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The Clown’s Creed Reflection

“I believe that laughter is greater than all riches.”- Ferdinand V

The Clown’s Creed by Ferdinand Veridiano is an epitome of The clown as we all know is
often used in celebrations as a form of entertainment. Its purpose is to bring joy and happiness to
us. Although clowns are sometimes feared, we cannot deny that they do bring excitement and
laughter to us. The Clown’s Creed by Ferdinand Veridiano depicts the doctrine that clowns follow
and how it relates to our lives.
The poem depicts the different sides of life specifically from the ends of spectrum,
happiness and misery. It is an embodied subjectivity of Happiness can only be achieved by
bringing it to yourself. It is something that only depends on you and how you channel your
thoughts. In the po

The sad truth about happiness is that it can easily be masked. Just like a clown, behind that
cheerful exterior is someone that is

Communication is an integral part of every human being. We exist through communicating

in different ways may it be verbal or non-verbal. It is a way of living and communication should
be treated as a right for everyone. Communicating skills should be learned by every individual
since these are important skills that can help us along the way because most social activities
requires communication.
Throughout the years, I’ve witnessed how my skills in communicating progressed. I used
to be so shy and timid around people. My social anxiety has always been a problem and until now
I am still suffering from it. I am always nervous whenever I have to speak in front. I always stutter
and I get fidgety in front of a crowd. I always get uncomfortable when people are paying attention
to me. During high school, there were plenty of opportunities for me to improve my skills, for
example, school presentations, and oral recitations. These kinds of school activities have helped
me so much in communicating effectively. In addition, lessons and topics about effective
communication has allowed me to gain learnings that I will truly remember.
In this quarter, we learned about the different levels of communication and how it works.
It is very essential to know these levels in order to be understood by those around us. The different
levels of communication are dictated by their purposes since communication happens in many
ways depending on the situation. The lessons were presented in an

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