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Yoga for Piriformis Pain

The piriformis is a little muscle that can be a big pain.

In our modern world, we are highly susceptible to a number of incongruencies in the body
because of weakness and inflexibility within certain muscles. This is particularly true of the
piriformis due to one very important factor: sitting.

It’s said that “sitting is the new smoking” and this may very well be the case when it comes
to conditions such as piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which one—
or both—of the piriformis muscles compresses and irritates the sciatic nerve, which runs
beneath (or, in some people, through) the piriformis, causing (literal!) pain in the buttocks
and/or tingling or numbness. The discomfort or pain may extend to the lower back, legs,

and feet as well. Situated deep within the buttock (beneath the gluteus maximus), the
piriformis muscle is both an external rotator of the femur (the thigh bone) and a stabilizer of
the sacroiliac joint. When the hip is flexed, the piriformis also abducts the femur (draws it
away from the centerline of the body) and even reverses roles to assist as an internal
rotator as well.
Because it is a bilateral muscle (mirrored on both sides of the body), if one piriformis
muscle is weaker or tighter than the other, this can cause instability—and consequential
pain—within and around the sacroiliac joint and pelvis in general.

While excessive sitting can lead to weakness and tightness within the piriformis muscles,
the opposite may also be true. Overusing these muscles by active athletes such as runners
may also cause similar symptoms and pain.

Yoga to the Rescue

Fortunately, yoga may help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with piriformis
syndrome or may even help to eliminate its causes. Yin yoga is the perfect practice to
elongate stiff muscles and stretch connective tissue as postures are held for extended
periods of time in order to apply mild, healthy stress on the joints and connective tissues. It
can be an ideal practice for those that suffer from piriformis syndrome.

Fortunately, yoga may help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with piriformis
syndrome or may even help to eliminate its causes. Yin yoga is the perfect practice to
elongate stiff muscles and stretch connective tissue as postures are held for extended
periods of time in order to apply mild, healthy stress on the joints and connective tissues. It
can be an ideal practice for those that suffer from piriformis syndrome.

This sequence is designed to lengthen the piriformis muscles and their surrounding tissues.
However, if this practice creates further irritation to this sensitive area, it may be wise to
work on strengthening the piriformis muscles and their connective tissues before stretching
them. As with any health concern, it is highly recommended to check with your healthcare
provider before beginning a new exercise regimen.

It should be noted that, as with any yin practice, you should move slowly and mindfully
particularly when working with conditions such as piriformis syndrome. Overstretching or
over activating any muscle (especially one that is already inflamed) can cause it to react
strongly and move deeper into a contracted state creating even more discomfort. Approach
this practice with caution and allow your body and your breath to be your guides as you find
the appropriate depth level in each individual pose.

For this sequence, you will need two yoga blocks and a blanket and, if you’d like, a bolster
or firm pillow.
Agnisthambasana (Fire Log Pose or Simple Square)

1. Begin in a comfortable cross-legged seated position. You may wish to elevate your
hips by sitting up onto blocks or a blanket.

2. From here, draw your right shin parallel to the top of your mat.

3. Cross your left shin in front of your right so that your left knee stacks over your right
ankle and your left foot lands just forward of your right knee.

4. Elongate your spine. Stretch the crown of your head toward the sky and relax your
sit bones toward the floor.

5. Soften your shoulders away from your ears and allow the weight of your knees to
become heavy. If they are elevated far from the ground, then support them with
blocks or blankets.

6. Close your eyes and draw your attention inward. Listen to the sound of your own
breath and tune in with the sensations that you feel within your body. Release any
unnecessary tension within your body. Soften into the pose and surrender here for
about three minutes.

7. When you feel ready, release and stretch out your legs before switching the cross of
them. Hold for an equal amount of time on the opposite side.
Utthan Pristhasana (Gecko Pose)

1. From Fire Log Pose, remove any props that may be on your mat. Cross your ankles
and roll forward onto all fours on hands and knees. Place your blanket underneath
your knees for padded support.

2. Step your right foot forward and place it on the outside of your right hand toward the
right edge of your mat. You can either point your right toes straight forward or angle
them out toward your right—choose which feels better in your body.

3. Place your hands on top of blocks and elongate your spine.

4. Either choose to stay as you are or slide your left knee back until you find your own
personal “edge” in the pose.

5. Again, you can either stay as you are or roll to the pinky side of your right foot
exposing the sole of your foot toward the sky and rolling your right knee toward the
outer edge of your mat.

6. If you’d like to amplify the sensations of the pose, you can release your forearms
onto your blocks.

7. Hold for three to five minutes before slowly releasing and switching sides.
Parvrtta Salamba Bhujangasana (Twisted Sphinx Pose)

1. From Gecko Pose, return back to all fours, release your seat to the floor, and turn to
face the back of your mat.

2. Open your legs out into an L-shape at a 90-degree angle, with your left leg pointing
straight to the back of the mat and your right leg opening out toward your right side.

3. Slowly turn your torso to face the top of your mat and allow your left leg to internally
rotate as you do this (so that the top of your foot releases to the floor as you turn).

4. Place both hands shoulder-width apart at the top of your mat.

5. Either choose to stay here (as this may already feel like a deep opening) or mindfully
release your forearms to the floor underneath your shoulders, creating the shape of
Sphinx Pose with a twist.

6. If it feels comfortable, you can release your head onto a block or a bolster for
support, allowing the weight of your head and neck to surrender down with the force
of gravity.

7. Wherever you choose to be, hold for about two to five minutes before unwinding and
practicing on the opposite side.
Deer Forward Fold

1. From Twisted Sphinx Pose, move into a seated position facing the right side of your
mat. As always, you have the option to elevate your hips by sitting up onto blocks, a
bolster, or a blanket.

2. With your knees bent, place your feet against the floor slightly wider than hip-
distance apart.

3. Tent your fingertips behind you to support your weight and release both knees over
to your right—you should land with your right shin parallel to the top of your mat
and your left knee touching the right foot as if in a “side-saddle” riding position.

4. From here, elongate your spine. Either choose to stay as you are, or maintaining as
much length as possible through your back body, slowly begin to hinge forward over
your legs. Stop at your own appropriate “edge” and support your torso or head with
props to get comfortable.

5. Hold for about four to six minutes and then slowly rise back up, take any movements
that your body is craving to counter the effects of Deer Pose. Release, and then
switch sides.
Seated Sucirandhrasana (Seated Eye-of-the-Needle)

1. From Deer Pose, release and counter in any way that you feel you need before
returning to a seated position—this time facing the top of your mat.

2. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor roughly hips-distance apart and
about a foot away from your seat. Place your hands behind you to help support your

3. Lift your right leg and dorsiflex your ankle (draw your toes toward your shin).
Externally rotate your right leg so that your toes and your knee point toward the
right side of your mat. Bend your knee and cross your right ankle over your left
knee, creating a figure-4 shape with your legs.

4. Elongate your spine and gently reach your chest toward your right shin.

5. If you’d like to intensify the sensations, you can walk your left foot closer toward
your seat drawing your torso closer toward your right shin. Wherever you choose to
be, maintain length through your spine.

6. Hold for two to four minutes before releasing and practicing on the other side.
(Supta Parvrtta Garudhasana) Twisted Roots Pose

1. From Seated Eye-of-the-Needle Pose, lie down on your back.

2. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.

3. Cross your right leg over your left as if you’re sitting cross-legged in a chair. If it’s
available to you, you can double wrap your right foot around your left calf creating
an Eagle bind.

4. Press your left foot into the floor to gently lift your hips and scoot them toward the
right side of your mat. Then, slowly release both legs over toward the left side of
your mat. Support them with either a bolster, blocks, a blanket, or the floor.

5. Soften and relax both of your shoulders toward the mat and turn your head in any
direction that feels appropriate for your neck.

6. Soften into this supine twist for about four to five minutes before unwinding and
switching sides.

1. After Twisted Roots Pose, unwind and release everything down to the floor.

2. Release your legs out long forward in front of you and allow them to be about as
wide as your mat.

3. Let your heels turn in and your toes flop out and relax your arms by your sides with
your palms facing up as a symbol of surrender.

4. Close your eyes and allow the full weight of your body to sink down into the earth.

5. Soften and surrender here for at least five minutes, allowing your body and your
mind to integrate all of the benefits of your practice fully.

Healing in Daily Life

Practicing yoga can be an essential tool in helping to alleviate the symptoms of piriformis
syndrome. However, looking at daily patterns in your life that may contribute to the
condition may prove to create long-lasting effects.

If you sit too much, try taking short walking breaks whenever possible. Practice simple
stretches and yoga poses while sitting at your desk. Gently move your body as often as
possible to help release built-up tension and activate dormant tissues. If you overuse your
piriformis muscles, try to give them a break to rest and recover. And, if it helps, practice
this sequence (or at least pieces from this sequence) regularly and consistently.

Hopefully, the combination of these factors will help to soften or even eliminate the
symptoms of piriformis syndrome.

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