
over 200 participants from 9
cosis. However, there are many
examples from Central America,
Australia, Europe and parts of
into Urgent Action’ was held countries, representing Univer- North America of Bd acting as an
November 5th – 7th, 2007 in sity and research organizations, introduced and invasive patho-
Tempe, Arizona. The confer- federal and state/province gen causing die-offsand popula-
ence was hosted by Partners in management agencies, indus- tion extirpations. There are also
Amphibian and Reptile Conser- try, pet trade, zoos, NGOs and some geographic areas where Bd
vation (PARC) and the US Fish private funding foundations. is widespread without associated
and Wildlife Service’s Division The first day of the confer- amphibian die-offs.
of the National Fish Hatchery ence was dedicated to summa- The methods for detecting Bd
System and sponsored by 19 rizing current knowledge and have been well established and
additional organizations includ- identifying knowledge gaps of the genome of two Bd isolates
ing the ASG (http://www.parc- Bd and chytridiomycosis. Bd has been sequenced. However, has been found in all continents the phylogenetic relationships
The primary goals of the con- with amphibians, although Bd among Bd isolates and the cor-
ference were to: Review current surveillance is still very patchy. relation between genetic differ-
knowledge of Batrachochytrium There is currently insufficient ences and virulence has not been
dendrobatidis (Bd), assess scien- knowledge to decide on the established. Similarly, although
tific priorities and management origin Bd or the reasons for various isolates of Bd have been
needs, and identify actions to the emergence of chytridiomy- cultured and the life-cycle descr-

International Conference on BD
Continued from previous page
cases. populations, identifying and ini-
ibed the question of sexual re- The second day of the confer- tiating plans to stop the spread
production and the formation ence focused on management of Bd and formulating early re-
of resistant spores remains unan- strategies from the international sponse strategies.
swered. to the regional efforts. At the in- A number of products are ex-
It has also been shown that Bd ternational level, the Aquatic An- pected to result from the confer-
can persist in the environment imal Commission of the World ence. Many of the presentations
even in the absence of amphib- Organization of Animal Health and discussions will be summa-
ian hosts but what the alternate (OIE) is considering a proposal rized and published in a special
disease reservoirs are or how long to make chytridiomycosis an issue of Diseases in Aquatic Or-
it can persist in the absence of internationally notifiable dis- ganisms in 2008. The meeting
an amphibian host remains to ease which would then require program and updated abstracts
be clarified. This is particularly member countries to better un- will be posted on the PARC
troublesome for efforts to rein- derstand the distribution of Bd. website: http://www.parcplace.
troduce amphibian populations At the national level the Threat org/Bd_conference.html. Other
to areas where they have been Abatement Plan developed by expected outputs include “Tool-
extirpated. the Australians remains the most Kit” documents such as hygiene
A major knowledge gap is in comprehensive Bd management and quarantine protocols, direc-
understanding how Bd causes strategy. Identified management tory of Bd testing laboratories,
mortality and the function of needs included standardized san- standard surveillance protocols,
innate and induced immune re- itation and quarantine protocols Bd fact-sheets for various audi-
sponses in conferring resistance. for captive and field amphibian ences, an outreach campaign
Normal skin bacteria and anti- work, internationally standard- targeting the pet industry to
microbial skin peptides have ized surveillance protocols and minimize their role in the spread
both been suggested as potential central reporting facilities for of Bd and various conservation
resistance factors. Temperature disease outbreaks and amphibian plans.
and humidity have been corre- die-offs, response strategies for Overall, the conference provid-
lated with the ability of an ani- disease outbreaks and assessment ed a venue for researchers and
mal to shed Bd infections. Dr. R. of regulatory tools that could be managers to come together to
Poulter discussed the promise of used to stem the spread of Bd. discuss this emerging threat in
choramphenicol as a treatment The afternoon focused on case amphibian conservation. Many
for chytridiomycosis in captivity studies discussing the impact of people observed that the rapid
but further research needs to be Bd on recovery and reintroduc- progress that had been made in
completed before it is widely used tion efforts for endangered pop- Bd research and management
due to potential risks to human ulations. was due to the generous sharing
health and the environment. Dr. The last day of the conference of information and collaboration
Poulter also raised the hopes of consisted of a series of facilitated within the research community.
the audience by hinting at anoth- group discussions focused on The 2007 Amphibian Declines
er, more benign compound that making plans and taking action & Chytridiomycosis conference
is currently being tested. Current on a number of priority issues. served to consolidate these exist-
treatments including itracon- The topics covered included de- ing collaborations and to forge
azole, benzalkonium, malachite termining the scientific priori- many new ones.
green, povidone-iodine have ties for meeting Bd management
been associated with side-effects information needs, developing Email: Purnima.Govindarajulu@
and treatment failures in some conservation plans for infected

Global Bd Mapping Project
Deanna H. Olson and Kathryn Ronnenberg

Global map illustrating presence or absence of Bd in frogs, toads and salamanders

O ur aim has been to compile

as much of the existing Bd
data as possible to gain a snapshot
• occurs in 53.5% (38 of 71)
of the countries for which we have
Mat Fisher and David Aanens-
en of Imperial College, London,
UK, to migrate the global Bd
look at the status of our global • is linked to mortalities in data to www.spatialepidemiol-
knowledge and to produce a map 18 of 38 countries having Bd., which is a greatly im-
of the global distribution of Bd. • occurs in 233 of 425 (55%) proved mapping tool that will
We have compiled over 2,800 re- anuran species, in 17 of 25 families allow us to continue this project
cords so far. Although more infor- sampled. into the future. Stay tuned for
mation is coming in to us, to date, • occurs in 24 of 36 (67%) more information on that as it
we have found that Bd: salamander species, in all 5 families develops!
• sampling has occurred or sampled.
is ongoing in 86 countries. In 2008, we will be working with Email:

Funding opportunities

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund

W e are inviting applicants to

submit proposals for am-
phibian research and conservation
ing regions: Caucasus, Mountains
of southwest China, Guinean forests
of West Africa and Succulent Karoo.
be found at Please
contact me for more informa-
tion, or submit proposals by Jan-
under the Critical ecosystem Part- More information about these regions uary 25 2008 to Robin Moore:
nership Fund within the follow- and projects that are supported can

NEWS from the field

New Philatus Species Discovered from the Western Ghats, India: Potential
Indicators of Habitat Fragmentation
Gururaja, K.V.

P hilautus neelanethrus (Guru-

raja et al., 2007a) and Philau-
tus ochlandrae (Gururaja et al.,
patches in the central
Western Ghats, and
most importantly in
2007b) have been discovered from Myristica swamps
the Western Ghats. The genus (considered to be liv-
Philautus is known for direct de- ing fossils among the
velopment, wherein froglets emerge vegetation types pre-
directly from eggs and skip the tad- vailing in the region)
pole stage; a significant adaptation suggests its impor-
towards arboreal life style (Gururaja tance as a indicator
and Ramachandra, 2006). of habitat fragmenta-
The identity and overall taxonom- tion. This indicates
ic relationships of P. neelanethrus that there had been Philautus ochlandare Ochlandra reed shrub frog
can be most reliably inferred based significant habitat discovered from Western Ghats
on molecular analysis. The phyloge- fragmentation in the
netic and molecular-dating analysis Western Ghats, leading to the pres- highlight the need for conserva-
suggests that P. neelanethrus is a rela-
ent day disjunct populations. tion as well as a systematic study
tively old taxon among other species Philautus ochlandrae is a species in the region.
of Philautus endemic to the Western named after the host plant Ochlan- References
Ghats. The relatively older origin of dra setigera reed brakes of Kakkayam Gururaja KV and Ramachandra
the taxon with its extant population Reserve Forest. This forest harbors TV. (2006). Direct development
in restricted, non-overlap¬ping and some of the best remaining tropical in White-nosed shrub frog Philau-
non-contiguous patches in the mid- wet evergreen forest in the Western tus cf. leucorhinus. Current Science
altitudinal range (500–700 m asl) Ghats. Developing embryos along 90(3):450–454.
characterized by ever¬green/semi- with male and female individuals Gururaja KV, Aravind NA,
evergreen/moist deciduous forest were found inside the hollow tubu- Sameer Ali, Ramachandra TV,
lar internodes of Ochlandra Velavan TP, Krishnakumar V and
reed brakes. Moreover, this Aggarwal RK. (2007a). A New
new species is so far known Frog Species from the Central
only from the type locality. Western Ghats of India, and its
The issue of great concern phylogenetic status. Zoological Sci-
is that many of the species ences 24:525–534.
will simply vanish even be- Gururaja KV, Dinesh KP, Palot
fore they are formally de- MJ, Radhakrishna C and Ra-
tected and identified, as machandra TV. (2007b). A new
there is a tremendous pres- species of Philautus Gistel (Am-
sure generated from ever in- phibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae)
creasing human population from southern Western Ghats, In-
and human-induced chang- dia. Zootaxa 16:1-16.
Philautus neelanethrus Blue-eyed shrub frog es in the Western Ghats.
discovered from Western Ghats These discoveries further Email:

Journal update

Notice for New Section in “Herpetological review”: Amphibian

Chytidiomycosis Distribution

A new section will be included

in the journal “Herpetologi-
cal Review” which will be akin to
Bd geographic distribution, includ-
ing research on individual species
or groups of species, wild or cap-
sions: coordinates and descrip-
tion of sampling areas (or please
note if locations are extremely
the current “Geographic Distri- tive animals, native or non-native sensitive to reveal, and provide
bution” section in the journal, but species, live animals or museum general area instead); positive
specific to detections (and non specimens, environmental and negative results; disposi-
detections) of chytridiomycosis. samples, and findings with no tion of voucher specimens; date
This section will offer a time- Bd detections. of specimen collection; name of
ly outlet for streamlined presen- We ask authors to: 1) restrict collaborative laboratory or re-
tation of research exploring the the Introduction of their paper searcher conducting histological
distribution and prevalence of the to a maximum of two paragraphs sections or! PCR analyses; and
amphibian chytrid fungus Batra- to highlight the context of their names of cooperative land own-
chochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). study; 2) briefly include both field ers or land management agen-
Bd is an emerging infectious dis- and laboratory Methods; 3) pres- cies. We aim to expedite the re-
ease linked to mass mortality of ent Results in a Table, although a view and publication process!
amphibians worldwide, yet Bd map also may be very useful, and
detections in amphibians with limited text; and 4) Please email submissions di-
no symptoms also are known in have a short discussion of a maxi- rectly to the Associate Editor
many areas. mum of three paragraphs to touch of the section, Dr. Dede Olson:
To aid in our understanding upon key findings.
of the scope of this issue, we en- Please consider including the
courage submission of studies on following information in submis-

Instructions to Authors

F ROGLOG publishes a range

of articles on any research,
discoveries or conservation news
and follow the style of FRO-
GLOG Vol 83 (as should ref-
erences). You may also submit
FROGLOG is the bi-monthly news-
letter of the Amphibian Specialist
Group (ASG). Articles on any subject
relating to the amphibian de- images, maps, figures or tables. relevant to the understanding of am-
cline phenomenon. We encour- We encourage the submission phibian conservation, research and / or
age authors describing original of photographs to accompany assessments should be sent to: Robin
research to first make submis- text. Short news items and Moore, Editor, Conservation Interna-
sions to a refereed journal and press releases are also accept- tional, 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500,
then, if appropriate, to publish able. Please submit potential arlington, VA 22202, USA.
a synopsis in Froglog. Submis- contributions to Robin Moore E-mail:
sions should be in English, nor- at the address in the box to the
mally no more than 1000 words right.


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