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A. What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of the study was to know the ideas and perspectives about the concept of

legalization of Medical Marijuana in the Philippines. This is conducted as a study that

may prove to be beneficial to those who are actually in need of this drug as a medicine

and not just any drug that is used for other non-medicinal purposes. Furthermore, this is

conducted as a study that may enhance people’s knowledge about Marijuana, not only

as a habitual, addictive and dangerous plant, but also as a plant with far more effects

and even benefits to anyone who is in need of it as a cure for certain illnesses.

B. What theory was used and how did it help strengthen the study?

In an article stated in Sam P.K. Collins,

“This research runs counter to the opposition’s claims that legalizing medical marijuana

would open up this floodgate for addiction and lead to increased use of harder drugs,”

Fox said. “What we found was that in states where patients have access to medical

marijuana, they experienced a better quality of life when they cut their use of hard

prescription drugs, which have a very high potential for addiction and fatal overdose.

Even for the nine percent of regular users that become addicted to marijuana, the

harms associated with marijuana addiction are far less dangerous and never fatal.”

The use of medicinal marijuana really depends on how the people will control the urge

of being able to take care of the responsibility given to them. The State may not be able

to trust its people through implementation since these circumstances can affect the

whole public. (Collins, 2014).

C. What are the variables being measured by the study?

D. Enumerate the statement of the problem of the study

The main problem of this study is the dispute between making use of medical marijuana

and laws regarding the use of marijuana as an illegal drug.

E. Who are the benefactors of the study?

The following benefactors of the study are:

Castro, Alec Matthew Daet, Jed Froilan T. Suba, Jann Gabriel M, who conducted this

research. One of the chair, legal Management Department who helped this study is

Atty. Gerardo I. Banzon

F. What related studies were employed in the study and what gap did it aid in the

current study?

In relation to their study, they made mention of Republic Act 9165 also known as

Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. By elaborating on this act, they seek to inform people on

how the government deems and considers drug which are dangerous and those which

are less dangerous. Because of this, they can somehow create an illustration to further

explain to the public the distinctions and differences between every drug and each of

their corresponding side effects. Also, one of their main objectives was to distinguish

marijuana from the rest of these much more harmful drugs and explain how it is

different. This is to raise awareness that drugs should not be stereotyped and

generalized because they all have their own effects and properties. We also used

House Bill 4477 or the Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana Bill. This is a pending

bill that aims to legalize the use of medical marijuana in the Philippines. We related this

to our study in order to exhibit the possibilities of the legalization of marijuana in our

society. With regard to this, we also aim to see why marijuana should be legalized and

regulated or why it shouldn’t as it is stated in this bill. This bill serves as a pillar of

foundation for any potential legalization of medical marijuana in our country. The focus

of our study is this exactly so without a doubt, we can completely use this bill as a basis

relating to our research. The researchers used the Medical Act of 1959 as well to

discuss that even the students of medicine must also study particular practices in order

to become a professional, and that they need to know the rules in concerns of the

prohibition and prescription of certain drugs. Marijuana, as an illegal drug, is now being

used by some doctors to treat their patients to cure or to lessen their disease. In this
Act, the researchers can somehow perceive the side of the doctors in knowing the

rights, duties and obligations of the law of medicine. This can help the researchers to

know whether marijuana can really be legally used in curing certain illnesses. The 1987

Philippine Constitution was also a basis in this study. A part of the constitution

discusses about the medical practitioner's consequences when he/she disobeys the

law. Basically, medical practitioners are also citizens of the Philippines, and they too

must obey the law. With this, people cannot argue with the medical practitioners on why

they somehow do not prescribe marijuana here in the Philippines. The research also

utilized the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights which stated that every person

cannot be deprived of life liberty and security - which can include health benefits,

freedom of speech, and the like. Here, the researchers discussed the legality of

marijuana on the basis of one's human right. If this is the sole context used, then the

legalization of marijuana would be of great benefit to help and sustain one's good health

in certain cases.

G. What are the methods used in the study?

G.1 Design

In regards to our main topic which is to see, analyze and scrutinize the Perspective of

University Belt students in the Legalization of Medical Marijuana in the Philippines, we

researchers will utilize the Case Study Research Method. We think it reasonable to

adhere to such method for the same excels at bringing an understanding of complex

issues extending on considering the ideas and thoughts of those who have attended the

universities and colleges around the Sampaloc Area for their exposure and environment
for which the streets of Manila are sometimes known for and the researches we have

conducted ourselves.

G.2 Sampling procedure

The questionnaire constructed by the researchers is structured in a manner that the

questions will be easily answered and easily understood by the respondents and is

limited only to the essential information needed in this particular study. Questions are

also arranged in a way that the opinion or view of a respondent regarding the

legalization of medical marijuana will be determined. The aim of the researcher’s in

employing both the direct and indirect methods of data collection is to gather and obtain

actual information from different people.

G.3 Participants

The participants of this study were the: University of Santo Tomas Students, University

of the East Students, Far Eastern University Students, National University Students,

University of Manila Students, Arellano University Students. The Total will be 399

samples. The above mentioned are numbers to be used as limitations in the category of

respondents and their respective universities in Sampaloc, Manila.

G.4 Instruments

This research will make us of indirect method of data collection. The indirect method,

commonly known as the questionnaire method this will also be adopted in this research.

Likewise, the researchers constructed a structured questionnaire which contains 5

Likert Scale questions determining how much they agree or disagree with a particular
statement in terms of agreement, importance, and adequacy, 10 close-ended questions

answerable by Yes or No, and 5 dichotomous questions or multiple choice. The

questionnaire constructed by the researchers is structured in a manner that the

questions will be easily answered and easily understood by the respondents and is

limited only to the essential information needed in this particular study. Questions are

also arranged in a way that the opinion or view of a respondent regarding the

legalization of medical marijuana will be determined.

G.5 Data gathering

Through the aforementioned data gathering instrument us researchers will go around

the streets of Manila City trying to talk to these students with their permission to get

them to answer our survey for academic purposes. Those that will not be able to get to

our fixed requirement in the targeted universities in Sampaloc, Manila will be

disregarded in the analysis of the study.

G.6 Statistical Treatment

The Slovin’s Formula and a 5% margin of error is used to obtain the sample size

needed from the population.

n = __ N____ n = 147,000______ n = 399 1 + (Ne²) 1 + (147,000 x 0.05²) *

The sample size of 399 was obtained using the Slovin’s Formula.

H. Discuss the results of the study and how do these findings solve the problem?

To come to a conclusion, we find that marijuana is indeed a highly notorious drug in our

society as well as most. But through research and data gathering, it has also been

proven to have medical attributes as well. It is only right that proper and complete
information should be provided to the public about marijuana and all other things as

well. The influence and change that information brings is unarguably a very powerful

factor regarding what people believe in and what they should choose to believe in.

Information about the properties of marijuana is insufficient and biased in many aspects.

The possibility of marijuana being able to open opportunities and make breakthroughs

in the world of medicine has and will always be considered by researchers and

innovators around the world. The public lacks sufficient knowledge about all of its

properties and attributes. In the previous chapter of our study, the data that we were

able to gather prove that a majority of the samples agree that they should be given

more substantial knowledge about the full and unbiased effects of marijuana, this is in

spite of them having enough knowledge that marijuana is indeed illegal and considered

harmful in our society. This is so that they may also be the judge as to whether

marijuana should be legalized or not. After all, how would the public give opinions about

its legalization without them having sufficient knowledge about the subject? To sum it all

up, although there were some inconsistencies, we were able to find that more people

agree to the legalization of marijuana given its medical properties. To further elaborate,

we can see that this is all consistent and on par with our null hypothesis which states

that: “The legalization of Marijuana can play an important role in leading to multiple

methods of curing a number of chronic diseases and other similar illnesses”. As we can

see, the proposed hypothesis proved to prosper in terms of favorability with regard to

the strength of the argument.

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